Does Yea Forums play fighting games?

does Yea Forums play fighting games?

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I don't have any friends to play with so no.

If the game you're playing needs other people to be fun, the game isn't fun; the people are.

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No, they're not fun


I’m trying to get into the genre by playing some GG X2 #Reload but it’s fast as shit and I’m having a hard time keeping up. Also, I’m shit at memorizing inputs.

I loved playing most fightan but my internet's too shit and i have no friends, so I don't bother anymore

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only some of Yea Forums. The rest pretend and then rage after jacking off to porn of females they like. Real chads are good and get the porn too. Ultra chads win tournaments to get more porn of their waifu

I used to but getting beaten online by randoms crushes my soul to the point that I don't anymore.

I play Melee, so not according to Yea Forums

Fighting somebody of the same skill level in tekken is pretty much some of the most fun shit you can experience in gaming, but when you’re starting out finding them is a big issue

yes! smash ultimate xD

im playing sfv right now actually
i keep on getting matched with blankas and kens, and they never have good internet
just kill me now

Teach me optimal negan air juggles

I’m sorry to hear that. Everyone else doesn’t know what they’re missing.

df 2 into 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

i tried rivals of aether but i got mad that i couldn't complete orcanes tutorial so i uninstalled it

i only play melty blood

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Brb goin into ranked like this

BAM soon boys

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That was sweet

What’s a good fighting game for total beginners?

tekken 7

There are none

Not tekken 7


def jam

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Start with the one you're most interested in. If you want to learn to play Street Fighter, play Street Fighter, etc. There's no point in starting with a game you don't want to play to learn.

>like fighting game
>practice hours
>go to lobby
>2 hours waiting
>1 dude found
>it's the same dude, always

truly the third world country experience

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>want to get gud at a fighter
>have to dedicate hours to that one fighting game
>When theres tons of other cool fighting games
>each have their own fundamentals so you have to start all over if you want to switch

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We don't say that word around here

My skin is too light to play fighting games,

Havent played him in a long time so ill probably get this wrong but its something like
launcher uf4 df4,2(hold the 2) INT1+2 S! f3,2 or maybe ff3,2 not sure

Waiting to see how kuso granblue versus is as it's the last hope for fighting games. However, it looks like it's just going to be another hyper casualized festival of post-2015 e-sports game development.
That means I'll just be playing UNCL-R when it comes out later in the year.

What character are you trying to learn? Before you focus on combos or blockstrings you should try to get a handle just on their best neutral tools, the basic strategy. Combos and flashy shit come after that


This is the kind of quality content I come here for, good fucking post.

Both the game and the people can be fun.

What the hell does the star mean? What a weird fucking command.

the new DOA has a really good tutorial/instructional mode

shut your whore mouth

Star stands for neutral

Samurai Shodown coming this year. No hard to execute combos, just pure neutral play which in unarguably the most important aspect of a fighting game.

Ah okay user so any neutral attack?

Soul Calibur

neutral means youre not pushing any buttons or moving

You got any other versions of these?

Unironically, Skullgirls.
Easy inputs and the game has one of the best tutorials, basically assumes you have never touched a fighting game in your life and takes you from the most basic to professional terms and maneuvers.

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I want to but there is not a soul in ranked at this hour

I quit after T7 removed almost everything fun about tekken and added one button supers and armour. They then added 2 season passes where the first one was absolute garbage (I didn't buy either of them luckily. Got them for free through gameshare).
Sfv felt like it was designed for toddlers to play. Mashing heavy every 2secs with no risk is retarded. That game also has mutliple season passes + microtransactions which I didn't buy.
Dbfz is dbfz. We all know why that died in barely a month. Also has 2 season passes.
Mvci just lol.
Fighting games aren't worth a penny. Why pay money to play a watered down and boring version of an older game you liked, to then just sit there dealing with people lagging and needing to constantly shell out more money every few months.
The constant removal of mechanics and excessive undeserved monetization made me quit the genre.

>that Jeanne
Not bad at all.

My entire social life is FGC locals

Based Taiga poster, most fighting games die eventually but Melty Blood is forever.

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>local round1 FINALLY got new nesicax2 cabs in



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>tfw new CTB characters next week
I am excite. Playing Nu just makes me so happy so more reason to with more people playing then is always good.

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I played an anime fighting game because it had a mode for simple input combos, i had fun then

>akihiko domination soon

matches will be hype again