It's actually quite brave of Sony to try to cleanse the filth from their platform...

It's actually quite brave of Sony to try to cleanse the filth from their platform. I for one applaud Sony for doing what's right, not what's popular.

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Other urls found in this thread:

All anime must be cleansed. Sony is taking the first step in the western crusade against degeneracy.

>western crusade against degeneracy
It's been a long time coming. Gaming as a medium is still young and can still be defined in a different manner than mindless entertainment.

Actual art can be made when we stop pandering to people who don't support the medium anyway.

>cleaning degeneracy

Literally yes. Less anime echi-shit will encourage young men to find companionship in real women and thus save the wests birthrate problem. Sony is doing us all a huge favor by removing this temptation.

why exactly is it bad to have sexually expressive video games?

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Would you fuck off with the Switchlet falseflagging shit? No one is buying it.

It causes young men to focus solely on anime whores who can't produce children and thus exist only to waste seed. They should be out chasing real women, improving themselves for the good of society or at least serving as meat-shields in conflict.

There is nothing productive about jerking off to anime sluts.

but having sexually expressive media grows people's sexual desires and so they'll more willingly want to seek out something like that. Even 2D>3D losers would still say yes if someone asked them to fuck them.

>summer lesson exists
Uh oh

>real women
you mean the western entitled degen whores out there? fucking kek

Except not really. 2D creates an unrealistic expectation for young men; that girls are these pure-skinned perfect C+++ cupped lewd whores who will waver between degenerate whore and perfect house-maid. Anime isn't providing these men with the right tools needed to approach real women, and thus is a destructive force more than a constructive one.

>at least serving as meat-shields in conflict.
Like in wars for israel am i right fellow white person?

Nice try.

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there is literally 0 media that provides the necessary tools necessary to approach a real women and literally 0 give the idea of what a real woman is. All media is horrible at setting expectations and the reason why people sooner turn to blaming sexualized media instead of shitty media is because it's much easier to launch a crusade against Backdoor Sluts 9 than it would be to go after something like the Bachelor.

>le Israel
Fuck off with your /pol/-tier antisemitism. I hope you're jailed.

Reminder that "it's on a case by case basis"

Reminder some fucking soi faggot or dyke multicoloured haired woman in California made this decision. And it gets forced globally.

Reminder that disgusting kike lesbian kissing will be shoved down your throat in Last of Us 2

ouyyyyy gevalt

Yes there is. There exist tons of non-2D media that portray both men and women in extremely realistic situations and ways. This prepares the mind and teaches the social requirements needed to survive and mate effectively. Anime is the exact opposite that does nothing but ape the best qualities of a meek housewife who happens to look like a swimsuit model.

join the oven kike

>i have been found out, oy vey shut it down

>There exist tons of non-2D media that portray both men and women in extremely realistic situations and ways. This prepares the mind and teaches the social requirements needed to survive and mate effectively.
except there really isn't. all media places unrealistic expectations, even if the expectations are mundane as fuck. this is especially true with dating and mating.

>implying snoybois aren't actually this deluded
Oh sweet child...

1/5th of the world has had a homosexual experience user. It's not that uncommon anymore.

Like god damn nigger this is 12th censorship bait thread this week
I don’t even give a fuck anymore

well the reason is still dumb, but it was clearly supposed to act as boobs

And why exactly are boobs bad?

>the version were you can touch the breasts as much as you want, the price of tits!
>the breastless bargain version that you can play in front of your family!
Feels bad, man.

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Agreed. More devs should follow suit and cleanse the filth off their games if they want to put it on the PS brand.
They can keep the filth for other degenerate platforms and make the clean version Playstation exclusive.

Japs are fucking retards to still support sony. I hope next they force those gooks to put gay propaganda and gives pants and small boobs to all the girls in their games.

Are these threads all bait or do people seriously cheer for this?

I do. Fuck japs. It serves them right for continuing to support sony.

But the nose wants perversion and pornography to be mainstream.

It's an easy way to get (you)s, some "people" need them to feel alive.

Only the (((right))) kind of degeneracy. Simple anime tits do not belong to it.

There is nothing wrong with removing degeneracy.

eat shit.

It's just the other side of the same coin. Any kind of perversion and pornography is terrible for the human mind, terrible for society, and makes people easy to scam once they get hooked on that kind of thing.

The company publishing this game are known to troll and do things for the lols.
Expect some kind of trailer mocking and making fun of anyone that would buy the ps4 version before the game comes out

>Less anime echi-shit will encourage young men to find companionship in real women
>have something superior to real women
>real women take it away
If you expect this to not just piss off men further and cause more resentment against real women, you have autism.

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Reminder that bad parenting and no education is the reason you are a degenerate shut-in, not a weeb game which you chose to buy.

>They should be out chasing real women, improving themselves for the good of society or at least serving as meat-shields in conflict.
Women can do that too. If a girl isn't going to reach some incredibly low expectations like don't be fat and don't have a shit personality then why the fuck should I see them as appealing?
Think of it like this
You have two games
>one looks amazing, plays great and is super fun
>the other is boring, the bad kind of janky, not fun and tries too hard to be realistic
Why the fuck would I pick game two when game one is vastly superior? Why should I pick the worse option and waste money on it?

>Women can do that too.
Exactly, and it is literally ALL women do. Buying clothes, interacting with others, trying to look good, trying to surround themselves with people and objects that will make them more desirable.

Every action a woman takes is to increase the odds of reproducing with a worthy male to carry on their genes.

Now you tell me how anime contributes to your chances of getting laid.

It's a man's job to make the fairer sex happy. This is done by encouraging kindness, fun, cuteness, purity, family, and community. When men lose control and women can't be fun, the world becomes a very grim place as you see now. Stop being weak and trying to escape through foreign fantasies. Contribute to your society.

Maybe modern women should finally improve themselves then

It's a man's job to improve them.

>Works 40 hours a week
>Still have to come home to improve some bimbo
Yeah no I work enough I don't have the money or the tolerance for stress that shit is going to cost me.

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why do we have to treat them like children? Cant they take care of themselves and just survive like most men do on their own accord?

Certainly won't come about chasing them as they are

>improving themselves for the good of society
They don't help society in the slightest
They've made it harder for men that DO help society function to do anything because its more important to start fucking drama every chance they get. Which has been one of the biggest subtractions from women being appealing.
>interacting with others
Living in a bubble where they never challenge themselves doesn't benefit society
>trying to surround themselves with people and objects to make them more desireable
How about surrounding themselves with GOOD people instead of being vain whores?
If all they do is chase tail then they shouldn't be surprised that men don't want them. A slut isn't desireable. If a woman goes out of her way to be a slut that's her choice but she needs to learn her actions have consequences.
>Every action a woman takes is to increase the odds of reproducing with a worthy male to carry on their genes
Except this is patently false of modern women
>Now you tell me how anime contributes to your chances of getting laid.
It got me into contact with a cute, pure, tomboy that I go on dates with and spend intimate time with
So, if anything anime has done more good for society than the things a modern woman does as she is going and fucking multiple men that if she keeps that up men won't want to settle with her or put a baby in her

Because women are mentally children. Women are not men. Society is based on the ideal of men and the relationship between men and women. When men become weak, women become degenerates and society collapses. If you want good women and a strong, moral society, then be strong. Find out why our culture is degrading so rapidly.

>Contribute to your society
I do, modern women just aren't worthwhile because everything they do shows them to be FAR from the fairer sex, they look more like coked up hookers than princesses. They have the personality of a bratty princess though, a vain, arrogant, narcissistic piece of shit personality.

And why is this the case now? It wasn't so 100 years ago.

It's unironically influenced by globalization and the development of international communication and social media. Like in economics the rise of globalization introduces the domain of struggle on a scale never before scene and creates new depths of inequality and those unable to compete are forced out and you have a stronger divide between the successful and unsuccessful as a result of global competition and the free flow of labor. So too does this influence the sexual domain when you have access to free flow of people and information. Sex is commodified and reduced to a transaction.


Well it's not all on the men that's for sure. Men were still strong while women were degrading, the answer is in the entertainment painting a way of life that isn't healthy. If anything a lot of blame stands on the entertainment being made and how heavily advertised it is to say this is what people should do with their lives.
The people that push for certain kinds of media to be made are by far more to blame than men in general when they tried to cut away the bullshit only for women to then turn around and rebel by doing exactly that. We know how childish women are, so do the people promoting entertainment. They intentionally prey on women and then attack the men who try and stop the women from falling for their tricks.

If the average citizen turned to a church rather than the idiot box, this wouldn't be an issue.

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If by companionship you mean hire and if by real women you mean prostitutes.

Nice argument, TVfag.

cleanse yourself.

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Church and religion are the two biggest scams on the planet. Besides I'd rather play video games. Why do you think I browse this board?

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t. Goatfucker

Seethe harder, acting like a Jehovah's witness on fucking Yea Forums of all places. Religion doesn't belong in my video games, only big titty anime girls.

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Says the guy that fell for the entertainment meme. Religion is just an excuse for a community to develop a moral center and come together.

I'm not the other guy, but ooh, I'm getting some cringe from you

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The weridest shit about this is that in just a few years we've traversed into a bizzaro world where Nintendo happily publishes anime titties and Sony won't even let cleavage by its censors. No joke, they had to market two versions here (pardon the rough translation):

>Switch Version
"Overflowing with tits, the titty advantage! The definitive version for those who don't give a shit if others are watching!"

"Titty exposure has been toned down for your buying advantage! A home version to play in front of other people!

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And you stop pretending that you care Muhamad

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This thread.

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This is what internet addiction has done to society.

Are people just extremely bored? I can't see why anyone besides a legendary level tard would respond to this obvious bait thread

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>Two Shrek memes in one sitting
I'm gonna need some screenshots from you to verify you're not actually the same guy...

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>the portable version is the lewd one

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Nevermind I guess meme tits are a bannable offense...

>le onions
Solid argument.

Yeah, I forgot that the picture that I previously post had tits. I remember that I was not on Yea Forums so I quickly deleted before the mods woke up and gave me a 3 day break.

Pretty stupid that memes with boobs can't be posted, it's like tumblr with "female presenting nipples" shit, and it's not like Yea Forums is a SFW site.

Have sex nerds. Sony is cleansing anime is the natural order.

Masturbation is better, and sony is backhanding it's target audience.
I can get sex any time though hookers but they're clumsy and dumb.

That's because this is tumblr. You can't post anything with nipples. Look at Yea Forums. It have come to the point that you can't almost post boobs without using spoilers and you can't post loli anymore (a lot of anime have it, why ban them?) It make no sense, especially knowing that a lot of games have nipples.

>paying hookers
>not finding emotional fufilment and true love in a person

Prudes take the joy out of everything.

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>Tells me to have sex
>Then tells me to find true love
Those are two very different things user, and neither are likely to happen in this lifetime. You've been reading too much vanilla hentai or retarded romance novels.

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Unlikely does not mean impossible. You are a man with great potential settling for lesser things because you are lazy. There is a girl out there who would love to spend the rest of her life with you but you have tl help her find you.

This post is the definition of irony

Why did Sony become this way? It wasn't always like this.

Do not patronize me with this shit. I'm doing the best I fucking can right now. I am not settling for less. Don't act like you my situation. Any girl that's out there that wants to be with me is probably somewhere far away. Cut this stupid 4th grade fairytale bullshit.

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It's only patronizing if I'm right.

>Yes there is. There exist tons of non-2D media that portray both men and women in extremely realistic situations and ways.
I don't believe you. Post some examples so your confident facade crumbles as thousands of reaction faces drive you from the thread. Because you will invariably propose something completely retarded.

In the absence of good tools to educate low quality men on how to mate, I suggest it's better to depict perfection in entertainment. Maybe a woman will get some tips on how to be a perfect wife then, attracting more mates? Remember that anime is not only about perfect bodies, it's perfect personalities too ("waifu").

The shift in demographics. It looks bad if they have big titty anime games on their console because it alienates the people that bought their PS4 to play Fifa and Uncharted on.

You will find a true love, user. But you will probably find out she's lying to you.

>You are a man with great potential
I haven't read anything creepier in my entire life. It's like everyone's some sort of special snowflake they teach you in elementary. I'm a retarded, AD/HD special ed child browsing fucking Yea Forums. How do you even see potential in me?

That's the thing that scares me the most. It's why I have a tough time trusting anyone.


>move hq to CA
>only hire tumblrtards
>"suddenly" they become the soccermoms from yesteryear