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Lel imaginw the buttpain

Cool, we'll have a woman in armor with no speaking role shooting aliens and almost never see her face. Good!

Cool. But could be have an actually actor instead of a cardboard cutout?
She had like 4 lines in endgame and she sounded and looked like she just reads them off a piece of paper.

that plank cunt is insufferable.


>implying it won't be a film version of Other M

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And what is he coping with?

She has the look for it, I'd rather have Charlize Theron though.

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Emily blunt is the only one I would accept for the role of samus

Will it have a scene of Ridley remodeling her shithole?

>still no sequel
>butcha-u barely does doujins anymore

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That won't work, because Samus isn't a massive cunt.

Forget about that white pancake. Samus should be played by a strong independent black woman.

It's Holywood, they don't let their big draws stay in masks.
Game journos are bitter enough to ignore how sexist other m was because gamers also hated it.
Film journos won't do the same, it will never happen unless it is rewritten so much it can barely be called other m

Somebody post redesigned Samus who has scars despite wearing power armor

Another good choice, a Metroid movie would be kinda stupid though unless it was Prime 3.

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Can somebody give me a legitimate reason why she isn’t a good choice
>monotone all business voice
>phsyically incapable of showing emotion
>no ass means no zero suit fapbait
>is blonde

>Doesn't speak
>Conveys no emotion
>Is blonde

I dunno, in all honesty she's perfect for the role.

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Speaking of Emily blunt did that animal crackers movie ever come out?

why she is awful

You know they'd straight up make Samus a chatterbox cause of her

emotionally stunted blonde mind

This into infinity.
She looked perfect in Prometheus.
Shame that movie sucked.

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Bryce Dallas Howard is the true choice.

Politic shit and being unable to separate the person from their work. I doubt most people seething from this this news (that will never come to past) haven't seen her in anything but Endgame and maybe Captain Marvel.

She's borderline retarded when it comes to PR

too old

Samus is all business when on the job.
Brie Larson is all "Nothing" on the job. She reads lines off a piece of paper. Not acts.
At least get an actor that does their job for the job.

Her feet can double as Spore Spawn.

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>Brie Larson
>Big draw
she has been in what? One good movie?
>b-b-b-but capeshit
she wasn't the draw to Captain Marvel and definitely not to Endgame, the draw was the first woman led capeflick which is why they gave it to her instead of ScarJo because if it flopped they would have to pay out her higher salary whereas Larson likely doesn't get as much.


fuck off hollywood

there was some dumb shit in prometheus but it was mountains better than its sequel and a generally enjoyable film

Yeah that's the first thing I thought of when I saw her in that awful movie. She looks like the perfect live action Samus.

Fucking make up bro, she good. Older woman look would totally work for Samus as well.

How the fuck would a Metroid movie even work?

The games have no plot, there's no dialogue, all the games take place underground in the dark, and there's only like two consistent characters, one of them being Samus and the other being some goofy space dragon.

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it'll be even worse

Rewrite Zero Mission into an anthology film about the key events.

and mother brain. and metroids. and Space Pirates.

Very, very based taste

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Brie Larson is hot and you can’t change my mind.

Well there was that recent movie A Quiet Place. Honestly it'd probably be more based on the manga than anything else.

Too short

Shouldn't nintendies love brie?

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it would be about her early years as a child soldier for the chozo.

It'd probably be like the manga

Height is one of the easiest things to fake with camera tricks.

>it would be about her early years as a child soldier for the chozo.

>Hey guys, lets make a video game movie about shit that happens entirely off-screen and is never actually mentioned during the game

Literally nobody gives a fuck about that

>Samus with no ass or tits
Why doesn't she play Lucina in a Fire Emblem movie instead?

There was a Metroid movie in pre-production circa 2004 that was to be directed by John Woo. It actually fell apart because Nintendo decided they didn't want a fairly blank slate character of their's to have their backstory defined by a third-party, which amusingly led to Other M.

I'm fine if the movie is called "Other M"

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That haircut she had in Endgame was the opposite of hot.

Fuck off Poochie.

i also cant wait so that when they release this game with CaptainFungi on it and eventually flop. maybe we can have a chance at a proper reboot and and finally samus can be at a capable hands that bought it

Which is why this will never happen. I'd expect a Zelda and Mario movie eons before a Metroid one.

i thought so too until she started flirting with peter

Can't stand her acting, it's so bad.

But.. feminist have low standards, so they promote shitty actresses.

What am I looking att here

Can't have buttpain if you don't have a butt

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Prometheus wasn't bad. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't bad either


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so, you want something that has to take place in universe and is defined story?

go watch the cuts scene mode of other m and jerk off with 40 grit sandpaper then.


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What's the point of making a video game movie for a relatively unpopular video game, using story elements that not even fans of the games would recognize?

You might as well make a new fucking IP then, you absolute retard.

>my sides when Based Russos had her in the movie for like four minutes out of three hours
>Thanos literally knocks her out when she shows up in the climax
I honestly don't get why Feige chose her. She seems like she resents just being apart of this franchise.

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Fusion could work if you take more liberties with the plot since it's essentially a rip off of Alien and the Adam AI gives Samus someone to play off of, although the character of the Adam AI would have to have an entirely different personality to not be boring as shit.

Just watch alien

Because she was nominated for an academy award in Room.

you're either going to upset the core fans by shitting on established cannon, or you're going to put out a sub par boring as shit movie.

Just how much plot would super metroid bring to the table? be honest.
Prime? Fusion? One? Two?

Its a silent protag.

Remember what they did with doom? Was NOTHING like the game, why was that? Because its a mindless plotless shooter.




She's a good actress, like in Room and shit, it's just bizarre she made a 180 from being cool to being haughty and shit. Like, Captain Marvel wasn't bad it was just boring which is terrible for capeshit. I don't get why she's acting like the biggest dick out of all the capeshit actors.

She always looks so fucking unhappy and void of human emotion. The only role she can play well is a traumatized victim. The resting bitch face is her only face and you want her to play a videogame character?

oh, you

It's a video game, almost anyone can play them and I'm sure she can afford a Switch with her salery.

Based as fuck, why do we need a Metroid movie?

Honestly the cut scene mode was the one thing in the game that made me think "hey, that's kind of cool." Shame that there wasn't anything worth viewing in it, but the idea was nifty.

Metroid isn’t a mindless shooter you daft cunt, it’s more like an open world puzzle game than anything else

Doom movie worked precisely because it WAS like the games, mindless action. The plot even mirrored doom except for the lack of any references to hell or demons in order to not upset christcucks

Samus is a bounty hunter for a living, the games just cover a particular sort of mission she tends to get hired for. A Metroid film could easily work with the lore, it just wouldn't be anything like how the games play.

>You will never find a tall aspiring actress just out of college
>You will never help her get over her metal hook-ups about traditional beauty being 5'4 rail-thin girls
>You will never take her to the gym and get her on a workout routine with a healthy diet
>You will never spend night rehearsing lines from famous or upcoming films
>You will never incorporate kickboxing, wrestling, and krav maga into her workout
>You will never tell her how proud you are of her as you start taking her to agents as THE tough girl Hollywood needs
>You will never be invited to the screenings by her, and then taken home and fucked by her hard enough to leave bruises
>You will never take your relationship public to keep her 'available' for the tabloids
>You will never have a buff amazon actress sugar momma that you brought out of her shell mentally, professionally, sexually, and emotionally
Guess we'll deal with a dozen sub-par actresses forever pushing an agenda forever.

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