Fuck all ya’ll, Rage 2 is a hella good time
Fuck all ya’ll, Rage 2 is a hella good time
>Fuck all ya’ll
why the rude??
i didnt do anything!
post cool webms. try to sell me on this game
Hi Todd.
I don’t have any, I’m a measly phone poster. But I genuinely find the game to be a lot of fun. Great gunplay, lots of cool powers and weapons, solid vehicle controls, tons of freedom, lots of various types of upgrading: equipment, abilities, Ark vehicle, projects, character stats.
Down sides are a weak story, and some performance issues but nothing game breaking. Mostly just dips in framerate at times. I genuinely had a blast playing it all day. I recommend playing on hard or nightmare mode if you don’t just want to annihilate everything though.
i hate the car controls. why couldnt they just steal the one good thing about borderlands, the fucking vehicles. aside from the car im loving it though. shooting feels good and the super powers are fun
Bought and beat the game a few hours ago, while trying my best to stay interested but the combat is the only redeeming part of the game and the weapons are bland. The only fun gun was the gravity dart gun. Lasted 14 hours. It just feels like another farcry with Wolfenstein gunplay.
>solid vehicle controls
lol, the driving is the worst part
What. Borderlands has terrible vehicle controls. If anything they should have stripped the car systems directly from Mad Max.
wtf is with the quality of this image
It should’ve been more customizable, namely upgrades for vehicle handling and speed but I find the vehicle gameplay pretty fun. Some vehicles handle really bad, others decent and a couple quite good.
the gun play seems to be on point
i am hoping that i will be able to enjoy this even though the story is probably ass
>air control
>good sprint speed
>meaty gunplay that can be pretty fast at times
only downside is that you have to go out looking for those battles since the locations that offer enough enemies and verticality at the same time are far and few between
the borderlands vehicles drive exactly where you point the mouse. the fucking phoenix has delayed turning on A and D while the mouse freaks out as auto aim tries to target things
no it’s not???
fuck u
as much as I loved just cause, when you play this game it becomes increasingly more obvious how much better the portions made by ID are compared to avalanche's, if I could then I would just auto-fast travel to the next closest uncleared settlement without having to engage in the horrible driving minigame, and I'm saying this as somebody who mostly plays open world games, avalanche's games have ALWAYS suffered from shit driving but thankfully there have been good ways to circumvent them for those who hate it
it's gotten so bad I just sprint and spam double dash instead of getting in my car if the distance is less than 1500, I've heard later on you get a glide suit just like in JC or something, and there's also an unlockable flying vehicle which I almost have so it shouldn't be too much longer
This is just one of those games that I’ll pick up for $20 before the year ends, looks fun, but not $60 fun.
Cmon todd, its madmax game with doom gameplay. It ain't that good.
that description sounds pretty awesome not gonna lie
i don't know why people are saying the driving is bad
i don't know why when people hear "serviable" they automatically think not worth their time
i don't know how interested people should be in that stuff when the main focus is the shooting
its not like people looked at the witcher and thought it sucked because they didn't like playing gwent
>beat the final boss
>look at the map
>literally 100 hours of clear area quests
>get overwhelmed
>exit game
>no desire to play further
>good games and ambitious games are mysteriously shilled against over the last 5 years
>bad games from EA, ubi etc are shilled as great games while being completely shit.
doom gameplay is a series of arenas which this game is far from being tho
that's what witcher 3 was to me, I've been playing the game for 2-3 years and still haven't finished, even though it's pretty good
sometimes too much is too much
The only people who even bought fucking Rage 2 on release, for a complete $60 are brainless idiots who will praise any kind of drivel regardless of the quality.
You probably had these things in mind before buying the game.
>can you shoot things?
>its western right? no anime?
>guns guns guns?
>open world with nothing to do except drive around and kill?
Yeah nah, it looks like its $30 worth and soon will be in a month.
Its an alright game. Definitely not a game that deserved to be shit on. There aren't any notable black characters in game. Thats probably why game journos hate it so much.
Don't really know anything about this game but I opened up a stream and got bored of it in like 10 minutes.
you may be a faggot but some people like post apoc open world games and cars and fps gameplay makes it even better.
>havn't played the game
>has an opinion anyways
Don't you have game articles to write? Mr. Forbes?
Anyways, how much a game is worth is subjective. But you can tell a lot of work went into game from the environment and level designs. Its definitely AAA $60 game like any other. I just wish it had better/fun/wacky main and side stories. After a while, side quests without interstice story feel like a chore since its just grinding game currency.
You're proving my point, retard. The only people who bought this for full price are interested in grafix, guns and driving around an empty world shooting things. I'm sure you paid $60 for Fallout 76 and made a few posts defending it despite the fact its price was chopped to $40 not even a WEEK after release.
This game is out?
Nah, it's an idea of a good game in a shell of dog shit.
Shooting is good probably because id came in and fixed it up.
Most likely testing movement abilities for D55M.
At least with witcher 3, you learn something interesting about the world or npc after doing side quests. I fucking hate farcry style side quests.
Exactly. I think the game is a solid 8.5/10
Good bait. Actually though, I bought it because the gameplay footage looked lit. I decided to wait until a few reviews came out and some general response. I was rather disappointed because it wasn’t scoring so hot, but I decided to take the gamble anyways.
Honestly, I’m having a much better time with this than I was with Sekiro. It’s the complete opposite of Sekiro. It’s about having fun and feeling powerful as fuck, Sekiro pushed my shit in too much, became devoid of enjoyment, especially since all it is is a gauntlet of boss battles.
As far as fun goes, Rage 2 scratches that itch well.
You have some very low standards
>you paid
There is that faggy accusation ad hominem falacy. No i haven't bought 76.
There is some sort of suspicious shill campaign against this game.
It is really bad on the other chan they managed to harass the BO to refund it or some shit.
It is probably kotaku shills.
Nah, I just value fun factor over graphics and story.
its a solid 7 for me
Did I travel back to the 90's or something?