Is Bloodborne really better than Dark Souls 3?
I feel like Miyazaki put a lot of BB in DS3, but he also put a lot more things to do, in world design and possible builds.
What is your opinion?
Is Bloodborne really better than Dark Souls 3?
I feel like Miyazaki put a lot of BB in DS3, but he also put a lot more things to do, in world design and possible builds.
What is your opinion?
>Is Bloodborne really better than Dark Souls 3?
Yes, massively.
Like, it's not even a contest.
Yes. The quality gap is comical. DaS 3 is a boring piece of shit and all the weapons feel the exact fucking same.
but you have three types of builds in BB
And DS3 multplayer is better
haven't played sekiro but it can't be worse than DS3 or 2
The fact that your arguments as "builds" and "PVP" essentially tells me you're a brainlet.
You're such a retarded dork with shitty opinions i genuinely feel like bullying you.
I wanna dunk your head in a toilet and give you wedgies.
I don't give a single fuck about builds when all the weapons feel the exact same. Most of the magic or gimmicky shit you can do to fuck around also sucks dick in DS3. Magick feels liek shit and the MLGS sucks. Ditto for Miracles. Pyromancy doesn't even come online until you're like 40/40.
Whoopdy doo, you have variety and its all shit.
Over the years, I'm convinced DaS2 is better than DaS3.
So no, OP. I don't think DaS3 is better than DaS2, let alone BB.
To me personally BB is the best one. It's far above even the much lauded but bland (to me) Sekiro. But that's just my opinion.
Sekino is based. You just got filtered by miyazaki. Try getting good before you criticize my favorite game pal
These things are fun user
you should have some
They're both trash.
A more reasonable opinion than thinking DS3 is good to be perfectly fair.
I'll take this opinion over "DaS3 is good" or "DaS2 is good".
3? There are 6 viable builds but one that's more broken but the games setting is what I love. The do lovecraft well
I got a plat on it the same week it came out. What I mean by bland is that it's the least imaginative depiction of Japanese myths I've seen in a Japanese game. Also boring music.
Bloodborne is the best game of this generation
ughhhh, dark souls 3...
>Playing a fromsoftware game for it's setting and music
Yeah that's gonna be a yikes from me. Real gamers play it for the difficulty.
Nah, BB is much better.
I found the bosses more memorable, the weapons more fun, the pacing of combat and movement more satisfying, and the DLC bosses are just markedly better than anything in DaS3, even though they are just a handful.
Not to mention, the setting, premise, art direction, lore, and OST is leagues better.
It's on par with DaS1, the best souls, and that's the biggest praise I can give it.
I just turtled everything in DS3, not nearly as invigorating as the fast combat in BB
Bloodborne is a billion times better than DaS3. There's really not much more that needs to be said.
>play it for the difficulty
only literal retards play games because of difficulty or memes
so yeah kys retard
Honestly, I didn't really like any of the Dark Souls games very much, and I'm not even a Sonyfag. I honestly only got real enjoyment out of Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. Demon's Souls and Bloodborne do everything just about better than any Dark Souls game does.
>waaahh it's too hard for me
seething zoomer spotted. cope more with being filtered
Based retard
>DS3 multplayer is better
The way it's implemented is better, but the actual pvp is noticably worse. Also BB's build variety is great, it's only problems are related to pvp meta since nobody could end up agreeing on a standard BL bracket for it, which would be fine if pvp wasn't implemented poorly.
Lmfao, yes. 3 is the worst Souls game and has no identity whatsoever. Whereas BB is game of the generation.
DS2 did both of those better than 3 so just play that if those are what you want. Otherwise, BB is peak
BB was the pinnacle until Sekiro.
DS3 is a good game, but only because its iterative from DS1. Think of the badass games we would have gotten if we got two completely original games instead of DS2 and 3.
BB is superior to 3. 3 just showed how tired the series was.
I don't think Sekiro necessarily belongs in this list due to being a different kind of game, but everyone will include it anyway so I guess I'll do so too.
Haven't played DeS so I can't rank it. I'd probably consider DS3 and BB to be equal if BB PvP was a bit better. DS3 PvP, while flawed at its core just like all of them to be fair, gives you more to do. For example, sniping people from afar, ruining fight clubs, running away taking shortcuts that would kill other players, hiding from players in a tower with giant seeds, and so on.
BB is a strong game. It just needs some defensive options and ways to make PvP more unpredictable. BB2 would be a real good contender for first place if they learned from the first.
Okay for real, why does everyone love Bloodborne? What am I missing? It being the best game ever is just sort of accepted as a fact here but I never see any reasons. Maybe it's because I played the Souls games (including DS3) FIRST, and because medieval European style appeals more to me than Victorian when it comes to art design, but I really did not see anything exceptional in this game.
The PvP is shit but invasions are pretty alright.
DS3 is the worst soulslike by a landslide
i love bb but you NEED the dlc for it to live up to the hype, the dlc is the creme de la creme of videogames whereas the base game is lacking at times
It was a breath of fresh air to the formula after DS2 was an abortion and it focused on tighter, more melee focused approach with cool movesets provided by the trick weapons. Also switching the aesthetic / atmosphere / setting to gothic Van Helsing beast hunter stuff was cool after 3 games of lol knights and dargons.