What's this?
A new Yakuza game, but instead of being a traditional Yakuza game you play as an investigator instead.
Unless you're really, really into japanese drama there's probably not much here, maybe worth 20 bucks at best.
Isn't he the son of the dragon?
It's Yakuza but no yakuza.
Can't wait for this shit.
Why is the fist of the north star so damn expensive
Seething PC-cuck. I've already pre-ordered. I hope it becomes a series. I'd love a series of Yakuza-like cop dramas with lots of minigames.
>got my hair did to go get into street fights
God I hate modern Japan.
And didn't this get cancelled because someone with a starring role on the staff had sex with little boys or something?
Not a star but a notable character got charged with drug use, so they recast him with a lookalike.
It was coke
Would you go as far as to say this game is /oretachinojudgment/?
It's a Japanese genre tv show, in video game form with a splash of Mito Komon.
what the fuck is this cover lmao
wow coke? that's just as bad as being a pedo. glad twitter created a backlash and made the world a bit safer
Not cancelled, actor's model was replaced and his voice work redone by someone else.
decent concept but super corny execution
>twitter having anything to do with it
Japan just does NOT fuck around with drugs. But if you know who to ask you can get pretty much anything in most clubs.
at least get the lyrics right you fucking secondary
The new guy is explicatly not a dragon. Gameplay wise he's a tad weaker then Kiryu but plot wise he's about on Akiyama's level.
>mangaka gets caught with cp
>a slap on wrist fine back to work
>actor gets caught snorting coke
>career ended life in prison
Jap*ids can be funny sometimes.
ikr, they're based
They did the same for KH3, he voiced olaf on the japanese version
Western version was unaffected from what I can tell. Japan pulled all copies from the shelves.
I thought they said the western version would be getting the new actor at launch
>Moose isn’t posting
Suddenly, this might be a good bread
I haven't seen anything.
They confirmed it a while ago after initially saying there would be no changes. He's getting the balefire.
>mangaka gets caught with cp
He had stuff that was legal back in the 80's. Japan has an Ex post facto law too.
Why did they go with Judgement for the international release? Judge Eyes is such a cool name.
mangaka just owned some real CP. they did not commit to rape/molest or produce any material of CP. to consider just owing some CP as the same thing as producing CP or committing real crime against actual child such as rape or molest is stupid, and western people thinking so are moron.
He still had CP in his possession. Compare that to the actor here who didn't have any coke in his possession but who showed positive for it in a forced drug test.