If you were Square Enix, how would you have made the FF7 Remake?

If you were Square Enix, how would you have made the FF7 Remake?

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Like the Nintendo DS remakes.

Don't make it fucking episodic.
You can keep the action combat but work as hard as possible to carry over the materia system properly.
Have Uematsu work on the remixes.

I would've just remade the gay bathtub scene

I wouldnt

If I were Square Enix?
I'd make it like 4 volumes long, sold separately, change the combat from turn based to an extremely basic and repetitive ARPG and significantly shorten the story and cut out massive parts of the plot that aren't "important" and focus most of the budget of graphics. The game will be 100gb or more, with an "open world" part that will replace the world map, and then roll around in a bath tub full of money.

Just don't make it episodic and don't censor anything.

> Don't Make it Episodic
> No Open world garbage like FFXV
> Chrono Trigger style Combat
> Keep all of the original character designs
It baffles me at how incompotent Square Enix is, all we needed was a RE2 style remake

I don't fucking know, i ain't an ideas guy i just code

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As everyone has said, ditch the episodic bullshit. 4+ years is plenty of time to create a massive fleshed out RPG. Not to mention it's an RPG that's story has already been completed. Half the work was done before they even started.

for starters I would have kept Nomuras original designs intact

Attached: barret.jpg (1920x2100, 780K)


So are you just gonna quote everything Pat says?

Kek. That looks like some gay hero moba shit. Get that resetera garbage outta my face and never post here again kid.

shut up brainlet.

>Don't Make it Episodic
You'd waste a 100+ million dollar budget on a 25 hour long game. The reason they're splitting it up is to justify remaking it in the first place by having multiple $60 games to sell.

Shut the fuck up, Moundo

By releasing the original on the virtual store for $10

Why remake anything? Just release the same game again for full price.

I'd outsource the combat to someone else, because squenix does not fucking know how to make good real time combat to save their fucking lives.
Then I don't market the game at all until it's 3 months away from being released

Remake the original game with modernized graphics, leave everything as it was in the original, there isn't even any voice acting to worry about

They did that already with PC

I would've made it turnbased. I like KH action games but heres the thing:

If it was turnbased it would fucking come out, whenever SE makes a non turnbased game, it never fucking comes out. So we might as well get it over with.


what remkaes?

I'd literally remake the original game with better graphics.

>If you were Square Enix, how would you have made the FF7 Remake?
Poorly because I'm Square Enix.

Can't wait for Tifa to get boobs reduction™
Can't wait for pay $60 to unlock "Aerith liveth DLC"
Can't wait for "Sephirth dindo nuffin and he was a Jesus all along DLC"
But most of all ... Can't wait for Netflix to pick up on this and give us adaptation in which everyone but Sephiroth is black.

Attached: coming_soon_on_remake™.jpg (353x2000, 303K)

remake it into a movie or a movie series and actually put a proper conclusion to the story

I would not have made a remake at all.
At the most I would instead do a 500 years later sequel where the events have become legend, there are a handful of elements from the game. Maybe a flashback segment.

Wouldn't have made it episodic for one

I'd have gone full REmake and just update the backgrounds/character models.

So what would the breaks for the episodes even be?

Ep 1 Midgar
Ep 3 Rest of the game?

I don't know it's looking pretty good so far.
I can't say much til i see more of the combat system and how the movement and everything is programmed.

this design could be adapted to the remake style.
barret does need to look a bit blacker. it's got nothing to do with sjw ideology. it's just his design should look like mr T rather than some latino dude.