How do we fix the horror genre?
How do we fix the horror genre?
shit controls
reboot Fatal Frame
Game interacts with you without your consent
Is that a computer generated person? That website is horrific. If you don't want to sleep tonight, go check it out and refresh a few times.
Dude looks like someone Id find on here.
Take notes from Queen Vanessa in A Hat in Time.
Baseball bats, think about it.
Its a dude going around the world making video with people that have deformities
>Is that a computer generated person?
Where do you people come up with this shit
Don't rely on conventional horror tropes
White people are fucking disgusting
>that one time he tongue punched some little potato girls throat and the world just watched and clapped
What the fuck Youtube??
As creepy as it looks, it turned out those were just masks.
>that split second she looks at the camera
none of you are going to do anything
Put a greater emphasis on sound design, integrating the development of a soundtrack and sound effects with the rest of the creative process as the game is developed, instead of just getting someone to do it detached from the rest of the game.
Don't think making something darker automatically makes it scary. It's the "unknown" aspect of darkness that's scary, not the absence of light.
Use game mechanics that play into the fear/anxiety/dread you want players to feel. Amnesia had the sanity system, Alien Isolation had the motion tracker, and pretty much all survival horror games have you do some kind of task to progress that puts you in danger of being noticed.
wtf is this?
who is this perfect male specimen
I think the thing horror games need the most is atmosphere.
Spend a lot of time on the environment/level design to make the areas feel truly unnerving. My favorite kind of "scary" areas are ones that are dark and secluded, giving you the feeling that something could pop out at any time.
Also, the game shouldn't bombard you with monsters at every second. Give the player enough time to get comfortable (or at least as comfortable as you can be playing horror) then launch something at you.
Hideo Kojima
Combat should be rare and impractical, success in combat should only momentarily impede a threat instead of removing it all together, also there should be ways to interact with enemies that aren't either hide or beat it to death with a stick.
>that person outside the window at the end
New Siren game
No but he talks to regular degenerated persons.
weird how it moves in exactly the same way as the woman :^)
Jesus fuck I knew something bad would happen. Just the talking at the diner made me feel uneasy for some reason.
some lumiere anniversary where some directors used the original camera to make 50 second shorts
What would a video game made by David Lynch be like?
were you watching Sue, too?
>Horror MMO
>You can create unlimited characters but each character only has one life and drops all items/weapons if they die (which another of your characters or another player might be able to get)
>However, if you store items at a specific safe place you can have access to them on any of your characters and keep
>The playable world is incredibly diverse, like a nightmare that everyone is trapped in. Different zones based on areas across the real world, except they are all fucking twisted like some Silent Hill shit
>Multiple instances with different loot, players, monsters of the same areas.
>This makes running into another player rare (maybe 1 or 2 at a time) but makes it feels more valuable and organic
>Players can trade and coop, but cannot kill each other
>Players basically free roam and complete storyline/quests as they come across it
>Upgrade their gear, stats, and abilities as they find more loot or work their character
>You can store the best gear and weapons for your other characters but stats/abilities are unique to that character
>Item and ammo spawn randomly. Scarcity forces you to run away from most encounters, and, due to sharding, enemies may or may not be the same when you come back if you left them alive (you'll have to kill an enemy to make sure another doesn't spawn in that shard)
>Some safe places where you can spend in-game money to buy items from shops and erect infrastructure to use
>I.E. Shop for ammo, supplies. Workshop for weapons and crafting. Inn to rest and reduce fatigue. Infirmary to heal status effects on your character. Command post for more security and gathering other players to coop. Bank to store your excess loot.
>Save points to warp back to using rare hearthing items if you're stranded in the field
>safe towns have almost no sharding, but you must defend it from hordes of monster with other players occasionally. Its random and you have to be on guard.
>Lots of spooks, monsters, and hazards
>Very dark, atmospheric, and quiet, using sound only to add to tension or fear.
>First person perspective with choice between ADS and hip fire aiming, but no reticles
>Basically like Resident Evil 7/re2
>But more fludity of movement since there is greater threats
>A little climbing, shimmying, crawling, prone, jumping, all in FP POV
>Very realistic gun and ammo system
>Keep guns clean or after 100-500 rounds (depending on gun) it will start to jam or break
>If your gun uses magazine or stripper clips you need them in your inventory to use them
>If you are in combat and all magazines are out of bullets, you have to reload each bullet into the magazines yourself first.
>Your proficiency and accuracy with weapons depends on how much you use them
>Mele weapons need to be sharpened and repaired or they eventually break
>Actually good in-dept crafting system to make good shit like higher grain bullets, napalm-molotovs, acid/freeze launcher rounds. Health items, stat boost items, etc
>Basic stat system like health/stam/proficiency (aim/strength/agility/etc) nothing autistic like magic resistance or luck
>If you are hurt you need an appropriate item to treat it
>Broken bones need Cast; Puncutres need trauma kits, Lacerations need to be sutured
>Enemies will be very diverse, ranging from basic headshot-kill zombies, to ghosts that need silver/holy weapons to hurt, to unstoppable chain-saw tanks that you must run and hide from, or unload heavy weapons onto
>If a player dies they can turn their dead character into a monster
>Monsters have lots of variety and you can choose what kind of freak you become and edit their stats
>Monsters respawn and can traverse through different zones and instances to stalk and kill living players.
>Monsters grow stronger the more players they kill, bonus for recruiting more monsters by killing players or their friend's character's
>When you die as a monster and respawn, you are temporarily reduced in strength and it takes time to get back to full strength (longest wait would be 1 hour for highest level monster)
>Killing living players and feasting on them decreases the time dramatically (15 to 30 minutes per kill)
>Endgame turns into a war for survival between the best living players defending their safetowns and the strongest player monsters that just want to kill and grief the living players
>how long would the game be?
Needs LOTS of variety to keep from going stale (like RE2 LMAO)
Huge maps with different themes, just the ones off the top of my head
>City and Sewers
>Rural/Innawoods/Skinwalker territory
>Beach/sea port
>Small Town
>Foreign hell hole (china/india slums)
>Fields/plains (aka Iowa)
>All kinds of schools, universities
>Australian Outback (seriously that's a real life hell-scape with the Mambulalya shadow monsters)
>Fucked up hell maps ala Silent Hill
>What about super endgame
Besides surviving, if you finish the main quest line (which is completely kept under wraps and nothing is told to you about it) Your human character gains the ability to respawn after death with all their items/stats/abilities in tact. They just suffer the same time penalty untill they get back to full strength
Then with your Safe-from-Death character you can get riskier, get stronger, try to hunt down the best player-monsters, protect safetowns, or guide survivors.
Would you play this? Thoughts to improve it?
imagine reading all of this shit lmao
This. Anyone see Eyes Wide Shut?
I like how it was filmed on greenscreen because Kubrick wouldn´t travel anymore.
Stop trying to appeal to the mass market
Wow the suits will go for that one!
If only
Unironically stop trying to make them scary instead of fun to play. No Silent Hill or Resident Evil is scary if you're over 13.
Wholesome and hot dude. I guess it's just that photo is awkward
This dude is 100000000% molesting disabled people around the country
We wait for Acid Wizard to do Darkwood 2 or some other horror game.
most of the city shots are done on an outdoor set. only one scene was green screened.
....and how does that make any change? Who the fuck wears masks like that?
He's obviously fucking the lonely moms you oblivious kid
oh really, then that kubrick documentation taught me wrong things