>Join guild
>It's a sausage fest
Join guild
>join guild
Joining a guild full of girls sucks ass. They all play support and they are all annoying.
>insert yourself into a male dominated hobby
>surprised there are a lot of men there
Woman "logic"
>join guild
>it's owned by a guild mommy
>bans girls trying to start drama
>Join Guild
>The glory days of it are over and all that's left are those who still want to make their guild great again.
>join guild
>everyone is aloof and talks in lowercase
>no matter how much you do stuff together or try to talk you never make friends
Sounds like america. I wonder if the guild failed as badly as we did.
>make guild
>kick all trannies, attention whores and other degenerates
How's that suck? You can be the man and having all the support
>join guild
>i'm not the only girl
>Join guild
>High tier pvp guild
>All guys except one girl who didn't act like a girl
I miss that guild.
>join guild
>it has a girl
>You will never lead a guild full of trannies constantly getting in fights over you
>play most of my time solo and git gud at it
>finally join a guild and they are all horrible compared to me because of how much better you have to be to play solo
>take the solopill and never look back
garbage anime
>Pretend to be a girl once when online gaming are still new
The amount of free shit i got that day...
Smells like rotting period
you don't like cliche romance in your gamer animus?
>join girl
>it has a guild
>join guild
>one girl and the rest are beta orbiters that laugh at her shitty jokes
>Join guild
>Meet man who is very polite, funny, and sweet
>I start to fall for him since we play all the time
>Find out he lives only about an hour a away
>Find out at the same time that he's 13
>I'm 27
I really shouldve gotten on our guild vent in retrospect.
i dont mind cliche romance.
i mind cliche creepy mmo romance. if i wanted to experience that, i'd just play that final fantasy mmo
also main girl became less cute after her makeover
It's been my dream to meet a nice girl online, it hurts that it hasn't happened and probably won't
>join guild
god bless you user for still doing this
>join guild
>orbiters don't even realize what betas they are when they girl they orbit banishes all competition
>/ss/ bait post
look I have the same fetish but that story is too obvious
>Join guild
>Pretend to be a girl
>Get godly l00t thrown at you 24/7 for free
sounds like warframe alliance
>join guild
>half the roster are middle aged women
>they gift you things from the cashshop
I miss being the youngest on in a guild
>join guild
>dont talk to anyone or group with them
>met several girls while playing Runescape just by chatting with whoever was around while I was fishing or mining or whatever
>all lonely skinny shut in girls that thought no one was interested in them, they would all immediately do whatever I asked
>phone constantly blowing up with nudes
I miss being 17
>game locks features of the game behind guilds giving everyone who plays solo the D
God I hate Warframe.
>join guild
>there's already a "girl" there using a voice changer, who has been there for several months at this point
>already has the betas wrapped around hi..her little finger
>the guild has an "inner circle" comprised of the best players, who run dungeons together constantly, the rest of the guild is just their emergency player pool to pick and choose from if one of the inner circle isnt online that night
>the "girl" is, of course, in the inner circle
just going a clan and leech. That's what most people do.
>Join Elin guild.
>It's full of women.
Apparently I was scouted into s chick only guild but they let me stay because I had good gear.
I really didn't need to know about their kids or their husband's but I guess that was part of the appeal for them to just talk about random stuff.
I have been in weird guilds, but a civilized all women guild was the most strange to me. Seriously what is it with chicks an Elins?
>join guild
>loot everything valuable out of the guild bank and then unjoin the guild, repeat
If the guild is dumb enough allow new members full access to the bank, they likely don't have anything worth taking.
>join guild
>just read their conversations as "background noise" while you're grinding
>but a civilized all women guild was the most strange to me
This indeed weird.
No matter if it's real life or video games if there is a huge chunk of females the will eventually fight each other.
I wash shocked when i found out that at my workplace literally every girl is talking shit about other girls behind their backs.
Same shit i encountered in WoW. Girls would fight between each other in our guild. Guy fucks up or plays straight like garbage? Hehe it's fine.
>wow guild I was in was lead by husband + wife
>huntard and holy priest, both bad to mediocre at best
>all of a sudden they ninja the entire guild bank that was worked on since it was added in the burning crusade - very early wrath of the lich king, all so they could buy that dumb multi-person mammoth mount
>guild disbands
Mom and pop guilds, never again.
>hire escort for an hour
>cum in 5 minutes
at least they're professional and don't laugh...
>Join guild
>Post story about dying dog and needing money
>Get free money from idiots
>Leave and repeat
People playing these games are so willing to piss their money away
>Make guild for just me and 4 other friends
>one friend invites egirl
>make a new guild for me and 3 other friends
Uh, I still have 55min left... wanna play some video games?
You know you get her for an hour right? Cumming isn't the end
yeah but what do i do then, show her my collection?
probably think i'm a psycho and tell the other escorts to stay away
There are "a lot"of nice girls in Yea Forums, which is kinda weird, but cool. I interact with a lot of them because of one of the generals i browse.
Almost half of /x/ are females and memes aside, some are fucking gorgeous. /soc/ /adv/ and /fa/ have a lot of women too. Try getting in a general or get discord. They have Yea Forums humor
"Met" a nice belgian girl online, we start dating, skyping daily.
Cunt didn't want to meet in person. Wasted a year of my time because she didn't want me to fly to Europe to come visit her. Online dating, never again.
most would suggest a massage in your case?
otherwise petting, cuddle and have a go in half an hour?
Both those boards come across as fucking cesspits.
Would they like to bully trannies online with me?
>and then he showed me his collection. girl, you should've seen how many of those annie may statues he had. He must be loaded cause they didn't look cheap
>and he cute too.
> /adv/
Never actually join a community off /adv/. The board itself is nothing but vague comments and snide remarks.
Does it really take you more than ten minutes to get hard again?
>girl gets on mic to make a callout
>edgelord and beta start arguing
>girl has already left at this point
>we get destroyed by the enemy team
This is basically scenario is my snapchat group chat. One friend invited this chick that just stalks us and never talks. She also has a bf and my friend is a fucking cuck for hanging out with her all the time
Unironically joined guilds with a lot of girls. Generally it's all either overly friendly normalfag shit or endless highschool drama where everyone talks behind everyone elses backs.
What games have fucking guilds these days
>tfw the only guild that invited me on spiral knights ever was one named trans rights
probably the most baste one due to rarity followed by bro-tier sausage fest guilds
Fuck off zoomy
>join gild
>beta orbiters give you presents and try to sweet talk you
>you humiliate them and they can't do shit
>they even come back for seconds
>spiral knights
Loved that game, shame they stopped updating it
desu that sounds so comfy as long as you're not awkward about it, cum in 5, then offer to mix up some drinks and snacks and play vidya for the rest of it
ARK I think. Also most FOTM MMOs
people pretend to be talking about their "guild" but they're really talking about their discord servers and chatgroups
All guilds suck. There's always some kind of drama or infighting, it's just a matter of time. Discord is the same.
Happened to me at my first job, there are so many stories I could tell of the petty bullshit. On the plus side, I did end up finding my wife there, so it wasn't all bad.
>working in a local commercial studio, the kind that ships / makes local commercials and negotiates licensing fees, etc. for a fairly large city
>100~ employees or so, divided into two different buildings, one that's the studio and the other corporate, both are right next to each other
>most of the men are in the studio department whereas the corporate legalese, etc. is handled by the office
>i'm in the office, my main job is more or less being a handyman / sole IT guy
>most of the girls are chill, professional, get stuff done
>but there were a select few that purposely try to start shit every time
>one of these ladies was the second boss-in-command of the operation, our boss worked mainly via travel
>one day, she was pissed that she found out that one of the secretaries was dating someone from the studio, even though they were engaged after a whole two years
>she purposely goes out and sends an email that warns the office and studio that there will be no dating or co-worker relationships
>this upsets the secretary and she directly enlists me to get back at the bitch by looking through her email and seeing if I can find blackmail
>i agree on the context of being paid $50 and also a friend of her fiancee
>schedule a bullshit checkup meeting on the chief's computer by sending her an email saying that I found suspicious malware coming from her connection (there was none, or so I thought)
>she agrees to let me look at it, say I need an hour or so, so she leaves her laptop on my desk
>check her email
>90% of her emails are just her talking with a man and sexting him
>mfw it was the fiancee
>return laptop, insist that I couldn't find anything, she thanked me anyways
>don't know if she ever found out as I found a better gig 4 months after
when I'm masturbating, no
when I'm nervous yes
>join a guild
>it's a taco fest
XIV has free companies, basically the same thing
Take you back before people realized Felicia Day is ugly and cringe
>a year
Lucky, I have wasted 5 years now and counting. Though I have her e-company at least and I can always talk to someone.
Post tits or gtfo tranny
XIV is hot garbage and the only people that play are erpers
Even if you don't need it Sildenafil will keep you hard for hours. I took it before I fucked my last gf and she wouldn't be able to walk after.
>make guild
>have no friends and dont try to make any
>be the solo member of my guild for 4 years
I agree
vork is really the one I want to hang out with
Yes they would probably like to bully you as much
I'm not a tranny but I was indeed a G.I.R.L. while playing Ragnarok. Lmao.
Made me realize how pathetic beta orbiting is and have tried to avoid being like that since, never ever let a woman take away your dignity.
Not on my server or FC :^) they're all responsible adults that wouldn't even have time for that shit
>join guild
>everyone types with perfect grammar all of the time and writes paragraphs at a time
>fall asleep or log out waiting for them to respond
Cybering/sexting is the same thing imo
What game lets you make a solo guild?
Thanks for making this, saved and deleted that pepe from my phone
isn't taking viagra when you don't have ED bad for you?
a really bad 3d fighter called rumble fighter i played when i was really young
Rumour has it, his one-man guild is so powerful that he doesn't let anyone else in to make it more fair for the other guilds.
Nah, roleplaying takes so much more effort than that. Cybering is just the E part of ERP, it's the text equivalent of sending nudes
that wouldnt work in wow
you would join a guild and instantly be humbled
or in the case of real wow (pre wotlk) be put in groups that didnt maximize your dps since totems etc were group only
>being sole IT guy
>not having remote access to emails
wtf man
I don't know if I'm incredibly lucky with guilds or what. I've only joined two in my life so far but they were both fantastic. What's more, the 2nd one I joined on a whim. It was one of those unsolicited recruiting tells.
Delicious dirty piglet
Not at all. Take the 50mg pills if you want to test them.
t. I'm a pharmacist
Cybering is nothing like erp. For some people, sexual gratification isn't even the point.
I've played a couple of MMOs but all the guilds I join are... just there. As in, they'll invite tons of people but nothing else really happens. I'm not very social so these mass-recruiter guilds are the only ones I tend to interact with. I feel like I'm missing out on something.
What would you consider a good guild?
>negotiates licensing fees
live in the uk by any chance?
why doesn't every guy use it then?
Ragnarok online
Friendly, not a lot of bullying, people like each other and like grouping with each other, everyone is known, even the quiet guys.
>Almost half of /x/ are females
This is hilarious to me. Of course that schizo wiccan board is full of females, women believe horoscopes and palmistry and every other flavor of bullshit you can sell to them
>Join Guild
>The glory days of it are over
>The only people still in it only ever talk about the glory days and never try to contribute
He is leaving out the part about them being expensive.
>join guild
>first rule is no politics
Sildenafil has the stigma of only being for when you have ED, Pfizer even rebranded viagra for over the counter sells, there are of course other brands that are better and cheaper.
If you want the best odds of meeting a nice girl in a video game start playing Dead by Daylight. There are more girls than guys playing that game and i'm not even joking.
Nah, other brands are cheaper, i don't know about other countries but in here you can buy a box with one 50mg pill that's about 2 dollars.
Sounds about right.
Back in the day it used to be L4D2, so it seems like a simple transition.
In US they're like 25 burgerbucks a pill
Once in my life, in the game Spiral Knights.
There was a bunch of players in the a market instance in a guild called "Iron Fisters" making jokes like they were a league of super villains or something and I went on a tirade about fisting the planet in the asshole and they recruited me and it was a fun group to chat and play with. Only time I was ever social and found a group like that in a game.
And of course, I didn't share any contact info with any of them and haven't heard from any one them since we stopped playing Spiral Knights.
The US has a broken pharmaceutical industry.
Go figure.
Check other brands or laboratories, Pfizer are a bunch of faggots.
My girlfriend got me into it and every game I play the lobby is majority female names. What's the appeal?
meant for
>join guild
>it's full of sausages
>act girly and flirt around a bit
>all the sausages turn into manginas
like a boss
Women like cooperative horror games.
Simple as that.
fucking based
>join guild
>it's tums festival
Literal sausages are good though.
>join guild
>guild meeting to discuss various changes and additions to guild activities
Sad I had to leave. They seemed cool.
Joined a girls filled guild once.
They kept talking about boobs.
Misattribution of arousal probably.
>More of the men who were approached on the [rickety] suspension bridge called the woman than those who were approached on safer ground. The bridge had elicited a physiological response, but because our brains look for somewhere to assign that response, the subjects may have found themselves tying a physiological response to attraction, rather than fear.
>want to meet other people and play vidya
>mainly stick to single player games
Are there even any good mmos these days?
all I get are egirls calling me a shithead in my profile comments since I play killer and don't let them go
There will be.
>join guild
>talk to guy
>feel some connections as we chat and have fun
>we swap contact info
>outside of the game he loses any charisma i felt he had
>immediately asks for nudes
>block and move on
>join male dominant hobby
>wow there are so many men here what a sausagefest
why do women do this?
Because they're women, aka dumb.
Absolutely based.
>male dominant hobby
Umm, sweetie no...
>join guild
>spam "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo until booted
If only. Guild I once joined that had lot of girls was filled with drama everyday.
>join guild
>one member starts getting clingy
>find out it's a girl
>she wants our toons to rp as sisters
>sure whatever
>eventually confesses that she wants our toons to be lovers too
>say, but they're sisters
>she says that makes it hot
>we erp
>find out she has a huge yuri dom fetish
>eventually, call it off because all she wanted to do was erp for hours at a time
women, am i rite?
Men who play games are usually interested in getting better and winning at the game.
Women who play games try as hard as possible to make the game about them being a woman because they lack merit.
user use words correctly.
He is a beta orbiter not a cuck. This girl isn't his so he can't be cucked. He just orbit her like fucking morn.
Unironically me in xiv.
I'm so lonely but people are so fucking hateable.
>play MapleStory with school friends
>make a bunch of alts that I play solo
>years later, play WoW with brother and his friends
>make some alts that I play solo
>years later, play Dota with online friends
>drop friends and grind solo ranked
>years later, different online friends get me into Siege
>drop friends and grind solo ranked
Finally done with online games. They're just not for me.
Where did you go cunt?
I haven't seen you in almost half a year and wojak infestation has gotten worse since
>decide to try RP
>join RP guild
>its all women
>theyre all furries and weebs
Never again. I expected a little cringe by trying out RP, but not like this anons. Not like this...
I wasted about 5 or more years e dating went to europe and she basically said she fell out of love with me a week before I came. Didnt get sex, got a peck on the lips and wasted $2,000. Never fucking again consider yourself lucky not much came from it.
Based, please don't leave us
>find Discord group for hobby
>see if you enjoy hanging out in said group for a while
>if you enjoy it, see if anyone else plays your game
The best guild I was ever in had a healthy amount of furries and weebs.
Guild mom here, go to bed it's past your bed time. Don't make me revoke your guild privileges again.
If it's not night time in your time zone take a break from the computer for a few minutes and stretch your muscles!
I was interested in this until I saw the PUBG devs are working on it. Now I'm just nervous. Why is steampunk almost never used in MMOs these days?
don't tell anyone, but I'm someone else
You're just as despicable as they are, the difference is that you're more of a coward.
you are at this shit again? You tried this year ago and got btfo
>only mmorpg i could ever get into was maplestory because you could just grind alone
People had written the game off from the first trailer because of the horrible fps, but by all accounts from the thai beta, they turned it around.
>PUBG devs
You mean, TERA devs. Surely.
>join guild
>everyone is fucking asian.
>Join guild.
>Butt heads with someone not even in the guild.
>They cry to the leader of the guild I'm in.
>All guild leaders are power tripping losers who take running a guild as seriously as running a real life corporation and say I need to stop.
>Subtly grief my guild for weeks. Miss abilities on purpose, loot our own members' corpses, tell enemy guilds where we are, slowly drain the guild bank over time.
>Tell them it was me all along, start killing them in their own city, make my own guild, and never join another one again.
Open world full loot pvp MMOs were so good.
>join guild
>it is mostly male
>some start fallowing me around and trying to give me stuff once they hear me in vent
>one or two make pissy comments like beta bitches "of course SHE is given that weapon" *had more DKP than him*
>the officers get annoyed that people jump at the chance to give me their shit(gear/DKP/gold) even tough i reject it everytime outside of food/pots when i run out
>i just wanna kill dragons and get my Nemesis gear
this is why i dont use voice chat any more
too many betas and salty omegas.
>used to have this average/chubby looking chick in my old close knit guild
>wasnt too special looking but wasnt ugly. Had okay face.
>she had a cute natural voice.
>eventually when the grind got difficult and only the small group of people left in guild
>she would go on and on talking to few of us left like a blog.
>would talk to her just for company
>that cute voice, the up close and personal beathing over the active mic she would do. That one time she said she smelled like fish and had to take a shower.
>used to close my eyes and talk with her, hear her breathing, sometimes she would do that feminine moan randomly.
>I think she wanted company so occasionaly she would act cute and talk in a moaning sexy way
>will never be able to go back in time to prime MMO years
>had 3 day period on /soc/ recently
>never been on before
>remember friend used it for a while and talked about it
>try it out
>first day seems great
>second days nice but a little weird
>third it's totally off
>see OPs that don't interact with threads
>rare use of timestamps
>see reposts of images
>can even start to see commonality of thread opener images
>only thread with real people I find is a thread of unabashed alcoholics
>tried discussing some alcohol
>it's really just people's miserable lives
>also seems like there's regulars posting in-depth or pics of themselves there
>they only talk to each other and others just all reply to regulars
>like ducks in a pond and they got that wonderbread
>discord link spamming
>ratings threads:
>a homeric epic's worth of biblically-sized slabs of single replies with "X/10"
>"9/10 hot"
>people farm these goliath (You)s with pictures of girls where you can easily reverse image search
>100+ hits
>and two dozen (You)s trying to find something that's not even there
>cosmo tier "trap" jew with an atlas stone of insecurity that comes on and practically beckons for abuse in an indirect way
>is devastated by the shitposters
>comes back anyway
It honestly made me sick
Hell have no fury like an autist scorned. Or woman. Or both.
It's stupid not to do this.
>join guild
>it has a tranny
>join guild
>it has a guy who identifies as non gender binary
>he's actually kind of cute
we wait for them to be in the guild
Didn't realize that anime was about a white supremacist
>join guild
>drug talk for four hours
>guild invites you because they think you're a girl
>you're actually trans
>they promote you right below GM less than a day
>give you gold and buy you things off the AH
Why do guys do this?
I wish my FC did this. Anytime I tried to do events or meetings, nobody would ever come. Dunno why, I always helped out guildmates and gave out a ton of stuff. Hell, I even spent 200m (was in balmung) on a house and nobody really seemed to care. I ended up just transferring leadership and leaving after SB expansion. I came back 4.55 and it's much worse.
post butt
MapleStory? This always happened when I played GMS. Fucking surreal.
>Join guild
>Don't ever socialize, only use it for groups
>Watch guild collapse around me as non-game related drama destroys it
>Eh, doesn't effect me
Then I wonder why I have no friends
You're a guy so you know why.
cringe and suicide pilled
based and red pilled
>Make guild
>Full of fun ass memories
>Guild survives 3 years
>Last person online besides me was a year ago
>Still do guild shit to benefit us
>Still remember what the guildies needed at the time they quit
>Have alts that have respected members all decked out in endgame gear for when they return i can give it to them easy
>When wife is asleep I idle my character in the guild hall and look at screenshots of us
Overlord's season 1 ending when Ainz sees his guildies and sits down made all the pent up emotions I had flow out and I cried. Remember to hug those Guild leaders you see with their dead guild above their name bros. They might need it
>make female character in mabinogi
>play for 2 hours
>some level 400 dude sees me
>talks to me a bit
>gives me 300k in a check form
>this was back when money was hard to earn (2008ish)
>he wants to get married
>say ok
>tell him i'm lagging a bit
>log out
>don't log in for a month
>come back and make myself invisible ASAP
>put money in bank
>switch chars
>delete female
You got me you fuckers!
don't hit on me btw
>pretend to be a girl
>beta orbiters errywhere
>free stuffs and attention, no effort required
>pass everything to my main afterwards and never log on my grl char
Those were the days lads
i wasted a couple months with that meeting some nurse on LoL of all games. she didn't want to feel like flying here and so i was like yeah fuck this.
born again mormon lol
I'll hit you. With a baseball bat.
>friend I made in the game belongs to a top guild
>try to join said top guild
>friend introduces me to the leader
>"sorry, we don't need archers"
I'll only hit on you if you still have a dick.
>All guild leaders are power tripping losers who take running a guild as seriously as running a real life corporation and say I need to stop.
i notice most guilds have that
>power tripping uppers
>attention whores
>some beta faggot lusting over some other bitch
>guild mommies
>guild milfs
>that one cool older bro
My brother had a similar situation. He dated a girl on FFXIV for 2 years. He was going to meet her and spent $1,300 dollars on the plane ticket. Two days before the trip she bails on the idea, couldn't get a refund and refused to pay him back. She broke up with him a week later. I know it's his fault as much as her;s, but that shit makes my blood boil thinking about how people do others like that.
They are coming back with Classic WoW dumbass
When you know the only team worthy of your time is clones of yourself.
>queue in dungeon
>"hey guys how's it going"
>no response
Well people in that FC weren't all jumping at every activity they had on the calendar, but enough were. Even now when people are just waiting for the next expansion. If you're on aether, seek them out if you want, their tag is Novus. I'm pretty sure.
>tfw met my fiance on this hellhole site of all places
You just gotta believe user
Better pay your dues otherwise her guildmaster is gonna break your kneecaps.
>join guild
>everyone leaves
God I wish that were me.
I unsubbed as well during my 2 year break. I came back and unsubbed again 3 weeks ago. Game's just not for me anymore. Been playing since 2.1, and I am frankly tired of the game.
Warframe in the form of guilds. They practically encourage it since guild decorations and research material costs scale with max clan size so in most cases it's more efficient to solo grind for everything instead of relying on a handful of active players with a horde of dead weight attached. Best case scenario you have a full minimum size clan (10 members) and bang out the research with minimal effort instead of pissing resources into inefficient shit scaled up to 30x cost and hope randomplayer45 contributes their fair share.
>gay roe player
I'm glad your gone, desu.
Whoops meant to say clans=guilds my brain did a retard.
Based as FUCK
I'm not gay you fucking retard lalafell.
>once joined a guild in guild wars 1
>didnt know that clan leader was a chick at my age until we set up a ts after a month
Color me surprised but she was an alright buddy. Even stuck around in ts when she switched to play some resident evil, very chill
>makes fun of gays
>plays ffxiv
>saves pics of gay roes
>not gay
>queue in dungeon
>speak to self whole time, ignore other players
>receive friend requests
Retarded lalafell.
I play a qt catgirl like every other heterosexual male.
>talking in dungeon
>"dude just shut the fuck up"
>report him for insulting me
>vote kick
>he gets kicked
You still haven't done this one, tranny cuck.
Based shoop poster.
also i did that one image for you.
>I play a qt catgirl like every other heterosexual male.
>They all play support
I don't know how this meme started but I've never seen proof of it. Every real woman I've played with in MMOs have been bitchy turbo-tryhard DPS players who act like they have something to prove to all of the men around them.
>yeah, I play male roe and love the pussy
Said no one ever.
>actually spending time on this
The mental illness is real. Good job tranny
>be me
>make guild
>everything is going well
>end up recruiting a specific person
>it's a tranny
>recruit a few others before knowing this
>they're all trannies as well
>didn't even know they existed in the MMO world before this happened
>skip to 3 weeks
>they're all seething over ridiculous shit
>one of them is angry because someone made fun of its monitor brand
>laugh it off, must be a joke
>it's not
>5 minutes of passive bitching
>everyone's just laughing at the tranny
>all the other new trannies are siding with her
>it threatens to kill themself
>the others want to report me
>"get well soon"
>kick all of them
>never hear anything about it again
>muh pussy
have sex
women always bring drama
holy shit lmao
with pussy
Have fun gate keeping /pol/ out of this board you mental Ill tranny.
I don't have a self mutilation fetish, Sorry.
Also it took literally no time at all, Literally circle tool and line tool. faggot. But I expect nothing less, As you've obviously never opened an image editor program in your life and instead piggybacked off of slightly less retarded individuals to create your countless amounts of Black and white feels guy images.
post sex clear
with boipucci
>be cute tranny
>only female in a guild full of guys
>passing voice
>everyone wants to fuck me
>do this
>n-no doesn't count
get wrecked tranny lmao
+100000 internet points
>muh pol muh tranny muh pol muh tranny
oh no nononono. why are you even mad, the whole point of pepe and wojack is to spam it and not discuss things, who cares if some autist shoops a laser on it to derail things even more?
What do you expect? Video games is a hobby for men!
>guild member invites sister
>starts drama
He's a stupid kid that couldn't stand the idea of a community dying, so he invited a person he knowingly hates, and who brought in all sorts of drama. 99% of the shit she spews has nothing to do with video games.
>join guild
>women everywhere
FFXIV is a weird game
Bullshit gimme a vocaroo or you lie
no it's not. all the hints are there for you
>ridiculous amount of emotes
>mods being a huge thing
>insane RP potential
>not anime or western enough for males
>easier than world of warcraft
>tfw join guide
>tfw it's a sausage fest
>tfw bored so I start "dating" the leader to tear the guild apart
yeah user
women are crazy but trannies are literally insane
>southerner joins the guild
>gets in voice chat
>gf says his accent is sexy
Shut your whore mouth.
Nah, mmos in general just attract a lot of females for whatever reason.
LMAO i'm that southern guy
>mmos in general just attract a lot of females for whatever reason.
free money handed to them (both ingame/real life), dress up, and having a chat simulator are all things women love
Suck their dicks then thot
>grow up and live in texas
>don't think I have an accent
>join guild
>get in voice chat
fuck you guys
This isn't 2000 anymore, mmo games aren't made for people that want to spend all their time in another world that lives by its own rules. Mmo playerbases are fucking massive and they're casual as all hell, with participation prizes for everyone and almost zero exclusivity, of course it'd be riddled with females and other undesirables.
>Honey go to bed, im gonna do a few raids with Cletus
You take that back you nigger.
>females and other undesirables.
Made me smile
>Tfw really noticeable southern accent
I hate it.
This is true. Almost every lobby has 1-2 girls playing it, usually survivor because they play like they are on a laptop trackpad as killer. There was one pig that killed me that was a mommy apparently though. I'm cosplaying legion at my local con in 10 days and I'm curious how much attention it'll get. Just for fun though, I'm already taken
>join guild
>get in voice chat
>everyone tells me my voice is cute
I just want to play video games.
>dueling banjos and moaning plays in the distance
I don't care. I just wanted to see him do that image.
>Join guild
>don't talk, ever
The website says from the makers of Tera and playerunkowns battleground, so I'm assuming the pubg devs have a hand in it. I never played tera, so I know nothing about their track record.
>deleted the post
>join guild
>only one talking
>Class leader for healers in WotLK era WoW
>Have more pull than anyone in the clan
>Girls sometimes join clan and end up in raids with us
>Beta orbiters are noticeably worse at their jobs when girls are in the raid
>Endless cringe flirting
>Implement merit based loot rewards for raids
>I get no-roll handed anything I want
>The girls and betas drop out/get booted rapidly
>Clan goes on to have several years of joyous success
Women in MMOs are terrible but the thirsty faggot virgins who orbit them are even worse
I didn't, I just got nuked. Based mod
I genuinely find the Southern accent a strain to hear unless it's a woman with a Southern Bell accent.
>join guild
>Steal all guild bank money
Thanks, pettan co
Vocaroo bitch
everyone but lefties and niggers love southern accents, its just friendly banter because the west coast has no accent
>Guild wars 2
>All guilds are filled with girls
>They play like shit
>They talk like shit
>They get offended easily
>They act like retards 99% of time and always fail at raids.
Just fuck off i want to have normal guild
TERA was the first mmo to really tout itself as having action combat. I never played it seriously myself, but it carved out a niche for itself and was successful for a while, mostly on the backs of elin whales. Air won't have combat like TERA though. It's more like a mix of blade and soul's combat and wildstar's telegraphs. There's currently a thai beta going on and soon as korean one too.
Holy shit you're back.
>half of my online friends say i sound southern
>the others say i sound fine
I'll never know now.
Like I said earlier, I'm someone new
>join gurl
>has a married woman
>chill as fuck
>find out she's being followed by orbiters trying to create a divorce between the husband
>tells them to fuck off
>women shittalk behind her back with one of them ouright calling her a slut for rejecting orbiters
>she leaves guild and had to go to counseling
People are fucking horrible
post discord
>Easier than wow
LOL, pathetic wow shill jump off a bridge.
>server only women paying for costumes nad having bitchfits
>WvW content is dead because of it
both are shit retard
alright someone link the discord server
>the others say i sound fine
Because they're also southern.
Can confirm this, unfortunately however they're the kind of girls with 200 thirsty orbiters at their sides at all times and use selfies as profile pics, they seem bro enough though for the most part but if you niggas are going with the intentions finding an online relationship then forget it they're neither dumb nor desperate enough for that cringe and neither should you.
>having therapy because of an online experience like this
women are so funny lmao
Why are you so mad at pepe posters? Your edits do even worse to the threads, it's just another layer of shitposting and spam.
They're actually mostly Canadian, west-side or Brazilian. I only know two southern boys.
Sounds like a normal guy.
>mmos are incredibly social games by design
>social things happen in guilds
>complain about it
>Increasingly market to women
>Game goes to shit
>join guild
>has no will to voice chat because of broken english
>guildies encourage me to talk
>tries to talk
>they lmaoing at my attempt to speak engrish
fuck them
Dick chopped like spring grass.
After fake vagina rots,
Suicide follows
A normal-sized guy?
just take the banter or speak up bro, christ
>haha you speak weird
>haha you talk like a bitch
>whoa bro why do you have to be mean
Perfect summary.
who is this?
>a girl joins the guild
>"le cookies XDDD"
>Tranny suicide haiku
Holy fucking shit BASED!!!!!
is this some kind of ironic meme renaissance
its hard to not take it seriously with aussie cunt.
yeah just like that. srsly fuck them
if they're actually saying that then they're cunts, yeah. whenever i hear one of my really heavy BR friends attempt english i just laugh but not for those reasons
just like summer wasps,
trannies are abhorrent pests
that lacks a "stinger"
What? all its doing is making everyone spam even more pepes. Is that the purpose?
>be in guild
>everyone welcome our new officer
with mmos, it always comes down to either listening to normies talk about their favorite sports ball team or cars, or listening to degenerates talk about how high they are and how great being high is. at least thats how it used to be.
but now, i would literally rather listen to boomers talk about their kids and complain about their day jobs and their boss, rather than listen to this new generation of gay fuckboy late teens/early 20 somethings who do nothing but talk about instachat and snapgram and sportsball
>girl gets on mic to make a callout
>ask her if she has a penis
>she's confused, doesn't understand the question
>insist that she tells me whether or not she has a penis
>she goes silent
>doesn't talk for the rest of the match
Every time.
>guild call itself a pvp guild
>you need to do a pvp test in the arena vs the members to get in
>a friend of mine in that guild tell me they let a girl in , no pvp test
>reason ,because she's "friend" with an officier
I had a pretty funny discussion the other day with some random guild I got invited to.
>nobody talks until some guy logs in
>he asks if anyone likes EDM
>"only when i take drugs lol"
>DUDE DRUGS for an hour
>then it goes to him lying about his SAT score and his business
>some guy calls him out
>gets super offended
>officer gets offended too
>he gets kicked
>still talking mad shit about the guy who got kicked
If you wanna know, it's the Get Along Gang guild in Light's Hope. Can't remember the IGNs, they were all Warlocks so they all rook same
>Is that the purpose?
Possibly. But the thread was shit from the start, I guess it doesn't really matter if hes makes it even shittier.
Woah this thread went to shit
ignore warlock mains. they are all extremely autistic, terrible people.
t. warlock main
Every. Fucking. Time.
>grow up and live in New York and New Jersey
>nasally voice but no real accent
>get upset on mic
>the accent comes out
>my anger is completely undermined by people laughing at my sudden change in accent
How does it go again?
Men pretend to hate each other but deep down they like each other.
Women pretend to like each other but deep down they hate each other.
snyberbolt has the funniest yankee accent on youtube when he gets upset
Another one just 4U.
>a guild is filled with guys
why are you surprised? Your sausage is still present no matter how much you tuck.
y-y-yes ,how did you know ?
what?! where can I get in that guild, now I can play dps and not fucking worry.
Why is there only ever one girl in a guild?
man she probably make my hips hurt
girls dont like competition
>join guild
>its just group of close friends and you
>be me
>want a trannie GF
>dont get one
How is he asking for sex, he clearly said that she was marry.
We need to unironically bring back rage comics. Rage comics, sparta, doge, all your base, anything to make redditors leave because they can't handle the cringe.
Why don;t you try and be close with them?
Those were excellent and miles above the pepe/wojak shit that didn't even originate on Yea Forums and instead was pulled off krautchan or being work of some fucking comic artist edited to look sad.
women try to make everything about them being women
thats just how they are
>Play shitty MMO
>Be in several guilds
>Always results in drama
>Try to help out
>Some people are thankful, others are mad as fuck at sides being taken and leave
>Guild dies
>Eventually befriend some great players and be let into a guild with only 7 people
>They are all some of the strongest players in the game
>They help a lot of other people with advice and run strong parties through high level content
It was like being let into an exclusive club where everyone was super chill and no drama happened.
The one and only time being in a guild didn't result absolute bullshit in the long term, good times, I miss it.
she looks like she fucks black men who don't play mmos
Because its not possible. Some people will get mad I am trying to penetrate the circle. And penetrating tge circle itself is hard. Why should I spend all that energy when I just want to play video games.
>Yea Forums guild gets ruined by the presence of a female
Spotted an orbiter
This thread mirrors what happens to guilds when a female joins. What a coincidence.
>wojaks are posted constantly
>lazerfags maybe post one or two pics in a thread
>make guild
>it's all boring faggots, grow tired of it
>make new guild
>just faggots
>make new guild again because why not, it's fun making them and naming them stupid shit
>just faggots joins again
That's what i get for trying to make a guild in WoW back in the day.
>and naming them stupid shit
the only use guilds have for me, they're just a funny text below/above my name
Could be worse
>be out on the hill, having sled-rides down the hill
>friend leaves for lunch
>alone on the hill, still fun to go but nobody else around that i know
>some guy from football team and the class next over are out with their sibling
>go over and start riding there
>hear someone say "let's not interact with him" from one of the guys
My semi hardcore raiding EU guild has like 5 female raiders out of 25 people, they're all cool and sound uber qt. Two of them are also really good, like 99th percentile good. There's bants coming from all directions and everyone is having fun.
The world can be a much better place if we can just be human beans towards another instead of having ridiculous expectations and stereotyping everything and everyone.
If you do end up meeting, what are the chances that she'll look at you the way you look at her, bros?
Based, but bluepilled.
Its comon to do pvp tests there, you also said arena so i guessed that was it, EU or NA?
U-umm does anyone want to be friends and play games together...?
only if you're an actual female, single, and cute.
Only if you're an actual male, single, and cute.
If you've got good taste in vidya sure.
do you play mordhau
>play as a girl because I like their designs
>friend invites me to a guild
>always played silently but my friend told them that it was a dude playing just to make it clear
>a month or two passes
>new wave of members come in
>two or three of them try to hit on me
>all my old guild mates tell me to RP it out for shits and giggles
Fuck guilds.
What's good taste to you?
No, sorry.
>describing himself as cute
Well, there goes any desire to play with you. Most likely you're a homo, which I don't have any inherent disdain for, but most homo's tend to act REALLY homo and up the pitch of their voice.
A good variety of solid titles is good taste. I personally like strategy games.
>>all my old guild mates tell me to RP it out for shits and giggles
Well? Did you?
What games do you play?
I try to keep my gay down at reasonable levels.
I'm not super into strategy games but I put a few hundred hours into Shogun 2, that game was a ton of fun.
Right now I'm playing Atelier Rorona Plus on my Vita, I'll probably play through the Megaman Battle Network games again after I'm finished, then my friend keeps bugging me to play God of War, so I might play that or try to push through the awful story quests in MHW.
Go to fucking sleep Meowie.
>start playing game with some random girl on some random private server
>find a random base with tons of shit left unlocked everywhere, assume its free because lots of servers do that, grab a couple things, grind a bunch
>girl finally gets back on a few days later and tells me she doesnt trust me anymore because i "stole" from admins and im just lying about thinking it was free, admins also seething even though everything was returned fine and i helped them realize how to secure their shit
>girl kicks me out of group after grinding a bunch when she did jack shit, lose access to everything, basically all time was wasted
>she joins with the admins who basically already beat the game
>put dozens of signs up in game all over the map telling her to kill herself
fuck women and fuck autistic private server admin retards
I'm trying to make new friends.
girls dont like videogames
>put dozens of signs up in game all over the map telling her to kill herself
They did the right thing. user is probably not even aware of his own psychotic behaviour that actually got him kicked.
Total War games are fun as hell, always new and exciting ways to cheese the AI and win on the harder difficulties. Play as MP games?
my friend met his wife in elder scrolls online
she paid him to fly to canada and live with her and fuck her for a few months, got married
then he came back and confessed to being in love with me. im a male.
>making friends
>on Yea Forums
not a good idea in my experience
Thank god that other guy called you out, I almost felt like playing with you.
That's the only one I've ever played. I'd like to give the Warhammer one a try, I've heard good things. I only ever played it multiplayer in coop a handful of times.
There are some kind, friendly people here. I'm happy to have met a few people I met through here.
>start leveling guild
>people play together and level together
>everyone becomes good friends
>we run dungeons together and grow into a raiding guild.
>Some new faces welcome in as we move through content.
>Expansions come out
>life goes on
>Guild members get married, go to college, join the military
>guild begins to slowly quiet
>quietly it disbands
I just want to be with a bunch of people who are exited about playing the game, do content for fun and don't ignore me after i break my ass organizing an event they said they'd attend.
I'm bloging now but my deminishing investment in my MMO is entirly due to friends running dailies like they do chores instead of i don't know fucking anything else. I kept coming up with ideas but i guess none of them are fun but running the dungeon roulette yeah that's big fun, making another alt is fine buddy but making 9 alts to replay the story 9 times in your own corner make everyone miss you and it's not healthy.
What am i supposed to do, Yea Forums. Do i start giving orders? Do i take out my whip and kick them into shape? We're running a guild here we're supposed to stand side by side against dragons.
It's not too late to change your mind.
As not great as they were, I really liked Napoleon because I like the setting and I liked Atilla. I got quite good at cheesing the AI and even managed to win a legendary Western Roman Empire campaign on it.
Sorry I had a typo, I meant to say play any MP games? Like in general.
>join guild
>never mention my gender/sex because I know it'll cause problems regardless
>really enjoy the banter and fun I have in the guild, all of them assume I am male and act as such
>get comfortable and friendly and start to reveal things about myself in the friendly atmosphere
>reveal to 1 guildie than I am in fact female
>it's a downward spiral from there, he tells others and everyone starts treating me differently, people who didn't interact with me much before go out of their way to interact with me
>get annoyed and uncomfortable and voice my concerns
>most of them turn on me and all of their grief is to do with me being female
>just decide to leave what was once a great place to hang out
This has literally happened thousands of times to women who join guilds everywhere, it fucking sucks.
most people I've met here (especially those stuttering d-does a-anyone want to play with me, I-i'm so lonely-types) tend to be self-obsessed assholes. they claim that they want "friendship" but they do fuck all for it and will just ignore you forever.
all i did was grind alone for a few hours and borrow a few things from some admins and give it back to them and say sorry
the only crazy part of any of this is the fact that i thought it wouldnt be a waste of time investing time with a girl and not getting sex out of it
>join guild thats super active
>meet a bunch of bros to play with
>cant afford sub for a few months
>come back online, guild is almost dead
>one of the bros I met has completely gone off the deep end, blocking everyone in the guild including me
>ask someone in the guild who still logs in why he did it
>mfw he sperged out because someone made fun of his gas station job
>thank the other guy for telling me
It hurts sometimes, but I really didn't expect the dude to be such a bitch made nigga. Literally quit the guild after blocking everyone, then fucking server swapped to a server not connected to ours.
maybe you should stop attentionwhoring then you stupid bitch
Can't fool me, I've seen that twitter you spam. That's like 3-4x too homo for me.
I've been playing FFXIV a bit before the next expansion launches, when that comes out I'll be playing it nonstop for a month or so probably. I also have MHW, but I tend to not buy multiplayer games since my friends don't tend to like the same kinds of games I do.
It was worth a try...
>revealing that I am female after months of friendly interaction and banter is attentionwhoring
Well, at least you realized not to do that shit again... right?
>Make a fan club
>Most people in it want my dick
>Most of them are ugly trannies
I don't know what I expected.
Don't join shitty guilds then, I never had any trannies in my progression guilds. Had a girl here or there but they were generally decent players with little to no drama.
Can't say I play either FFXIV (never played FF as a kid so) or MHW, but what games do you play? Lay it on me.
I've tried enough times to know that it would just turn out exactly the same as every other time.
>dont hit on me silly guys im a gril btw teehee
Unironically kys yourself
It took it happening 3 times for me to realise that I can generally never get too friendly with people in a guild setting, at the very least I don't get to the point where I reveal I am actually female.
I have joined female only guilds/clans in games in the past and they have generally been better, but they actually tend to be filled with young-ish mothers and trans women and whilst I have nothing against those people, it brings it's own set of issues I don't want to deal with.
Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:
Stop cruising for attention and using Yea Forums as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.
Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.
You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.
Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there.
God just look at the toilet on this fuckpig
I wish. The main problem with any girl aged 18-45 in a guild is every fucking sperg trying to fuck them 24/7. The problem is that spergs are the most dedicated players and it sucks to have to ban them for being creepos.
>Join NWN roleplaying server.
>Girl PC.
>Never reveal anything personal, not even gender, so most assume I'm a girl IRL.
>Start noticing how weirdly sexist people actually are.
>join guild
>sausage fest
>the one other female turns out to be a tranny
That doesn't have to be a part of our friendship. Consider it a side thing.
My top three are Megaman Battle Network 3, MGS3 and Hollow Knight. Off the top of my head, recent games I can think of that I've played and enjoyed are Sekiro, RE2 Remake, Risk of Rain 2, I forgot about that one, that's multiplayer too.
I just want to fuck cute boys and these fucking trannies keep ruining them.
That's weird. Most actual girls I've played with on WoW, an oddly large number of them played warlocks.
>banning the best members of your guild because they're being "creepos"
>not the girl causing them all to make problems
you need to be euthanized
>Have dumbfuck Spaniard accent
>UK and a few Americans I play with say it's sexy
>To me it sounds like I'm just mentally disabled
got some thirsty russians in my guild.
invited a girl yesterday and calling her their talisman and saying theyll buy her the best gear possible off the auctionhouse.
We don't have any game tastes in common, so I'm going to have to pass, homo.
I'm sure you'd make a great friend.
I've played a few of those games, but not for a while. I usually just play a few games a lot and move on when it gets stale or the community dies off, been enjoying Battletech, Mordhau and Hearts of Iron 4 lately.
Post vocaroo so I can hear your sexy accent, user.
>be girl
>join guild
>tell them about being female
>accept slav orbiters buying you shit
>get all the nice gear
>immediately block them all and quit, rinse and repeat
Wish I could do that desu.
Such is life. It's hard to find people that like the same stuff I do.
wet water
True facts, I've never played with a good stutterer. The second I see someone pull that shit in regular text chat I know that they're an absolute fucking shitter that I'll have to carry.
>join guild
>seethe at how far humanity as fallen when you read the background noise posts while farming shit
>unjoin guild
Yeah, I'm not talking the usual mouth breathers who want to play crusader knights who spit on women, I'm talking the resident edgelord only ever picking fights with and assault women and then other players being completely okay with it because he's just "toughing them up" or "making sure they wont break on the battlefield"
It's fucking weird.
That and they tend to be fucked in the head. Avoid at all costs.
>Join group of people
>Hey there's some women here
>Maybe I'll finally find the one for me
>They're all either gay, trans, or already in serious relationships
Seems to just keep happening to me.
Maybe you should stop having such weebshit tastes then. Be a REAL chad and play Dota 2 to scream at third worlders.
I played with a guy that had a heavy voice stutter. When he had a particularly hard time with a word he'd always follow up with a very loud "FUCK!" and maybe a bang on the table. I was crying laughing every time.
I mean, its hard to just think of games off the top of your head that we've both played. There is a lot of games after all.
And I'll be honest, I often get introduced to new games by people wanting to play them with me or recommendations.
women who play video games are weird
Yeah but that's a legitimate stutter. They're talking about people who t-type l-like th-this.
>gay or already in serious relationships
That's just what they tell you
>girl plays support
Is an attention seeker and causes drama
>girl plays melee DPS
is a tryhard who gets pissy when not top 5
>girl plays ranged dps
Is a tryhard who gets pissy when she doesn't get the loot
>girl plays Tank
Is a shy quiet lesbian who solely OT's
MOBAs blow to be quite honest with you user.
Well, I don't have a ton of multiplayer games like I said. If you happen to have and like R6S, I have that and haven't played in a long time since the dude I used to play with stopped talking to me.
To be fair, those dps statements work for men too. I feel like a weak link if I'm not in the top 5 dps...
>Join guild
>It's full of girls.
>Notice all the characters use female models but they are small and the player states they are "male".
>Shota and Yoai is all they want to talk about.
>Girl plays tank
They don't exist.
I've played MMOs for 10k+ hours and not once have I met a single female that plays tank and extremely few that played melee DPS.
Nothing's stopping you from catfishing, user.
I don't own it, but I do really dig those kind of games and have always meant to pickup but it seemed like one of those games where pugging is cancerous.
I'm not cruel enough to do that my dude. I hate slavs and white knight orbiters with a passion, but I don't like lying or manipulating people like that.
Why the hate for slavs?
>mobas blow
I bet you know all about blowing, d-don't yo-you?
is this what you call incel porn?
>Wish i could do that.
>But i don't like lying or manipulating people like that.
It's kind of hit and miss. I just don't really like playing that kind of game alone. We could also play L4D2 if you like that, just about everyone has it. I can never find people who want to play expert, everyone's a buncha casuals.
I do it often and honestly you don't even have to show them pics or anything. They get off to giving you shit as long as you can keep up the act. If I've got to type about throating a few dicks for some endgame gear then let's fucking go, and I usually don't even have to do that.
Years of Dota 2. They're the worst players in it, and they've even started playing in NA servers. They think they're so fucking good when most of the time they're average at best. Also they're the most obnoxious players in the game, just beating out p*ruvians.
I mean who doesn't own L4D2 in this day and age? I might be a tad rusty but I'm sure I could play expert and not be a burden. I think.
In several cases I've seen direct evidence.
>>girl plays ranged dps
>Is a tryhard who gets pissy when she doesn't get the loot
or is just a casual, hunter is the girl class because girls love pets and bows
I've played hunter since I started WoW though, and I'm not a girl...
Don't try to bully me, it won't work. I've been bullied for years and I'm above such simple prodding.
Would you like to give that a try then? Not tonight as I'm already in bed and it's almost 3am here, but tomorrow I don't have anything planned.
happened to me but in reverse
>join group
>talk to guy in game
>bit of an asshole, but high playing time like me, so added
>outside of the game he's lost all his cocksure posturing, now polite, insecure etc
>been talking for a year now, i want him to ask for nudes
You deserved to be bullied for constantly shilling your twitter in threads.
Yes, but you're still playing the go to girl class, the class that is the most popular with girls.
Yeah fuck it, why not. Could be fun. I'm guessing you're west coast US so I can see it working out.
>Asshole in-game
>Asshole out of game
>Everybody likes me anyway
Either that or they tolerate my shit because I carry like a fucking champ.
I used to be really interested in getting involved and social in guilds during my teen years, and they were the most fond memories I ever had in any MMO. For some reason now I just have no interest in talking to people. I'll accept a guild invite if it's a game that provides benefits and just ignore the chat or anyone who talks to me when passing by. I'm not sure why.
Okay, but I thought druid was the most popular class for girls. At least 40% of the girls I've actually met on WoW were druids, and of those most of them were older women who'd already had kids. They were also some of the nicest people I've played with... I miss them.
I'm sure you do Brad, I'm sure you do.
its more accurate than you realize
My best friend is named Brad.
You'll get over it.. maybe. I went through a pretty long period like that, but then one day I just suddenly felt like talking to people in game again. I believe in you Yea Forumsnon.
I only post where I'm needed. I'm like an agent of justice.
Yup, I live in Washington. My Steam ID is WowieMeowie, feel free to add me if you'd like user.
Brad = wannabe Chad.
The hero we need, but not the one we deserve.
Your shilling of your gay pictures on twitter is not needed, nor is it just.
no, tranny bait, and you fell for it
Yeah I sent you a friend invite. Hit me up whenever if you want to play.
I thought Brad was just a Chad who was a total fucking cunt. Like the typical schoolyard bully type of guy.
I think being a chad means you're not a cunt, right? Brads are near the top of the food chain sure, but they're just arseholes.
From my point of view, the true wrongdoers are the ones who post those threads to begin with.
I thank you for appreciating my contributions to this lovely site.
Sure thing, if you know anyone else that would like to play you can bring them along too if you'd like.
>join guild
>none of the guildies have more than 9 inches
And I thank you for swiftly implementing your justice upon this site whenever it's needed.
Nah. Brads belong to the Chad clique but they're that one step below the societal ladder and they're aware of it, and it makes them seethe on the inside and lash out towards others, and they give off that tryhard look.
Alexes are the same, but they're either aware of it and don't care, or aren't aware, and become cool surfer dudes that are amicable to everyone.
I met my wife and my mistress on 2 different games.
Both are kind of ugly thou
I see. Your definitely right about Alex's though too. This guy I use to know in highschool was kind of a cunt but mellowed out and started working out hard making BIG GAINS, and I am pretty sure he surfed too. Haven't talked to him in a while, but he's a good dude.
user, why cheat? Why run the risk of causing so much heartache to the rest of your family?
That reminds me, is there a mobile version of the game? When my friend and I were in Japan we saw a woman on a train one time who I swear was playing it or something similar. Strange experience.
I'm ugly, I needed the attention to grow. I stopped doing that kind of shit now.
That's fair. It's good that you stopped.
Honestly most were mothers already.
It's amazing how chill a mom can be while gaming.
I still remember a Manaya core run in wich they were talking about wich highschool was better for their kids.
It was a bizarre but unique experience.
I have a guild complex
It's probably because they've already seen/experienced a lot of the shit guildies might argue about. Plus, most women tend to mellow out and stop being so drama fueled once they've had kids and have a stable life.
Nah you are not ugly you are just being weak
>normally never use voice/don't play the kind of games that use it a lot
>friend and I play an online game
>we both use voice a decent amount for comm stuff only
>if someone says anything unrelated to the game (e.g drugs, complaining about real life situation, etc) we both start bantering with them really hard
>50/50 whether they either banter back or get genuinely pissed
>they sound like they're retarded like 90% of the time
I'm always surprised at how retarded people who play video games are.
I have a hard time believing anything other than a 2/10 land whale would ever even search out this place let alone post here constantly. Even a 5/10 woman would find this site beneath them.
>make female character
>say you are female
>no mic
>free shit
>free headset
Ok I'm weak I agree but trust me I'm ugly as shit.
>Join guild
>It's a clam buffet
Yeah, cheating is absolutely the worst thing you can do to a person besides criminal offenses.
wow kinda if you get pay randoms to sign the charter then kick them once the guild is formed
>Woman or "Woman" joins a closely knit community
>It shrivels up and dies only a few months later
Every time.
I think he meant 'nice girls' as a parallel to 'nice guys' who are generally below average looking and try to make up for it by being absurdly nice.
one thing you can always bet on is those people who are self-obsessed, who will try to bring their real world situation into every fucking conversation, even if you're just trying to play a game
Yeah that must be, the guild apparently started because the GM found it funny that other women were playing as Elin and made a female only Elin guild, as I already typed I was scouted on Gear alone and ended up in a really bizarre situation.
Women can be quite chill when they have their secret club activity and use it as an excuse to talk about their kids or their hubbies.
Second most chill guild I ever joined in my gaming history.
You are ugly because you are weak just stopped being one
>Be British
>End up on voice with American's due to shitty sleep schedule
>Usually get one or two girls saying that my accent is hot.
Girls just love accents man, American girls especially.
It is. Cheating is a severe breech of trust, which is an essential component to even just basic friendship. Most of those polygamy fags end up destroying their marriages and relationships too, because eventually someone is going to get jealous, unless they're the biggest fucking cuckolds in the world.
Depends what fucking games you play. Need to be more specific.
Sure, would be my first time befriending someone from 4chin
Women destroy guilds because they are naturally inclined to create needless drama and pit people against each other because they are addicted to people fighting over them.
go to /soc/, you'll find women above that
girls play that game because being 'prey' is like a fetish to them, and they want to fuck the killers
You could just not mention youre a girl thus not letting them sperg out over you but that would go against your prime directive as a woman.
>Makes friends with randoms
>We make a guild
>we prune drama-whores and beta orbiters out.
You need to realize majority of people playing mmos are creepy uber nerds who would probably try to smell your hair and lick your chair in irl. And frankly would loose their shit over ANY women that were in their virtual social circle.
what server?
I watched a girl in high school destroy three different groups of friends I had by doing this. It was terrifying and awe inducing to watch how she methodically turned them all against one another while getting all of them to fall in love with her and buy her stuff.
I really hope you told the wife to be about that