>go outside
>see nigger
>day ruined
Go outside
Other urls found in this thread:
Not your blog, underaged
Move out of Detroit
Ebin blog, where can I subscribe?
>go online
>see OP is a fag
>day ruined
u mad?
>Yea Forums - Video Games
>it was a mirror
Not anymore
>go to Yea Forums
>see frogposter
>day ruined
Actually you seem mad since you replied to me, kid :^)
I moved to a town full of white trash because there's literally 0 black people here. No regrets yet, feels good not having to lock my door at night
you better have put a chain on that nigger
Niggers spotted
Yes, quite.
I still lock my car around white trash, literally cannot drug addicts.
Honestly the only people I probably trust with my shit unlocked is fob Asians
>drive home from work
>random nigger walking in the turning lane swinging a metal bar at passing cars including mine
>day not ruined but going to drive with a paintball gun in arms reach from now on
Is there anything more disgusting and pathetic than a subhuman frogposter?
>Tfw I get my thread removed far quicker for less than that
A nigger
What a lovely day we're having, Yea Forums.
A nigger
i lol'd
You dont go outside
What? that shit is backwards.
>go on Yea Forums
>see frogposter
>day ruined
Get some new memes
I rather have a cute and funny thread than this one.
Since black people really don't have any rights in burgerland, can't you just kill him right in the spot?
Frogposters are fucking boring, like come up with a joke or something this shit is repetitive
My only friend these days is a white dude I knew since sophomore year of highschool. He called me his best friend not too long ago. I'm black and sometimes I wonder if he might be one of you posters since he knows a lot about this place.
Nigger spotted
If I were black then I could get away with shooting another black, but it'd be national news cause I'm white so a paintball gun will have to do.
>Just a shy black nerd
>Finds a nerdy white girl
>Turns out she just has a mandingo fetish and thinks of him in stereotypes
>He breaks up with her....eventually
>go outside
>see nigger
>tell nigger this is a white country and he can go back to Africa
>verbally assaulted by cultural marxist SJW bitch trying to enforce unamerican free speech encroachment on me
>should i just give up and let my country die, or keep fighting for the rights to loli video games on steam
Fuck memes and fuck you.
Nigger spotted
I won't be if you post more cun*y
if you arent going to write a spooky novel you should commit suicide
Probably, I once knew a guy that was a typical liberal douchebag, the biggest liberal smug fucker I've ever met, and once when I saw him drunk he kept shouting nigger nigger nigger nigger like every ten seconds from the top of his lungs in the streets at like 3:00 am.
Boo fucking hoo loser, no one cares
>enforce unamerican free speech
is racism the most american freedom thing you can do?
>go to US
>it’s only 56% white
>vacations ruined
>verbally assault legal citizen
>complain about being verbally assaulted for exercising constitutional rights
Based hypocrite
>go outside
>see nigger, chinks and muslims
>day ruined
fucking USA were too nice.
>Verbally assault someone
>Get verbally assaulted back
>Bitch about it
Sounds like some pussy shit
>being black
You’re paranoid and don’t seem like a great friend if you’re suspecting him without precedent.
Get a pop filter you fagbot 3000.
>my grandpa literally says "My day is ruined." loud and clear whenever he first sees a nigger outside
Based grandpa
I hate them so god damn much. I hate that my professor made me write 8000 words about how nothing is ever their fault. I'm glad in the long run most get what is coming to them regardless of what any white college boys write
My neighborhood is like 40% black and 10% Asian. I've only been verbally assaulted once in 3 years and never physically. Most people are decent enough whatever their color
Is racism a thing you learn from your parents or is genetic?
I wonder who is behind these posts...
Found the dumb ape
watch, tomorrow you'll be mugged by a black guy with a hand gun
If you talk shit, that's cool. But if you shit your pants when they talk shit back, you're a faggot.
Basic shit, user.
>dodging the fact that you're a hypocrite because of the verbal assault
I'd rather believe you're a truly pathetic samefag than accept people are so retarded they respond seriously to falseflaggers on their own side.
I just know this came from Yea Forums
Jesus christ please tell me none of you are over the age of 12
Okay this is epic. Upboat
Only the people that married into the family aren't overtly racist. My GF is too. Feels good.
I was 12 when I fucked your mom LOL
>live in south
>whites, blacks, and Mexicans live pretty peacefully
>everyone is nice
>libs who are never around non-whites nor have ever been to the south screeching racism is on the rise