>much more nationalist and right wing compared to the west, and leftists have not infected their society
>extremely homogenous
>makes the best games
Really makes me think.
Much more nationalist and right wing compared to the west, and leftists have not infected their society
Other urls found in this thread:
Sure smells like incel in here
maybe you should shower
>The least amount of whites in any country.
>Even Africa was more European Jews than Japan has whites.
>I want to talk about bottom-of-the-barrel identity politics
>but it's the video game board
>I know, I'll throw in the word "games", that surely makes it on-topic!
obviously. if they had whites, then they'd soon have jews, and then they'd have somalis
beware the yuro, for his heart knows not when to say no
user there are a shit ton of Nigerians in Japan.
Wh*tes are degenerate. I fully welcome my future east asian overlords.
Leftism is destroying games. When the bugmen take their politics out of games, you will see a decline in political discussion on Yea Forums.
there aren't a shitton of any non japanese in japan user
Someone hasn't been to any bars recently
the sooner we import 200m chinese overseers the better
The vast majority of nigerians are concentrated in the roppongi district of tokyo. Outside of that they are extremely rare.
it's true that i haven't been to any bars in quite some time, but i don't get my demographic data from my personal experiences
if i used my undergrad experience to peg u.s. demographics, then it would be over 40% asian
I dont think you know what incel means
Don't forget they're also socialist, agnostic and also have some of the strictest gun laws in the world. Sounds like heaven for you people, am I right?
i want to die
really make you think
I've grown to hate whites more and more because I've realized that the common denominator for their shitty countries is, unsurprisingly, white people.
I don't understand this meme that socialism = welfare state. Is it an American thing?
not really
No whities in japan, no problems. Just genocide your country and kys from all colored people except yellows and also kill al the whites and u are set buddy!
>Japan is socialist
Is everyone on Yea Forums retarded or something?
yes, but i think it's been rubbing off on extremely online foreigners that spend more time around american propaganda than living in their own countries
imagine being called a socialist when you support private ownership of production, because you will levy taxes to ensure stupids don't starve to death
Worse, most of them are Americans.
Even American "leftists" are fucking morons spouting shit 90% of the time.
to be fair, if you talking to burgertards, they would agree it is. Like explain to them japans healthcare and say i want that in murrica too and watch
Why the fuck are there ANY Nigerians in Japan?
They also have declining birthrates, shitty work culture, extreme racism and xenophobia and frequent natural disasters due to their geographical location. But oh no, let's ignore all of this because their cartoons and video games have girls with big boobies in them XD
>goes to tourist area
>why the fuck there so many tourists
>They also have declining birthrates
Japan has higher birthrates than a significant proportion of Euro countries.
And this is WITHOUT being propped up by Muslims and blacks.
imagine being the average employee in japan
Like even wageslave would be underselling it
also reminder
there a fewer of them and so they are bound to die out faster
i know math is hard
now how about the death rates in comparison you fucking inbred dingleberry picker
the most famous Black celeb in Japan is Nigerian
Their prince owes them money.
why so many pinoy in japan
arent many blacks also muslims? And what about black haired people with a beard that arent muslim? U need to up your game to be a better fear monger bro! /pol/ can help
you work more hours than the japanese
you have been propagandized
Japan actually has a higher population than every single European country.
There might be more Europeans than there are Japanese, but there are more Japanese than there are Germans, more Japanese than there are British, more Japanese than there are French, more Japanese than there are Italians, etc. etc.
You could have just said "I don't know anything about Japan"
Japan will never accept you, faggot.
Japan has almost twice as many inhabitants as the most populated Euro country man.
Would you expect the most famous black celeb to be Japanese?
Yes, imagine.
must eat burger
A large chunk of English teachers are from there. Like the American weeb English teacher is the famous icon but a big percentage especially in real schools and not businessman dancing monkey are Philippians.
>actually believing this while having acess to internet
>not only that, they post some avarage working hours while being a wageslave in japan and the terrible conditions the avarage office worker has has nothing to do with their worked hours nor did i wrote such a thing
>on the top of that, they think i live in burgerland orr some shit
is /pol/ spilling over? Hey you redpillers if japan is so enlighted and good why u dont go there? Abe handing out the visas like candy! Dont forget to post how you covered in japanese bitches too btw.
true nationalisation requires culture, which is something mutts don't have
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
I'm not white dumbfuck, nor am I a /pol/tard.
Sorry m8, but anecdotal evidence means dick, post some actual statistics like I did or fuck off.
>The least amount of whites in any country.
Least amount of niggers you mean?
>I'm not white dumbfuck, nor am I a /pol/tard.
Then it's time for you to fucking die, LMAO.
And the Gays, Enola specifically, nuked Hiroshima.
Truly white people were a mistake
Literally what, you absolute fucking lunatic?
>He wasn't working he was just staying at the office voluntarily for 5 hours.
>We didn't fire him, we just reassigned him to a job (an empty room with no tasks) that he didn't find agreeable and left the company!
where you find deer you find deer ticks
I wouldn't call whites niggers personally but yea.
>>He wasn't working he was just staying at the office voluntarily for 5 hours.
The fact that you think this exact same shit doesn't happen in the US, especially when most salaried positions aren't paid overtime, tells me that you're a retarded NEET.
This is why there's no feminism and pozzery
The plane that dropped the bomb on Hiroshima
The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.
I'm a Euro tho. I don't give a fuck what happens in burgerstan.
This is either a poor attempt to bait (you)s or someone who is legitimately too retarded to even bother having a conversation with. And the best part is, regardless of which, it's people like OP that are why this board is such shit.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, nothing destroys societies like white women and faggots.
Rid the world of white women and white faggots and it will be an objectively better place.
you are tard enough to not able to google apparently
enjoy your suicide, staying overwork while not being filed and sucking dick in bars to get a 5 yen raise because of no tariffs, dirty nigger
well at least they did one good thing
You're actually a fucking ratfaced jew, because Americans and Europeans have given up their feud. The only enemy is you, the fucking jews.
Japan also has the highest suicide rate in the world so.......
>And the Gays, Enola specifically
>This is why there's no feminism
>there is no feminism in Japan
This is the dumbest shit I've heard all day. I really should be used to people on Yea Forums talking about Japan like they're straight out of the 1890s.
>non white and burger
double yikes
just kys bro
You're going to fucking die and get ground into the dirt when Joe Sixpack wakes up, so count your time on this faggot earth.
In other words, the exact same shit that happens in western countries.
Still waiting on those stats.
>Americans and Europeans have given up their feud.
Fuck off burger. We want your influence out of our god damn continent.
>their best games were in the 2D era
Really makes you think.
>They also have declining birthrates
Japan is extremely densely populated. It will decline but stabilize around 70 mllion.
>xenophobia and racism
There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to keep your culture, and not be a minority in your own land.