ITT: Post games that require 300 iq too play

ITT: Post games that require 300 iq too play

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You first OP

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Also 300 hours of waiting for the damn combo animation to stop,
I get it you know this standard combo, this shit takes like 10 seconds in every other fighting game, why do I have to watch the same shit over and over?

>this shit takes like 10 seconds in every other fighting game
Same with DBFZ. There is literally a system in place that forces a combo to end if 10 real-time seconds pass and it isn't over.

You don't need 300 iq to buy Bardock.

You do for kid goku and android 17


What's the least brain dead fighter out right now?

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more like 3 iq and cat-like reflexes

Shit meme

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Guilty Gear Rev2, UNIST, BBCF

UNIST is pretty big brain unless you're a filthy Akatsuki main like me

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300 IQ? The word you're looking for is "to". Here's your (you).

>too play

>got my ass kicked by khalil today
at least he was nice about it

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I like playing characters that tell a game's systems to fuck themselves in order to double down on their strengths/weaknesses. I actually like that ArcSys grapplers like Potemkin and Tager can't dash, because they give them armored approach options that can lead to nasty shit instead.

I'm also a proud Marvel 3 Hulk main.

It's coming

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FighterZ too if you play Hit, A18 and Videl

Zamasu, if you're talking about FighterZ.

>High IQ
Hit, Nappa, Ginyu, Zamasu, Fat Buu, 18, Krillin, & Jiren are the High IQ characters. Base Goku is the "not High IQ but you get respect for actually maining such unplayable trash for fun alone" character, formerly held by 17 but he got buffed into being a regular Low-Tier.

I just want more defensive options such as sparking being used to stop combos. HB or One touch KOs are annoying as fuck

I also want reflect to be more easily used. Half of the time I throw a ki blast because even though I pressed the input if the opponent switches side in the last second it does that shit. Either that or it won't come out at all.

Asscreed mp

>marvel 3 hulk main

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Nice joke, Fighters are just very advanced rock-paper-scissors. Only things like Chess have claims to intellectual merit

I'd pick up fighterZ in a heartbeat if they removed superdash and added pushblock also make zoning more viable

Frieza is actually pretty good at zoning now.
There's nothing wrong with superdashes. Literally 2H.

Chess is also advanced rock paper scissors if you're going by that logic

I'd body you so hard and played hulk on my third stringers. Hulk/sentinel/Doom, though.

I just want marvel 3 with DBZ characters

I used all my tools, I lab my characters to hell and back, but I'd be lying if I said super armor isn't my favorite thing in video games. Hulk/Dormammu/Sentinel, Nemesis/Wesker/Hawkeye, Nova/Haggar/Akuma. Currently in DBFZ I run Broly/Jiren/GTku & Zamasu/Cooler or Tien or Nappa/Gotenks. Zamasu & Gotenks have some of the tightest synergy in the game by a mile but I can't find a consistent Mid I like for them.

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Imagine if the most influential Chess moment in history was just a guy memorizing a few seconds of a rhythm game

You very likely would. I'm more of a lab monster than a strong player, but I enjoy learning from losses. Hulk/Sent feels so good in 3. I tried not to run Doom in my Top 3 teams for variety's sake but I did lab out some stuff with him and Spidey for a while and built a MODOK/Doom/Hawkeye team once that was a lot of fun to figure out.

>Imagine if the most influential Chess moment in history was just a guy memorizing a few seconds of a rhythm game
Do it. Right now.

That moment boils down to:
>Daigo was down in that round, but was building a bit of momentum
>Daigo anticipates a hail mary from Justin at that moment
>Daigo recalls the correct counter-play for that move that gives him the win
People assuming that fighting games are 100% execution and combos is getting really old. You can do the most basic bitch combos in the game, or just play footsies, and still win if your fundamentals are rock-solid. Optimization only matters when both players are on a high level, since it minimizes the number of correct guesses.

>memorizing a few seconds of a rhythm game
jesus christ he doesn't know

You just have to realize that people are THAT BAD to think combos and execution are 100% of what fighting games are made of. They have no idea about the process of actually getting close to a person and prying them open and how that's a whole fucking ordeal in and of itself.
That's why you got so many clueless people never leaving training mode and complaining how they didn't get to do the combo they spent days on perfecting on someone who could just hold down back.

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Mfw my fundamentals are pretty good, my combo game is trash. I'll often lose with a sliver of health on both sides because I'll do really low damage combos.

I'm just way too lazy to lab and I'll try to learn combos on the go. Anyone else this way?

I'm just extremely confident in the mirror. Only hulk I ever lost to was KBR and even then I was almost even. Hulk without doom feels horrible unless you do the smart thing and use his best friend bagger. But fuck playing hagger.

Nope. My conversion, adjustment, and combo game is good while my fundamentals are around the upper end of average. But I'll just chalk that up to playing more than most but I won't ever say it's really "good"

That's me. My fundamentals are great but I'll be arsed if I want to pull off a high level combo. This has been happening to me in a lot of different fighting games. I hope to one day improve my combo game to a satisfactory level.

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Interesting. I admit a large majority of my time in Marvel 3 was labbing, and even then I got hundreds of hours in outside the lab (1000+ in it alone though). Something about that game just makes teambuilding a joy. I spent so many evenings just working out synergy between characters and cleaning up combos with existing teams. I had bad execution which is probably why I spent so much time but every time an idea of mine worked it felt great.

That Nova/Haggar/Akuma team gels so well, it's amazing that I don't think think any 2-character shell from it was common in the meta. Their assists and DHCs click so perfectly. I also found that Zero & Strange had a lot of potential as a shell; I imagine there would've one day been a Zero/Strange/Vergil player make waves if the meta kept going.

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Haven't played a SF game in decades, what was the Ken player doing to avoid taking any damage at all during that onslaught at the end?

Tekken 7

Parry, you press forward when an opponent hits. The timing is pretty tight so if you do it wrong you get fucked.

For every single blow of the combo? If so that's fucking crazy skills, especially under that pressure.

>Hulk/sentinel/Doom, though.
lol, tierwhore

Hulk and Sent are Upper-Mid at best, I'd consider Sent solidly Mid. They just synergize perfectly to make Hulk have scary neutral on top of his scary damage. I'm not him but I imagine Doom only improves on that and gives him a bit of lockdown as well for the sake of mixups.

Is base goku that bad? I like the kaioken gimmick

>Hulk and Sent are Upper-Mid at best, I'd consider Sent solidly Mid.

Cap is solidly Mid. Sentinel is high tier, with his range, assists and damage output. He's not as OP as he used to be in MvC3 though.

>mfw combo monster and excellent fundamentals in 2D 3D and platform but literally can't frame data
I can copy a combo just by looking at a streamer do it once but everytime someone starts with their +3 -2 +9 -16 dickeroos my brain straight up melts

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He's on the lower end. He has no meterless skd so oki shit is gone. His loops are gone so his damage is mediocre. also he has no easy access to a solo level 3 unless you charge your spirit bomb which sacrifices pressure. However,He has a really good autocombo, good assist and kaioken can get some people if they aren't paying attention.

The main problem with Base Goku, you have to create a team based on him rather then him being an addition to a team.

He has absolutely no mixups, his neutral is marginally weaker than most of the other Gokus, he has no time to build up the handheld Spirit Bomb in most situations, his pressure depends on assists to even exist but Kaioken and Spirit Bomb seem to imply he should be in the back. On top of that he had some decent combo routes that did good damage that were patched out in Season 2 (super jump shoulder barge loops gone, 2SSS into autocombo gone in exchange for it giving an SKD that Baseku is bad at capitalizing on in the first place).

Characters that get easy Lv.3 Spirit Bomb confirms and a very underrated assist (Top 10 in a vacuum at least) are the only reasons to use him outside of fun factor. He was Bottom 3 from his release and he somehow got gutted further, plus GT Goku does some of his gimmicks way better while having decent neutral AND good mixups.

>tfw you're good at reading and conditioning opponents but your manual input is shit
Don't get me wrong, I can learn combos and shit but it simply takes lot of time

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These people don't play DBFZ above the yellow square level user. They just want to knock the game for kappa cool points.

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Sent's long-range options leave him open, he mostly shines in mid-range unless he burns resources on Hyper Sentinel Force xx X-Factor. He also only has good damage off of really optimal high-resource combos with Fly-Unfly and Hard Drive loops. That's not even getting into the hilariously easy and effective fuzzy setups against him due to his size. If not for assist Drones he wouldn't be even half as common as he was in 3's meta. Maybe if he kept Vanilla launch health values (1.3 Million, higher than Thor) then he would be that good, since his options on a character that can tank most ToDs would be really strong.

What are the most brain dead ezpz plug and play characters you've encountered in a game?

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Mai from Blazblue was probably made for the manga only secondaries.

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Eddy, ever since tekken 3 you can get a fair match if you tell people to mash, gets pretty boring when they mash the same three things and two stances so you keep launch punishing them

Arcana Hearts 3.

>Bardock is more unga than the super armored heavy grappler, Broly
>Broly is a better zoner than Frieza
I feel like they missed a couple marks on the design here.

He's got flaws, it doesn't make him mid tier. Compare him to Hulk who's mid/upper-mid at best. Without assists he can't do shit nor get close enough, Sentinel actually can keep up with most of the characters due to his big-ass hit boxes and air dash.

Meanwhile Beerus’ gimmick simply doesn’t work in the game he’s in.

I personally tried dorm hulk and it never felt good. Played a lot of wolverine sentinel akuma and loved it, same with the million ryu teams I made trying to get him to work.

Holy shit, sentinel is unironically one of the most overrated characters in that game. I played him in CotA, MvC2, and both versions of 3 and he was NEVER good. He can't do jump L into H unless he is in super jump state, for fucks sake.

They somehow managed to make a character that is easier to play than Katarina. He is literally made for newcomers from Final Fantasy that have never played a fighting game before.
Speaking of Final Fantasy, Cloud in Smash 4 was the definition of plug and play. Does fucking Square demand their characters to be easy to play or something?

I think the draw for me was that Hulk & Dorm benefited greatly from Drones for opposite reasons. I had my Hulk BnB with Dark Hole to be second nature, and my Dorm/Sent chip setups were nasty. I also liked situational TAC combos where I abused the fact that Dorm teleported to the floor whenever he cast his charged spell. Hulk BnB into TAC into meteors into Dark Hole into knockdown into either Level 3 to BURN TO CINDERS or just BURN TO CINDERS into SMASH YOU. Also, Gamma Quake to Stalking Flare was an underrated chip setup.

>SSJ3 pink square
>cannot even do a basic BnB
Why am I so good at this game?

I absolutely agree with you. I main Phoenix

Tekken 7

>added pushblock
It's called reflect.

Fighting games are literally just chess with reflexes

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>Frieza is actually pretty good at zoning now.
As is Broly

(by the way are we talking about fighting games generally?)

rank and square literally mean shit in this game

Akatsuki is pretty braindead, as is SFV Bison.
Doesn't stop me from maining them though

Sort of. I'm a pink square Super Saiyan God. I get completely jobbed by anyone higher than Living Legend, but I remember recently I got thrashed by a Supreme Kai. Though I wouldn't be surprised if that was a smurf.

Pokken unironically has a shit ton of mechanical depth due to the whole phase shift system and a more complex height system compared to other fighting games. It's also highly neutral and fundamentals heavy as well

So i'd say at high levels of Play Pokken is probably one of the more demanding fighters on the market right now, but it's also really approachable at a low level, so it depends what you mean by "least brain dead

Funny cause actual chess at this point is more about memorizing openings than it is about skill or understanding of the game.


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seems like you are far from 300...

Tekken 7. However it is still a lot more brain dead than previous entries in the series.

but I thought you hated DBFZ because Kappa liked it?

If the orbs lasted longer. If the orbs would stay even when blocking. If the orbs couldnt be dashed through. If the orbs would stun harder.
Just 2 of these "ifs" would make his fucking orbs useful and fun to use

Vanilla MvC3 Sentinel. Armor on a lot of his best moves and his bread and butter combo was easy to confirm, was pretty much idiot-proof and did high damage. with x-factor his 5H and 2H combo into each other and did ridiculous damage plus they were full screen.
Not even bringing up balance or whether or not he deserved to get as many nerfs as he did, there's no denying that character was easy as fuck to play.