just got this while it was 75% off, what do I think of it?
Just got this while it was 75% off, what do I think of it?
Great game that ends way too abruptly and needed another hub.
Good side missions dogshit main stories. Hopefully the third game goes the route of copying cyberpunk 2077
Whoa guns and cyborgs cool! What? No, I don't have any understanding of how the world has been strangled by corrupt wealthy politicians and how I've been a pawn in their grand scheme. As long as I have iPhone, I'm happy :)
This, honestly. I liked it more than the first, gameplay wise, and the game got a bad wrap with squeenix doing the DLC mircotransaction bullshit with it.
I've played it for a couple of hours during a free weekend and really liked what I played of it, but I've heard that the game isn't finished, that there will be a point when it just falls off. I'm never made it to that point so I only have fond opinions of it.
methinks doth protest too much
Awesome game.
One of the few games that I'm trying to get the platinum without getting bored.
The story may end abruptly, but the gameplay is simply awesome
>third game
>third game
user, I...
Is it going to be the new HL3?
I just started playing the first deus ex and after some shitty setup (keybinds, third-party executable for resolution/renderer fix, and more keybinds) I am really liking it. I'm going extremely slow (still on the first mission) since I'm trying to sneaky non-lethal it on hard.
Are you using any mods?
nope, planning on just going vanilla first time around.
Nice, enjoy it, I recently played it for the first time as well and only installed GMDX because of some performance issues, but I tried to keep it as vanilla as possible and had a blast.
good shit. Loved seeing JC's reflection in the mirrors in the first level, he's a slick looking guy
>third game
Well this hurts.
i have it still haven't played it. based off of what I've seen of cut scenes on youtube; it looks ok
Yeah he looks good for a 23 year old.
You fuckers bitching about fucking nothing cost the world the conclusion to the series.
he's only 23? Damn, his good looks must be augmented.
Yeah he's 13 years younger than Jensen is in MD
The ending really isn't as bad as it's made out to be, it's not good but it's not completely unnatural as you see described.
Great atmosphere + music + gameplay, too short
The third game was Human Revolution.
wow cool future!
great game suffering from publisher nearsightedness.
Yeah, Square would probably be even worse than EA if not for DQ and NieR
Wish it was more about conspiracies. Main story was really weak. Prague and the story it tells of augment oppression is wonderfully done, map is so much fun to explore. Palisade Bank is one of the most well designed levels in any video game.
Good game but clearly a middle game in a trilogy mostly setting up the third jensen game.
Thanks to SE you won't let it happen again...
I don't see why. SE said something about wanting to do another. Why throw away a recognizable IP?
It got put to sleep temporarily because of how badly MD did even though that was completely the fault of SE.
You love the shit out of the hub, level design, and side missions, but you are left underwhelmed by the main story.
What do you want to see in a hypothetical third Deus Ex game?
And EA said they wanted to do another Dead Space with Visceral and look where we are now. These PR talk are just to keep the sales of the current games going. People get turned off knowing it's a dead franchise. Especially when their latest game entry ends with sequel bait.
More conspiracy theory stuff. I know MD was setting up a bunch of stuff from the original Deus Ex more than Human Revolution, and I want them to go all out including conspiracies from the present, except for exceedingly dumb shit like flat earth.
Any sequel to MD was basically doomed to failure. It ended with "we gotta stop Page and Manderley!" but we know they don't.
Was HR and MD implying that Adam's dna was used to make physiopharmaceutical augmentation, the kind the MiB have in DX?
Depends on if you did all the side content because there's 75% side content with 25% main game
most all of the side content is pretty based so you can completely play through the game while missing the best parts
Better designed city hubs without the constant train travelling, lots of answers to the story, less interpol stuff
I don't remember that but his genes were used to make grey death from the first game, we will probably end up joining the illuminati somehow.
I'd like to see Adam becoming a full fledged member of Juggernaut Collective, Janus using them as a patsy to make a power play in the Illuminati, only to get outplayed by Everett/Page. Jensen joins what becomes the loose alliance of the NSF/Silhouette/Luminous Path Triad, with it ending in him being killed by Paul Denton.
>I don't remember that but his genes were used to make grey death from the first game
Oh so he can't be behind the MiB then, since the Gray Death is the nano augmentation that is in JC/Paul/Simons/Page.
Not as great overall as Human Revolution.
They obviously cut this one short to sell the rest of the game as DLC.
Still fun though for what it is. Killed the possibility of a sequel unfortunately.
>all those females with used condoms around their beds in Golem city
gotta get that Neuropozyne somehow.
Yeah i'm thinking hes probably their ancestor.
Pretty sure we will kill Janus since Adam is most likely a sleeper agent for the illuminati after they cloned him.
According to Warren they originally were going to straight up make JC/Paul descendants of Jesus but they scrapped that idea. JC does stand for Jesus Christ though.
>JC does stand for Jesus Christ though.
The best part is where that came from. Warren said that the initial impetus for the name JC Denton came from Warren Spector having an apparently extremely-nice friend named Bradley Denton who was just so helpful that he led to Spector frequently jokingly groan "Jesus Christ, Denton" at him.
>that one side mission with the fake ID's
>can only pick one person to stay in prague
>pick the old guy with his grand kids
>the woman gets to deported to Golem City
>see her later like this
Are we playing the real jensen or the clone in MD? I'm leaning towards the clone honestly.
Didn't the real Jensen die before HR?
I'm pretty sure that was only if sales were good.
We don't know but you can find your clone/real body in MD
I was actually at a non-video gaming related industry talk focused on how the real difference between successful tech start-ups and non-successful start-ups is all in the marketing and business side. Companies with near-identical products and what will determine one collapsing and the other making a trillion dollars is the people responsible for sales not being totally fucking retarded. This sounds like what happened here.
Yeah I believe that. I still have some hope for after Eidos finishes whatever Marvel game they're making. DE, DE:HR, and DE:MD are my favorite non-Max Payne franchise games ever.
Nah, there's another Jensen in the VersaLife vault in Prague, leading some people to assume you're the Jensen clone, and the real Jensen's blood is still used to make Neuropozyne and stuff.
Anyone else feel sorry for Sarif? Guy only wanted to what he thought would help humanity, and instead he sees his mentor betray their ideals, his vision of a glorious future go up in flames, and a company he built from nothing get dismembered. And he even though he knows what's up, he can't do anything because he's effectively disgraced in almost every way, so if he tries to rock the boat again, he'll just be bumped off by the Illuminati.
The fact that we see a Adam corpse in the bank and that Sariff told Adam that all his prosthetics were different pretty much confirms it.
The fruit flies were too much for him to handle.
i wanted to pick up this game, should i buy the complete edition or is just the base game fine?
He didn't actually confirm that they are different just that no one who found him bothered to trace his augs. Tai Jong Medical fucked with his augs for sure at least.
he still used jensen as a guinea pig using the accident as a excuse to put as much shit in adam as he could knowing Megan's discovery. he even raplaced shit not needed to be replaced.
Is there an actual skin condition that causes a darkening like this? Both Tracer Tong and his dad have it.
There's also that cutscene conversation with Janus where you listen to an audio track of Page talking with Megan and he says something about "storing a backup to the gene code" or something. Gives the impression it was the source of the code they're using.
It's called a wine spot I think.
Hyperpigmentation, it's basically the opposite of vitiligo.
Trying bad human augments. He envied people that adjusted to augments well, and he wasn't one of them. He particularly didn't like Adam, but he wanted his son Tracer, back. He was a Triad boss that could have gained more power through implants but his body was incapable of accepting most implants.
port-wine stains are a form of hyperpigmentation caused by malformed capillaries.
>human revolution had very spartan rooms and decoration
>a room was usually just a table with a pc, some chairs and boxes
>skip to mankind divided
>next gen eye rape with every room filled to the brink with shit and details
MD was the first game to give me a headache from playing, there is so much shit on the screen at any time.
Game could function as a walking sim art house thing but is terrible as an action game.
was HR jensen a lab grown baby or a real one that got experiemented on?
It has to be genetic because his son gets them too later in life and as far as I know Tracer has no augments.
>art director left
>paul killing adam
For what purpose
Adam was actually the one who caused the car accident
He is like 5 years old during MD.
please respond bros
I even saw him in Trier when I played Invisible War. I didn't give a shit about the game mechanics of IW. The narrative was what I was after. I hate deadlines when it comes to games.
I chose Omar no fucks given.
A real one that got experimented on after birth.
>not choosing the collective ending
We finally achieved perfection, every human mind linked
I'd say the complete edition, because it's so cheap now.
it's 50 CAD for me on steam, is it cheaper elsewhere?
the DLC's are good so get complete.
I gotta say, Paul looks real good for a guy at 54
Paul Denton was born in 2018, so he is 11 y.o. at that time.
Still this idea is retarded.
It was MIB btw
Get it on the summersale next month . the game goes for like 5 bucks or something on every sale
>Paul Denton was born in 2018, so he is 11 y.o. at that time.
>Paul and JC's foster parents were killed when Paul was 17
That's an awful ending. Survive no matter the cost. It's a difference of philosophy I guess.
I didn't like their means. Strangely enough, I liked their ends.
The collective mind to me, is nothing more than slavery. Highly vulnerable. Omar means that we choose our own path, capable of surviving what would kill others.
So is Paul a zoomer?
Does anyone else find it's wierd that Majestic 12 was made up of mostly nobodies? Sure there's Simons, Page, and Chow. But there's also just 2 augs working for UNATCO, a tech guy, a scientist who disapproves of their methods, and Page's yes-man.
>The collective mind to me, is nothing more than slavery.
It means no rulers, no masters. We reach consensus through our interlinking minds so that the system works.
Internet culture changes so fast now he’ll probably be a part of a group that Zoomers think are obnoxious.
Whoa damn, really? I must've seen it on a winter sale or something where it was down to like $15.
You kill the guy who did that in Area 51. Bob mocks you with the knowledge while he comes up a lift shaft with a pair of MJ12 troops. Astute players don't even face him, just drop a LAM down on him before he even sees you.
imagine the smell
We wanted games to have hyper-developed levels of self-awareness and devs are just too dumb to do that.
I'm leaving it up to the Polish, and Cyberpunk 2077 to give it a shot. No shill, but we got jacked by politics quicker than a black bear climbing up a tree.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt to leave politics out of what they're doing. Human augmentation is a real issue that we're going to confront in our lifetimes. This madness is ours.
It's story has the typical problems of being 'the second part of an unplanned trilogy' where the latter two parts only exist because of the success of the first and were never planned out that way. The second part of too busy setting up the third to have a conclusive story. HR can stand on its own. MD cannot stand on its own without the final part, which may never happen anymore.
Gameplay is great though.
Not really when you consider that it was a revolution from within the Illuminati by guys who weren't the big leaders.
Probably smells like my kitchen sink before I poured bleach down it. I pissed down it for weeks.
>it's sterile
I dare you to think that. I don't do it any more because it becomes fucking rank. It's not sterile at all and you're pissing cells from your body down there. Bacteria can live off anything nearly.
I totally thought installing the chip that lets you turn on all your augs was going to backfire in some way like getting the injection in HR. It felt kinda weird that it just makes you super OP and that's the end of it.
Dont you have a toilet?
so it's almost guaranteed jensen will end up joining the illuminati somehow?
The consensus would be self-death. I don't trust the rest of humanity to make decisions. Especially not when an AI is the overseer. The overseeing AI could go rogue at any point and well, who would repair it? Itself?
The AI would think itself perfect. It's a horror scenario. Ask any AI what it thinks of itself. It always thinks it's awesome and you're an asshole fucking with it.
The sink was closer and I'm a guy. I didn't say I was proud of it. Take a while living by yourself and see how quickly that becomes a thing.
>The consensus would be self-death. I don't trust the rest of humanity to make decisions.
Do you not understand how it works. Everyone, including you, process every option until something is reached that everyone can agree on.
It sounds horrifying. Nobody has an independent decision. You are simply forced to follow the decision of the one. No independence.
Only weak people, that hate their own strength of character would want this.
>Take a while living by yourself and see how quickly that becomes a thing.
Not that guy, but I have a sink in my bedroom and still piss in the toilet in the bathroom.
>You are simply forced to follow the decision of the one. No independence.
It's just as close. I had a time alright? Before I had a girlfriend I was a fucking animal.
>eh, no flush it's better
I only got a girlfriend after my younger sister came over and told me I was behaving like a complete fucking animal.
>Well it's a two-sink bathroom
Eh, it was a thing.
I've lived on my own for 6 years now and never pissed in the sink. then again my toilet is closer than my sink I guess.
does adam have a dick?
I still think the Omar are the better decision. The final cutscene to me, makes me think that they'd survive. Humanity, would survive. What it was in the end, would not matter.
I mean if survival is all you want then there's the templars.
No but i do OwO
What the fuck am I reading.
Did I say something wrong? We are getting a third game right? Right?
I don't think they would. They would turn on each-other for being less pure than others as time moved on. Religious purists are like that. Or just any purists. It's why I don't trust ANTIFA or any extremist group at all. They expose each other for their humanity and demonize them.
They're completely psychotic and fail to see their hypocrisy. NO SEX OR HAPPINESS FOR ANYBODY UNLESS I GET IT. It's just a bunch of angry people on both sides not getting any.
Yeah but that means eventually they'll wipe themselves out and aren't humanity's problem anymore. Better chance of survival than nuclear war.
fantastic ambient music
fantastic graphics
fantastic side content and hidden/searchable content
main story is interesting until it becomes solely about the main big bad
breach mode is completely pointless
We are just not anytime soon since SE wants marvel games.
Why would the Omar lead to nuclear war? They see it as something that might happen. It's where they remove your brain where I get irritated about it. The human brain is still a far better computer and the Omar should respect it.
I like the Omar because they're cold, calculating and don't give a shit about the other voices. Their idea of the perfect society is none. They believe that the other powers will eventually destroy each other and their best course of action is to adapt and survive. I can't argue with that.
>Why would the Omar lead to nuclear war?
Isn't that explicitly what it shows in the future with the ending?
Sure but, they see that as a eventuality, rather than something they would cause personally.
MD was great.
I thought vanilla Deus Ex had no difficulty select
Fantastic game.
I had the choice of 4 difficulties when starting a new game, and I don't think it was part of the third-party executable.
Unironically almost as good as the first one.
At least until 2/3 of the way through the story, where it suddenly ends because they thought they were going to do episodic content, but that got shelved when the preorder/day one beta-tester cucks rightfully raged at that and smart people waited for the deep discounts, thus killing future content.
It also didn't show the rest of the world. Hell that guy could have been on the Sahara Desert for all we know. Before any sort of conflict, even if it did happen. The Omar are the representation of pure survival for humanity, no matter what.
Also get your fucking discount.
just use lethal shit
the game flows a million times better when you stop giving a fuck and not waste a million years tranqing each guard and waiting for their hp to tick-down
it's more fun that way anyways
It had many difficulties
my experience with other games that give you this kind of freedom is really bad in that regard because you always find the most expedient way to kill things and abuse it as much as possible, disregarding all the other fun or interesting shit you could be doing. At least this way you have to get pretty up close and personal at least for some things and keep stealthy.
I'll stick with it for a while but if it really bogs down the game I won't have any scruples about changing it up.
This, Deus Ex 1 plays much better as lethal and it fits the character too, bionic legs with GEP gun maxed was extremely fun.
Jensen is much more about justice and stuff so playing lethal feels out of place.
I still need to get back to finishing Invisible War so I can start HRDC then Mankind. Not touched it in a couple months, was on the third hub. The game is so fucking formulaic with its level/quest design it hurts.
There's always an obvious vent route, a hack route, and a talking route, and there'll always be someone to give you a counter-offer to the quest in the middle of it.
Thinking about replaying Deus Ex 1, any of the overhaul mods any good?
Revision is a good overhaul mod if you don't actually want an overhaul mod but want to replay the game anyway. Adds some neat visuals but so much stuff is just the same that you're pretty much playing Vanilla+.
Playing lethal is frustrating as fuck on PC since you have to rely on mouse acceleration and cover system while fighting.
But playing peacefully makes you dump 2/3 of weapons.
Compare it to original and how smoothly your aim moves, resulting in total one-man-army massacres .
Gameplay in the first one is way better for sure but I love the new games too, even having the option to melee stuff is neat.
Stun pistol in MD felt amazing though.
Deus Ex
>full heavy weapons or melee
>10mm pistol with armor piercing mod
>full non-lethal
>only use tranquilizers on dogs because I find it hard to kill even virtual dogs
>tfw they still make that horrible dying dog sound
>tfw you point on them and it says "corpse"
Fuck you Eidos
I liked it a bit better than HR although I wished they'd ditch the stupid third-person cover stuff, stupid third-person takedown animations and the dumb augs (ie context sensitive wall punch, third-person ICARUS, fucking torso-gun etc.) in favor of some of the original game's augs, but other than that Prague was nice but overall the game lacked some globetrotting and would've benefitted from at least 2-3 hubs, and the plot felt somewhat rambling even when amplified by the (usually better) side missions. So that's about what you'd think if you were me.
seems like the dose is optimized for humans, probably too much for a dog's body and they're legitimately supposed to be dead
real life equivalent of tranqs are incredibly hard to balance without killing someone
>not candy bars exclusively
It was easier this way anyway
This is true, but still you would expect a way to not kill doggos
Love the fact that they had irobot before it existed in real life though, it's even funnier that if you step on them they turn enemy (red crosshair)
>and needed another hub.
Nonlethal with the NSF, lethal once they're out of the picture.
I liked HR more. It felt like a finished, polished game unlike MD. AI of enemies is kinda fucky in MD: some of them didn't see me being right in their face for several seconds, some detected me through a small crack between crates in a millisecond. AI in general feels way dumber than in HR. Dialogues feel worse somehow, too.
Game looks great but overall felt like a 7/10 at best.
Good taste
Paul pls
It's kinda wierd how inconsequential the NSF are in the end considering they're a huge part of the game's backstory.
I just feel that the NSF are people backed into a corner with no way out and thus I believe that on some level can be negotiated with. You can't negotiate with the forces of Bob Page.
Since it's almost the same, what's the consensus on Dishonored 2?
Liked the first one but heard mixed things about the second, mostly relating to performance which I hope has been fixed at this point.
I felt the same about ARC too.
it's called REVITILIGO and it's the opposite of what Michael Jackson had, it's a curse, a terrible affliction of the WHITE man
Huh, it's 85% off on psn. Hope there's a similar sale on steam soon.
I just bought it a few days ago and am also playing it for the first time, pure vanilla. I'm passed the Liberty island intro mission and am doing the NSF generator mission and secondary shit around the city, currently. I got sick of nonlethal and stealth after not getting one hit stealth knockouts I should have been getting. Frees up my inv for more guns and cool shit, and it's less of a slog to clean out a level. Plus, the combat music is kino
great design but why not .44
thanks, I'd definitely be willing to switch to regular combat to try out more things. We will see though, I might like being a sneaky prickly boy the whole game
I got it 90% off a couple years ago and still never played it. Probably never will.
Someone could ask why even add a slightly stronger, non-silenced pistol into the game where are numerous better options when you go loud and lethal
yea exactly, like using the anti material rifle (or whatever it was) blindfire around corners.
I can agree with that, but HR was a bit too much of a shock coming from the original that I'd recently replayed for the fifth or so time, after first putting it off expecting it to be shit, then finally being convinced by people on here that it was at least worth playing and had its moments. By the time MD came around I wasn't expecting much above and beyond HR and was more pleasantly surprised compared with first playing HR since I already knew it had these (massive) caveats.
playing it right now. Prague has some cool locales but the streets are starting to wear on me only a couple hours in. I've done some cool side missions but there is nothing about the main story that is pushing me forward so it's been a very slow burn thus far.
I'm also incredibly annoyed about the fake czech accent. If you've ever heard a czech person speak english, you know very well that this isn't it. not to mention small grammatical errors written in czech all around, as if they couldn't fly in a random czech guy and have them spell check shit for two days.
Some characters sound swedish.
I love Eliza!
I should have added that a real czech accent is pretty unpleasant to listen to so they should have just gotten native speakers do a standard american accent and call it a day. it would be way less distracting. any weird accent wears the player out in a dialogue-heavy game.
>couple hours in
So you're almost done with the game.
>just noticed he has white people hair so he may actually be telling the truth
>tfw somehow got 40 hours out of MD
>This, Deus Ex 1 plays much better as lethal and it fits the character too, bionic legs with GEP gun maxed was extremely fun.
Depends if you listen to your brother and actually pay attention to the game world or not, which is left entirely up to the player.. I always figured augmentations and plentiful weaponry tend to negate the need to use lethal force whenever possible, the player can literally be bulletproof, explosive-proof even, insivible, superspeed etc. if that's where they spend their bio-energy. JC is only up against irredeemable threats in a few situations in the game, less if you use at least a modicum of stealth which does fit the character well.
>Jensen is much more about justice and stuff so playing lethal feels out of place.
How so? JC is a UNATCO agent (etc.) who is literally reminded by his brother in the first dialogue of the game that he should remember that he's police ie don't use excessive force, whereas Jensen literally starts off as a private security contractor for a major biotech firm, basically a merc except he also does office xmas parties. Who was a SWAT-cop in a previous life, so less about upholding the law and more about breach protocol and aiming for center mass. Lethal feels somewhat out of place for both characters, but in DX more so than HR imo. Especially considering even the stupid "non-lethal takedowns" involve literally breaking someone's spine in half or nominally breaking necks for no reason whereas in DX it's either a taser, sleeping dart or baton knockout blow to the head/neck/upper back.
There's a lot of moments in HR where going lethal feels out of place.
>murder your way through an entire building only to peacefully talk to a guy
It's kind of lackluster, and this is coming from someone who counts Human Revolution among his favorite games ever.
That's not what they meant.
It's all the sidequests bro.
Yeah I did all of them, travelling around prague was horrible compared to detroit and china in HR.
Detroit and Hengsha were god-tier hubs as far as I'm concerned, too bad they didn't get to do Upper Hengsha.
it's great despite the story ending quite abruptly
Well that's just the classic videogames syndrome of "slaughter an army of minions to get to the boss then spare them because you're better than that apparently and also they have 150 lines of dialogue" that the original DX was incidentally subverting by being able to spare pretty much anyone save for the few people who will do everything in their power to kill you. In terms of being in places with lots of innocents and redeemable hostiles (and everything in between) as opposed to existential threats to your life, all games are probably about the same.
When it comes to the player character however, Adam is probably defined less as a non-lethal type than JC if only for the fact he has confirmed kills from during his SWAT days (iirc) and working for a megacorp, as opposed to JC fresh off the academy and told by his equally augmented brother to remember proportional force and stealth/wits is preferable. Of course JC is much more of a self-insert blank slate than Adam but not so much that the player isn't assuming the role of a bionicman agent who is explicitly set apart from largely robotic killing machines such as Gunther and Anna by the lore, plot and dialogue.