Pay tons of money for exclusives

>pay tons of money for exclusives
>can't keep them on your store for the big sale

How did they fuck up this badly?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Its cause Bloodborne was leaked on the store so they had to take the store down for a bit to remove it

When 99% of your employees are working in Fortnite, this is expected to happen. Ubisoft now will ask for more upfront cash and guaranteed sales for less time.

Prease understandu, making sare bery hardu

>say you're pro dev/publisher
>customers say fuck you
>say you're finally going to be pro-costumer
>publishers say fuck you

What went wrong Yea Forums?

They took the "have sex" meme too seriously.

>something leaks
>shut down the store entirely
jesus christ why is Tim so retarded?
how can people trust their credit card information with this autist who does shit like this?

>try to be pro-publisher in the one single way which fucks over consumers the hardest (buying exclusives)
>try to be pro-consumer in the one single way which fucks over publishers the hardest (changing prices with no warning)
They could have just been a normal store instead of burning every fucking bridge they could find.

Is it really just incompetence though? Or are these Chinese business practices that they thought they could get away with using in the West?

lmao EGS such an embarrassing garbage holyshit Tim get your shit together

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>have trillions of dollars in fortnitebux
>can't implement a system of having some games not be on sale during a sale

legit question for le epicshills. From what i know as a gamer no one and i mean NO ONE cared about how the devs feel about muh 30% because all we wanted was quality games from them. ever since epic posted the meme chart every one of you chink dick suckers started caring. All i wanna know is do you actually care? or you guys just hate valve?

Wait fucking really?


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Is there a forum of adamant epic store defenders? I need to see what it looks like

vtmb2 was literally $5 in some regions

It’s pretty obvious that’s all they have.

No, it was a shitposter on here this morning


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Can someone explain to me what happened?

I thought Epic was suddenly becoming good because of the sale? Why is everybody shitting on them again?

No, how gullible are you?

How Jewish do you have to be where you can’t even be in the same store as another game on sale

its most likely fake
Epic shills love to fake exclusives all the time

It doesn't seem that impossible with David cage games on epic and the serious reply made it seem real. Fuck I'm tired.

They fucked up their sale and had to pull games off the store because they don’t know how to only have certain games on sale.

shut the fuck up retard, sony funded the game

Pretty sure Sony owns the IP dood

Let's get this rolling

Post yfw you're not an epicdrone

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It was a "EVERYTHING" on the store sale. Some games like Vampires Bloodlines 2 were on sale for a decent discount, and people in poor countries were buying them up dirt dirt cheap because of Epic's 10 dollars free. So instead of excluding them, they pulled it from the store. Hades, a game that was 14.99 was basically 5 dollars but then they raised the game to 24.99 this sale. Apparently its because they've updated the game and now the price reflects what you are now getting. Totally not because of the sale

The Quantic Dream stuff came over because Sony withdrew their buyout offer to QD last year following that sexual harassment scandal, with QD subsequently getting bought out by NetEase, one of the other big Chinese tech giants. They then licensed their games for a PC release from Sony since QD were going multiplat in the future anyway and console gaming is irrelevant in China. Epic have nothing to do with those ports, they just swooped in and provided the bribe money to make store-exclusive for a year and look like they were involved.

Sony still work with From from time to time, see Deracine. Get to bed senpai.


QD just got money from NetEase, like Bungie. That is more like a partnership or investment to make mobile/PC games for China

>the serious reply made it seem real
that's marketing 101
make it seem like its real by having others agree

The Swine is butchered
How will they recover now?
They're not going to have fartknight forever, you know

>tfw game dev
>our game is on the epic store as an exclusive

>this happens.

We hate steam but this isn't turning out too good for epic.

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>I thought Epic was suddenly becoming good because of the sale
No? They're still jews, but this time they're pretending to be on your side

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>We hate steam
Who's "we"?

So they do with Journey and those Quantic Dream games.

Just in case someone falls for it, its LARP bait

>read this post
>sweat profusely
>check recent tweets about Bloodborne
>check all relevant places
>check the archives
>it's just an edited (?) screencap
>check out fucking leddit
>only get this which is literally the same screencap posted here

Fuck you Yea Forums.
Actually made my heart skip a bit.

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Mouse in his pocket.

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Reminder that this isn't Epic's fuck up.

The publishers are being greedy fucks again.
Epic are the good guys this time around.

Epic couldn't even bother to ask the devs they care "so" much about if they wanted their games to go on sale.

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Yeah, and of course people will shit on your opinion here.
Most of these people want to meme rather than have a real discussion. Where do you think we are?

>we hate steam, so we're gonna go to a store that's even worse

Karma's a bitch, ain't it?

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you do realize Yea Forums X detects your samefagging, right?

They probably thought "we paid for it to be on our store so we don't need to ask"

>be faggot - me
>only download from trusted sources
>still a little paranoid, download 2 trusted antivirus programs just in case i go retard and slip up
>no spyware from viruses
>no spyware from companies
>no drm
>not having to pay 100$ for a license just to play a game
>can play games on max settings with 60+ fps
>people are still too stupid to not pirate or emulate
>People here pirate or emulate but too retarded to do it safely and cry about it on Yea Forums
Imagine buying games

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>Using best girl as part of your bait
I wish I could fucking strangle you faggot.

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>t. PanPizza

according with EGS, its some kind of bug, wouldn't be surprised this *bug* would get fixed after the sale ends

>No multiplayer

It's just the growing pains of a successful store.

Stay mad steam drones.

See what I mean? Steamfanboys.

I'll give you a reason. You won't like it though

they don't take %30

Multiplayer games are usually shit these days so its not like its a huge loss

>he actually believes this

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tfw too successful to have a functioning store

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>le emulation has no multiplayer
Smash and budokai tenkai 3 has multiplayer from pure hearted folks making a quick fix for the emulator, and there's a few peer to peer programs you can use to play multiplayer on almost any game.

Has there been an official statement from Randy Pitchford yet?
That would really top it all off.

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What does Pitchford have to do with this? Did BL3 get pulled too?

Funny enough almost all of Epic's paid exclusives are easily piratable single player games


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This is the guy that keeps making Epic threads

Is this a scenario where Epic didn't notify the devs of the sale before it going up?

I only count piracy amongst recent releases, user

Cope and have sex

Because Randy is backing Epic hard and he's the master of shooting himself in the foot while simultaneously shoving it in his mouth.
Seeing him defend this bullcrap would be hilarious.

got a problem m8?

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>Epic finally doing some good with their store
>they still fuck it up
What fucking timeline are we living in?
No wonder Valve stays silent all the way if Tim keeps tripping on himself every few steps.

Anyone else expecting the E3 PC conference to be cringe kino?

Legit curious, what are you gonna do now that Epic fucked up big time, again?

is something wrong with prices?
Hades was $7 earlier, now its $15, but when i put it in my cart it drops to $10?

Stay mad valveshill. Epic is better, accept it or go back to steam forums

>at first Epic and Sweeney claimed to have no plans to do sales on the level Steam does
>pull this EVERYTHING ON SALE move to try and garner some goodwill from pc users
>except they managed to step on the toes of the same publishers they were blowing consumers off to pursue
>now no one is happy
"Tim Sweeney says he, personally, will decide what to sell your game for"
Good job making everyone coming to your store weary that you might sell preorders for their game on discount with no warning

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I've played more BFME2 multiplayer on my pirated copy than on my legit one.

Surprisingly, you can play multiplayer on emulation and pirated games if you search hard enough

Silly old bear.

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Dude I don't even have it installed. Is this your first shitpost?

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>Anyone else expecting the E3 PC conference to be cringe kino?

Unfortunately no. Aren't all the big daddies avoiding E3? Are Sony and Microsoft even going to bother with it this year?

Curiosity always gets the best of me, that's all

>>say you're finally going to be pro-costumer
They said no such thing, so Epic pretty much gets a 'fuck you' from both parties.

Sony aren't bothering (what remaining interesting stuff they had in development for the PS4 is being moved to the PS5 according to Zhuge) this year and Ninty are doing their normal approach with the Treehouse presentation. Microsoft have got their conference as usual. EA haven't shown up in years.

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>mfw this entire shitshow

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>Epic subsidizes the consumers
>Publishers aren't really losing out because Epic is still paying the them the "discounts"
>they still pull out for no reason at all

Why are you all blaming epic? They're the ones doing good this time around.
And no don't even say BUT MUH DEVALUING. That's just publishers being greedy.

This. No need to incur the ire of Steamfags and devs/pubs. Hell, other online distros managed a sweet balance. Are the faggots and Chinks at Epic just that incompetent? Well... the Chinks are known to be incompetent. They steal Western tech and they can't make it work as well.

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He really had to backpedal after saying this shit.

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absolutely based and redpilled

You take that off of her right now
Put it on the yandere

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post an archive of that shit nigga

People see discounts as a recognition of failure.

>marketing brainlet
Devaluing is real.
Even small retailers pay attention to costumer perception of their product's price.

Quick rundown?
Aren't sales supposed to be good?

What games? So I know which companies have self respect.


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the big fuck up is that some devs/publishers didn't give consent to the sales since the sale applied to ALL GAMES, leading to internal conflict

>Earlier today, Hades became available at a significant discount as part of the Epic Mega Sale on the Epic Games store. We communicated poorly in the hours that followed, and want to clear things up.
>The retail price of Hades is now back to $19.99, our original launch price. With the Epic Discount, you can get the game for $10 off that price right now, through to the end of the sale on June 13.
>After the sale is over, on June 14, we will be raising the game's retail price to $24.99. We had intended to raise the retail price of the game soon, but made the decision rashly as part of the sale -- we didn't provide advance notice to our customers, despite previously stating we would do so. That was our mistake, and we sincerely apologize.
>To all our players, thank you for your patience and understanding around this.

You have to tell the publishers. This isn’t about the discount this is about picking up the phone or shooting a email. Your seen as unpredictable if you don’t

Epic says they won't do sales at first, then comes out with this sale so quickly some of the publishers working with them clearly weren't aware/in agreeance with it
It's lead to weird shit happening like games being pulled completely and price fluctuations like It's just a big mess


>Literally the exact same bait from last thread, word for word, image for image
If only real bots we're as cool as fictional ones.

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So wait. Are /ourdevs/ Supergiant based or not Yea Forums?

now this is based

>ugly ass nigga

I can't hear this apology over all the pirate shanties.

stupid as nigga blood

Reminder that while Epic's sale is a complete clusterfuck right now steam has some nice sales for actually good games.

the balls on Gaben

>Early access
>EGS timed exclusive
>about to become their most expensive game

They're not being very based right now.

It'll be a shitshow but there's no guarantee it will be funny, could end up just sad.
I hope Sweeney gets booed off the stage, but I know it won't happen.

>already better than 90% of the shit on egs
How can Sweeney Timm every recover?

this is the most ugly ass nigga i ever seen dont you agreed?

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It's generally accepted that you should ask the publisher in question before devaluing their product while it's in preorders.

>Epic forces a game to go on sale.
>Pays out "guaranteed sales" part based on the "sale" price and not the original.

How fucking scummy can you get?

>first big sale for your store
>the best time to make a great impression on everybody
>didn't even properly communicate how the "sale" worked to publishers
>people realize first hand just how fucked it is that your store doesn't have a shopping cart
>games getting pulled out
>Hades price fluctuating endlessly

How could Epic fuck up this hard? This was their best bet to get on the everyone's good graces.

Wait, so does Valve ask every single dev if they're okay with their games going on sale during their big sales?

Devs get to choose, yes

The devs choose when to put their shit on sale
With a few restrictions, iirc, like you can't put it on sale every few days or something like that

More than likely they throw up a mass email or some such and provides a nice button to set the sale price for the event if you so choose. But I don't know how that kind of stuff works.

Like most of the shit steam does it's all opt in on the dev's side.

what? im using Yea Forums x and i cant tell at all

>anti-consumer practices up the ass, sacrifices bothersome things such as reviews, refunds, forums, tech support, achievements all in order to be """pro-publisher"""
>publishers dont even control the prices of their own products
Imagine being this goblin-looking motherfucker lmao

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Yea unlike epic commie

>hey boss, remember the game we are selling on Epic Store? That one with exclusive deal...
>yes, i remember. And it's selling like shit because fucking no one goes there
>well, how i can put this....looks like Epic is having a sale
>And....the game we publish is on like....99% sale..
What an EPIC suicide
Epic Store might shutdown by Christmas
No usebase
Now not retarded publishers will avoid it too for not get EPIC SURPRISES like this one
I dunno how it works in China but every shop in the civilized and not communist world has to ask the manufacturer of a product if they can put X on sale and for how much
Or you can be sure manufacturer next time won't even give you their product to sell in the first place

reminder that the only pro-consumer store is gog. if you include games with drm on your store you are not pro-consumer. steam vs epicfags are dumb fanboys

go to monitoring, then activate mark new ip on settings

only flaw is that you have to be on the thread BEFORE the samefagger arrives if you're going to catch em

Epic just didn't tell them of the sale and acted like the games were theirs and of no one else

The only games i buy are the ones i know i am gonna play the multiplayer part intensively anyways

I only buy classic games on GoG since that's the best versions most of the time.

It's because they're always rushing to evade irrelevancy.

The Epic store is always trying to stay one if not ten steps ahead of being labeled as "yet another launcher". Why do you think every other week there's always news about the EGS whether it be good or bad? They want to stay in the public zeitgeist as long as possible.
This is why they rushed their store out a few months back because this year was a time when they could poach relatively high profile games.
This is why Tim tweets every now and then for news sites to pick up or why exclusive announcements are staggered.

This is a massive effort from Epic to always be known as the "Steam competitor" instead of slowly falling out of relevancy and just joining the ranks of "every other launcher" out there.

It's an uphill battle. And this is why Valve and Gaben never acknowledges Epic.
Because acknowledging them gives them power and the validity of being a "Steam competitor"
What Epic doesn't want is apathy.

tl;dr they want these threads on Yea Forums

thanks fren
i look forward to calling people out in the future

Epic can't change the price of games without publisher permission. Games just getting pulled with them basically demanding Epic pay the difference for whatever they lost is probably the best possible outcome for this dumb move. Absolute worst case scenario, some company sees several $5 sales, a price they did NOT approve of, and Epic gets hit with a big fat lawsuit.

yikes and retard pilled

anyone who even installs epic games store is a fucking retard.

the only reason any of us(at least me, and everyone i fucking personally know who games on a pc) ever installed steam was because gaben actually gave us a platform that was almost MORE CONVENIENT than piracy, offered us 75%-90% off sales on almost every game we'd ever want multiple times a year, put up the workshop, put up greenlight, and gave the world a relatively simple/uniform/easy to use platform for gamers AND game publishers. we had nothing like steam before it existed. it was pretty revolutionary. the only other gaming platform that is worth anything was GoG because of its DRM-free approach and focus on retro games.

what the fuck has the epic games store done thats revolutionary for gamers OR publishers? what have they done that will win over pirates? all it has done is tried and failed to mimic steam and tried to turn pc gaming platforms into another version of console wars which pc gamers aren't going to fall for.

pretty sure by this time next year, every non epic game 'epic store exclusive' will end up on steam, borderlands 3, division 2, etc. just watch and wait.

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OP here. I didn't make those threads, if that's what you're implying. Fuck that autistic retard. This is the only thread about Epic I've ever made.

Developers/publishers actually control prices on Steam. Obviously some coordination happens for the big summer and winter sales, of which Valve decides the start and end dates, but developers/publishers do have control over what their games' prices will be.

I'm not a game developer myself, though, so I'm going by what other developers have said. For some reason, I remember Remedy Entertainment explicitly stating that they control their games' prices on Steam, back when the Steam version of Alan Wake was 90% off just before it was temporarily pulled from stores, and people were asking if other stores had the same discount.

desu this epic controversy is getting old. At this point they really are just another launcher in my eyes.

They only could afford 6 months exclusivity for Borderlands.

Why should a dev be forced to keep their game on heavy discounts? We need to eat too, you know?

Steamchads win again

Anybody noticed that every single game Epic bought has been forgotten after a week or two? What's up with that

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Aren't all their timed exclusives only 6 months as well?

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>they paid $12 million for 6 fucking months
Is Tim Sweeney capable of breathing without a personal trainer reminding him?

eat shit nathan grayson

Wait did they actually organize a sale without asking the actual sellers for an opinion?

technically 6-12 months yeah. The problem here is that the devs that took the bribe can't release their game on steam without their reputation destroyed. Two developers spoke up about the importance of brand (HADES and Phoenix Point)

Basically, their time on the industry is limited heavily due to the nature of the bribe

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>Or are these Chinese business practices that they thought they could get away with using in the West?
Unironicly this, as someone who deals with chinese businesses on a somewhat regular basis I can confirm they do anything possible to screw with customers and producer.

Epic is compensating for those discounts you feel.

What they're mad about is brand recognition and the devaluing of their product.

>They only could afford 6 months exclusivity for Borderlands.

>>they paid $12 million for 6 fucking months
more dead than i thought.

lol i wasnt even following epic game store's exclusivity deals too much but thats hilarious. they're only timed exclusives? yikes, EGS is

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It feels like this whole thing was thrown together at the last second.

Basically, at least Paradox anyway.

Yeah that's the saddest part of it all. You would think these exclusives would last for longer than 6-12 months.

>Epic paid 12 million bucks for 6 month exclusivity of BL3
>2K expects BL3 to sell at least 20 mil. copies
>If that game won't meet that sale goal, 2K will most likely be compensated by Epic from their own pocket

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Judging by how Supergiant flipflopped with Hades and Klei pulling out Oxgen Not Included, it's more than just Paradox.

Some articles say they told the publishers in advance, but Paradox for whatever reason don't want to be part of the sales.

>$12 million for 6 months
I can fucking smell the impending doom from here

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Which boggles my mind on something. Wouldn't pirating Epic games be moral? since devs are already paid for?

All of Ubisoft's games got pulled due to a mysterious "problem" that popped up right as the sale happened. Odds are they'll get mysteriously resolved when the sale ends.

Sergei later stated Paradox had not been informed.

They think they are fighting steam but they didnt know that the only enemy steam fight against for decade are pirate

>all these retards who realize for the first time that Steam's sales are done on the part of the developers who have been asked whether they want to do a sale
How the fuck do you go this long without knowing this by now?

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If you pirate an Epic Store Exclusive game, you are only hurting Epic
do with this what you will

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At least for Phoenix Point, hell yeah. That guy is a fucking hack.

>>Epic paid 12 million bucks for 6 month exclusivity of BL3
K expects BL3 to sell at least 20 mil. copies
>>If that game won't meet that sale goal, 2K will most likely be compensated by Epic from their own pocket

people will shit on me for this, but i liked borderlands 1 a lot, and enough to play through 2 and the presequel with my friends. i want to play borderlands 3, but have/had no plans to ever install EGS or buy anything on it. didn't even know the exclusivity was only temporary. so now I am definitely going to be holding out for the INEVITABLE steam release and will encourage my friends to wait too. and im 99% sure I won't be the only borderlands faggot willing to wait. cant wait for the "relaunch" when it comes to steam, probably with the season pass included or some exclusive DLC or some such once randy realizes he must repent. lol

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Game them a break even epic and their shill dont know

I wouldn't bother paying for anything longer than 3 months if I was Epic. Everybody interested in BL3 is going to buy it within the first couple of months and that's where 90% of the money is going to be made. If you didn't buy a game within the first few months of release then you aren't going to buy it unless it's part of some kind of sale, in which case they aren't going to make as much money off your purchase.

Tim Sweeney is convinced that the PC platform has literally never changed ever since he abandoned it in 2005.

The common consumer is fucking retarded.

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Someone gets it. Never stop the competition when they are making an ass of themselves. I really can't see what there is to be gained from reacting to anything Epic is doing.

Hell - Tim in the period of a year has gone from "literally who?" to "fuck that asshole" while over a decade Gabe is the dota playing, knife loving, "do you actually even work?" guy who still manages to answer every retarded email.

This generation has been fucking weird even though PC plays by its own clock.

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>Epic pays huge money to a game's publisher for 1 year of exclusivity
>mfw I never buy a game within the first year of release anyway

90% of my games come from bundles now because, due to a general lack of free time, I'm perpetually behind on gaming. There are so many games from 2015 and earlier which I haven't played yet, why the fuck would I pay 2019 prices for a 2019 game? Fuck it, I'll play 2015-2018 games until 2023, by which time 2019's games will be in Humble bundles and other bargain bins.

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Their own exclusivity deals are the countdown they have to fight against. Once those start drying up then the backlog of games finally reaching Steam (unless Epic opens their wallet AGAIN) will work to lessen the impact of them trying to "steal" anything from Steam anymore

>this shit happening with their first sale
Wonder if they'll try again during Summer or Christmas period, it'd be insane to just forfeit during those windows but they clearly aren't ready yet and the year is near half over

I will wait a bit later than that for sale and more content anyway

He is bringing the pirates back at least.

>he doesn't know

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What the fuck is even going on anymore Yea Forums?

This is a level of incompetence I didn't expect from a billion dollar company. It's like they're taking pages out of Valve's radio silence except doing it even worse because they CAN communicate but don't even do it properly.

>be Tim Sweeney
>pay a shitload of bribe money to publishers for exclusivity
>run your first sale to try to pretend you're not a shitty scumbag anti-consumer business (YOU ARE)
>publishers opt-out of your EPIC Sale
Gaben is laughing into his cheeseburgers right now. Simply epic. Of course Steam has it's own issues where publishers jerk around and make games more expensive for a week to compensate for Steam Summer/Winter Sales, like Rockstar does.

No Epic exclusives are actually permanent.
That's because they just bribe the pertinent developer/publisher of some random games.
A better strategy would have been being publishers and find existing talent to develop new games, whether Epic gets the IP or not.

At last, I truly see

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> 2 antivirus programs
fucking lmao.

you silly retard, two antiviruses will literally strangle your system. they constantly fight over resources and scan rights.

one is understandable but really they're more of a warning system and damage minimizer then actual virus stoppers. use yer brain to stop that shit but you knew that.

>Wonder if they'll try again during Summer
Mate Steam's Summer Sale is starting soon. Epic ain't going to fuck with that.

Im just buying witcher 3 for 10-15 dollar not so long ago

Sweeney is a massive asshole, but he isn't exactly obscure, he is an Ebin founder and Ebin were a big company for decades.

How can one man be so based?

Eh, I don't blame you. I'm also looking for Borderlands 3 as well. I will buy it first on rutracker, then on steam when it comes out there, because I want to try out the co-op especially since Gearbox added instanced loot and levels.

the publishers are still getting their full price for every game sold. Epic is responsible for the price difference and pays out of their own pocket for it.

that's so fucking dumb
is fortnite bucks really that sustainable or are they just desperate?

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All those replies shitting on one of our reasons on why steam is horrible

like I said, no point in talking to steamdrones.

I have never seen anyone even talk about this guy. No news, no twitter screencap thread, no article, nothing until Fortnite

Want to know the best part you Yea Forumsirgins?

Metro Exodus is actually getting DLC slated for 2020.
BL3 will without a doubt get DLC a year after it's released.
Outer World probably will get an expansion as well.
By 2020 all these games won't be exclusive anymore.
Hades will go on all stores once it leaves EA.

Waiting on Steam/GoG bags you the full intended experience.

Rockstar kept getting fucked by the reviews every step on the consumer they made, eventually the game started going cheaper and things like mods stopped being actively pursued at least, what can epicucks do?

They make 2.4 billion per year from Fortnite so yeah

That's the plan

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I'll bite. What reasons and who's "we"

They're giving out $20 million a year for the next 5 years to UE developers absolutely free with no strings attached. They have tons of disposable cash.


I'll give you a reason. You won't like it though.

they don't take %30

Honestly at first I was ready to boycott most of the publishers that did exclusivity, but now I see the 6D chess they're playing at.
Still not buying Borderlands 3, though, never got into the gameplay and I'm not supporting Pitchfaggot who seems to be shilling Epic hard, despite the 6 month contract.

That's nice or whatever, but some publishers apparently still had a problem with it, hence the games being pulled from the store. I think I can understand why.

When I'm about to buy a game, I check IsThereAnyDeal first, to see if I'm getting a good deal. Not everyone does this, but for me, if a game was $5 once, I don't want to pay more than $5 for it. So if a legit store puts an extremely low price on a game, it can devalue it somewhat, in the eyes of certain customers who don't want to pay more than the best price for a particular game.

For cheaper.

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Fair enough, but I'd still say he is way more visible now and the face of Epic post store launch, where during the gears of war era Cliffy B was the face for the company.

Pretty insightful desu, I think this is accurate and inherited from Fortnite. Basically they just toss money and overworked devs at Fortnite constantly for events and changes to keep it in the news. It worked but because of that it set the tone for their whole company culture. So they try to run a store like that even though it's probably a mistake.

I honestly doubt they can ever get that garbage pile into shape if they keep up with this shit. A fucking store needs some level of polish and stability desu

>it's just part and parcel
kek Epicshills everyone

It's not complicated. Upfront cash, minimum sales guarantee, it's quite comfy.

Have sex.

Never trust chinks.

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Sony is putting all of their games there

And they know that people will lap up the sales on Steam (or GOG) when they make a big announcement about it.
Gotta say, though, it's fine with me, I'd rather wait a year for them to iron out all the bugs and shit.

Based Mikudoll user
post more she cute

in exchange for the 30% steam provides far more tools for developers than Epic Games do, such as server hosting.
>caring about the cut publishers receive of your sale as a consumer
absolutely pathetic

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And that 30% goes toward paying for most of the handy features and services that Steam has, faggot.

Well, we know one publisher pulled a single game because they didn't want it on sale. We don't know why Oxygen Not Included was pulled, but I think it has something to do with the fact that the release date is in 2 weeks. I think we'll see it re-release on the store with the sale price on May 29.

Too bad no one besides devs cares.

Can you people say epic s bad without the Xenophobia?

Yeah well get this you stupid ass CONSUMER








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the only PC gaymers who use that store are fortnite kiddies. that's it. no one else uses that piece of shit, let alone buys fucking games on it. you'd have to be retarded to do somethign that stupid. chances are high you're speaking to a consolefag trying to stir the pot if you see someone around here shilling for that garbage.

The funny thing is Epic won't pay for the damaged brand, any sequel is doomed on PC.

>shills not understanding that costumers seeing a product's price go down to unreasonable levels so early is bad
This is Marketing 101 you retards.

Because the fact that they released their store in 2018 yet have released it at the level Steam was in 2005 is just utterly embarrassing.

It is unirocally abismal even without the Tencent memes.

Chinese people aren't human though.

lol incels are so fragile
imagine getting buttblasted by shit like anime fan on prom night and some random guy's rat game on literally a daily basis
get something better to worry about please. you could be using this anger productively.

I see, that must be why nobody buys games in December because they just think about how much cheaper it was on Black Friday and decide not to buy them.
Oh wait that's retarded.

This is the first time I'm hearing about this, yes I live under a rock, what games have been pulled from Epic so far?

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>Paradox's face when

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Enjoy not having my money I guess, I'll just buy a different game dumbass

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I was going to but then I realized that you're retarded enough to handwave legitimate concerns about a business's ties to a foreign power as "xenophobia".

They accidentally'd into the position to be this big with Fortnite. No one will pretend it happened from anything but a complete fluke of popularity. They can't handle this level of shit they're trying to take on, but have inflated egos because of the millions of children captivated by their game, singular.

vampire masquerade

>l4d2 is $2
I see gaben is pulling out all of the stops with this one


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Oh. Oh no. You thought Epic's deal was for you? No, that's not how it works, I'm sorry. If you aren't already making ridiculous amounts of money you aren't getting on the epic store.

inb4 people try to claim that Epic has always been HUEG and I'm clearly a zoomer. They've never been huge, but they used to be better.

>epic games store exclusive
>selling more
top kek
Maybe make better games that people actually want to play instead of having to have a shady Chinese owned company bail you out only to use you as a chip for their pathetic gamble against a company that's better for the consumer

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Epic most likely thought they could sell the games for whatever they wanted to like a physical product. For example, Walmart selling games can put whatever price they want on them because they've already paid for the physical product, so the publisher isn't losing any money, it's all a loss on their side. Epic doesn't have the licenses, so trying to set the price is a no-go for devs.

Most likely, devs will pull their games unless Epic makes up the difference in lost revenue. Except that several of them can't do so due to contractual obligation to sell their game exclusively on the Epic store, as pulling it would result in a loss of guaranteed sales or bonus cut for exclusivity.

I will just pirate your game and shit talk about it dude

I don't have a complete list.

Here's that Kotaku article about it:
I'm not sure if it's up to date though. I think it mentions only one or two games — out of how many, I don't know.


piracy is always moral you don't need to get all fussy about the industry to do it just go right ahead

UE4 was singlehandedly keeping them afloat.

They fucking shitcanned UT, Paragon, and was about to do it with Fortnite as well.

epic s bad without the Xenophobia

I'll never forgive them for killing UT.

I'd consider using the epic store if I ever stopped getting spam mail, for the first time ever mind you, after I registered on their website when I was going to try out Fortnite.
Steam never treated me like this, why should I give them a pass?

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>An Epic representative told Kotaku that Vampire: The Masquerade publisher Paradox chose at the last second—or after the last second, technically—to not participate in the sale.
>“If a developer or publisher chooses to not participate in our sales, we will honor that decision,” the Epic rep said in an email. “Paradox Interactive has chosen to not participate in the Epic Mega Sale and the game has been temporarily removed from sale. If you’ve purchased Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 during the period when the discount did apply at the time of check out, Epic will honor that price.”
>Shortly after Vampire exploded into a figurative cloud of bats, Epic director of publishing strategy Sergey Galyonkin made a similar comment on Russian site DTF, which the Epic representative confirmed was accurate. A little later, Galyonkin made another comment on the same site, saying that he initially thought Paradox was aware of how the sale would affect its games, but “after a little investigation, it turned out that I was wrong.”
what a shitshow

>could have had good press for weeks on how great their sale was
>because of this fuck up now all people will talk about is how incompetent they are at handling deals with publishers

Anyone else feeling bad for Epic at this point?
This literally a comedy of errors all the way to the big climax in E3.

Well yes, all of this is about expanding the EGS's portfolio and being able to say "Hey! We sell shit!" Nevermind the long-term instability behind this model. And these companies/developers are risking a reputation loss with signing their souls to the new devil of PC gaming, which will detract from whatever their next attempts at publishing.
There are certainly some games I won't buy if the publishers/developers have the courage to show their face around Steam/GOG (Phoenix Point, Hades come to mind), though. Even Metro Exodus is a big "if" for me right now.

You and me both brother. You and me both.

Even if they didn't do exclusivity trash I'll still be forever mad for what they did to UT because Fortnite succeeded.

i dont get this pic am i braindead


>try to buy multiple games during sale
>they need to be separate purchases because Tencent hasn't figured out how to make a shopping cart
>get automatically flagged for fraud

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>Anyone else feeling bad for Epic at this point?
No. Fuck them.

I have to wonder what would have happened if they had canned Fortnite before they could make a battle royal out of it.

Based. The only thing a consumer should give a fuck about is getting the best deal for their money. Anyone saying otherwise is a chink shill

I've never met someone that didn't enjoy UT, even people that couldn't stand Quake for whatever reason would sit down and play UT with me for hours on end. It was always a great fucking time.

>EA haven't shown up in years
>E3 2018

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>all these people falling for copy-pasted bait like

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Publishers make the money off your game, You just get paid minimum wage and get laid off whenever they don't meet their unrealistic growth expectations.

I am a fish
>shitposters lack so much creativity that they resort to just reposting their shitposting

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How do you even apply a discount in a way that the only way to opt out of it is to just be removed from the storefront entirely

I don't monitor these fucking threads dude.
And if both sides just want to shitpost, who cares


>Imagine having this shit publicity just because you dont want your game on sale
Good for the dev they said

>so the publisher isn't losing any money, it's all a loss on their side.
That's literally what Epic is doing. They're covering the cost of the price reduction, so the publisher gets the full price.

You'll all be crying once Bloodborne is on Epic.

What's that? Sekiro was a success on steam?
Yeah well Sony's got Bloodborne by the balls and they're in bed with Epic.

Wait for E3. Your days are numbered steam drones.

Then you are a child because I installed steam to play Half Life 2.

>shitposting manually

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Pirating desu

e3 is going to be cyberpunk (co-exclusive with GOG)


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And what's the problem you epic cuck?

Guess i will pirate it

You literally fell for the shill threads user

so not exclusive

Well, I enjoy epic exclusive games and you'll enjoy nothing and be mad. Looks like you got the shitty hand.

It's smarter to wait that long for AAA games anyway for all the bug fixes and content drip feeding.

my nuts are exclusive to your moms face

OP btfo

Thanks for beta testing, chucklecuck.

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I've been wondering about this for a while now but what if there's a year where all of the exclusives Epic gets are mediocre?

Does clover have this?

No problem at all. You just keep saying "costumer" instead of "customer".

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>No problem at all. You just keep saying "costumer" instead of "customer".

shh dont correct him, the costumer is hilarious.

i personally have a terrible memory
feels bad
-t fish, glub glub

Eat more fishes user.

>use Epic to get everybody to buy The Division 2 on Uplay
>as a sale comes in suddenly all your games on Epic suffers from a bug that will only bring them back once the sale is over
Jesus how based can Ubisoft get Yea Forums?

>Single player game
>Epic exclusive

To the high seas we go.

>wanting more mercury and microplastics inside you
i already have too many inside me


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Beta testing nothing? What?

If I was Epic, I would pull a TF2 move.
Include with each purchase of game X with an exclusive cosmetic in Fartnut
Bam. Bazillion of sales from 9 years old.

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>tfw even Steam has a fucking tip on how to do sales and discounts
>It's typically best to ease into discounting, and increase the level of discount over time. For example, a title might move from 33% to 50% to 66% to 75% and beyond, over the course of a year or more. Rushing into a 50% or 75% discount weeks after your launch, or releasing with a very high launch discount sends a bad message to customers who bought at full price and undermines the value of your title.

lmao you can't make this shit up

AAA Western games are released unfinished, by the time they come to steam they'll be bug fixed and have all the DLC.

its honestly weird how they haven't done this yet

I'll be mad for maybe 5 minutes, but you'll always be retarded forever

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I guess that depends on the devs?

Isn't John Wick having a collab with Fortnite right now? Or is that the movie John Wick and not John Wick Hex?
Fuck. I'm 100% sure they're going to do this with Rocket League once it comes to EGS.

Ubisoft is absolutely unrepentant. They're playing Epic like idiots any chance they get

Have you not noticed that Epic is retarded? They seem to think they're going just blow millions and buy they're way to the top and then somehow become rich from it later.

90% of Fortnite players are on consoles and mobile. PC is Epic's least important playerbase right now, which the store is likely trying to fix. locking exclusive content off from a vast majority of your playerbase with a game as big as Fortnite would likely cause actual riots.

Is there even anything worth getting on epic store?

Any source for that claim?

>not being happy with your fucking games already
>Haha ur a retard xD

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2D BOY/Tomorrow Corporation games, Super Meat Boy. I'm interested in Heavy Rain.

Unreal Tournament 4 but you might as well throw your money at a hobo

Now this raises even more questions.

Why won't Epic go into mobile instead? Or would that unironically eat into daddy Tencent's territory?

lmao the destruction of epic store is fun to watch.

It's a fact all egs shills are console fucks who want pc gaming to die.

That's actually a good thought. Pubg mobile is probably tencent's top earner on mobile with quite a playerbase. Fartnut mobile probably would cut a bit into it should epic try to be aggressive with it.

Christ I hate this place.

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get dabbed on chinks.

>A Hat in Time
>Overwhelmingly positive
looks like stupid bullshit doesn't affect how well a good game is reviewed

>see some articles praising Epic's sales
>immediately get covered by articles questioning how Epic screwed up the sale

yes i care. 30% is alot.

Don't forget, you're here forever


>epic is discovering that running a store isn't so easy
Valve has documentation for their sales so there's no confusion, I'm guessing epic doesn't
>You may not change your price while a promotion is live.
Hades did that shit more than once on EGS, their store is the wild west.

Its funny how epic shill site PC Gamer is saying nothing about this.

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fortnite is already on mobile


>their store is the wild west
I wish it was the wild west. Then maybe they could accept porn games.

Give Epic a break. They're new to this.

Valve has had years to iterate on steam.


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welp EGS already fucked up the value of their games

Thanks, found this interesting thing

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Imagine thinking this is a good excuse when Epic is making literal millions from one of the most profitable games in existence. A fucking weeb neet webstore has a shopping cart. Why does a billion dollar corporation not have one?

>You may not change your price while a promotion is live.

Not defending Epic here, but games have sudden price spikes when major steam sales roll around all the fuckin' time. I'm guessing the devs just hike the price a little bit before the sale.

Epic probably thought that just because they're throwing so much money at devs/publishers that they can do anything they want to the exclusives in their store.

I hope you read the reviews before buying that....

It's 2019. How fucking incompetent is Epic?

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Before buying a multiplayer game on steam always check the player count lad.

>He didn't post the actual better sale


Yeah as shiny as it is it sorta feels like they have 10 people tops working on it. These are all basic ass features they could have 100% afforded to develop and complete before they decided to open the store.

PC gamer hasn't said anything about Re-logic saying that giving EGS exclusives is basically selling their souls.

So many sites ran articles about this but not PC gamer

>people say steam isn't doing anything
>when these are clearly reactions to Epic's mega sale
what now drones? valve is shaking

it's free tho

>super meat boy
The edition that ruined the ost?
Or is it the old version with good music

Well fuck. Go ham then lad.

>Valve has had years to iterate on steam.
and Epic had a storefront with years of iteration to reference right when they started.

they pulled their games because epic's retardation caused the store to basically give away brand new releases for almost nothing, like VTMB2


Exactly, there's no wheel to reinvent here.

for a store that has no real backend and doesn't give publishers any tools to help sell their game 30% is a lot yes. For an actual store it's more than reasonable especially when they take less than 30% based on how well your game sells.

Discord has had a 10/90 split in favor of developers since they introduced their game store and yet nobody is flocking to them despite having a massive install base. Publishers are not moving to EGS because the revenue is in their favor, it's because Epic is paying (bribing) the publishers with so much money that they see no loss from development. Why is this bad? Well for starters it completely removes consumer investment and interest being the defining factors of deciding what is popular and worth pursuing. Phoenix Point literally only exists because people on Kickstarter backed the project, and Julian Gollop spat in those people's faces by taking so much money from Epic that he'll be in the black even if PP sold zero copies and everybody refunded their pledges.


Why the fuck are they pulling their games from the store then?

I never saw the actual price for VTMB2 before it was removed. I read somewhere it was selling for $5 but that sounds like a load of bullshit to me.

I know, I'm not surprised that didn't cover it at all but it's pretty solid proof that PCG is compromised now.

If you like point&clicks at all, go buy Primordia.


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they're afraid of lost sales from people who will refuse to buy the game once the sale is over after they find out the game was selling for dirt cheap.

user pls

What? You don't remember when NVIDIA and AMD were getting blown by them day in and day out?

It was selling for cheap in Russian vodkabux apparently.

Are you the type that dont believe even the most obvious shit even when its slap in your face?

Maybe you shouldnt buy more than one game and take your time to fully enjoy it and respect the hard work it took to make it before playing something else.

I can confirm. It was around 450 rubles iirc, approximately 7 bucks.

>anti-epic post deleted


Or you could fix your dogshit store Tim

>do nothing
>your "rival" stabs himself anyway

How Gaben keep getting away with it Yea Forums?

That's literally the best excuse you could come up with for not having a fucking shopping cart?

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Compromised by EGS you fucking idiots, learn2context.

No shit they were bought out by other advertisers long ago but that's not what we're talking about.

You should always have an install of MalwareBytes in addition to any passive anti-virus you may choose to use. You just don't have MalwareBytes active unless you actually want/need to use it, which you do exclusively in safe mode anyway.

The skull sale is a yearly thing for warhammer.

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>what is gameranger
And that's assuming you aren't playing a p2p game that doesn't need matchmaking bullshit.

>>people say steam isn't doing anything
>>when these are clearly reactions to Epic's mega sale

people didnt say steam isnt doing anything, people said steam isnt SAYING anything about EGS, which is true.

steam having giant sales also isnt anything new, pretty much any time i load up steam there's some major sale going on. thats business as usual for them?

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Steam has themed sales every couple of weeks. This isn't news.

you talking about Windows' safe mode? or does MalwareBytes have a safe mode now too?

If you actually want to support devs, buy Steam keys directly off their website. Steam allows them to generate the keys for free, so everything they make is pure profit. Epic does not do this.

Windows. Running an intensive virus scan, like what malwarebytes is good for, should always be done in safe mode since it prevents "smart" viruses from hiding themselves or spoofing results.

>spat in the face
He took free money and hurt no one via this decision. No one was disrespected, no harm was done, if you feel offended by his decision, you're the one who has fucked up, because you care more about what DIGITAL STOREFRONT a game is on than about the developers that make it, or even the game itself. It's pure insanity to believe that going Epic exclusive is somehow a grave sin when it doesn't matter at all. This ridiculous trend of online tribalism has gone too fucking far, and people are now imagining offenses where nothing morally, ethically, or practically bad has taken place.

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I don't understand

>It's pure insanity to believe that going Epic exclusive is somehow a grave sin

There's literally no reason for it. Pointing out the inanity of moneyhatting exclusives is not tribalism.

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What games pulled out?

>"tencent can't take user data, they would need 51% stock for that."
that is "oh sweetie", "bless your heart", "THATS AMAZING!" tier

>just shows how unreliable steam reviews actually are

LOL yes, fuck user/consumer reviews! we need a rotten tomatoes-esque corporate controlled and censored review site for video games! only professional reviewers reviews matter! who cares when consumers are hella pissed enough to not buy something because they disagree with the producer's business practices!! thats entirely useless information for other consumers!

>epic launcher is just the result of capitalism

except its been artificially boosted via the chinese government funding, aka COMMUNIST SLAVERY.

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lol what a retard

You don't have Steam?
There are sale announcements every time I log in. Especially today because thrusday is when free weekends usually start.
Humble Bundle is having a sale too, they are giving away Guacamelee.

Epic is doing everything they can to gain customers. Problem is they're Chinese so customers to them are cattle.

>Pat says that pirating games exclusive to EGS is dumb
>Pat then tries to buy multiple games from EGS, which requires buying them individually due to no cart
>Pat's account is fucking blocked from buying because the purchases being all at once is suspicious activity
EGS is such a piece of shit that it won't let him buy exclusives, this shit is Bethesda tier incompetence

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how much is the stream ratio for developers again?

I must be missing something. They ban people that buy games?

>EGS is such a piece of shit that it won't let him buy exclusives, this shit is Bethesda tier incompetence

hey hey hey now! if bethesda had their own store i am pretty sure even THEY would have planned to have a shopping cart from day 1, lets not forget, they brought us horse armor which pretty much started the whole DLC cancer, how could they sell us horse armor if they didnt have a shopping cart? even they wouldn't be that dumb.

honestly the issue with this is that it's not supporting devs better, it's supporting publishers. the devs don't get any extra cash.

Or making the most out a deal, you fucking idiot.

its not a gift, its a loan
that is how you inflate property value and make it go booom
by handing free credit(that isn't free) for people who can't pay back and then taking over property as collateral and getting your ass saved by big government tax payer money or money big government borrow from feds

What if the Epic Store somehow implodes before certain exclusive games come out? Do they still get their bribe money while releasing on other platforms?


It red flags multiple purchases by one user in a small period of time, which for some sites could make sense, but since EGS forces you to go one at a time, it's absolutely retarded during a sale was such a fucking shitshow with people losing their personal info after 76's release that they had to put games back on Steam

>What if the Epic Store somehow implodes before certain exclusive games come out? Do they still get their bribe money while releasing on other platforms?

i predict lawsuits over epic failing to pay out/live up to promised expectations, etc, and said lawsuits being the final nail in the coffin for Epic.

they can only coast on fortnite for so long, the hubris they have to think that it wont just be replaced within a year or two by 'the next big thing' is hilarious.

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more like epic fail lmao

> was such a fucking shitshow with people losing their personal info after 76's release that they had to put games back on Steam

ya, okay, i never used it, but i bet it had a shopping cart? :^) lol

> was such a fucking shitshow with people losing their personal info after 76's release that they had to put games back on Steam
This will never fail to make me laugh.

The way Bethesda crawled back to steam was gold.


everyone started having sex?

are incels over?

it also accesses your data so have fun with that

>Chinese business practices

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In theory I support GOG, however modern releases are known to be very out of date on GOG because devs don't update their GOG versions which makes me hesitant to buy anything but old games from there. There's an entire thread on GOG dedicated to out-of-date games or games that outright lack features compared to Steam. And with Steam's new API that makes multiplayer stupid easy for any game, that list is gonna get longer. Does GOG have their own multiplayer answer? It sounds like they were nearly in the red last time I checked. I want them to succeed but devs just so not care about them. Maybe updating your game on GOG is harder?

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The problem isn't that they're losing revenue on each sale since epic covers that, the problem is that the value of the game is decreased so for example if a game is 50% off before launch because they dropped the price by $10 then people in the future will look at the price history and say 'hey this game was $10 before launch, why should I pay 20 now?'

Look at the price of control for me, it's damn near close to 50% off and the game isn't even out yet. Personally I think that's a good deal for me but for the devs/publisher they're losing because the perceived value of the game is lower now.

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It's funny how shill forced memes ALWAYS contain a wall of text, no matter what they're shilling

you think people will shit on you for your reason?

im literally waiting for steam release because i like 100% achievement progress and ive done it on the other games

What the fuck, $12 mil. is insane. Source? That's hilarious.

>people back the game because they're getting a GoG key or steam dev
>devs go for exclusivity money
>no more GoG or steam key, just an EGS key

Imagine backing a game and then some publisher you really fucking hate like Activision or EA or Ubisoft or Ncsoft or some other company you really really have a passionate hate for scoops the game up and now you're part of their ecosystem. It's the same shit. People keep saying 'oh man it's just a game' no it's not just a game, some people have principles and you can't deny their the right of refusing to support a company they don't like.

Uploading your game to GOG basically means its on a public library for pirates. If a publisher is not willing to go through the DRM fight where they expect to eventually lose to the crackers, then putting it up on GOG is an easy way to get a handful of bucks they wouldn't otherwise have from the few autists who refuse to use Steam (or any other DRM). After that, any more work put into this version would be effort for no additional cash flow.

thanks for the good advice

The games are already on GOG, it's literally just a matter of uploading the update to it. If I had a game I wouldn't just flatout say "fuck off" to an entire base of customers like that, that's just stupid laziness. It boggles the mind that so many devs apparently think that way.

12 million sounds fucking low to me, that's 200k sales which I feel like the epic exclusivity might cost them that many sales or more, sure borderlands 3 might sell 1 million copies on EGS but is it worth it if they lose many more sales even if you factor in the 12% cut vs the 20% (remember games that make 50 million on steam) they would have gotten on steam?

>Uploading your game to GOG basically means its on a public library for pirates
bitch, uploading games to steam is basically the same thing 99% of the time. steam games get cracked even before the dev finishes the storyboard

They sold their fans to Epic in return for a major payday. "Give us a large chunk of money and we'll deliver to your store a large number of people who are willing to drop big chunks of change on uncertain promises of games based on their passion alone."

Shockingly, people don't like being treated as a commodity, especially when the people selling you owe their current secure position to the money you donated to them in the first place.

steam gets 30%, publisher gets 70%, developer gets 0%.

I guess they think Fortnite is a minecraft-tier phenomenon, but it's probably just a fad.

Funny enough Sweeney gave an excuse saying some bullshit like how they aren't operating in china yet because they want operate legally and they have employers there. Only to set up Epic Store exactly like how steam and other stores do which is operating in the Grey market. No doubt he rushed to push Epic there last minute just like this sudden change on sales.

Sad that Control is exclusive, I like Remedy a lot, and I was planning to buy it day one. Now I'm just gonna pirate it.

Shoo Shoo shill

at this point, is there a single thing that happened and wasn't the actual opposite of what sweeney said?

Didn't he also say something of never doing sales like steam?

How long does it take before Fortnite is banned in China?

It's technically illegal right fucking now thanks to the new law effective immediately that bans blood, corpses, and the word Kill from Vidya. And Mahjong, but fortnite doesn't have that to my knowledge.

Fortnite doesn't have either blood, corpses or Kill in my knowledge?

I thought sure it had blood but I may be wrong. Kill I thought was on the screen when you get killed but apparently I'm crazy. Though there definitely is corpses unless you want to argue your character is just resting when he gets shot 50 times and falls over.

>new law effective immediately that bans blood, corpses, and the word Kill from Vidya
say fucking what?

There are no corpses. Before your character even touches the ground, you disappear in a comical cloud of smoke and other bright particles, leaving only your guns behind.

Welcome to china. Also making the blood green doesn't work anymore, the chinks are on to you fuckers.


>MFW We finally get to dance on the spic shills graves.
Post dances.

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>My Wallmart is better then your Wallmart
Jesus christ

Based underage poster. Steam used to be fucking cancer. The only reason anyone installed steam was to play CS and HL. The store and quality of life improvements and consumer loyalty came later.

Yeah, so Epic is retarded for not capitalizing on the progress of others. If they can't handle a task this simple, do you really want to trust your money with them?

Ill buff you brother

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They should have a tank run over your character, or maybe you could get run over by a slow moving car only to die like a bug on the street. Then it will be the authentic Chinese dystopia experience.

I will just thank epic for buying my copy.

Ssshhhh Don't give that ratface tim sweeney any ideas

They are mad because steam has some "price parity" rule. Devs can't sell games cheaper on other stores if they want to put their game on steam. If vtmb 2 was $5 on egs they would have to eventually put it at $5 on steam, where 99% of the sales are .

Sounds like this is steam fucking everything again then. Sounds about right.

And steamdrones will defend this.

The developer doesn't even ask, thry just do it. Unless steam has a spe ial promotion and they want to be on the front page.

Epic wants to play dirty and buy off everyone, steams just sitting back and watching the children play, stay mad epic fag

Naw this nigga is uglier

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How? Its just Steam being pro-consumer. It's just making it fair for costumer to buy the game on their store

>Spending literal millions to bring back piracy
How can a man be more based than Tim?

Only with the heel-crowd. The normalfags still boo them and give them the "WHAT" chants everytime they try to pull a redpill-promo

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he doesn't know

You need a rule like that otherwise you get shit like this:
dev puts game on steam for $90
dev puts game on his own store for $60

Or you get some store selling their game for cheap as fuck using a steam key which means they use steam's resources without paying a cent to steam. When you're running a business as large as steam you can't give people the benefit of the doubt, remember how steam with was the coal christmas event? People exploited the shit out of that and ruined it for everyone.

Apparently they're only temporarily removing them during the sale if the publisher/dev doesn't want to participate in the sale.

This opens up another question; why is it removed when it can still be accessible on the store? Are Epic so incompetent they've somehow coded themself into a corner where this is impossible?

I wouldn't be surprised at this point.

It has nothing to do with code. If there's a game on the store that's not on sale then they can't advertise that all games are $10 off.

I want to hold hands with Emma.

You just answering seriousry to a retard epic shill chink dude


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>Nathan Grayson

wasn't he one of those cucks from Gamergate or some shit?

People prefer just skipping games or waiting for the games to come to steam after it stops being epic-only after 6 months

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt because a lot of people seem to think that there's no economics involved in selling digital games.

>make an indie game
>release it on a new platform, expecting more money
>90% of the players there only play fortnite
Great move honestly

>Good competition to steam
Steam is actually a good platform nowadays while the epic launcher only exists for zoomer battle royale and trying to sell games to the customer. There is no features FOR the customer except buy game and play game. I dont need a launcher for that.

Gee. Who fucking figured that it actually takes effort to run a digital storefront?

It's as if the 30% cute is actually deserved. Who would have fucking guessed right?

Second this, pretty solid game, the final segment is multiple layers of kino.

He looks like he fucks and eats the corpses of black guys

most of the games will be forgotten on steam too, I mean just look at the store and ask yourself if you would waste your time or money on half the games there. By the time exclusivity runs out all the marketing hype will be gone unless they spend money marketing it for the steam audience

I'm just curious about how they'll be handling online between steam and epic

Nah you're thinking of Player Unknown Battlegrounds(PUBG) which actually got censored to have a guy wave to you and then drop a loot chest. Mind you it's got nothing on BATTLE FOR THE LAST CHICKEN.

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Why does Epic reward mediocrity and incompetence?

People want competition between storefronts but they don't want proper competition between developers.

I don't know but it's fucking hilarious


> I mean just look at the store and ask yourself if you would waste your time or money on half the games there

The only problem with steam is that there is no quality control so it's oversaturated with indie shit. Of course nobody is gonna bother with the games on the store because 70% is some retarded gimmicky game for 10 Euros or japanese VN bullshit.

you will probably have to log into an epic account for BL3 when it's on steam unless they have some system where you can use either your steam or your epic account and the result is the same

The same thing is true for epic, for all their boasting about curation a lot of the games are just indie shit.

At least Steam has an excuse for having garbage by being a wild west storefront. Epic is fucking curating shit, they said they won't let in trash to their store, yet looking at right now more than half of it is mediocre literal who shit.

Probably just that people can only play with other people if they are on the same platform, which is fine because Borderlands 3 on EGL is gonna be fucking dead

When Fortnite dies, so will the Epic Store.

so don't search for indie-shit?

Theres a garden building game on the store right now and it is definitely not in my recommended

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Publishers don't even get the 12% cut before their product hit the minimum estimated sales number on egs, some indie dev let it slip some time ago iirc.

>Super Giant and Klei got kiked and fell for this shit bribe
What the shit? I thought these devs were good and pro consumer? Is there ANY fucking integrety in gaming left? fuckin hell i hate this industry.
Terraria devs
>mfw there's people in the comments STILL shilling for epic

>You’re making things a lot harder for smaller developers by making statements like this. You already have a highly successful game making a lot of money, some do not have this privilege. You could have easily written this without saying “sell our souls”
How the fuck do people manage to make themselves out to be the victim in every scenario?

Klei didn't take the bribe, they released on all storefronts. They're notable here for pulling their game off Epic to avoid the sale is all.

Dude, Super Giant was, like, the first batch day one guys. I guess they expected better from Pyre?

>take down games
>have to manually add them back one-by-one

The more I read comments like these the more I think retards don't actually want a good game. They just want MUH DEVS to be rewarded regardless if they make a good game or not.

Took you this long to figure that out?

I didn't want to be that cynical.

If Epic's solution is "throw shitloads of money at the problem until it goes away" couldn't they put the game on discount anyway to keep customers happy and then pay the difference to the publishers who didn't want to put their games on sale? They take a hit during the sale but they train consumers to buy shit on their platform and gain publisher loyalty in the transaction.

Those devs are the reason steam has such shit quality games on steam

Shit indie devs: steam please take our shitty games we can't get in
Steam: okay here's steam greenlight
Shit indie devs: steam we still can't get our games on steam
Steam: okay greenlight is kill just pay $100 to put your game on steam
Shit indie devs: steam there's too many games and now my game is buried under garbage

They actually are doing that, but there's this little concept called "devaluation" that'll fuck you in the ass if you aren't careful, and epic quietly springing a sale on these publishers unleashed that particular problem on them, so they got mad.

and what happens with those free games epic gift everyone? Epic pays the difference to the developer or something?