Admit it, Yea Forums. You're excited.
Admit it, Yea Forums. You're excited
>dont know the release date
>dont even care enough to google it
im sure the journalists will give it good reviews atleast so you can pretend its a good game
I enjoyed the first game for what it was, but I had so many problems with audio desyncs, massive frame drops during cutscenes, models despawning or not even appearing during cutscenes, etc. Tried multiple tvs, hdmis, ps3/ps4s, multiple discs, entire level textures not loading, etc. Seems a lot of people had this problem, and some didn't. Ultimately it ended up killing one of my ps3 hdds way back when it was so bad. Which ultimately just left me not really caring at all about the game anymore, nor its sequel. When it did work, I had fun with it and I did enjoy what I got out of the story ultimately. But no, I'm not excited and Naughty Dog's internal testing has went down the drain after the Jak & Daxter series.
I stopped being excited after that scripted ass gameplay trailer they showed at E3.
Admit it OP, the shitposting is not filling the void anymore
Fuck yeah
im interested in the story i suppose, i really like joel.
but fuck buying this, i'll just watch it on youtube, it really doesnt make a difference in the end
No. I wish I could poop on Naughty Dog's doorstep then ring the doorbell and runaway
why does everyone get assblasted about piracy but nobody cares if you watch a sony movie on youtube
not that im saying your doing anything wrong, just something ive noticed
Only buying for the kino sneaking multiplayer
nah, everything I liked about the series was fucked up in the DLC. I just wanted my violent murder simulator.
they deny us gameplay, we deny them sales
its an even trade in the end
yea i guess kino is the right word for sony games
I'm NOT interested. You know why? Having the best day of your life, means you'll never have a day as good again. This will be the game of all games that will set the industry standard so high, it'll be another decade before it gets matched. I want it, but it's gonna fuck me up desu.
I had none of these happen
Not really since the only thing I was into with the first game was the multiplayer and I just know Druckmann is going to gut it for his "vision".
you're welcome
Gonna be difficult to emulate Joel's murderous tendencies with the background of him being a failed father. At least that's a big part of what I really liked about TLoU.
Feeling like Ellie's just gonna be a badass and a murder machine because that's what we're supposed to get from female characters nowadays. Could be cool if they play the angle of her being a daughter to Joel.
Excited for it be shit
I think the multiplayer might be separate divisions entirely, since its always way fucking better than the story mode in ND games
If they let me prone in multiplayer itll be fine
My first reaction too.
See neither did my cousin when I borrowed it from him, so I assumed it was something on my end, but I tried so many things an discs and it happened every time, looked up tons of stuff on it and tried virtually everything I could, never could fix it, so I just eventually gave up and finished watching the game on youtube. Some peeps seemed to have it happen, some didn't.
Who knows honestly, maybe the universe just said no to myself and other's playing it.
That's what I was going to say.
Meant to write 'replicate'.
jew tactics to get you to buy more ps3s and last of us prob some internal bs on the disc that fucked with certain ps3 id numbers. had it happen too on 3 different ps3s finally got a ps3 that worked all of them new too.
jew tactics for more sales.
Like you wouldn't fucking believe.
Perhaps, either way it's left me rather salty on Naughty Dog products anymore.
You are blaming manufacturing errors on jews? Why would a game console company fuck up their production and logistics line on purpose just to sell a couple of more discs, via a complicated conspiracy.
keep living in denial, goy
For this trash? lol no
To demoralize the goyim and make it easier to destroy them and summon the messiah
>people gonna buy and talk bout how great it is regardless
>still get more sales all around
This but unironically
I'm excited to see how much of a trainwreck the story is going to be
TLOU 2 looks like a great game! but I am not excited about it,,, I am for Death Stranding.. anyone else?
*wins GOTY*
>This is acceptable """"gameplay"""" for a AAA Sony exclusive in 2019
Yeah I kind of am, if nothing else to see the butthurt on Yea Forums and whether or not it defies the insane infamy it's gotten. Ignoring the memery the first one was an ok shooter, and it might be elevated to good if they'd expand on the ai and the open combat environments.
>caring about the oppinions of games journalists
Why? they are all shit at games and have crap taste
Why the fuck are you defending jews???? Fucking idiot retard
I'll watch this movie on YouTube
You mean the anti-christ because Jews are fucking retarded and yet somehow still the "Chosen Ones".
admit it, youre a faggot
not a game
Didn't play the DLC, probably not going to buy Part 2. Interested to see how they play out the main conflict left from the first game.
As long as it make Yea Forumsniggers seething
nope i'm not interested in movie games and i hate nu naughtydogs attitude they have taken
Fallout 3 & Shadow of Mordor won GOTY. That's how irrelevant the award is
Great games
Druckmann had a strong independent black woman get a bullet to the skull, in any context that took some balls, he might have changed since then but I got the sense when he was making TLOU he wasn't completely cucked by the politically correct zeitgeist.
Dem visuals, holy shit.
>tries to have realistic kills
>dude tanks an arrow to the face
lol ok
That shit was shoehorned considering she talks about liking boys during the base game and even makes fun of gay people with Bill at one point.
the anti-christ is their messiah
our messiah comes shortly afterwards
I honestly don't know what to expect them to do in this sequel.
I never played the first one...and I'm probably not going to play this one.
I’m excited to see how they fuck up the glorious multiplayer formula that was in TLOU 1.
Scratch that they fucked up the first one too. Each survivor had shitty, taped together scrap guns and if you got enough points you could buy a fresh out of the box military weapon but it only has a few shots in it.
Then they added the DLC where your starting weapons are overpowered as shit. I still love it but spawn in against a guy who paid .99 for a gun and you’re fucked.
That’s where you’re wrong, faggot. The multiplayer is nothing like the story. It’s all gameplay.
You spawn in teams of 4 and each team has 20 lives. The maps are dead silent because apocalypse which means every moderately loud sound you make will give away your position. You and your team are butt naked except for your taped up scrap guns and the few rounds of ammo that you spawn with. There are supply boxes hidden around the map with parts you can use to craft traps, bombs, health kits etc. Killing enemies, crafting, and taking objectives will award parts that can be used to buy armor or make your scrap guns less shitty which is crucial in a fight with limited ammo.
You sneak around laying traps and collecting parts, anticipating encountering an enemy, and praying that they have less ammo than you.
Easily some of the best multiplayer I’ve ever played and I’m sad that it’s dying. Reddit spacing to make it easier to read.
I'm so excited to not have any fun
>she talks about liking boys
When did she say that? It's been a while so I don't remember. I thought she gravitated towards blacks regardless of gender.