Worst Yea Forums meme you've fallen for?
Worst Yea Forums meme you've fallen for?
Hollow Knight is good fuck off
I'm enjoying it. Stuck on Traitor Lord and the second Colosseum round right now though. I've done all the seals but I don't feel done exploring.
>Yea Forums told me that Killing Floor was good
>it was good
>Yea Forums told me that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was good
>it was good
>Yea Forums told me that some stupid weeb game was good
>I have my own brain, so I saw that it was a game I wouldn't like, and decided not to buy it
It's not Yea Forums's fault that you're a mindless follower.
You're fucking retarded OP. On price alone Hollow Knight is immune to criticism. They charged $15 for a 80 hour game that actually has replay value and gave away all the expansions for free. It's a metroidvania that out does both of those. On the other hand Bloodstained is coming out in a month or so for $40 dollars and you can bet your bottom dollar it'll not only be shorter but all expansions will be paid.
risk of rain
this game was dogshit and I like boss rush style
Is this the thread where we post good games?
>It has lots of content, so it's good
I guess that's one way to read that post sure.
>play games recommended by Yea Forums
>Its a top tier game
Just stopping in to say yeah Hollow Knight was disappointing, most people seem to disagree.
LEL can't you even le get gu_d user lelelel
The divide seems to be if you came expecting to be impressed by a good metroidvana or if you cam expecting to be impressed by dark souls with gay bugs
holy projection batman
I dropped this within 90 minutes.
absolutely awful
I actually fell for two Yea Forums memes regarding Zelda.
>Breath of the wild is the best game ever with no equal
>Breath of the Wild is putrid dogshit with no redeeming qualities
The game actually falls somewhere in the middle.
Git gud.
Bloodstained looks so fucking awful. Part of me wants to believe the guy intentionally made it look bad as his way of saying "fuck you, I already got your money"
I have grown to just accept that mostly what people value about Hollow Knight is different from what I expected and demanded from it. I found the rooms unimaginative, the movement options and upgrades incredibly basic/uninteresting, and the combat to be tedious, which was a problem since the game puts quite a few enemies around.
Other people might not be expecting or wanting things beyond the basic, the beautiful environments and differentiated locales might be enough to make them happy with the area traversal, the atmosphere the game sets is certainly top notch. The movement options being so basic isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I consider it to be bad in the sense of what I'm looking for in a Metroidvania where I want to use my shit in inventive ways to get around and have those little 'aha' moments where you realize a place you've been actually had another direction you can now traverse with a new upgrade. And the combat... I don't know how people forgive the bouncing off enemies thing but I won't call them stupid for it.
Same way I can defend Stalker to death but I can certainly see why somebody might dislike it.
>Bloodstained looks awfu-
>you can freeze time (only for yourself) to confuse the enemy
a-are you being ironic? because this is quite possibly the worst thing i've seen
Couldn't they have made at least one other attack animation
>because this is quite possibly the worst thing i've seen
You obviously haven't played Kingdom Hearts III.
Multiple weapons you shitposter.
"Its bad because furries"
What happened there?
Dust is unironically shit though.
Couldn't they have at least made multiple animations for each weapon
Me too but I did this to every monster hunter game I've played and I started with the very fucking first on the PS2.
This looks like a Korean flash game
>It makes me backtrack through its dull world a lot, so it's good!
>dropped it during the tutorial
It’s not really the games fault that you have ADHD, user. It’s your mother’s for drinking Red Bull while she was pregnant with you
>t. 50 IQ
>Battleborn is Bad
I played it in pre-release and it was somewhat fun, I was almost looking forward to the complete game and then it just came out like a wet fart and there goes that, no reason to buy a multiplayer game no one was interested in.
Fuck off furfag
Yakuza 0
Mirrors Edge