Didn't know ubisoft was so based

Didn't know ubisoft was so based.
Are you excited for the next game in the series?

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>like the sixth /pol/ thread within 10 minutes
guess it's that time of day

The game just looks like wildlands and that game was boring as fuck


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they inject polishits into everything else they do lmao
and their games are mass produced garbage anyway

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Asscreed isn't made by ubisoft, just published, retard.

>woke games are trash and should be ignored
wow news, much needed

I don't care about any of the other political garbage but this one really REALLY gets me.

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t. trying to sit on the fence because nobody likes them enough for them to be able to afford taking sides, even though their true ideologies will seep through in forms not too dissimilar from

>rubs head

>and that game was boring as fuck
It was fun with coop friends to sit around and shoots stuff from your buggy

it's published AND developed by ubisoft. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassin's_Creed_Odyssey Different sub-studios, but still definitely "ubisoft".

Game looks like hot garbage, i was laughing during the reveal how bad it looked.

Why should i buy it, to support your flimsy emotional state OP?

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It's deliberate manipulation designed to appeal to people like me who are just sick and fucking tired of politicshit being crammed into everything, but goddamn if I don't want to buy it anyway just to support the idea that games shouldn't be shoving some other county's political shit down my throat.

>shit game has choosing gender for your main character in a historicaly inacurate game
>pot references that


Common dude, get a grip on yourself.

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It really is amazing how gamers like you are easily manipulated to buy crap, isnt it.

*keeps releasing strong independent female operators in R6*

>in a historicaly inacurate game
This was for the game's "education mode", user. Which they marketed, as they did with Origins, as an educational tool for schoolchildren. pcgamesn.com/assassins-creed-odyssey/assassins-creed-odyssey-discovery-tour

ironic how a thread about not forcing politics in a game starts out by forcing politics in it

Wow you're stupid.

ones that are well over the weight requirements for SASR. seriously, gridlock is a landwhale

But, it literally explains their decision on the screen, "within the context of the game world". I'm the last person to touch asscreed garbage, or any other Ubishit lowest common denominator open world slop, but i think people get triggered too easily or extrapolate some grand masterplan agenda to 'change history' because "insert political party".

>But, it literally explains their decision on the screen, "within the context of the game world"
Yeah, it explains their decision in the Behind the Scenes footage. Not in the actual game itself, which is presented as an educational tool.


Ah i see, that is dumb then. Well atleast i can rest assured nobody used it as an educational material, just like nobody will use asscreed "insert number" to restore the church of notre dame nonsense they peddled. They talk big, but nobody remembers their garbage games 3 months later and all that marketing is just that.

>ubisoft refuses to force politics into game
so they aren't going to make all the characters white males? good

>watch shitterlands 2 reveal.
>looks like some 12 year old fantasy presented by some special olympics guy whois probably dying inside having to sell his soul out like this
>Look mah! Look how cutscenes make me look awesome! Look how tough they talk! Aren't i a big boy now mama?!

Rarely do i get second hand embarassment being associated with the hobby, but when it's ubisoft it's guaranteed to happen.

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>getting excited for videogames post-2012
Dude just stop. Nothing good is being made these days. And the only “good” products are just rehashes of older IPs.

No politics? A world leader got assassinated by drones in the trailer and about to get sanctioned by UN. This implies that the manufacturing of drones by big tech companies are politicized as evil and a war crime.


How does that compute for you? Try and use step by step logic to explain yourself.

Good! Now I will finally buy their games instead of pirating. JK lmao I am not paying shit for westacuck games ever again

Whatchu gonna do rick? Can't save em all Rick. You wasn't there when it all went down

>Ubisoft Quebec is not Ubisoft

Wildlands was fun.



Lemme tel you sumfin

user stop arguing in bad faith
You know when people say "I don't like politics in xyz" they mean popular politics taht are currently relevant. Like if they had the MC say "you're a fucking white male you don't get to control a women's body" to another guy who did a thing for no reason other than to virtue signal.
that would be inserting politics
political intrigue != inserting politics

*runs out of woods*
*stomps onto porch*
*smashes fists through window*
*spurts arterial blood all over kitchen floor*
*bangs pots and pans together*
*chases Dale up stairs*
*whips Dale with towel*
*starts swaying*
WE GOTttaa.. uhh... rick...
*passes out on floor*
masku... szzz... buh... muh.
*rubs head*

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A discord I'm in is doing an organized raid. It's retarded.

Don't forget putting a black anywhere in the game besides haning from a tree is liberal

*looks at feet*
*rubs head*
*walks forward angrily*

Running from history is how you repeat it.

I was dreading him as punisher, but he did great. Season 2 was a fucking mess, but still better than the other marvel shit.

taking sides is suicide as a buisness. why piss off half the population?

Honestly poor marketing strategy. A really big problem we're facing in this field is social media teams being the big new thing so their importance and engagement is overstated because companies suck at social media and think every decision causes their entire audience to hate them.

How do you "force" politics? You write a story and the political subtext is either there or it isn't and if it is you should just run with it.

are you fucking retarded?
you and the other conservashits have been injecting politics into gaming for years
you argue the the mere existence of women and minorities in gaming is political, which is complete nonsense. women and minorities exist in the real world. putting them in games is non-political - forcing all characters to be white males is completely political.

Definition option 1: Shove politics that have nothing to do with the story into it just to be topical.
Option 2: You do it in such a hamfisted way that it either doesn't logically fit the setting or it's disgustingly obvious what you're doing.
At least in my opinion, older authors should be the framework for how to do it. But retards that think things should have "no politics" are retarded and don't even realize the things they like were political. But again, that's part of why they were good. At least for me.

Nice flaseflag polfuck

>conservashits can't handle object truth
>claim it is false flag
fucking pathetic white piece of shit
keep your politics out of gaming and keep your shitposts off our site

>ubisoft puts out far cry 5, kinda sets itself up to appease the journalist/left leaning crowd
>journalists make long winded whining articles about it not being "political enough"
>ubisoft takes focus away from that on next game as you can't please that group

I'm amazed ubi of all studios managed to learn something

As soon as the trailer showed dyke soldiers I tuned out

Wild lands was amazing with three friends.

You can have every race on your squad in ghost recon 1 dumbfuck. Having it be set in certain hot zones of the era isn't a political leaning, it is a reflection of the conflict zones men fought and died in, or where they entirely could have.

L'masque sumthin

>military shooter
>no politics

Ok I will bite, how is saying that you won't force politics into your game related to /pol/ at all? Remember, they didn't say which side of politics won't be forced. Why assume what side it is?

how the fuck do you make a game about war with no politics in it? This is hilarious.

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Stop defending politics being forced into video games. You brought this consumer reaction upon yourselves.

I just thought it was some kinda zombie post apoc game or something because of shane, lol.

guess you guys don't like Metal Gear Solid as well. Your genes don't determine your entire life/destiny.

why? That is accurate.

mgs touches on issues that the common man doesn't have yet to deal directly with like nukes and gene editing. they place their faith in the infallible protection of MAD, and they care not for the social engineering of media except to make memes of hand gestures.

>Are you excited for the next game in the series?
Did they ever keep the Gunsmith mechanics? Will they bring it back for the next game?

I refuse to believe they learned anything. You have any idea of how many women and other useless hires do they have on board? Wait a bit and they will show their heads up soon again. That's all they do, not being real developers after all.

Ubisoft prolly saw their games dwindle in popularity as people ran the fuck away. Ubisoft will always have politics in their games they have too many people that love to put it in every game. It worked out in games like watch dog where you could choose to live out whatever fantasy thrill kill you desired. But they fucked up with far cry and assass creed

No. I'm just tired of all the politics, all the time, everywhere. So goddamn tired. I can't take it anymore. I'd set off a bomb or something, blow myself up and take out as many of these red-team-blue-team-everything-is-politicshit asswipes with me as I could, but they'd just turn that into politicalshit too, so there's no point. Besides, then I'd be no fucking better then any of them, shoving my own idealogy, or lack and disdain thereof, down other people's throats like they shove theirs down mine.

I'm so tired of hearing about races and genders and religions and cultures and sexualities. I'm so tired of the nonstop bickering and arguing about trivial, stupid bullshit.

This garbage isn't Ghost Recon.
Ghost Recon died after GRAW 2.

It was a moronic post and yes it is an obvious falseflag. Do you think people is that stupid in """""our""""" site?
>white piece of shit
As I said, obvious.

Because there's only one side that whines about politics being forced into games, and they think that gays and blacks are subhuman but zygotes and corporations are people.

We let normalfags in, we pay the price now.

this. Yea Forums was cool until the 2016 election. Now it's shit.

baka racist white boys

bruh they got shane on this shit lmao

isn't he also in Death Stranding? Dude is getting work.

>check everywhere for opinions on Ghost Recon Breakpoint
>twitter, youtube, reddit, facebook
>everyone is hyped and excited for Wildlands 1.5
>none of these people probably even touched Orginal Ghost Recon
>mfw watching the Ghost Recon name being dragged through feces while millions of people cheer for normie nu-Ghost Recon schlock that isn't even a fraction of what made Original Ghost Recon so widely loved

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>I don't really care about this politicial garbage but I really care about this politicial garbage
What did he mean by this?

*rubs head angrily*

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wildlands was unironically good though. Breakpoint looks fun as fuck too. Definitely picking it up.

Also it's not 2001 anymore, nobody wants your shitty mil-sim slow crawling games anymore

play ARMA then faggot

Is he going to do his autistic battlecry like in his Punisher?


It's funny how they took shit out of siege like the chink gambling stuff


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Is Walking Dead even good anymore?

I completely quit WD as soon as they went to that shitty farm because they literally broke their own rule (never stay in one place for too long). All I remember was some CDC building turned out to be a ruse.

>Hello my mind is comprised entirely of memes

Ghost Recon fell into obsolescence when they tried all the advanced future tech, now they want to do it again? With C list jewwood?
Great plan.

You dodged a bullet.First season is the best season, and the later seasons are dogshit.


At least they're admitting it isn't historically accurate.

they changed directors and it became a trashfire with a few kino moments

What?This is like that article that says monster hunter glorifies colonialism.Duke nukem has pig cops SO POLITICAL

You literally missed nothing and that's actually the optimal viewing of Walking Dead. Seasons 1 and 2 are absolute Kino. The entire series goes to shit when they "settle" on Hershel's farm. It went from "we're the last survivors in the world trying to survive at all costs" to "Oh, actually a lot of people survived, guess we need to manage communities and factions now"

Also Lori, Shane and Carl are dead and Rick has been written out of the story so it's not even Walking Dead anymore.

There isn't anything in the entire world that you aren't sick of.Stop being mad you faggot.

So exactly like how they always bitch about any character being white?
Both of you retarded extremists are the fucking same.