Constantly fucks up his missions

>constantly fucks up his missions
>kills people and gets people killed
>gets addicted to heroin
>beats his girlfriend

B-but he wanted to make a movie. He was a good boy and didn't do nuffin!

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What game is this?

oh fuck this isn't Yea Forums

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I must be loyle to my capo

Sopranos is shit.

this. Yea Forums will never admit it but season 6 was dog shit

but thanks to that shitty show you got your favorite series, breaking bad

I'm so fucking confused too OP, I literally posted in a Yea Forums thread I thought was Yea Forums now I'm fucking on Yea Forums seeing this.

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Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

He hasn't played videogames in the show

What is it about The Sopranos that makes zoomers so angry? It's like they know they'd probably enjoy it if years of Minecraft, Fortnite and Twitch streamers hadn't turned them into an ADHD-ridden mess at 22

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somebody is projecting

Watch it, user

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One time I somehow posted a Yea Forums thread on the history board somehow.

>Christopher gets into the music industry
>Christopher gets into the film industry
I don't outright hate the character but his subplots were the worst in the show by far.

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holy fuck there was a game


>when Yea Forums gets lost because they forgot to put the t into the address


Are there people who seriously don't use bookmarks in 2019?