Layer 5A...Home...
Layer 5A...Home
ahh... I can't wait to go hunt boars with my friend.
hey Yea Forums, we're standing in the same spot and I still can't see him, whats going on?
Why are there ogres everywhere?
>blizzard ruins their own game for the 10th time in a row
How do they do it?
>imagine paying for this abomination
why are blizzdrones so retarded?
How much can tanks get away with reserving for 5-mans?
>I've got a lock that on a troll priest, prepare to accept invite on my mark
You don't have to reserve shit, just don't invite people who would even roll for your gear lol.
I've seen scummy tanks reserve everything sellable in Stratholme. Shit should be reportable.
Still worth it for the quests unironically, atleast while leveling.
Sorry honey but this is how I efficiently farm gold. I can't aoe or solo dungeon farm like the more privileged classes
I knew that Blizzard would fuck it up but I actually believed they would wait until after it released to do so. Everytime I think "Blizzard can't be THIS retarded" they prove me wrong. It's truly an amazing thing.
>roll need on skullforge shield that he "sellable res"
>get kicked from group
>join another group 10 minutes later after getting super lucky and finding a group that needed a replacement
>2 of my pre raid BiS drop
>win them both
Sean Murray worked on the servers
what does layered mean?
imagine a can of pringles
i mean what does in mean for wow, what's the difference from sharding?
Nah, this is fine. Undead Strat pretty much has nothing a tank wants, while rogues and healers desperately need it.
How many players on one layer?
People have bitched about CRZ for years.
Why the fuck make it worse?
30, because the nuengine shits itself with more than 40 players
Sharding is merging portions of realms.
Layering is separating one realm into several portions.
>The core reason why server based games require subscriptions is so they can run and mantain servers that can host thousands of players in the same zone
>Now you're playing a game pretty much alone with no one else around you because of their new 'technology'
Why don't you fags just play better games at this point, If you remove the MMO from MMORPGs you just have really bad games.
B-BUT we're going HOME
>The core reason why server based games require subscriptions is so they can run and mantain servers that can host thousands of players in the same zone
No the core reason is that they want money. Servers are cheap as fuck.
No thats what "MMO" developers think the point of running an MMO is.
And people stupid enough to pay for shitty new MMO Subscriptions are subhuman
>invest thousands of dollerydoos on 'technology' to reduce server maintenance costs
>pretty much kill your game in the process
Not even talking about classic either, every iteration of crossrealm this game has added has only caused more people to leave.
yeah but which class is the cunybro
I feel fucking ILL whenever I see a warrior without a shield.
can layers interect with each other? sound slike you're sayign their are multiple servers on one realm
Why? You're not supposed to use one outside of maybe dungeons. You can easily tank up to like lvl 40 content without a shield too if you want, but if you don't trust your healer it's obviously not recommended.
>can layers interect with each other?
Sound slike you're sayign their are multiple servers on one realm
thats right. they need to do this because blizzards new servers cant do what their old servers could do.
So this is a non-issue then.
It is an issue, you could for example request to join a friend's layer when you're losing a PvP fight, or to farm mining nodes or etc. The beauty of classic was that the world felt like an actual world and people weren't disappearing in front of you and stuff constantly.
it may sound that way. on the surface it just seems like it will bring a nicer leveling experience and lower lag. but it breaks alot of the game in the progress. the economy is going to suffer greatly because players will be able to jump layers and gather rare herbs/minerals or kill valuable mobs. people will also not be able to organize guild ganks since you might be on different layers. world pvp will be completely broken because of it. and say goodbye to server wide events like capital raiding.
Except that the servers are limited to a small population
Did a much bigger wave go out?
I got in bros
>you could for example request to join a friend's layer when you're losing a PvP fight,
so you can interact with them