What's Yea Forumss take on Brutal Doom?
What's Yea Forumss take on Brutal Doom?
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It's a fun little mod but because it isn't vanilla i get angry about people enjoying different content instead of the same thing over and over for 20 years.
fucking boring.
Reason I ask is because I've never tried it but Yea Forums usually shits on it.
Boring as opposed to what?
It's not very good. Spaghetti code, stealing other peoples shit, and of course the weapon and enemy balance is fucked.
Play the other dozens of fucking mods m8.
fun for 5 minutes. vanilla is so much better.
Any recommendations? Genuinely curious, been in the mood for some classic doom but vanilla gets old.
project brutality is better
Unironically better than vanilla
Better than the original that's for sure.
for a start.
Check out this place cause my god it's a treasure trove of shootan games.
Nice bait. You'll get tons of (You's)
From manbabies maybe.
SGT mark is that you?
Why do you keep making these threads man?
Seriously what's up with you? Like man do you just enjoy stirring shit up?
Brutal Doom is great. I'm not saying it's better than the original. But it's worth playing through if you're a Doom fan. Just be sure to disable jumping if you're playing retail levels. The levels aren't designed around that shit and gives the player the ability to skip over content by jumping over intended barriers.
NO WAY. That thread has downloads for the Doom RPG series. I've been looking everywhere for that shit. I remember playing that on my Razor fliphone.
if you don't play on glboom+ with every filter/shader off, no vert aim but yes to mouse aim, uncapped framerate on a 144hz 1080p+ monitor you're not playing doom.
Yep complete port too. All the other id rpgs are there too user. Enjoy buddy and welcome to /vr/
i just know /vr/ fucking hates it
It's babby's first gameplay mod and outsiders think it's synonymous with modern Doom modding.
don’t know if brutal doom is supposed to be played with ad hoc custom levels but all I remember is getting my shit ruined by imp traps on classic levels
Doom (2016) but free
and still shitty
It's okay.
Is this that one mod with the cultists and the spray can flamethrower?
Been playing Brutal Doom 64 recently. I like it.
Vanilla BD is too easy. But since I like doing tweaks to mods to begin with it was easy enough to make a lot of changes. Tougher and faster and deadlier enemies that only leave behind relatively fragile body shields for a start.
I've been playing Brutal Doom and i've liked it so far
Whys everyone hate BD and what makes Project Brutality better
Sgt mark is a psycho
why do boomers hate brutal doom so much?
its just a fun mod what makes it so bad?
Literally babby's first Doom mod. Many people play nothing but it and throw tantrums if a mapset/mod is not compatible with brutal doom.
Also Mark's a faggot.
Unbalanced mess can be fun, but people who spend thousands of hours playing Doom can see through the fancy effects. Brutal Doom is worse than vanilla. If you want tight action, play good megawad. If you want prettier graphics, install a facelift mod. Brutal Doom is just a novelty and not even the best one.
It's just doom but less fluid and fun. Bad sound design and animation work too.
I enjoy beautiful doom though with vanilla monsters and some extra blood.
hideous destructor is fun
It's a good way to replay doom.
I played a bunch of it. It's what got me into playing Doom on PC. Up until then my only Doom experience was Doom 64. I ended up enjoying vanilla Doom more than Brutal Doom though.
>playing vanilla levels ever
BD64 is almost perfect. Take out the dogs, revanents, BFG self damage, and chainsaw ammo and it's golden.
Used to play the shit out of it since my pc couldn’t run the new doom but got bored of it later when I got it on ps4
Sacrificial grounds is one of the most disturbing brutal doom hell maps.
Like really makes you think your in hell in an agony way...............
Yeah getting your ears blown out by awful sound mixing is a lot of fun. Every single alternative brutal doom (johnny doom, project brutality, and many more) is better than brutal doom. So many mods have done what brutal doom does, yet more fun and well put together. Go play guncaster, trailblazer, gmota, meta doom, russian overkill, or any of the doom 4 in doom mods. Hell, you could just take a small weapon mod, ketchup or a mod like it, and smooth doom and you pretty much have the same thing as brutal doom.
I like it for what it is, though I think Project Brutality is better.
Vanilla doom just has a nice feel to it. You were never meant to aim vertically, you don't need to. Brutal Doom is tolerable if you're just messing around on a second or later playthrough, but fuck yourself if you use it to play DOOM for the first time.
Its actually kind of amazing what doom modders are able to do with the engine.
Now I now there's alot of unironic zoomers on here, but check this out.
Almost every doom source port allows for vertical mouse look...BD didn't even add that feature.
user you're fucking retarded.
Set BD as an autoloaded file and you can drag any other map wads onto to the sourceport exe to play them.
It started out fine but went too far in its changes.
I enjoy it a lot because it's very pure shooter. But Brutal Doom got extremely popular and the dev is a cunt so Brutal Doom is shitposted on Yea Forums as a result.
>Brutal mods for literally every Retro FPS
>No Brutal Chex Quest.
>launch zandronum
>it's all megaman servers
holy shit i hate faggots
You're right, doom source ports allow for vertical mouse look. But actual original doom didn't since it wasn't actually 3d. There wasn't actually vertical planes at all.
Honestly I'd say burtal doom fans are more of a problem at this point. The author has more or less shut the fuck up hasn't he? Of course the biggest problem will always be the shit sprites and spaghetti code of brutal doom.
unloved is good shit
It doesn't really matter though user the game plays just fine with or without vertical aiming. When I started playing doom I used chocolate doom first then I went on playing with source ports.
If you really want you can turn off auto aim and then bam vertical aiming is a necessity in certain maps.
The amount of customization you get from a source port is staggering plus it allows the engine to do things it was never even intended to do.
Effectively doubles the content with more weapons, weapon alt modes, progressively harder and different variants of enemies based on how far you are within your wad.
Blood isn't a doom mod you donut, it's its own game
it's unanimously loved outside of the few people who seem to think saying it sucks gives them some kind of autistic street cred.
in the end it's still the same boring gameplay of doom with what amounts to a fresh coat of paint.
I don't care if other people like it, but I don't like it, and I don't like it being viewed as "the way Doom is supposed to be".
Project MSX is pretty fun.
I think I got a much older version to work with Chex Quest once. It was pretty funny seeing the aliens bursting into gory chunks. Not quite the same as a proper version though.
It's actually not there same doom gameplay, but I will agree that it's boring. Turns a dive and dodge free for all into a standard military shooter with blood overshadowing great death animations.
Unironically, doom is better when it's modded to be less violent
This is ridiculous and I love it
The animation work is honestly fucking pristine. Sound design is excellent as well. It's a fucking miracle fan game.
BTSX is my favorite megawad. Anyone have recs like it?
I used to like it, it's been kind of going out of control lately, though. You have to pick the version you like best, I suppose.
Better than people on Yea Forums say it is, worse than people outside of Yea Forums say it is