Western characters are ug-

>Western characters are ug-

Attached: elena.jpg (480x720, 37K)

she was always the right one for nathan. british sluts btfo

Attached: 1558034186936.jpg (1080x1080, 134K)

Now post the black lady

She doesn't look that bad

You mean nigger?

I genuinely fucking HATE what they did to her character. She went from being a bubbly fun side kick who knew her place, to YASSSS QUEEN supreme elder boss who can literally do no wrong and is always right because she has a vagina and you better respect her for it. Fuck Elena.

>vile brown eyed Jewess gobbo
Yuck, I thought this thread was supposed to be about Western beauty?

Attached: IMG_2589.jpg (400x225, 16K)


Elena didn't even need to be cute either. She was so realistic and loving. The opening of Uncharted gave me the briefest glimpse of what life must be like with a girlfriend - or just anyone who cares for you.

It was my favorite part of the game. I play it weekly.

>Sharp chinned ayylien

That western chick you've got there is pretty bad too. Just because a character is made in Japan, she's made with Western engine, so she's a western character.

>expecting RL women to be loving
you're not missing out on much, man

Now post her feet senpai

Attached: Uncharted™ 4_ A Thief’s End_20160522224915.jpg (1920x1080, 248K)

Naughty dog is great at creating good looking things, but that's all they can do now

Looks like a skinny guy with a girly hairdo to me

>americans take their shoes off in the house
>they then go and smear their dirty feet all over the furniture



I'm sorry someone hurt you, incel.

Why the fuck are your feet so dirty?

You wouldn't use that word against me in real life. Please show some respect.

Attached: 1529271242714.jpg (1024x722, 57K)

Lads you think we'll see Ellie's feet in The Last of Us Part II?

If my feels could draw pictures

Everyone looked better on the PS3 when they had larger eyes.

Attached: U2-ElenaFisher[1].jpg (1280x720, 182K)

Enjoy your divorce.

I'm not the one having an emotional breakdown over a female in a video game, kiddo. Don't worry, I'm sure that begging for scraps of pussy will pay off for you someday.

I wouldn't meet you in real life in the first place, I don't live in a basedfatniggerica or in eurokhalifate :^)

I used to think she looked quite hot (if too covered-up), but after arguing with crazy weebs for hours about the fine details of why the nu-Capcom girls faces aren't "fucking repulsive", she now seems too realistically-old and average-looking. She looks like someone who used to be hot as shit when she was ~20 and now at age 33 has gotten married and stopped trying. Amazing facial animation though

Attached: concern.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Elena is beautiful


Attached: hangin round.webm (640x360, 2.09M)

Attached: check it out.webm (1004x720, 2.99M)

So.... you live in a third world shithole, /pol/dditor?

yea I take it back she's pretty hot

Attached: elena.webm (436x720, 1.35M)

Attached: husband and wife double team.webm (800x450, 2.97M)

How can realistic white vidya women even compete?

Attached: adawong.jpg (1080x1080, 246K)

God I hate the fights in Uncharted, enemies just pops up behind your back out of nowhere.

they actually run all the way around the map and climb up there, they don't just teleport. If you watch your flanks every now and then you will see them coming

Attached: bd8.png (1190x906, 178K)

That thing is hideous