best Spider-Man game
Best Spider-Man game
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That's not spiderman 2.
Hope the sequel fixes the severe lack of SABLE MOMMY
>moon swinging
HAHAHA Nice joke
Yes, but I mean it's to be expected from the newest game, isn't it?
Would be just another game if not for it being an exclusive
We will never get a swinging mechanic as good as in this game. How does it make you feel Yea Forums?
I agree.
Ultimate Spider-Man is underrated
It really was a perfect game. Too bad Yea Forums will never acknowledge this because it has an irrational hate boner towards sony.
If the dogshit M&M stealth sections weren't there, I would agree. Ignoring them, the game is a solid 8/10.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
That's not Ultimate Spider-Man
>Swinging isnt perfect
>Combat is basic as fucking shit
It was okay
That looks like Maurice Levy from The Wire
Whoever voiced MVC/MVSF spiderman will forever me the REAL spiderman
Being the newest game in a series doesn’t automatically make it better every time, though. How much zoom juice are you on?
Perfect means it had no flaws. The game literally had no flaws. It was a perfect 10/10 masterpiece.
Look you imbecile, only because it's not true 100% of the time doesn't mean you should scale back your expectations and settle for fucking garbage. I'm 28 and I expect newer games to be better than old shit.
How did modern Marvel allow all these pre-MCU Easter eggs to be finalized? It's not fair, this is supposed to be Disney's Spider-Man.
I want spider man 64 ported to the Nintendo switch. I also like Enter Electro, spider man (ps2), spider man 2 (gamecube), ultimate spider man (gba), spider man 3 (nintendo ds), and marvel vs capcom 3.
It was good but
>Replay value even on the new hardest difficulty, was so eeeeeeh boring. Skipping the cutscenes the second time made the game so short
>The DLC was such shit, boring story that went no where. Ooooh more sequel setups
>The boss fights. Dodge, throw thing, circle + triangle rinse lather repeat x 3
It was a pretty good 8/10 but not a 10
It's Sony's Spider-Man. Spider-Man isn't owned by Disney. Sony is just nice enough to let them "borrow" him
Incidentally, I imagine this is what snoybois look like.
Are you sure about that? I know Sony owns movie rights but not game rights?
Lmfao spiderman ps4 has a better swinging mechanic
>Replay value even on the new hardest difficulty, was so eeeeeeh boring. Skipping the cutscenes the second time made the game so short
Making teh game longer would have diluted it. It's a fun 10-hour experience, and it achieves what it aims to do in a short time. It's not a 100-hour-long JRPG that's for sure but it doesn't need to be.
>The DLC was such shit, boring story that went no where. Ooooh more sequel setups
Yeah the DLC was dogcrap but that's not part of the base game.
>boss fights
Boss fights were good, I don't know what you're talking about. The fight with Electro, the intro one with kingpin, and the final one with Doc Ock most of all, were pure kino
this game really makes you feel like spiderman
Don't be stupid, sony has a license to produce and distribute Spiderman movies/games, the same way Fox has the X-Men license. Doesn't mean that either one owns them. If anything, Disney is the one letting them borrow these franchises.
NOOOO... They were supposed to forget.
Are you retarded? That's not how copyrights work. If Disney wanted to make a Spider-Man movie and Sony said no, they wouldn't be able to, end of story. The rights to Spider-Man films are legally owned by Sony pictures (Columbia entertainment), and disney has no say in that.
The amazing spider-man duology films were made by Sony and didn't involve disney at all.
It's a shame the sequel is almost guaranteed to make shitty Miles a much larger part of things :eyeroll:
>Don't be stupid, sony has a license to produce and distribute Spiderman movies/games
Don't forget, Iron Man, Predator, and who else knows what's on the table.
The videogame and movie licenses are handled differently.
Disney have no control over Sony's bootleg MCU (Venom, Morbius, Nightwatch etc.) just as they had no control over Fox's X-Men and Fantastic Four movies. Remember Fant4stic and the two Amazing Spider-Man movies? Those were made SPECIFICALLY so the rights didn't revert to Marvel Studios due to inactivity, hence why they were so soulless.
I'm really worried they're going to kill off peter in the sequel.
the swinging gets boring as fuck, literally no depth, no skill required lame swinging that doesnt look even close to as cool as the movies
Rhino and Scorpion is the best boss fight.
>doesnt look even close to as cool as the movies
which ones? If you're talking about the swinging in the Raimi movies then you need to watch them again, because it looked like SHIT compared to this game. I rewatched them all right after I got done with this game in October
I'm not an expert but i think you shouldn't be able to change your trajectory in midair as it happens in the game. The fun of the swinging should be about picking the correct structures to swing from, choosing the best pendulum at all times. Also, you shouldn't be able to do those zip lines while you are falling, only when you are ascending, otherwise it looks "off".
Co-op needs to be in the next game. More races, Brooklyn and Bronx regions, time trials.
>Spider-Man 64
>the port with still images of the shitty FMV cutscenes in exchange of the actual cutscenes
Best version was Dreamcast's, lame-o.
>web zip
>web zip
>web zip
all you did was prove my point
>Treyarch's first Spider-Man game has unlockable Green Goblin
>the sequel doesn't have an unlockable character (other than a "secret" bossfight against Calypso)
Sequel needs left/right trigger web swinging. The web shouldn't attach until you double click he bumper, and Spider-Man shouldn't be able to exit the dive with a web zip. Also, fall damage.
>the web shouldn't attach until you double click he bumper
I don't see the need of this.
Meant detach.
the game looks better
Were any of the Spider-Man on PS3/360 "passable" enough for Spider-Manning, even if the web slinging isn't great?
Neither i see the advantage of it, if anything, simply releasing the bumpers feels more like releasing the web line.
I kinda liked the one where you had those good and evil choices but the game feels so jank now.
Shattered Dimensions is great if only because it fleshes out Noir some more. The downside is the Ultimate levels and 2099's Ock level, they feel like chores even if 2099 Ock is cute. Don't expect a lot of web swinging though, it's there but it's mostly used for a bit of traversal here and there. Noir uses it for stealth, 2099 uses it to explore areas, Amazing uses it for exploration but not to the extent of 2099, and Ultimate uses it mainly to cross gaps.
>MJ and Miles stealth segments are uninteresting and have no place in a superhero game
>Miles himself has zero relevance to the story yet has a ridiculous amount of screentime and story presence because they're sequel baiting Peter's death
>MJ is an unreasonable dumbass with delusions of grandeur who sneaks into military bases and finds it outrageous that her ex-boyfriend thinks that's a retarded idea
>Sinister Six rushed in the last act and as shitty double boss fights
Not perfect at all. Game was 8/10 at best.
They’ll probably kill him off in the third one like in the MCU