Bloodfags BTFO
I call it, Blood: A Refund in 3 Acts
Bloodfags BTFO
I call it, Blood: A Refund in 3 Acts
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How many times are you going to make this thread?
It's not called Yea Forumsiral for nothing.
Oh look this thread again. What are you getting out of this exactly?
There's a special breed of retard that's been cropping up all over who buys games simply because Yea Forums says they're good and then gets mad at Yea Forums because those games aren't perfectly suited to his specific tastes.
>Bloodfags will never, EVER, be able to defend this
Shitting on Bloodfags is my new entertainment
Except I like Build games (except Blood - Blood is awful)
You already posted this thread, autistic spammer dude.
Man Bloodfags got BTFO in my thread there
Extra Crispy is a joke difficulty like Nightmare in Doom. It's made for co-op.
this is somehow worse than the twitter screencap threads. have we come full circle?
Except Well Done has cultists acting like that
Shadow Warrior has hitscanning ninjas that come in different health pools, weapons, etc and they don't even come CLOSE to the cultists on SW's comparable difficulty of No Pain No Gain
You can shutdown the bot. It’s been patched amigo.
To be fair, it takes a certain level of intelligence to be able to appreciate Blood.
Yeah, it's the most brutal and unforgiving Build engine game, but that's what makes it stand out.
Shadow Warrior is also a much worse and easier game.
You can't patch the problems with Blood, fren.
That's like saying it takes a certain amount of intelligence to appreciate getting raped in prison
Bloodfags fucking seething lmao
I think you mean SW is fair and well designed
You're the one seething here. When are you going to stop coping with how much you suck at video games and try again?
you got baited, retard
Fortune say: Bloodfag never gonna score
Blood is good lol your dumb
Is this the same autist that was shitting on Ion Maiden?
Imagine being such a casual you give up after savescumming through the first episode. You don't even understand the game mechanics.
Difficulty scale: Blood > Shadow Warrior > Dick Kickem
>Difficulty scale: Blood > Shadow Warrior > Dick Kickem
Quality scale: Duke 3D > Shadow Warrior > Redneck Rampage > dog shit > Blood
Is the link to your mod now an auto three day ban?
Everyone is shitting on Ion Maiden, so who knows.
Oh shit didn't know Blood was on Steam, thanks for the heads up
>it's a "One fucking autistic idiot keeps trying to get the Blood hate wagon going and gets pissed off for Yea Forums telling him to fuck off with that shit" episode
You're next line is "Civvie is an SJW cuck who only liked Blood because it's the most liberal Build engine game somehow!"
And your name is Green Skeleton on Steam.
Even if Blood is a bad game, you should buy it to support Nightdive
He literally said Lo Wang is problematic
He is, though. On the /vr/ thread they said he was boomer, but the dude is my age and a pissant. I share some opinions with him about Apogee stuff, though, but the "albino spaceman" riff on Commander Keen is fighting words.
>but the "albino spaceman" riff on Commander Keen
>proving my point for me
>Can't disprove it
>proving my point for me
Called Commander Keen an albino spaceman. That's it. I like that game.
Your point was not proven as it is fundamentally flawed in its construction. The guy seems to genuinely enjoy the games. That is a moot point, however, as he is a leftyfag. That has no bearing on whether or not he enjoys games. No one is saying he only likes Blood because he's a liberal or a rank and file drumpf automaton.
>or a rank and file drumpf automaton.
Cringe way to put it
It's a proper word to use to describe those sorts of people. Propose another.
>Called Commander Keen an albino spaceman. That's it.
Why is this a problem? I'm talking about real issues with this faggot like him saying Lo Wang is problematic.
Sorry you didn't get your refund, Berniebro
The fuck are you on about? The guy in question is one of those drumpf automatons, the type that spergs out whenever anyone mentions the POTUS and shits "drumpf" out of their mouths. Rank and file libfag.
Oh, duh. How people use Drumpf is so interchangeable, I was confused.
I spend too much time on Yea Forums, so when I use "drumpf" I'm referring to the people who shit themselves in fury over Trump being office whenever they are reminded that he exists. I'm not much of a /pol/lack, but the shitposting is usually humorous whenever /pol/ makes a thread.
>every fucking Blood thread from now until the end of time will now just be one autist sperging about how much he fucking hates the game and a random fucking e-celeb's political opinions
Can we please just have a thread talking about the game? Played through Episode 1 recently, had a fucking blast but I think the port I have glitched in the penultimate level and broke a door, had to reload to fix it.
>the same faggot who keeps insisting Civvie is a liberal cuck also insists Postal 2 is a lefty game
Unironically have sex, and stop making these fucking threads.
>Can we please just have a thread talking about the game?
The game is old as fuck and also bad - what else is there to talk about?
I never said P2 is a leftist game, but leftists like Civvie and Kimble Justice ignore the "bad stuff" for things like the Bush voting joke
Ok, now that you're not even trying to hide the fact you're the same god damned autist spamming the same thread and the same points over and over again, what the fuck do you have to gain from this? Who the fuck cares this much about Blood of all fucking things?
Get off the internet, go do something else and just stop, man. Nobody gives a shit and this isn't accomplishing anything. You're just the Barneyfag of Blood, now. Don't become that shit.
What the fuck am I supposed to be looking at here?
Explain what you think happened in the webm and I'll see if I can explain
The idiot played the game on a difficulty meant for co-op and cherry picked an example of him being a fucking idiot and not throwing dynamite around the corner. Blood is fun as hell, but it's also hard as balls, you need to learn how to use the dynamite if you want to survive in any of the later difficulties and this one fucking guy is literally seething about it every hour of every day.
>and not throwing dynamite around the corner.
Lol the Bloodfag agrees with my criticism in the OP
Thanks, Bloodfag.
You know Shadow Warrior and Duke 3D also have the strategy of throwing shit around corners, but you can also do things that AREN'T throwing shit?
>This thread
Every fucking thread.
Clearly OP is a massive faggot.
Have sex, dude.
i think he's complaining that he got shot as soon as he peaked but it actually just seems sensible
never played it but that's literally real life reaction speed like no shit he's gonna shoot you the second you peak, he had the chance to shoot first but he doesn't have the intelligence to pre-fire when he should have seen him already, or at least just react in time, or apparently there's dynamite you can bounce around corners as said
seems like one of the typical autists that are drawn to Yea Forums, I don't get how these people survive
holy shit you are so assblasted that you're incapable of using the simplest of mechanics
>mfw I throw a bundle of dynamite into a hoard of zombies and hear all their death sounds at once on top of Caleb's maniacal laughter
OP just hates fun.
>Disregarding Shadow Warrior as well
>Also missing the point of my post (which is that you both have throwables in Duke and SW but you don't have to abuse them as the enemies are actually fair)
Both Duke 3D and SW have hitscanners, but they're actually fair and well designed even on the hardest difficulty
That is fun, and things like the Gargoyles (and the boss gargoyle) are fun enemies to fight
Bloodfags BTFO again
>everyone telling you to fuck off and calling you a pathetic autist and a faggot
>people actively discussing what they enjoy about the game and proving you wrong
>"Lol, BTFO!"
Sure thing, buddy.
>Ophelia! NOOOOOOO!!
Fucking kino.
>Show yourself! SHOW. YOUR. SELF!
Shame the game sucks though
>Being this much of a faggot
Why was that grim reaper at the carnival so gay?
He represented Blood fans
*floats away to the highest possible ceiling so you can't hit him* nothing personnel kid
Man, imagine holding thst 20 years old salt.
I tried playing Duke and Shadow Warrior but there was something off with the aiming. I don't know what is it but it makes unplayable for me, meanwhile NBlood and Doom play just fine for doom I use X mouse look, no Y most of the time
>It's the games fault I didn't change the settings to make it work for me
Of course I tried the settings and workarounds but none of them worked, guess I should just download the original version.
Which versions did you use? Classic Redux and Megaton?
Yup, those are the ones. I'm downloading eduke32.
no Shadow Warriors is way worse about it
Classic Redux is the best way to play SW
Eduke32 is def the best way to play Duke 3D, and supposedly peoples mouse starts aiming properly when they switched from Megaton to EDuke
Disagree, I just played through the main campaign on No Pain, No Gain and am currently through Wanton and the ninjas never rape me like the cultists do.
he wants to make the Yea Forums hivemind hate Blood because he can then feel validated for hating Blood. Instead of accepting he's ass at the game and doesn't like it he needs to make sure everyone else thinks so too
he even looks like your typical Yea Forums user
>he even looks like your typical Yea Forums user
What do I look like, chump? Post me, I dare you