They've been showing off mechanics, nerf gambits. We've been blessed w canto and Gambits sound wack.
Other urls found in this thread:
Canto is back boys
Genealogy is my favorite game in the series, so seeing all this stuff from it seems very cool. I know we won't get a masterpiece story, but I hope it's good
The fact that crests and holy blood are so similar makes me worry we will get another end of Chapter 5
Did the leaks get disproven by any of the new info yet?
That's what we're all hoping for, frien. Glad to be cautiously optimistic, I'll give it a week until I get it.
I've played a metric fuckton of FE but am still "shit" at the series. I want to learn how to git gud at fire emblem. Can someone link me to a FE12 lunatic ironman run that I can use as reference for my next playthrough?
I hope we do. I cried when I first played this game when I was 13, and it's still one of the only games I can say that's happened to me for.
That’s like asking “I want to get good at platformers, does anyone have a download link for I Wanna Be The Guy?”
They won’t. Modern FE might be edgy, but they’re edgy in petty ways that only infuriate players rather than shock them. Like making single characters arbitrarily die for no good reason, or denying you support conversations from a character in one route who has access to them fine in another route.
Actually, I might as well just use FE14 Revelations as my example for just how far Modern IS goes in terms of edginess.
No it's more like watching someone play through I wanna be the guy so you get a sense of the movement tricks they use
That dot in the middle being what it is and just straight up being shown like that in the first stage is one of my favorite video game things. FE4 is really good.
looking through every ememy unit to see who had holy blood was pretty kino, kaga is based
>4 Routes
>Holy Blood System
>Personal Skills
>Time skip
Come on, this is turning out to be pretty good
Usually, those movement tricks also rely on very precise levelup RNG. Even the 0% growths runs rely on units having exactly the stats they start with, meaning any strategy with characters who can grow stats are nonviable. So I don’t even see the value in them.
Ok, some quick tips
-Promote early! The stats and weapon ranks you get when you promote will be more useful to you now than 5-10 chapters in the future. Don't worry about endgame, you usually get good units, weapons and have a good squad to take it on
-Movement is objectively the best stat, so having a squad of good fliers and horse units isn't a bad idea. Try to not pick "1 Per Class" and use characters that you like and are good.
-Pre-promotes you get at the start of the game are really good, except maybe Jagen and Arran in FE3 and Gunter in Fates I guess. Try not to let them kill everything, but let them put in good work to make your life easier.
-Go in with some kind of strategy. Don't plan every move, but try to say, I'll send my main group toward the boss, but maybe I send a powerful unit or two to lure some reinforcements. Don't micromanage units, give them stuff that they should get done to be useful.
I got more, but these ones are pretty important
Not the game you asked for but KuroiTTV on youtube has a few really good playlists up. He streamed his first blind run of conquest lunatic and he does deathless resetless runs of lunatic+ in awakening. The blind run of conquest in particular was very interesting because you actually see him fail some stages and get to watch him preparing for the next attempt and adjusting his approach.
Use the rescue command to ferry around low mov units and dancers around with canto. A good strategy plans how to use a dancer, because they offer extra actions that are usually crucial
Thanks for the tips, I think I'm aware of most tips in theory but I just need to see how they work in practice. I always see posts saying how easily people get through these games while I struggle, maybe I'll be able to uncover the secrets through recordings.
Great, this sounds like what I'm looking for. The deathless resetless runs would be perfect if only there were of some other game, but I'll definitely check out the conquest playthrough and see what I can learn.
>Usually, those movement tricks also rely on very precise levelup RNG. Even the 0% growths runs rely on units having exactly the stats they start with, meaning any strategy with characters who can grow stats are nonviable. So I don’t even see the value in them.
Yeah I'm aware of that. I can find super-ultra LTC runs on youtube easily but the deathless resetless runs are more what I'm looking for since they would help with regular strategy.
The first and last points are only part of the "leak" that seems pretty fishy. But Holy Blood returning is fucking sweet
...I might as well help after all. Here:
It’s FE7 (and later FE6, which you have to find by searching the Somethingawful thread directly, thank god the paywall is down), but it’s still a whole lot of advice on how best to not only beat the levels, but beat them really fucking efficiently, prioritizing getting a lot of experience for low-level units and conserving power weapons over getting LTCs...or even recruiting liability units.
This is what you Judeo-Bolshevists sound like.
the leaker knew Rhea's name weeks before she was officially introduced so it's closer to being real, if anything. Be on the lookout for the names Setes, Elio, Catherine for real confirmation.
>not wanting a BBQ 2.0 to watch waifufags and fujos cry because their favorite character died
I just thunk that because we will play as teachers we will grow even more attached to the characters making something like that completely miserable and heart crushing