Can censorship be stopped?

Can censorship be stopped?

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Is he going to tweet about gamergate?

have sex

literally who?


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nope, censorship benefits everyone in some way. Do you really want Japans kiddie porn games on the shelves where you buy groceries in America?

lose weight

Of all the crises that face America, Trump is focusing on social media companies. I regret voting for this fool.


porn is still banned on Yea Forums
censorship will never end

Shill your blog somewhere else.

There's no room. The tabloids take up shelf space.

>Do you really want Japans kiddie porn games on the shelves where you buy groceries in America?
Yes you fucking faggot

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>President pedofat wants examples of private companies policing their own services.
Hahahah, oh boy. He's one daft motherfucker, ain't he?

no, it can't.

Not in a world where the flow of information is largely centralized by only a handful of organizations, whether they are corporations or governments. Decentralizing communication is the only real way to stop it but very few people find decentralization beneficial because it's less convenient.


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there is no censorship, it's attention whores being dumb

this is why noone cares for censoring, when you anti-sjw pedos choose this hill to die on.

>about to pull an Iraq 2.0 and go to war with Iran
>muh social media!
The fucked up priorities of GOP governments never ceases to amaze.


>when you can barely write in coherent english so you just write about how current year's boogeyman is tearing society apart

Isn't there already enough proof of conservatives being censored on tech platforms?


you are just jelly you don't have your own blog, sweetie

mark zuckerberg got out of his car and chopped down my billboard with a sword

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>all the neoliberal corporate bootlickers in this thread
Top whew

imagine thinking were actually going to war with Iran

sure it's no worse for my children than what warrent buffet tries to sell them in my grocery store
fuck berkshire hathaway

> he thinks Trump is an ally of vidya
That boomer faggot still thinks video games are the reason kids shoot themselves

Nah Trump will keep us out of a war. But when he loses 2020 and Biden is elected to bet your ass we'll be in the middle-east within a month. All the while CNN and MSNBC glorify his mature foreign policy.

>b-b-but Trump said we're not
Despite his bluster, Trump is legitimately one of the weakest commander-in-chiefs we've ever had. He has almost no control over his administration. Every time he claims something, the opposite happens. Remember when he said that we were getting out of Syria and Afghanistan? Nothing happened. He is a tool of the neocons/military-industrial complex. Bolton, Pompeo, etc will easily convince him to go into Iran.

You posed a question, you got an answer. Who the fuck is dying lol

US military presence Syria and Afghanistan is negligible at this point. Probably why the sand niggers are getting increasingly uppity. Let them blow each other up.

remember every time trump the orange says he's going to remove troops from somewhere, and your party teams up with the neocons to talk about how scary that would be on every news channel until he goes back to his cave to tweet about how unfair the world is
very cool

More like they're creating a distraction to keep the press occupied while they literally mobilize for invasion

>Trump will keep us out of a war
>tore up Iran deal
>is expanding interventionism in Middle East and now Africa
>is continuously inflating military budget
>claimed Iraq War was a mistake but hired foreign policy advisor (Bolton) that was the architect of it
>claimed US was withdrawing from Syria and Afghanistan, flip-flops after advisers convince him not to
>continuously inciting Iran by destroying their economy and building up military on their border
If you seriously still think Trump is a dove you're still stuck in 2016 and have not paid attention at all to his policies.

You don't know what you're talking about.

>your party
What makes you think I agree with the retards on MSNBC or whatever the fuck? Stop being a partisan hack.


>your party
Shitlibs get the rope too, the only difference is that they lie about how cool they think pointless wars are

take responsibility for your gaylord party, gaylord party man
it's not even possible for me to be a partisan hack, since i don't belong to a gaylord party, because they nominate gaylords like joe "tries to take credit for the patriot act like it was a good thing" biden
what a stupid clown party full of clowns

Such a peabrain, genuinely expecting a full blooded invasion of Iran.

Why does the guy on the left look like a symmetry shop?

he is the world's first android

If the President wants to stop social media censorship, I hope he goes after Sony and gets them to kill off their racist policy.