Cant wait to see the Mario Kart franchise finally crash and die soon. Enjoy your bing bing wahoo toddler racer while it lasts ninties.
This Kills the Mario Kart Series
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Can't we enjoy them all? I've never played Sonic racing but Crash and Mario are some of my favorite games.
>sonic cart racer
I don't know, why doesn't he try hmmm I don't know... RUNNING?
Sonic isn't a fucking Kart game. It plays exactly like any arcade racer, outrun, NFS, Burnout etc
Fuck Mario Kart
Fuck Sanic Racing
Fuck CTR
kill yourself console waring faggot
shit thread
i'm posting burning depths instead of shitposting
Mario Kart Tour will curbstomp both in terms of profit
>Mario Kart Tour
I signed up for the beta, hope I get in
Any idea on that ones release?
He's gimping himself for a fair competition
do you understand what a video game genre is
call of duty is not the only first person shooter that exists, why the fuck would either of these kill mario kart just by existing
unironically based
I want to fuck white mage
Based snoybois slinging shit like always. Shouldn't you be defending censorship, you cuck?
aren't they competing with EACH OTHER and NOT mario kart?
fucking MK8D came out TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO and its a fucking enhanced PORT of a damn 2015 GAME!
if they can't beat THAT, they had no chance ever at beating even SMK on SNES.
Are you out of your mind? Just because he's in a sports car instead of a go-kart doesn't mean the clear conventions of the kart racing genre aren't there.
2014 game
>Mario Kart will be kill
>By Sonic and Crash racing
Mario Kart is a juggernaut now you retarded faggot. it's the equivalent of saying saints row 4 would kill GTA V
really? i thought it was smash that was in that year, not MK8. though that was like march, right?
It doesn't kill anything. I appreciate those games but you're a fuckwit if you think mario kart is dying because of them.