>tfw can't play this game because the time limit gimmick stresses me out too much
Tfw can't play this game because the time limit gimmick stresses me out too much
I gonna eat your ass, OP.
Then it's not the game for you. Anyone who thinks of it as a "limit" is an idiot who doesn't understand the game. It's a system for which all the NPCs operate. Literally if you use the reverse song of time to slow shit down and start the dungeons on day 1 (after getting the pre dungeon stuff done in a prior cycle) you shouldn't have any trouble.
Get gud
Fucking noobs
Too bad you're retarded OP
Exactly this. It's not really a time limit, it's just a schedule. The time limit is pretty nonexistent in terms of actual gameplay, so anyone who is unable to play MM has to have literal retardation
>its not really a time limit, its just a time limit
I really hate you MM hipsters, and in a fan of the game. The time limit is poorly intigrated and the time travel changes rules all the time because if it didnt the game would become such a chore it would be unplayable, the sign of a really rushed and poorly planned out plot device.
V A > V A >
Well then its a good thing we're talking about it as a game mechanic and not a plot device
>it's not a time limit, you just get a game over when the time is up
The beginning of the game is your time to overcome it. If you can get past the first rotation to learn the time songs, then the goddess of time becomes your personal bitch.
The game has aged like shit. Watch the Game Grumps playthrough. Arin pretty much decimates it with a ton of intelligent observations.
You can reverse time as much as you want, so no it's not a limit
Amazing. Absolutely none of what you just said was true.
Pretending to be retarded is still being retarded y'know.
>The time limit is pretty nonexistent in terms of actual gameplay
While I would argue that the game rarely puts you in a situation where reset kills all of your progress, trying to complete areas in a single cycle, like great bay from fortress to eggs to temple, or snowhead from mask to dungeon to post-melt content, or kafei anju wedding without a guide for your first time will absolutely test your time management.
Why don't you just parrot what they said so I don't have to waste my fucking time watching Game Grumps?
Not really, OoT is way worse.
>Game Grumps
t. contrarian
OoT is a far better game than MM.
I'll summarize.
>arin completely ignoring the dialouge and not knowing what to do
>figures it out or looks it up after obnoxious amount of dicking around and complaining
Good job, Game Grumps.
>can slow time
>can reverse time
>Wowwww why is this here waaaaah
You aren't a fan you're just a faggot
THREADS OVER,everyone go home.
EVERY GAME test a different skill/mindset. From Prof.Layton to COWADOOTY. Pokémon to Dark Souls.
Bitching about taking away the time limit is as stupid as complaining about why EVERY Zelda game since MM doesn’t let you use Mask to Change form.
Don’t like it? Go play literally any other Zelda game. Hell, any other game at all for that matter, one that test something else you might not be shit at.
WW is based around Sailing and the Wind. Go Sperg out about that.
>remember game grumps
>remember all the times jon said the n word
I can't believe people were surprised he was racist
Complaining about the time limit in MM is worse than crying about the time limit in Fallout 1, in fact it's even worse than complaining about the time limit in Super Mario. Get fucked OP.
Not really. Look, its a good game, I liked OoT back then, it kinda felt like the "best game ever" and everything. But in retrospective it is ALttP but bigger and "epic-er". After many years and many replays, it became stale. MM still feels good
>tfw can't play this game because it's too depressing to help everyone out then have them forget you completely after resetting the cycle
>Make great friends in such short time
>They're all really grateful and truly like you
>reset time
>they introduce themselves again.
Shit like this must've made Link cynical and aloof.
>Get to take Cremia's virginity over and over
>tfw you're a total fucking faggot who can't understand the context of a complex and unique game mechanic which allows not only a sense of urgency but opens up a completely interesting style of story/character engagement
Let's all dab on OP for being a sad fuck.
Arin wouldn't know a good game if it fucked him in the ass. (And this one did, btw. So did OoT) what a pathetic example to take from.