We are nearing a year since the call that saved the west.
We are nearing a year since the call that saved the west
>7 years since the play
>6 million dollar echo slam is going to turn 4 this year
neither of those come even close to cebs call and OGs comeback in general
>reinstalled dota after two years not playing
what the fuck happened. Its a completely different game
also valve wants my phone number to play ranked? What??
I have no idea either and it's been like 3 years since I last played.
Everyone is fucking obsessed with getting bounty runes and pulling and farming jungle creeps now.
This. MOBAs have reached a point where either you play everyday or you're left behind and have to learn everything again when you return to the game. They change the characters so much it is reaching a point they have lost everything that once made them iconic. It is less of a game now and more of a... huh, I don't even know how to describe it. Imagine if soccer was constantly changing the rules to "keep things exciting and balanced" and, like, a few years later you are playing using only your hands and your objective in game is to collect 7 hidden bells in a mine field. That's Dota 2 for you.
a truly epic ti that was
rat doto best doto
TI3 was the epitome of structured play
Who do you anons have pinned for this year's winners?
>press q
>spirit breaker used to rape sniper and drow
>now sniper and drow just poop on him anyway
Big fan of zai, so Secret
6 mil echo means fuck all. ppd already played CDEC like a fiddle all series
I'm still completely utterly baffled by both Wings and OG. I don't even play ASSFAGGOTS anymore but someone explain how TI always has so much kino.
It's like they're following Valve's script or something.
And even the people hosting the events and interviews dont seem to be a bunch of paids shills trying to hype everything.
Bruno and James 5ever
Im really sad about Wings. I loved their dota. Big hero pools all around.
>The last good Chinese team got fucked by their own domestic bullshit
I have my doubts every year about each TI, especially this year, but this time for sure there is no way they can salvage TI being hosted in China. Now they proved me wrong with Canada, though I really don't see it happening this time.
>farming jungle creeps now.
Stacking creeps was efficient as fuck even in WC3 Dota.
Ancients as well for Dusa / Luna / any other core who can farm it.
If you didn't know that, I'm afraid that you have a very limited knowledge about the game.
>This. MOBAs have reached a point where either you play everyday or you're left behind and have to learn everything again when you return to the game. They change the characters so much it is reaching a point they have lost everything that once made them iconic. It is less of a game now and more of a... huh, I don't even know how to describe it. Imagine if soccer was constantly changing the rules to "keep things exciting and balanced" and, like, a few years later you are playing using only your hands and your objective in game is to collect 7 hidden bells in a mine field. That's Dota 2 for you.
I stopped playing in 2016 and only watch Major tournaments & TI. While I lack some knowledge about certain mechanics, reworks and new items, there's nothing that I don't understand about the game, match ups and moves.
It's always interesting to hear thoughts about the meta in details like supports roaming are weak in a current patch or strong, offlane meta or not, etc. You wouldn't really know that from pubs anyway because competitive Dota is completely different.
I seriously am so excited for every Chinese team to get eliminated early on and the rest of the games to just have no crowd at all, it's going to be fucking hilarious
>Stacking creeps was efficient as fuck even in WC3 Dota.
Of course I know that, but now there's so much emphasis on neutral creeps it's ridiculous. Practically every camp can be pulled to a side-lane now, double-pulling is way too easy, and even MID-LANERS are farming neutrals while laning now, thanks to the camp that's five feet away from their tower.
Seeing Razors get a huge XP lead by picking up the camp next to the middle tower between waves is fucking stupid.
bring back the jungle
make chen great again
Who is the biggest counter to a good riki?
And also Bristleback, how do I counter him?
>all the Chinese teams filtered out before semifinals
sentries and map awareness, supp should get a force staff
anyone who normally builds a silver edge
>Pudge players on the enemy team: Consistently land hooks, go for full utility items, gets 30+ flesh heap by the end of the game
>Pudge players on your team: Misses every hook, roams at an early level getting no XP or farm, ends with 5 flesh heap at most.
Stopped playing after ti3, what happened? Are my niggas WD dozzle jacki and Sand King good?
Some things never change. Happens to me when playing some heroes too.
>play unDYING, 1k2 hp at most 0 farm
>enemy Undy is unstoppable, has 3k hp@8 min + 9k net worth
>Invoker on the enemy team: Has so high of an APM that a Starcraft player can't keep up, memorized not only every spell order but also entire combos and situations to use the combos and is versatile enough to fit into any role the team needs
>Invoker on your team: Has an APM of 3, does one spell at a time by looking at the cheat sheet Invoke gives you and only does Quas Wex because "That's what you are supposed to use!"
How do you make non mid Invoker work? I've seen it a few times but never done it myself.
safe support a hero that can proc cold snap a fuckton and press it to make kills happen on any target at any point during the laning stage
pick up midas if you're ahead and remain relevant with blink instead of aghs, tornado + emp + blast fucks teamfights up good no matter your farm