Game has Yea Forums references

>game has Yea Forums references

Attached: 1557928741229.jpg (764x713, 309K)

>someone makes a game reference

Attached: 1557760909499.jpg (1263x1920, 855K)

Reddit is that way, faggot.

>asshole posts anime

Attached: zaFobe4.png (656x538, 426K)

Attached: 1556045604827.png (1239x1756, 482K)

>Japanese game has 2ch references
>localized as Yea Forums references
is this acceptable from the localization side?

I can't think of another game beside VA-11 HALL-A, which other game has Yea Forums references?

go back to neppit

Attached: go back to neppit.jpg (1920x1080, 416K)

>Sneed's Feed & Seed

Attached: 1557679928180.jpg (1525x2135, 1.89M)


stream that film, if you're so great

Deus Ex Human Revolution

Attached: (1024x576, 68K)

I'm glad no one here would ever do such a thing

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Yes. Not many """weebs""" will actually understand what wwwww means and that's basic as fuck, anything past that would be entirely lost on them

check this 5

Battlefield 3 specifically references Yea Forums

Attached: 1543976044450.png (400x400, 64K)

so easy, lets try another one

Attached: 1535149831912.gif (360x238, 1.43M)

I would say this is pathetic, but I guess they really know what kind of people are buying their games.

oh fuck, i need a 1 now

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>game has reddit reference and you don't get it at fucking all

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>Not knowing narwal bacon
you have to go back


Right fucking here
*unzips dick*

he clearly got the reference and is judging the localization team
that shit is gay

That was pretty funny, honestly.

Don't you remember, user? When Yea Forums was changed to "Why don't you have a girlfriend yet?" when it was found in one of the DLC's? Must've been around 2012.

Are you some kinda newfag or something?

She looks like she fucks Anglo-Saxon guys.

What the fuck is narwhal bacon?
I don't get this reference at all.