Tree of Savior

>your 2 people party is getting ready to hunt goblins
>your spear user said she's ready to hunt the goblins and you look up and you see this

what do you do?

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We hunt goblins

there aren't goblins in tree of dead game

When are you going to give up? Not even lewdposting can keep ToS threads up on Yea Forums

there are gobs they are called something else

if only Plasmagica didn't destroy CnL.... I'd still be playing.

>a literal dead game that’s only played by bots

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more like stop shilling what nobody likes lmao

Please stop hunting Goblins. Surely we can make peace, there must be something we can bond over...

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I'm just concerned for you

>I am salty with it so it's dead

but he didn't, cnl is still here under another person's leader

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I wish this game was good, but the combat is easy and boring.

>reeeee why aren't you posting my kino game instead? it's dying because it only have 90 people playing it and the jews just did something to kill it harder

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Ah, you're that autist from the general.

but they changed that like a year ago, it's kind of challenging and fun now

Its always him.

rate my cleric

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>you like something I don't like so you must be autist

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Can my character look like this? If yes I would play, otherwise no.

it's cute

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No, its because you have autism, HM.

Cute, but I'm not a fan of her eyes personally
Would let her heal me as tank if ToS has classes like that. Deciding to download this game and finally give it a try and see what the fuss is all about. Might play a swordsman or something.

Post her pantsu


OK. Pics of similar-looking characters would be great

look up girl dragoons