Which version of Link accomplished the least during his respective game?
Which version of Link accomplished the least during his respective game?
Probably Awakening Link because everything he did was in a dreamworld that vanished as soon as he completed his quest. He was at the same exact place he was at the game's intro at the end of the game, except maybe there was some fucking seagulls or some shit
Hero of time because he was dead during MM
Technically most of OoT is undone.
Why does everyone act like Zelda is a light hearted series? Link literally goes through hell & never gets a happy ending in any game
Skyward Sword Link had practically everything done for him. He just had to get there.
He gets the kissu in Zelda 1 and 2 at the end of things
That's the same link from LttP, and the oracle games.
Let's say we're taking each specific adventure in isolation, then. He did shit in LttP and Oracle games but nothing he did in Awakening mattered in the end.
Except for the dreadful temples
Fuck you, he saved the wind fish. It more then counts.
Zelda CDI where you play as zelda. It's a fact.
Is this the new gay pedolust thread?
Still a dream at the end. He even found his perfect dream gf, and then had her taken away due to waking up.
He got a pretty good ending in BOTW.
Got Zelda back, gets to hang out with her all the time, avenged his friends, no more calamity ganon corruption fucking up all the sheikah tech, can potentially own a nice cozy home for him and Zelda to live in, everyone recognizes him as a hero who averted the apocalypse.
Pretty good ending for him if you ask me.
Factually untrue.
Wasn't the elephant malfunctioning or something?
bad bait
Probably from firing. Ganon's influence is completely purged, so I doubt the thing is possessed again.
ALTTP, OoS/A and LA Link are all the same guy. That guy did more than most Links
Triforce Hero's Link accomplished the least.
From the stories of the gerudo and zora, the beasts regularly malfunction even well before Ganon thought of corrupting them, and the primary purpose of the Champions, whenever there is not an existential threat running rampant across all of Hyrule, is that they have the knowledge and the skill to go inside and fix the machine on the occasions where it starts to break.
Hyrule Warriors link.
Easily OoT.
In all timelines he fails to destroy his villian and in the best one he only seals him away for some other link to deal with later. This link then goes on to save an alternate dimension in that timeline, which he leaves behind forever and already established (but dead) heroes in that dimension get all the credit for what he did anyway, because he had to borrow their bodies. Then becomes a ghost stalfos after having a modest family as a literal nobody in the land he "saved". And even then, this is his best outcome. He unwillingly creates timelines where he simply no longer exists or dies.
Frankly the story of this link is more of a tragedy than a heroic tale.
But he stopped Ganon like every other Link
Not to mention he's one of the best swordsmen
Zelda 1 Link kills Ganon and saves Zelda but the world is pretty screwed. In Zelda 2 he finds the Triforce to wake up an ancient cursed Zelda.
Going beyond the games he opened up the potential for civil war over the two Zeldas right to rule, and considering Links blood can be used to revive Ganon he's probably coming back at some point in the future.
So he basically accomplished nothing other than clearing out some monsters and buying a little time to rebuild before the next catastrophe.
The other option is the Hero of Time, but he at least saved Termina. If Zelda hadn't sent him back in time things would have been fine.
A Link to the Past Link and Wind Waker Link accomplished the most.
>Wind Waker Link
>Wind Waker Link
>tugged around by the King in an effort to rescue a dead kingdom
>everything flooded at the last minute
>Ganondorf not dead, sealed once again
>new land is named Hyrule
>second adventure happens in about ten minutes real time, almost nobody knows about it
>one hundred years later the world is fucked
>multiple people die
Which link did the most, is a better question?
I feel like it was objectively Majoras Mask Link.
Too bad most of it probably doesn't happen because of time travel shit.
The OP says game in singular, not games
Either the hero of time or ALTTP Link
HoT had countless journeys before eventually becoming a stalfos even if he wasn't credited for any of them
>finishes what OoT Link started and kills Ganondorf for good
>has another adventure
>founds an entirely new land
>becomes king and smashes brown pirate puss till he dies
>has best Zelda as a granddaughter
Hero of Time (even if it's undone thanks to time) and Hero of Legend (even without Awakening)
>both Oracles
It's ALttP Link
Alttp link isn't the same as oracle link
It's like WW is your first Zelda or something
He is
>second adventure happens in about ten minutes real time, almost nobody knows about it
>one hundred years later the world is fucked
>multiple people die
It wasn't. OoT was.
Actually Link's Awakening, but I didn't finish it the first time I played it.
crossbow training link didn't do shit
Nope, it very obviously wasn't the intention, like how he meets Zelda for the first time in the orcale games even though he should already know her from alttp. It's almost like it wasn't intended to be the same link
Non-conventional answer would be the first Link. He kills Ganon, and rescues two Zeldas but Hyrule is already devastated. Followers of Ganon are all over the place and just waiting for Link to die to revive him. He also probably breaks the first Zelda's heart and establishes a dangerous potential civil war over heirs of Ancient Zelda+Hero Link versus Modern Zelda+Whatever random dude she marries.
minish cap link did very little things
>one hundred years later the world is fucked
>multiple people die
This has literally nothing to do with him though.
Define first link.
You mean skyward sword? Or zelda 1 and 2?
I don't think he ever even ate an octorock
this dude knows what's up
That's TP Link, isn't it?
he wishes
You take that back
Personally, I interpret Zelda 1 Zelda as not really being "Zelda." That is, not being a reincarnation of Hylia like true Zeldas are. I just assume all royal women are named Zelda, though most are probably known by their middle names. So Zelda II Zelda is actually Hylia and actually has the right to the throne.
Dude, destroying an island is accomplishing a lot. Koholint may have been a "dream", but it manifested corporeally in the real world, so its not doing jackshit nothing. How many guys you know that destroy an island?
My money's on Zelda 2 Link. The only two things he does is wake a Zelda and not die.
He's literally the damsel in distress in Zelda's Adventure so that I guess.
I never thought Zelda was very lighthearted. There was always something bittersweet about it.
it wasn't just a dream
it trapped the wind fish and every single creature nearby that fell asleep into a never ending nightmare
so he saved every NPC that wasn't an enemy
marin didn't turn into a seagull at the end, marin WAS a seagull that got trapped in an eternal sleep