Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1558020514679.png (1596x1708, 539K)

Other urls found in this thread:!Vidya4T.Xo/page/113/!Vidya4T.Xo/'s_Rapier


Attached: anchor.png (750x750, 98K)

Requesting you submit to the three and draw and ordinator.

Attached: MW-concept-11.jpg (564x816, 439K)

Requesting palutena eating cheetos

Attached: 02e0c0d703d45d3a4f80a754f8c04933.png (1172x1578, 1.75M)

Requesting your favorite monster from Monster Hunter piloting a giant robot/Gundam.

What would it take to get some Leviathan drawn?

Attached: 1402544522309.jpg (830x930, 540K)

Give me the huge tiddy May requests

she looks creepy

I love Tiki, even the way she pines after Marth. Would a kindly user draw adult Tiki wrestling and pinning Marth down for sloppy make-outs?

Attached: DrFW1sLU0AEK3Ff.jpg (700x930, 106K)

Requesting symmetrical or asymmetrical docking with Jessica from Dragon Quest 8 pressing her breasts against Shilf's from Quest 64.

Attached: Jessica Shilf docking.png (2400x1200, 2.9M)

Requesting the first zombie scene from classic Resident Evil 1 but with Rumia (role as zombie) and Rin Satsuki (role as victim) the scrapped Touhou character.

Attached: Rumia&RinSatsuki.png (626x500, 382K)

Requesting a drawing of this.

Attached: E4FEB273-A357-4291-982A-79E403748966.png (602x602, 445K)

Requesting this but with Prof. Oak

Attached: 27634CEA-F2EB-4E82-8884-DAFF843E3980.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

Fuck you! He is cool!

Requesting you draw any vidya character dressed up like the Macho Man Randy Savage.

Attached: macho man.png (396x613, 374K)

lots of money

Requesting a colorized version of the image on the right, using the image on the left as reference.

Attached: Ibuki ballerina.png (1257x840, 612K)

Astolfo please

OH NONONO!Vidya4T.Xo/page/113/ oldest post archived!Vidya4T.Xo/

Requesting Mii Brawler wearing only a tank top and boxer briefs. What he's doing is up to you, as long as it's cute and slightly lewd.
If you need ideas, maybe something involving him trying to deal with the summer heat?

Attached: brawler ref.png (1750x1450, 1.76M)

Requesting Sayori from Doki Doki Literature Club wielding a gold club as a weapon.

Attached: Sayori_Illustration.png (371x1052, 335K)

Requesting a deep, passionate kiss between Alicia and Rudy. Both characters are from the game Brave Soul.

Attached: alicia and rudy.jpg (850x1008, 143K)

Requesting G11 (from Girls Frontline) blowjob

Attached: 1554943161243.jpg (2550x3300, 386K)

Requesting Tsuzuriko Yosomiya from Kara no Shoujo in a detective's outfit.

Attached: 1afbcdbcff3370b4d1cb50d660787d4f.jpg (1280x1024, 350K)


Requesting Sachiko as an Incubus.

Attached: 1553411503315.jpg (1080x1351, 211K)

Attached: 1557938462051.webm (600x338, 2.76M)


Attached: 1555822112432.jpg (1019x1150, 262K)

Requesting sexy art about trap/femboy Jack the Ripper from FGO.

Attached: trap-jack_censored.png (752x1200, 408K)

Requesting my drawing done by someone else?

Attached: Serene in cute swimsuit.png (510x534, 16K)

requesting tall miss fortune tightly hugging a short user lovingly


Attached: fortunate.png (557x406, 588K)

Requesting Mario in the world of Counter Strike.

Riki using a rifle, or playing with the Monado
Inspired by his in-game lines of being good with rifles and wanting to play with the Monado

Attached: Riki_2.png (325x279, 130K)

Requesting YOU draw Yea Forums girls of your choice wearing bodystockings/lingerie similar to pic related.

Attached: 1c3d6cd07eb0d9c79a9897f3f0ad8580.jpg (236x419, 24K)

>not enchanted

Lifting up her robes. She has a vibrator egg or two in her, and is looking off to the side in embarrassment?

Attached: FFTWhiteMageFemale.png (758x1290, 799K)

this with sophitia

Attached: 1507951406332.jpg (2304x4223, 972K) with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)


Requesting any of these two in Fukumoto style or in a Mudazumo Naki Kaikaku (The Legend of Koizumi) parody

Attached: mahjong soul.jpg (1644x1060, 499K)

Requesting a Golden Fi based off the Master Sword Lvl 3 from LttP and LBW with F-H cup sized breasts simply saying 'Upgrade complete Master'. Optionally include a Red Fi based off the Level 2 before the Lvl 3 with D-DD breasts, saying the same thing. Also optional. have their hair longer than each previous Fi than before.

Attached: UpgradedFi.png (1886x1236, 1.43M)

Mikan Tsumiki

Attached: Mikan_11.png (512x1024, 266K)

Requesting Smash Ultimate Zelda kicking an user in the nuts with her foot.

Attached: 1558017664373[1].jpg (1200x675, 127K)

Requesting the Skullheart from Skullgirls as a Doom Revenant.

Attached: Skullheart Revenant.png (1350x1200, 974K)

Bellydancer Maori please

Attached: maori02.jpg (1200x879, 399K)

Requesting a toothy grinning Reuniclus giving Hilda a wedge with its psychic powers.

Attached: 72FAFAAC-1F80-4965-9154-B6157CEEEC81.jpg (548x386, 71K)


Your waifu or your favorite female character you identify with.
Breasts, belly, body, anthing goes
Any expression.

Murder yourself.

Requesting Ichiko Ohya teasing the viewer by pulling down her shirt to show one of her fat tits

Attached: Cells interlinked.jpg (1024x789, 123K)

Requesting Dark Dawk Issac dropping a brutal Megiddo

Attached: DDIsaac.png (215x462, 156K)

Requesting non-chibi Zooey from Granblue with a short bob haircut but keep her bangs and tufts.

Attached: __zooey_granblue_fantasy_drawn_by_minaba_hideo__bff3ab0d764d4ca3080315a45876d4f9.jpg (2466x3492, 1.52M)

Requesting this lewd and cool Ashley (see link for full-image) fires with her Luger pistol. Standing or running pose.

Attached: lewd-ashley.png (425x325, 129K)

spacejin pls

Request Phonon (left) in Morrigan's (right) costume but her chest is too small for it, so she's salty and Morrigan is trying to console her.

Attached: 1558047829134.jpg (1762x1400, 416K)

There was someone who joked about drawing it in a thread this morning and it made me want it enough to come make a request.

Did you draw this?

Requesting Morgan giving a thighjob to Robin.

Attached: RM.jpg (1371x1027, 259K)

delete this

Requesting vidya gals with big bellies

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", giving one of her gloves to the viewer as a duel declaration, doing an elegant rapier thrust attack, doing that "shaking the dust off the shoulders" gesture after winning a duel/next to the corpse of her opponent or anything else related to elegent fights/dueling you can think off.

>Character reference:
>Weapon reference:'s_Rapier
(any other rapier is fine to)

Alternatively, doing that "cheers!" gesture while holding a glass with a bubbly liquid similar to "Champagne", but with an small arrow pointing to the glass and a message that says "Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: Gentleman's_Battle.png (349x488, 164K)

But who would ever draw such a thing?

>iggy OP
look at the fucking lines look at them how is this acceptable?

Requesting Vivian from Paladins tied up like in the reference.

Attached: 155747645745745.jpg (1718x646, 225K)

The other option was the neanderthal goseb so what can you do. And sadly I don't think Iggy will change from your feedback. Whatever can we do?

No clue, but such request have been delievered here before

how dare you

Fuck off, bully.

Draw fags who like big bellies of course

Requesting vidya girls turned into Sunny Miami girls like this peach pic. Doesn’t have to be peach, just a vidya girl or bunch of a vidya girls turned into Sunny Miami dolls. The drawer or someone else can choose the girls.

Attached: D09F838E-2B94-43AB-A7E1-F1121EEFD764.png (319x574, 19K)

>The other option was the neanderthal goseb so what can you do
The fuck are you talking about? I just checked last thread and there were a ton of deliveries.

I think he means of the two threads that had already been made

uhhhhhhh alma elma?

Attached: almaelmacecil.png (603x600, 336K)

Sorry, I was referring to the other new thread. I agree with your sentiment.

Requesting a drawing of either shrine maiden or MILF-mode wearing casual clothes and/or an apron.

Attached: Mataharinew3.png (512x724, 314K)

Requesting Chie putting her arms around Yosuke and Yukiko in a friendly headlock type of way with all of them smiling could be in the P4 style (top) or the PQ style (bottom)

Attached: YoChieYu.png (1048x1676, 1.31M)

Requesting heat phan phan

Attached: A5D1C567-A762-40E7-AB70-F0C11B66F38A.jpg (606x432, 44K)

>her tail can eat people alive
Uhhh.. Oh?

Requesting HiAndromon version of Patricia Wagon

Attached: HiWagonmon.jpg (1695x480, 185K)


Requesting a futa Villager riding a guy like this.

Attached: 07DC9B72-B8C5-4D7A-90E8-E6A185CFA2B5.jpg (512x512, 56K)

Stop being gay


Requesting karst chillin in a hot spring while it's snowing

Attached: inCollage_20180311_180323948.jpg (1920x3301, 2.18M)

this even if it's not futa

Sorry, im on mari, but there will be a server merge soon.

I can’t help it, this place did this to me.

Requesting Geralt or any other monster/whatever hunter guy having trouble with a Canadian goose
Extremely imposing but also an extremely normal goose.

Draw more cute witches
>being bullied
>going to the beach
>eating brunch

Requesting Maki and Makoto bothering each other.

Attached: Makioto.jpg (2832x1208, 828K)

Requesting erotic pinup art of Neptune and Nepgear together.
Add Nepgear a big bush but keep Neptune hairless.

Attached: Neptune_and_Nepgear.png (1050x1370, 980K)

Alright then, give me a girl.

Blanc holding/hugging the Switch dog

Attached: Blanc.jpg (980x1888, 427K)

Amelia without her armor with some muscle tone, like she's exercising?
Or her using the SSG from Doom and slaughtering enemies or gone full-Berserker and using an axe to rip and tear

Attached: Amelia.png (720x1280, 351K)

Maybe it doesn't have to be that? She could have just ate a lot, maybe she was a bad choice after all

Requesting Trap-Mariel gets fucked by Trap-Shimakaze and suck Trap-Re-Class dick in the same time.

Quacho Queen cheerleader or happily cradling an egg hers and Lann's egg

Attached: 1556357006703.gif (311x392, 1.65M)
Requesting smash Bros characters fighting on a giant Pyra with that expression

Taking battlecat requests.

requesting kass dressed as a mariachi playing a sousaphone

Attached: Kass Brass.png (720x578, 494K)

battlecats sucks

battlecats is cool

Requesting this meme with Shyguys

Attached: lol comic.jpg (900x608, 200K)


more like a good choice

Requesting Elizabeth from p3 and Z1 from Kancolle wearing the others costume

Attached: liz and z1.png (848x888, 531K)

request chubby boys instead

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!

Requesting Arle looming over the viewer with a psychotic expression on her face.

Attached: classic.jpg (233x400, 17K)

Why is gore allowed and harmless non-porn nudity not?

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: x69mik.png (928x1723, 727K)

Requesting this, but with Paula Polestar being the blonde girl on the right and Maria Renard (Rondo of Blood version) being the black haired girl on the left

Attached: original (1).jpg (500x539, 37K)

Americans and muslim overlords both agree. Though the Chinese ban gore so expect that too being gone soon.

/)*(\ BRO HOOF

Requesting Alisaie bound up and on a stage, being auctioned off as a slave. She is in her torn clothes with her undergarments showing, on her exposed belly there's a price written. She can look defiant or scared

Attached: alisae.png (1000x694, 616K)

Requesting Fang and Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII wrapped in Fang's sarong like in the reference also since the sarong usually covers Fang give her some black shorts

Attached: FangVanille.png (1352x2112, 2.84M)

Requesting any Astolfo x Jack stuff

Attached: 670427da63b1db10065ec8646c31eef8.png (1275x1800, 1.89M)

Ok, requesting chubby boys that look like girls

Name a single one that is canonically like this.

Just draw one like that doesn't matter to me

No I'm seriously curious. Looks like an unfulfilled niche.

Requesting magic pic redone with Bianca from Spyro.

Attached: 1557784674318.png (1448x766, 1.07M)

Requesting fusion of Fran and Dahlia with a giant ice bow

Attached: But George, what about the rabbits.jpg (1654x1220, 345K)

Requesting a solo Shulk dressed in a formal suit and in bondage/shibari, with his pants unbuttoned to show his erect dick, with a bit of precum.

Thank you in advance!


Attached: The Power of the Monado.png (3249x1550, 2M)

Requesting hexafusion

Attached: Untitled3.png (1575x806, 313K)

Goodnight drawthread!

Remember, its never too late to go back to the path of light.

I really appreciate you requesting art of my husband, but sorry friend, drawfriends here don't want to draw him. I've made many different requests in the past and just gave up after awhile.

Attached: My_Husband.jpg (2978x2978, 3.54M)


You may.

Oh no. I got bamboozled.

Let the bird play his song.

Sorry, I hate mexicans with a passion.


Requesting Frimelda

If you want to try drawing a very busty Frimelda with the idea of squished or grabbed tits, could even have Adelle from FFTA2 groping her from envy or admiration.

Attached: frimelda and adelle.png (1018x938, 1021K)

Negev yandere trance or doing something like the "how cute" predatory look, more yandere and more of a smile of possible

Attached: NEGEV REQUEST.png (972x1668, 1.16M)

>Making multiples and not sticking to one and spamming it in every thread
Never gonna get a delivery

Did someone say huge titty May?

don't ask

Attached: doodle365.png (2480x2664, 925K)

Attached: fumi 4.png (800x600, 93K)

Requesting Anastasia as a stalker in The Zone please

Attached: 1401642009706.jpg (640x800, 102K)

me tranny
me doodle for attention

commit an hero

Requesting an edit of where her breasts are covered and having milk siphoned out


Requesting Pio sliding down an aqueduct, getting catapulted or riding a mining cart for fun.

Attached: Pio outfits.jpg (2435x3035, 819K)

I legitimately know people like this.
Oh well, keep your secrets then. Good content though.

I'd love to suggest someone - but I already got lucky.

Requesting Nora from My Time At Portia bashfully lifting up her shirt and flashing the viewer.

Attached: Nora-concept.png (526x794, 210K)

I cant think of any there's barely any chubby vidya girls

he would carry that look well.

>I legitimately know people like this.
It is very common afterall. They also like to overcharge for their amateur work because they know they'll get sales for being "female".

Talos wearing a baseball top (maybe with 33 on it for a number) with a baseball bat and i guess hitting a ball and yelling HOMERUN, since thats one of her battle yells in-game when attacking.

Attached: Talos-i_087.jpg (1280x1810, 394K)

>Trap tomboy Villager
Fucking genius, why haven't I thought of this before

Attached: 1537823651642.jpg (1243x928, 171K)

>it's the posting your drawing phase

Attached: 1465705070571.jpg (530x530, 58K)

easy. who is your favorite?

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or
And wedding dress Welch.

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Let alone chubby boys that look like girls.
What's there to lose?

Dunno. Maybe it'd look I'm too lucky!

Mephistopheles doing cocaine or meth and either shouting from a hard but good hit or seriously tweeking out, think of

Attached: Mephistopheles .png (605x749, 554K)

Or fucking chubby boys, overall. Not anyone prior, but I'm like the only that requests a chubby boy. Better off commissioning.

Always Aegis.

>maymay May
Murder yourself.

If there's an overweight male character it's the fat kid you're supposed to hate or the ugly bastard bad guy or something.

The bottom image but Glowworm from azur lane and a torpedo instead of a ball

Attached: glowdoom.jpg (968x1776, 306K)

More or less, yeah. Chubby boys could be cute, especially the insecure ones.

Requesting mermaid uzuki

Attached: __shimamura_uzuki_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_and_etc__65fbe3b4c94ed1ba01b8311b870152d1.jpg (640x800, 101K)

Slutty llama

cowgirl Hornet and/or riding a rodeo machine

Attached: Hornet.png (984x1022, 960K)

Remember, the Path of the Light us the Path of Lewd! Lewds are the Light! PRAISE LEWD

Attached: lewd requesting is [email protected] (1200x1200, 377K)

How often do deliveries happen and how often are they nothing but anime girls

Do you want non-anime requests?

I would take some vidya requests but it seems like people only want shit you could request on other boards

Blame their memorableness. And you're right.
What do you like?

requesting daisy drunk and depressed holding her cup, but enough for it to be in a profile picture view

Attached: 1528259876360.jpg (800x800, 80K)


Requesting Lute happy (in a "in love" way) while holding a bridal bouquet that she caught. You can involve hand holding if you wish.

Attached: Lute.png (340x637, 231K)

Do we like SMAC memes?

So this is the fucker responsible for mexicans blasting that shit outside my window at 2 AM.

Requesting Young Link flirting with Breath of the Wild Zelda in a dominant manner. Essentially like him boldly groping at her chest or ass, while she looks flustered and not really knowing what to do, but still letting it happen.

Attached: Zelink.jpg (2700x1800, 957K)

Requesting equal treatment

Attached: boy-girl.png (600x400, 186K)


Requesting this girl
from the pc videogame D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm saying what's to the right with a suggestive expression. That or she posing as this woman(middle) and showing her panties in this suggestive way. That or she just dressed up as Etna(left). Draw the girl on model. Please and thanks!

Attached: 63434645234.jpg (3016x1244, 569K)

Can i please get Futaba Sakura saying something nice like "never give up" or "you can do this?" My friend isn't doing well and i know he loves futaba. So i want to surprise him.

Attached: image0.jpg (1365x2048, 289K)


Attached: 1552376258151.gif (155x201, 499K)

R.mika having her butt smacked like bongos

Attached: 1509756773122.jpg (1600x1050, 385K)


Requesting Ellen offering to be Madotsuki's friend.

Attached: 254326.png (883x490, 578K)

Requesting Chihaya Themed sleds

Attached: 3153285.jpg (600x847, 125K)

Reminder that the EUs new copyright directive has officially been posted on their OJ and it will be into force in 20 days
The boorus may be fucked soon with article 13

Her singing Jinjer - Pisces because she's pisces.

no she's a human not a fish. no matter how good her outfits.

Attached: Chihaya_HR6.jpg (640x800, 129K)


Attached: 2019.jpg (1944x2592, 1.94M)

But why?

Attached: 1556504696969.png (842x1206, 348K)

Anything specific you're looking for?

Kasumi transforming into a Pretty Cure

Attached: KasumiCure.jpg (2234x2100, 835K)

Attached: lucy gun 2.png (626x679, 237K)

Requesting a drawing like the video "Ank - Minus8 Ankha Ride"
but with this other Cleopatra from the pc videogame D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm That or she at an ancient glory hole being a total bitch: draw her torturing a poor and innocent dick. Please draw her grabbing the balls of his victim in a way that he can't escape meanwhile she is trying to get the last cum drop from his dick(as when you want get the last ounce of a empty toothpaste) Feel free to draw her inserting her index finger into uretha's guy to ruin the orgasm of his victim when he cums, all this meanwhile she is grabbing and pulling the scrotum of his victim to prevent that he remove his genitals from the hole.

Attached: ankha.png (862x575, 423K)

For the 1000th time no

Requesting Perun from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 doing this pose with her spear.

Attached: XC2 Perun.jpg (1851x1269, 641K)
Because we live in a clown world

Requesting fusions

Attached: F529B484-F4A6-4DAF-87D1-32A707CEB1D6.jpg (640x686, 144K)

Are the boorus hosted in the EU or something?

Tifa eating a bowl of beefaroni please .

Attached: Chef_BeefaroniCallout_750x556.jpg (750x556, 61K)

i heard they were hosted on sweden

Neptune but drawn in a vaporwave style

Attached: nep.png (1304x1290, 867K)


Requesting robomi dive kick

Attached: db0kysn-cfc8c971-c355-49bf-8781-1df682345208.gif (500x500, 1.86M)

Requesting her getting fucked.

Requesting this but with any vidya cat of your choice.

Attached: cat hold.png (800x800, 107K)

No do not fug the android.

Attached: Stamp63.png (120x120, 10K)

>108 images
>212 posts
>no fulfilled requests


>SR Robomi

Attached: Chi+pa+pa+chi+pa+pa+_7c4e9977c2f3356f2796fafc3ef09163.png (700x700, 295K)



you jinxed it

Yes, lewd the robot girls!

Taking huge tiddy May requests

Draw SMB2 Wart with big tits.

Big titty may in a scorbunny style outfit

Requesting you actually draw something and not just be a (you) fishing retard

neck yourself baitfag

>baitfag still gets more (you)s than your actual may delivery does

May cosplaying as shimakaze and struggling to keep her small top covering her breasts

Claire Redfield doing the Kamen Rider Wizard henshin pose

Attached: ClaireRider.jpg (2461x1593, 693K)

May from Guilty Gear? Yes please!

No it isn't. This is a blue board anyway

Requesting girls with bulges.

Attached: 74758586_p3.jpg (1000x1588, 936K)

Suggesting Ganondorf while Zangief is dressed as Hulk Hogan


Attached: 765433.png (636x476, 548K)

Requesting Festival Smogmella from Yo-kai watch world inviting the viewer to look in to her cleavage by tugging her robes

Attached: Festival enraenra reference.png (1552x941, 1.77M)

this cat or Morgan

Attached: ezgif-1-05f766b49f67.gif (600x491, 752K)

Grumpy cat is dead, so in memorial may I please have a drawing of Lethe with grumpy cat's signature facial expression. Thank you for your time.

Attached: fireemblem_wall_15_1280.jpg (1280x1024, 442K)


Attached: BA132481-A1A0-4444-8D6A-A0686A94F349.png (1555x1595, 2.13M)

is she ok? ;_;


requesting kanna getting her big, juicy melon-booty groped

Attached: 1557170489087.jpg (728x1098, 92K)

fucking loser

Attached: 1419636324977.gif (664x654, 399K)

Requesting Double sleeping/recharging

Attached: Double1ConceptArt.jpg (1377x892, 520K)

Requesting Ilsa with a tail big enough to hug

Attached: DjseiOhVsAAlclE-orig.jpg (1024x1660, 336K)

New season when?

Attached: 1525697710701.jpg (760x1000, 797K)

Don't bully cute girls!!

never ever

Attached: 1446468715695.gif (480x270, 240K)

She must be going for one hell of an orgasm

Requesting her exploding afterwards for no good reason.


Attached: 1420087930566.gif (250x255, 2.84M)

poor demon
requesting someone helping and comforting her

she's just a lizard





hey fags.

She's a dragon you idiots

I dont like your drawing

Taking oppai requests

too big

Oppai Kai in swimsuit please

Attached: Divine_Kai.png (280x280, 147K)

I hate my drawings and I keep getting more hate lately so I'm reluctant on doing any requests and I just feel depressed because I'm not going to make it.

t. goseb90

Shame he never came back when that one Gamecube Kirby game got reworked into Return to Dreamland.

Attached: Roasting Marshmallows.png (1507x778, 407K)

I would say it's sad to look at but he's so stupid he'd get the wrong idea so I think repulsive is the word.

Nothing in particular, I guess? Trying not to request chubby Shulk and just save that for future commissions.


I don’t draw though.

Requesting any girl(#3 girl is my favorite one) from the pc videogame D.S.K.V: Knoblauchalarm wearing this bikini and posing in the same way as this woman(left side). That or any girl doing any of these other things(right side): [1] Doing an ahegao face as this gamer girl; [2] Lifting her skirt and showing her panties(bottom, middle). Try to draw her on model. Please and thank you.

Attached: 0-ol234-09k.jpg (6736x1432, 1.97M)

Requesting oppai Petal from Magician's quest mysterious times giving the viewer a titjob and asking if her breasts are too big

Attached: 1450826993661.png (150x214, 39K)

I'm going to make it!

>thread is just bait prompts and bumping
Let it die.


Let it rip!

Requesting a drawing of Sal in her swimsuit.

Attached: 7EC4C99C-AF46-41BE-A04A-FB94746F9AE9.jpg (750x554, 51K)

Requested from /vg/

Attached: skelecena tiddies.jpg (355x474, 18K)

Requesting Roll accidentally seeing her owner's porn folder, then realizing some of the customizations he's made to her were to fulfill his disgusting biological urges

Attached: roll.jpg (702x800, 63K)

Requesting the whole thing to be coloring

Attached: Cream x Vanilla coloring.jpg (422x799, 115K)

Attached: 1551077795668.png (750x536, 772K)

Attached: kiss.png (1958x1852, 1.05M)

Attached: 3D5A3FEF-7857-4D93-9562-5DC390885256.png (1069x1527, 597K)

Did you draw that? That's pretty cool.

Attached: 1535017197460.jpg (1366x768, 515K)

No, it looks awful, if I could draw, I'd draw better

Attached: 19b3c93e2d75f18a861bc56676e104e9.jpg (721x1023, 236K)

Requesting Lyn wear one of the outfits at the bottom

Attached: Lyn.png (1260x2048, 2.77M)

Attached: betilla_skirt_lift.png (2000x2000, 435K)

Amazingly well done


OR here. Very nice! Thanks again for the lovely nymph booty.

Awesome, but i thought she had freckles

No at least not in any official artwork i found of her.

Attached: 2212304-betila_render_by_emoneygraphix_d4z2qpd.png (282x572, 168K)

You must be blind because I can see them

They're hardly noticeable but I see 3 freckles on each cheek

I can see them
What if she had them in her ass cheeks haha

Attached: betilla.png (149x91, 34K)

Excellent content

Did you make this thread shulkfag?

Nice link faggot

Can you use a trip or a name your art literally hurts too look at

requesting Katt from Breath of Fire 2 going "Thinking isn't going to get us anywhere."

Attached: KattBF2.jpg (1393x1001, 258K)

Look at those lines, why is it so bad?

as the fishification dude, at least mine is weird enough that it has some value in being interesting. this is just weird

>not weird


>b-but atleast mine is better haha
No, fuck off you too spammer

>my fetish I spam is better because it's more weird and retarded


Don't bully drawfags!!

Nah, though I did saw that thread today and posted my own contribution. It was pretty weird seeing that as OP, not gonna lie.

Requesting Light Cruiser Demon getting drunk a bit or dressed as miko, that would be cute

Attached: Light Cruiser Demon.jpg (879x673, 163K)

You're definitely not the only one who thinks like that

Attached: 33febc72-666b-48cc-94cb-1e3bff8464db.png (1196x1887, 630K)

>Posting a pizza


Too early, but cute job

Attached: summer time, tiddies out.png (660x602, 96K)

Fishification guy, are you like a vegan: someone that never shuts up about being vegan/fishification?

Requesting fanart of Roll in her racing outfit from Megaman Battle & Chase

Attached: roll mmb&c.png (988x476, 402K)

Requesting a kunoichi cosplay Compa

Attached: Super-Neptunia-RPG_2018_7-18-18_002.jpg (600x1567, 148K)

ITs a cute idea but man I feel bad for her, still super cute despite that.
Thanks mellie for this bit of cuteness today

maybe last year. Nowadays I do it half heartedly, as I feel I have a pretty high quality collection, despite it being really small. Just kind of fits with the whole mer-may thing. Just think its a nice bad-end for various girls and is accentuates the hourglass figure. The non-con TF is the real kinky thing here, the fish itself has little to do with it

Attached: 1473274894642.jpg (608x1000, 146K)

Requesting Byleth crying in the corner because she was bullied for her stupid outfit.

Attached: D5BGZYCWsAE9cRh.jpg (1024x910, 96K)

Requesting Daidouji from Senran Kagura wearing the Zero Suit and giving a paizuri through a hole cut in the suit. Cumshot appreciated.

Attached: br2yn9h03r811.jpg (1700x2722, 347K)

Requesting Curly Brace looking for her underwear with her oblivious to it being caught on one of her antennae or just on top of her head.

Attached: curlybrace.png (1150x1944, 470K)

Why spoiler it

cute Mariel

Attached: isa 3.png (800x800, 183K)

Requesting mermaid syoko with sea anemones

Attached: Syoko_SS_SSR.png (1280x824, 478K)


If her little wristwatch lets her capture and tame anything demonic, she could have a whole variety of videogames succubi, witches, and monstergirls with her.

Is it kino?

Gross AF

I remember her team is made up of all female demons when you have to fight her.

Really you think so? I thought it was incredibly hot.

Melia with a womb tattoo based on the High Entia symbol and bashfully showing it off

Attached: 57eaada3f10e9a589ec31e2b33b7349a.jpg (700x1230, 97K)

>has a crush on Flynn
>tries to seduce him using her own body and three other semen demons


Why do you randomly post art you drew from months and sometimes years ago?

Sorry, "waifu wristwatch."
Or do you prefer "Portable Sassy Bitchwatch?"

Taking simple and messy portrait requests of vidya girls. Hopefully will manage to deliver something.

Attached: Atelier - Ayesha request.png (700x700, 428K)

user it looks like a fucking tablet strapped onto their arm

Aradia drowsilly waking up with bedhead.

Penelo from FFXII please

Attached: __penelo_final_fantasy_and_final_fantasy_xii__d001069f7e1208981d02d3c62983f72d.jpg (1024x1052, 112K)


How about Jam from Guilty Gear

>it's the I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing phase
Pandora is better

Attached: wip.png (530x532, 73K)

Would like something with her

Attached: Coppermine_Type_κ.jpg (344x412, 41K)

Give me Satori

Attached: 1539631982533.jpg (450x666, 60K)

Lefina sleeping on her stuffed lion

Attached: tgt.png (2262x1050, 1.36M)

Ta class laughing like a bad girl, with glowing eyes please.

Attached: Battleship_Ta-Class_Full.png (1125x1125, 959K)

Oro-s is cute too.

Fuck it, since monkey was mentioned, her blushing and/or reading a manga

Attached: Isabeau.png (368x866, 202K)

Lime from Blue Reflection.

Attached: Limey.jpg (2730x2370, 802K)

I've come to say the S-word.

Attached: silly.png (1088x685, 105K)

Small chest!

Please draw Mama Raikou from fate wearing something cute

Attached: Raiko_1.png (1608x2412, 3.95M)


A Shanoa portrait with focus on hair would be lovely.

Attached: Offart33.jpg (530x480, 59K)

Hat Adult please.

Attached: Hat Adult.jpg (334x600, 41K)




>it's the I-don't-know-what-I'm-doing phase
I'm never -not- in that phase.

Sword user?

>tfw Lucina is more likely to be Smash's first lance-user than any of the actual lance-users

Attached: 1521249524964.png (1600x1920, 2.16M)

Humbly requesting Sonic, Mario, Pacman, Rayman, Megaman, Crash, and Banjo gathered around the phrase "cereal box boyz". The characters don't even need to be hand drawn and could just be photoshopped if you don't want to actually draw all of that.


...And that's a good thing!

S illy

i'll make sure to draw lime

Attached: hinako 13.png (800x800, 16K)



Honestly I wouldn't even mind. It's not like they would want to remove her because of her damn popularity, so might as well make her more unique than the rest of the FE cast already in.

Nah, Lucina is apparently top-tier this time. Remove Marth :^)

Just give her a bow/ her other weapons. She could be so cool...

Attached: 1496040649277.webm (854x480, 1.74M)

R. Mika clenching her teeth and fists


You take that back! Marth is the best homie!


Bdf on suicide watch.

What a based thread this has been.

Requesting this but with Micah Bell from RDR2 and the words "BIG DIRTY RAT" on the paper


Attached: CyzmhhzVQAEMRfQ.png (800x1200, 1.74M)

i don't speak moonrunes

Requesting Nina Cortex from Crash Twinsanity and this other goth girl as two great friends listening old heavy metal discs. That or both girls sharing a strawberry milkshake.

Attached: They are not lesbians in the slighest.jpg (2062x838, 468K)

>Good morning.

Do you think you're fooling anyone?

>old heavy metal discs
They're called vinyl records you young punk.

Attached: dfgvsdfg.png (320x389, 161K)

I didn't ask be a boomer.

Requesting Lilith digging up a grave, or just a hole in general.

Attached: Lilith.png (393x602, 137K)


Attached: Touhou - Satorin request (resize).png (750x944, 558K)

Excellent, I like it a lot.

Attached: 1554685672035.png (1000x961, 888K)


Can you do this ?

Attached: atsuro.png (800x600, 133K)

Wtf delete this

Damn, that's very nice.

More effort!

Look at this bro

Looks even sillier than usual.

inb4 40 posts early kirby op

Can you please try to draw this ? Best wishes.

It's a Friday. Go outside. Play a vidya. Imma play emulated RE2 Claire B later.

That isnt videogames you fucking vulture



Any based artist is taking historical requests?

Yes, what do you want

Fuck off nazifag stop posting offtopic shit


The good boy, I miss him

I can't.

holy fuck shut up


Started working on this for ya. Ill finish it later today.

Attached: 20190517_151917.jpg (4032x3024, 2.38M)

I just want any Velvet girl as a german girl during the later stages of World War II being raped by a bunch of soldiers from the soviet army.


Attached: buttsex.jpg (2146x1098, 584K)

Don't worry senpai, I got this.

Oh u!

Attached: 1556460873654.jpg (255x255, 17K)

Looking dope so far, can't wait to see it done.

>PAP drawfag is back


haha i want anime girl being raped and fucked and i want them raped and fucked with big tits

why is no one doing my request wtf

i bet you think you're being real coy don't you. anime girl is shit

Requesting cool art of Aya.

Attached: Parasite Eve_Brea.png (401x1388, 725K)

Attached: male bap.png (441x437, 266K)

420+ posts and only one request is being taken.

A request from the previous thread.

Another successful Yea Forums drawthread.


lol, boobs


Anybody that can draw like this taking commissions? Specifically the girl on the left

Requesting an "I have no idea what Im doing" image but with a Hat Kid working at a Pizza Hut from 80's.

Attached: Child exploitation.jpg (1564x654, 241K)

This is disgusting.

>why is no one doing my request wtf

Because big tit girls are disgusting. Petite and flat chest girls are the real patrician taste.

Cute doll

We just want the hat back.

Not him, but take some girls with big chests and make them flat.

This man has ascended.

Attached: 1312040407271.jpg (170x213, 6K)

Which one?

This is what happens when you keep trying that stupid "Is it possible to win a Puyo match without rotating my puyo" bullshit.

What's the context here?


Don't expect much, but I'm gonna attempt this.

What guy just wants a drawing of a little girl making cheese pizza what's suspicious about that?

thanks for redoing my request user.
Maybe together we can actually get this

Attached: 1558038342911.png (772x941, 366K)

Attached: demi friend.png (800x600, 177K)

Good to know. I was even thinking of doing it.

draw sekiro listening to shakira
more like

More effort!

it does or doesn't

Attached: Confused cirno.png (789x524, 18K)

you might want to visit /ic/ they'll appreciate your uuummm artwork.

Your tributes to your waifus and husbandos is more appreciated by the anime gods if it also shows that you're trying your absolute best!

Any mermaid requests?

already have

Taking requests yo

Dark samus eating ice cream.

I'll take this guy over iggy since his art doesn't hurt to look at

Requesting Mama/Gyaru mermadonna from yokai watch world removing her shell bra to show off shell-shaped tan lined breasts.

Attached: Mamamermaid_reference_alt1.png (1718x1560, 1.85M)

Calm down

now, we be drawing shibuya rin

A little kid that can travel through time and that got a job at Pizza Hut just to kill time(all this happens in a leap year!)

Calm down, son. It's just a drawing not the real thing.

Make sure to try your best to please the Shibuya Rin Goddess.

Are you even circumcsied?

Someone asked for mermaid requests and I sent one. Is it wrong to like tan lines?

You might be more autistic than lunaticsoda then.

Alright, looking forward to it!
Since we're close to a new thread, though, do I need to repost my request again, or is that unnecessary?

Attached: 1554491133278.gif (165x135, 24K)

Quiet, iggy

Don't do it. he already got it. He won't be happy with your delivery, no matter what.

I want to slap it. I may or may not want to see the aftermath.

Draw more actual faces and not just =).

Can you draw this?

Attached: Older_TM_82.png (108x123, 2K)


I hope naked apron is ok. Will try to deliver in next thread.

Attached: Fate - Raiku request WIP.png (800x800, 212K)

not OR but that's lookin real nice

OR here
Fucking perfect

Attached: 1383811675336.jpg (213x267, 20K)

Cute mom

You can if you want (would make it easier to refind it) plus it might take me a few days.

its already in motion

So are you actually cheating on you boyfriend with sca?

Everyone that draws the porn witch slut is in a polyamorous relationship with everyone else that drew her.
It's quite messy and sticky.

OR here, that’s some good shit, do you have a twitter or something?

>are you cheating on your boyfriend with your boyfriend
what did he mean by this

Okay! If it'll make it easier for you, then I'll keep posting it.
I don't know what that other user is talking about, by the way. I haven't gotten this before.

Attached: 1516845691300.gif (175x175, 697K)

Yes you have, you spamming liar. Even just looking at the archive using the filename lets you see it.

Post it then

Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
I don't like to advertise on Yea Forums, sorry.

Pia setting up an inkling trap.

Attached: D752cae3366e4bdd1a38a488b7e87b75e7f563d8.jpg (640x453, 312K)

It's not like anyone else requests miis, so you can take your pick of the last 3 deliveries from the booru, since they're all from the same image and prompt.

gonna draw shark teeth shibuya rin chewing big league chew

New thread

Is your drawing going to make her cry from a lack of effort?
So it doesn't exist then and you're talking out of your ass

Except the second on there was literally a delivery to the same prompt, so thanks for posting proof that you lied.

called it

Same reference but different prompt. Do you not read before you type?

>claims he's not a spamming liar
>admits to spamming
>archive still proves he's a liar
What did retard mean by this?

Favorite deliveries time!!!

Attached: 2e81b3a0bcc2bf820ac3fa06269515ab757b9607.png (543x749, 139K)

>Arguing with mishafag
>Drawing for him

I just think it'll be fun man, shush

Attached: 1511487920994.png (991x991, 457K)

Attached: 041b4b00ef7d4d0a0c3b1d9a03fa208d47d9aff5.png (949x649, 386K)


Attached: 500.jpg (1280x1056, 185K)

I'm not Mishafag, and I don't even know who that is.

He'll never leave because of faggots like you