Just finished this, all S rank on Ace difficulty, what do I do now?

Just finished this, all S rank on Ace difficulty, what do I do now?

Attached: IMG_20190516_214444140.jpg (2448x3264, 1.97M)

Other urls found in this thread:


play ace combat 5 if you haven't already

skip 5 and play 0 and 7

play ace combat 5 then 0

play 5 and 0

Play this one.

Attached: 72722119_p3.png (776x662, 16K)

dont play 5, play 7,6 and 0

5 is babbys first ace combat, it's story is stupid, the attempt at mission variety leads to a bunch of gimmicky frustrating missions

Play DCS a real flightsim

I have Assault Horizon on my steam account, is it good?

Get a refund, if possible.

lmao is it really so bad?
I got it for free.

Seeing that cover again teleported me to 2005.

It's bad

I mean the music is good.

Fly a real one

>story being good in any ace combat

a private pilot license will cost you no more than $8000USD, you have no excuse not to have one.

dont you want a tomboy gf to go on adventures with, Yea Forums?

Attached: smirk.jpg (260x273, 61K)

Play the superior AC5

Oh, only 8 grand? Is that all?
>too old now to be accepted into the airforce and fly fighter jets
Feels bad man.

Great soundtrack. The game is Ace Combat for the Call of Duty mid 2000's generation and it's pretty terrible. The fucking dogfights are scripted cutscenes with QTEss for christs sake

Might be a fun time if you never played an AC before and has no expectations though.

When the fuck are these gonna get an official HD release already

Attached: BIpgftM.png (1922x906, 3.74M)

Apparently AC4 is nightmare to port but AC5 and AC0 should definitely have gotten HD releases

(I mean, AC5 did get one on the PS4 and I have it, but all three games should be there already)

Why is 4 a nightmare to port but not 5 and 0 if those three are coming from the same platform?

only takes like 40 hours in the air, youll probably do about 80 hours of training in total. of course, a cessna 172 (common personal craft) is gonna run you like 30-40k, with more for upkeep and fuel and shit, but if you just want to rent once in a while, that's very affordable. go check out your local airport for details, user. I know it's a cliche, but flying IRL is really a totally different beast than any kind of sim. try it out

I remembeer reading ebout engine changes and AC4 using something specific to PS2's hardware to render some stuff or something. I'll see if I can find it.

>AC5 did get one on the PS4

how the fuck do I buy it? Is it available for sale?

They tell you not to play 5 because 7 is insulting to be its sequel.


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It was pre-order bonus or some shit.

Never, too niche even among the fans.

yeah i know but buy now they should at least sell it as a digital version or something. Its ridiculously how they can take an entire game off the market entirely when it's literally just a digitial download. Do they hate money?

buying ps2 games is a pain in the ass cause everything is region locked and its hard as balls finding old games in australia.

Namco is fucking weird

its going to be 8

Or rather 5 is an insulting prequel.

>want to replay 7
>remember every single mission has some gimmick that makes it a pain to replay
Just give me a purely dogfighting mission jesus fuck

>People think 5 is bad
It's not bad, it's just not as good as 04. People are really trying to stop you from playing an 8/10 game just cause it's not a 9 like the rest.

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Farbanti, lighthouse

>Just give me a purely dogfighting mission jesus fuck
there are multiple

7 is objectively bad because some planes are just objectively inferior to the next. Yeah nice going giving the F35 4AGM and the Raptor has 4x homing bombs that are just better and don't collide with terrain.

How did they fuck it up so badly. AGM type is supposed to fly above the target and slam down, but in 7 it keeps hitting the terrain? None of the trinity games have this issue.

And what the fuck did they do to the Rocket Pods? These are the worst iteration of the weapon. Six rockets, that take forever to shoot out?

Thirdly the GPB is useless garbage and the UGB can't be dropped if you raise the nose of the aircraft just even a little bit. The drop guidance system is also inferior to that of the older games.

The Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles must be fired at a certain distance or else they just refuse to follow the lock even if you launch them when locked. There's no indication when you shouldn't be dropping them.

The EML and QAAM are objectively the best weapons and they give these to the last planes. All the earlier planes have trash weapons.
>Guided Rockets


Attached: AC7 pewpew lasers.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

>7 is objectively bad because some planes are just objectively inferior to the next.
Maybe you just suck.
I've gotten S-ranks with every single plane in the roster, and I'm a shitter at videogames.
F-35 gets 8AGM btw.
>The Long Range Anti-Ship Missiles must be fired at a certain distance or else they just refuse to follow the lock even if you launch them when locked. There's no indication when you shouldn't be dropping them.
They are sea skimmers, launching them at the very last second should result in a miss, its to penalize you for being a shitter.
>The EML and QAAM are objectively the best weapons and they give these to the last planes. All the earlier planes have trash weapons.
The Hornet gets both and is an early game plane.

Did you even play AC7?

I don't know dude, it didn't take away from the enjoyment. I mean, I didn't even notice most of the shit you described. And it's possible to perform well with any plane that's featured in the game.

>I beat all these missions after I memorized all the spawns so I can compensate the poor performance of early game craft with post-game knowledge and plane parts

>sea skimmers
That's exactly the point. Suppose the target is at 1000 distance its not going to hit. Just how far does the game want me to be genius? This shit was never a thing in earlier games. Those Aegis ships also have % chance to shoot them down.
The logic IRL is to fire at close distance because real CIWS will know if you fire at long distance. 7 works in exact reverse of reality.

The Hornet is trash in 7. Look its not just the fact that earlier planes have shittier stats and weapon load, the fact that the later planes have all of what the Hornet can offer plus better stats means its just obsolete. If you fly it in 7 your accomplishment of getting S means very little since I can just grab the Raptor and do the same with less effort and say I'm as good as you. Literally shitty game design.

Half ground mission. Most airborne targets are ground attack aircraft that can barely fight back. Have to deal with Mr. AutismX.
Have to fight Arse Bird which amounts to shooting a fat whale in the sky for 5 minutes that's constantly interrupted by 5000000 boring to fight drones up your ass at all times and the dumb shield thing.
I want mission like Zero's round table missions.

>The logic IRL is to fire at close distance because real CIWS will know if you fire at long distance.
That is absolutely incorrect. Modern ASMs are stand off munitions meaning the aircraft carrying them launch from outside radar detection range of the target and let the missile guide itself to the ship.
>Those Aegis ships also have % chance to shoot them down.
Not if you use LASM's in the way they are supposed to be used, aka from LONG RANGE.
>The Hornet is trash in 7. Look its not just the fact that earlier planes have shittier stats and weapon load, the fact that the later planes have all of what the Hornet can offer plus better stats means its just obsolete.
So, an early game plane is worse than a late game plane? How is this new, or bad?
That's how it worked in the PS2 games as well.
Fly the Tomcat in 5 versus the Raptor or FALKEN in 5 and see how they stack up.
>If you fly it in 7 your accomplishment of getting S means very little since I can just grab the Raptor and do the same with less effort and say I'm as good as you. Literally shitty game design.
>your achievement of using a worse plane to get an S-ranks means little because I can use a god-tier plane to get an S-rank
Fuck off retard.

Attached: AC5 Falken TLS.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

>The logic IRL is to fire at close distance because real CIWS will know if you fire at long distance.
Dont be so fucking stupid, do you even know what CIWS stands for? Obviously fucking not

Attached: AC7 PSM stadium.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

I spent an hour trying to turn around inside the space elevator column a few days ago with the Su-47. Finally just squeezed by. I've spent countless hours in AC5 trying to get the same plane to kill the SOLG by flying inside it but I think it's just too big to fit.

Wonder how the big boy Raven will fare.

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The difference in performance in the older games is visible in the feel of the plane but they aren't as large as the differences in 7 where you can pull up but the gravity pulls older planes down to the ground as if they're being pushed from above. Also planes in 5 have updated versions that you unlock that put them at least a tier above the initial one you buy.

If the LASM is "balanced" why is the LAGM just better at anti-ship? You can literally do what I'm asking for with that at close range at around 1000.

You only fire sub-sonic anti-ship missiles beyond the range of a ship's radar. That is, beyond the horizon. There is no map in AC7 that's big enough to hide your anti-ship missiles from radar via the horizon.
Therefore these must be supersonic anti-ship missiles. Designed to bypass CIWS by force.

3 was fucking amazing
I played it back when the translation got finished and a few threads popped up for it here and on /vr/ was so glad to finally give AC a chance.
I had played one of the PS2 titles casually before, but I really liked 3.
I'm currently trying to beat 5 on pcsx2

They need to develop energy shields in their universe

do people think AC7 is good? i got annoyed at the lightning strikes/wind/gimmicky mission objectives, i just wanna have simpler missions like 0 or 4

I dont give two fucks about "balance" in an arcade game that does not represent reality in any way, I was only pointing out your fucking stupidity on IRL use of anti ship missiles.

>You only fire sub-sonic anti-ship missiles beyond the range of a ship's radar. That is, beyond the horizon. There is no map in AC7 that's big enough to hide your anti-ship missiles from radar via the horizon.
>Therefore these must be supersonic anti-ship missiles
Its an arcade game, they'll base the models off of real missiles, but make them perform in a very simplified fashion analogous to how they're meant to be used.
>Also planes in 5 have updated versions that you unlock that put them at least a tier above the initial one you buy.
Not particularly. The Bombcat for example performed noticeably worse in mobility.
The AC5 system was just how they dealt with different SPWs.
>If the LASM is "balanced" why is the LAGM just better at anti-ship?
The LAGM will get shot down by CIWS far more often, at least when I used them on ships.
I loved it.

Attached: AC7 kulbit through arsenal bird hole.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

7 is a fun game to play, my issues stem from story pacing just being garbage, where it should have stuck to two squads and Cyclops and Strider only show up when you support them in Spare Squadron. And the whole killing Harling thing could have been done better if they had built a bit more camaraderie with Mage and Golem by at least having it go to mission 6 before things go tits up. Yeah, yeah, I know, 4 is death and all that stupid shit.

I wish there were more lightning strikes and wind and less "ID the targets before you can have fun!"

that Yinshi Valley map is fun as fuck, especially when you go full a/b and chase Mihaly through the clouds and rock towers

AC04 is the one having most problems with pcsx2 nowadays so yes, it has some shit going on.

AC3 (JP) story will never be topped.

>ID the targets before you can have fun
That shit was awesome, though.

You can fire the LASM at any range it will lock at from near the surface of the water and they will hit 100% of the time, if you fire from the stratosphere of course you'll never land one because every fucking ship in the fleet is shooting at it.

PLSLs as default guns is gonna make this OP as fuck.

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the story and presentation of 4 and 0 are great

I did that when I was 12.
This was the first game I 100%ed.
None of these games are very hard. But I still love them

I love the presentation of 5 too, even though the story itself left me sort of cold.
That CRT aesthetic during the briefing screens was really comfy.

Attached: ac5 briefing menu.jpg (1024x768, 269K)

3 is fucking great
It's totally different from all the other games too

I love it

A mistake Yea Forums often makes is that hard=good.
although judging by how many people apparently had trouble with the concept of 3D space in the week after 7's launch, AC is pretty hard for the none planefag audience

It's pretty nice if you got it for free.

A grand total of 48k to be able to pilot the geo metro of the skies and pretend you are piloting something actually interesting

Only if you answer this question correctly

Rena or Fiona?

But user, piloting itself IS the interesting part.

or you can pay 3 grand and do mock dogfights with air combat USA.
that's what the dudes who made macross plus did.

Best game of the series. Nothing but downhill from there on, so it's best to pretend the series ended there.


The Aegis will probably shoot it down but the other ships will go down. I'm just pointing out how some SP weapons have unnecessary conditions the game doesn't actually tell you, which makes other planes with other sets of weapons the clear better choice. Ahem the F-15J has QAAMs and HCAA and SAAMs.

An example of the game actually telling you downsides is with the 8AAM. It states that more than 1 can lock onto a target, meaning you'll be wasting them and you have less SP ammo than you think.
Do the guided rocket SP weapons change targets when pressing triangle or something? I do not think there is a single enemy structure that takes 6 missiles to kill.
Planes with GPB should get 1.5x the load out when compared to the planes with UGB, since their point potential is way lesser.

Anyway I just feel that the SP weapons in 7 are disappointing. I used to use Rocket Pods to shoot down aircraft in 5 and 0. Can't do that in 7 without feeling like a lame duck in the air because the weapon's so sluggish now.
They should have given some of the earliest planes HVAA or HCAA too, for balance.

I love the missile accuracy in 4.

not a commonly mentioned thing but if you complete all ace missions on S in 4 and 5 and than use that same memory card for 0 you will have some extra goodies to get early on.


rena is the only way forward. Fiona is a bitch who can't even be happy for her sister getting into the internet

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Not even a question

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Neither will be it's presentation
The whole thing is kino presentation wise

GRKT does seem sort of pointless, and the RKTs in 7 are weak. There's something off about them, like they don't go fast enough, or have a decent enough splash damage.
I disagree that all of the SPWs are disappointing, some of them like the gunpods, EMLs and PLSLs are a bucket of fun to use, and I haven't really noticed a noticeable upgrade with HCAA or HVAA over say, the LAAM or 4AAM, at least nothing that says BALANCE ISSUES.

I would personally buff TLS though, seems way too weak compared to older games.

Attached: ac7 tls.png (1908x982, 3.38M)

>Choosing the bitch who can't even be outside without a full body condom

>tfw Bamco will never either just put these up as PS2 Classics on PS3/PS4/PS5 since they can't be arsed to "HD" them for a $40 re-release

except she can clearly walk around at night, and I'm a night owl so ti's perfect. Meanwhile Fiona keeps crying like a bitch nigger in her room even after her sister sends a message saying "im still around fiona it's all good" not to mention now that cynthia is in the electrosphere you can bang her being an AI and all

> genki
> great ass
> has a hot sister
> smart enough to pick up the plot before every one else in the squad
> not a backstabbing bitch
> realised that sublimation is a fucking meme
She is fucking great
too bad that both Cynthia and Rena are way hotter than her

For me, its Yellow 4.

Attached: yellow4.jpg (1069x1363, 240K)

> it's all good
Did you miss the part that fusion got cucked by himself?
It's not all good
Sublimation does jack shit but upload a copy of your brain online, the real you is still in the real world or fucking dead because you were a dumb fuck

Dude I love the PLSL. I think I'd buy the F-15C just to get that.

As for the TLS its complicated. If they buff it in campaign you better be careful of big spoiler Munin and Hunin because they carry TLS. I think the way it is now, it works fine for multiplayer.
Its just for plebs who don't know about the PLSL.

TLS does seem to have gotten a huge nerf beyond the playable aircraft by the way. The Arsenal Bird's laser is no where near Ark Bird or Morgan levels of accuracy and deadliness.

Dison was Sublimnation INVOLUNTARY than had his waifu blown up by the same people he worked for

Cynthia was a willing partipiant who only has a change of haert when dision gaves a rage speech

sublimination is a new technology and cynthia is dead in the RL, she is effectivly alive through sublimination now. this is what she meant by transcending humanity ya know transhumanism

AC waifus ranked

Scrap queen
Kei nagase
Kei nagase
Kei nagase's sister

Contemplate your achievements, you did good, Ace. Heroes really do exist, we've just seen one and now he is coming home.

Okay what's the question? Because that can't be the question. It very clearly can't.

Attached: Hirose.png (404x494, 67K)

Don't worry about spoilers, I've platinum'd the game already.
>The Arsenal Bird's laser is no where near Ark Bird or Morgan levels of accuracy and deadliness.
It can only fire in ahead of the nose too thank god, imagine having to dodge death rays while also going through a 5 minute long Itano Circus sequence

Attached: YF-21 going 2fast2furious on some missiles.webm (672x480, 2.33M)

user, did you ever play soma? Transhumanism like that is a meme because you, yes you, will never be online
A copy of you will
You will never experience what is to be inside the electrosphere
A copy of you will
You will die like a normal human eventually

It's literally the same problem with teletransporters
Original you dies, the you on the other side is not you really

Cynthia was so soaking wet for that dision digital D that she forgot that her real body would remain along with her real conscience and that all she did was a backup of her brain

But that Sublimination is literally like making a digital clone of yourself of all your past experiences and up to the cloning. Once they're created, they literally stop being YOU because of different thought process and experiences can change them. So it's technically not the same Dison and Cynthia.

except her body is literally gone, destroyed, bye bye

there exist only a copy of cynthia

in effect she is allive in the electorsphere. yes it's a "different" cynthia but it's better than being "no cynthia"

pay attention to radio silence mission. Cynthia knew she would be shot down and did so so she oculd start again in the electorsphere, even if it waasn't her true self but another being

>no meme mission where the arsenal bird is flying towards Trigger's position and Trigger starts out at a lower altitude
Missed opportunity. I haven't gotten trolled by, and ragequit as a result of TLS once in 7.

>skip 5

her body is only gone because she drank the sublimation coolaid way too hard and tossed her body aside
Fiona is crying like a bitch in that ending because she KNOWS that digital Cynthia is not her real sister, it may talk like her sister, it may know everything like her real sister, but its not her real sister, its a computer program that emulates the ..ISO of some one's brain

Post favorite tracks.
>mfw when that guitar kicks in

Attached: D3OAdzGUEAEBBny.jpg (1200x798, 133K)

>she finally takes her full body suit
>super stacked
where was she hiding those?


but brains are just essentially super computers in biological form. Fiona is too caught up in having no flesh and blood cynthia. Everything before her sublimination point is for all intents and purposes the real cynthia. same memories, same experiences etc. The onyl thing taht seperates how the two differ is what happens after

Dison only went crazy because literally after he became a mental boy he say his real self fuck his Waifu than get blown up by the people he worked for. That would make oyu a little crazy

contract with cynthia, who willing sacrificed her physical form and obviously still loves her sister

Besides Fiona is partially at fault anyway for defecting to neucom and isntead of staying at UPEO. UPEO is legit the best "good ending" you can get out of all of the branches By defecting to neucom and making nemos wtich over she forces a conflict between herself and her sister and nemo provides the tipping point for either sisters to eventually oppose the othe


it's a shame because the mission for this song is criminally short



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So what you are saying that sublimation is all good and fine if we kill the original meat body the second the upload finishes?
thats fucked up user
really fucked up, even more when you KNOW that both entities are not the same since you can see that Meat Dision and Digital Dision are different beings since Digital dision tried to compete and claim his waifu back

Again, this is just like the teleporter dilema
In a teleporter that works by scanning an object by atomizing it then sending its data to be recreated in the destination point
what happen when we develop a way to scan that doesnt destroy the original in the process? does that mean that we killed a bunch of people to create clones of them?
are the result of the procedure even the same people? are they even people?
Its why teleportation like this and sublimation are fucking memes, because for all we know, its not a magical way to become an internet being by casting away your body or a way to pop on the other side of the planet in seconds
its a way to create something else that will do that, while you are still in the same place

>fiona is at fault for defecting to Neucom
what did you expect her to do? eat a missile from rena with a fucking smile?

ACX is criminally underrated

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your going to far into it. My point is a simple one


than who are we to judge that person as invalid? are you saying it's impossible for fiona to ever establish a relationship with Electorsphere cynthia? anything is possible in this future world. I mean considering the two biggest players in this game world started this whole thing because their waifu died her goals are certainly more noble (cynthia's that is)

not defect, stay in UPEO and work from the inside to take it down like we do wtih Rena and erich

AC3's OST are so fucking oppressing and creepy
I fucking love it how dehumanizing the whole soundtrack is

Park was planning to kill her way before her defecting mission
it was either defect or getting full banded in a mission
or rapped and killed in her quarters during the night, who fucking knows, park was a creepy fucker

I won't deny park was planning to take her out. but I feel she could have handled it in a way so it would be impossible for park to do it without throwing egg on his face. BUT taht is major speculation on my part, and it has pulled us away from the true topic which is Rena is truly the best and most noble waifu

>are you saying it's impossible for fiona to ever establish a relationship with Electorsphere cynthia?
Not impossible
Just very unlikable since Fiona knows how the procedure works and also saw her sister getting shot down

you are absoluely right. but in this post ouroboros world She will need something ot keep her going and I can't help but feel she will eventually reach out to Electrosphere cynthia for support. Not to mention she can't reach out to Nemo since his work is done and she can't talk to simon since he's a scheming asshole

I've seen it get some well-deserved recognition here lately, which makes me happy since it's my favorite AC game. Its soundtrack is second in the series only to 3 for me, since I like the electronic focus they both have.

Park got his way into killing GE's CEO
The top ranking person in the enemy's forces
He could easily kill fiona without getting his hands dirty or getting it traced back to him

Also I agree Rena is hotter, but Fiona is not autistically stupid

no fiona is def not dumb. but she seems to be the emotionally weakest of the group due to her high empathy values


Yeah, she is fucked Good thing that it was all a simulation and actual RL Cynthia and Fiona are safe and sound with none of this shit happening Until nemo is released

All of them are good. Even 6's wack story is irrelevant in the face of how mental the fights get. They clearly spent all the budget on missiles.

7 has a few annoying as fuck missions, but most of them are fine.

Attached: ACE COMBAT 6 Fires of Liberation.png (1920x1080, 1.38M)

Because differently from Rena who is just a Rei Clone
Fiona is an Asuka if Asuka was a decent human being and not a bag of mommy problems and shit

>belkan war

I knew I was missing one,also what's with the story with IV who's the little kid I thought it was mobius 1 but the story doesn't seem to hint at if it's actually him or not?

The Nosferatu is sexy too.

Attached: CFA-44_Nosferatu_Color_2-2.jpg (1280x720, 751K)

Hey user

>what's with the story with IV who's the little kid I thought it was mobius 1 but the story doesn't seem to hint at if it's actually him or not?

Attached: thinkin pixy.png (302x270, 152K)

>she can't reach out to Nemo
Even if she could, imagine reaching out to your best friend from the airforce to cry about how your sister is now a bonzai buddie only to find out that he is also one
Poor girl would go crazy

Hey, are you even there? are you listening to me? PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!"

honestly probable the most haunting lines for me

Attached: 1508599034290.png (362x362, 144K)

The entire point of the simulation user, is that none of it is real. The whole point is just to make circumstances where Nemo has a chance to kill Sublimination Dison. That's it, there's no proof any of them exist, Nemo is just fucking around until Sublimination Dison rears his ugly mug for Nemo to kill.

God, I love that hotdog shit voice acting, it amuses my soul every time.

Attached: 1556474377656.gif (500x361, 1.79M)

this is my fetish

A lot of that game can be haunting depending on how you look at it

those nanomachines you have to bomb to keep them under control who grow into fucking gigantic hives and can infect humans is fucking nightmare fuel
the fact that they deal damage to you like if they were radioactive is just icing in the nightmare cake

All this talk about esphere makes me want to replay it, but fuck those early planes that feel like bricks and have no maneuverability at all.

Why do you need maneuverability in 3 when your missiles are the most OP thing and almost never miss

was infinity any fun,are the servers still active?


They shut down the servers to pull the full team to make 7. Also it was fun when metashitters didn't fucking steamroll everything.

Every great track in this game is in a super short mission

It was extremely fun, despite the insane framerate drops on furballs and the incredibly jewish fuel system.

Attached: ace combat infinity excalibur laser grid.webm (853x480, 2.41M)

But when they miss you have to spend the next 15 seconds to make a turn, I can't really go back to esphere again after spending dozens of hours with holy trinity and 7.

>ACX Strategic Briefing
Ahhhhhnnn. Its not in the OST, a superweapon like that needs to be kept hidden.

Rena flies the most aesthetic plane and leads you to the best ending, there's no competition

I like how AC3's ost is completely different from any other main game of the series. Namco soundteam nailed it with its cold and dystopian tones. From the moment you launch the game until the credits. Intro, main menu, cg, sound effects. Stuff is just so different and doesn't compare to any other AC game. It really fucking sucks that the game didn't sell well thus leaving us with that neutered version.


Is this meant to be the ending to the UPEO story? Pic not related

Attached: 1545458400998.jpg (1232x1840, 435K)

Dystopian is really in now, but back in the 90s, people just wanted more RAD in their games

But yeah, I really love how 4 and onward fill you with pride for your fictional country while 3 makes you afraid and unsettled


Attached: 25305750_p0.jpg (1600x2296, 1.27M)


Attached: 0FXSIs6.jpg (1215x2048, 681K)

>while 3 makes you afraid and unsettled
Kinda reminds me of MGS2 in that regard. Both were sort of underappreciated at that time and both feel somewhat alien in comparison to the rest of the series.

>still no iM@S skins for AC7
I need it

>But yeah, I really love how 4 and onward fill you with pride for your fictional country
AC5 is a lot more pacifist than nationalist, and Zero is about two mercenary pilots and an anarchist group, hardly a chest thumper for Ustio.
AC6 is the only one that seems to play it straight with the pride thing.

Its hayai.

Talking about the OST user
not the theme of the games

Listen to these tracks





These are all songs made to fill you with pride for what you are doing, to fill you with hope and purpose that you are doing the right thing

now listen to this
or this
or even this
These are tracks made to dehumanize any feelings you might have
you either feel like a emotionless machine while playing 3 or like something really bad is going to happen in the future, you don't know when, but you do know its gonna happen

Attached: AC3 cast.jpg (630x630, 83K)

whoa getting heavy .hack flashbacks there m8


Go play 3

3 can do that because its a much more personal story between key characters and machines. So more than even 5. Since AC4 these games' stories are told via accounts or recollections, not as they happen. So this affects the tone of the story and the music they make for it.
You can see this in 5. The 8492 ambush happens without a briefing, without preparation, without the player knowing. The music for that mission is pretty oppressive. As well as the missile lock on beeping nonstop.

Isn't 3 the only AC game with
AC3's very game design accounts for changes happening on the fly.
I thought that the dam launching missiles at 7 was one of these moments. It wasn't.

>play Assault Horizon Legacy
>game crashes regularly
>play for a half an hour and get cramps in my left hand for the rest of the day
I can deal with the hand cramps if the game didn't shit out on me so frequently.

Attached: 1538706386909.png (500x369, 264K)

go navy

They should scrap online next game and make a full coop campaign. Shit would be chaotic fun with friends.


The PvE was the best part of Infinity, so I'd definitely be down for that.

Attached: ac7 PSM carrier laser slice.webm (852x480, 2.93M)

>However, because we had that wild enthusiasm, we are here today.

>Before release, we saw order numbers that was unseen in previous years, and had no reference to compare it to. We didn't know what to expect.

>And so, Ace7 recorded the best launch in the series. Even now, it's still growing.

>Kono: It was startling in Japan, with the PS4 version selling 200,000 copies all of a sudden, and is currently recording the fastest [sales] numbers in sales history (currently Feb. 14). It doesn’t make sense with just the number of fans who have been following the series, so we believe there is a considerable number of new users. It was unexpected to have [completely new] people who are like “so that’s how you fly an airplane” join the series (laughs).

I still remember the shitposters saying this game would crash and fail.

Attached: pilot dab.png (551x502, 381K)

>all those planes lost to the winds

I'm amazed that AC7 did so well after that jank ass first trailer

That trailer was so weird.

fugg I remember playing this once a long time ago
I was a kid, though, who barely remembers it
I still have it somewhere, no doubt, but I dunno if my PS2 even functions anymore. Would have to dust that piece of shit off and find out.

>no CFA-44 in 7
Fuck you scamco

the rest of the trailers were way better.

That version of the track that plays in the open fire trailer is much better than the one that's in the game.

Ready to shoot down some drones today?

So are they ever adding Co-op MP in AC7

I have never once bothered with AC7's current MP as deathmatch/team deathmatch does not work in Ace Combat at all.

>So are they ever adding Co-op MP in AC7
Highly unlikely, I'd say they'll keep patching the game if necessary, release the major dlc and probably kick ac8 in pre-production afterwards.

>So are they ever adding Co-op MP in AC7
I think the answer so far is "probably not".

You play AC5, even though it sucks. Then you play the best one, AC0.

Attached: 1556272041525.jpg (1920x1080, 497K)

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Attached: AC5 FALKEN vs Ofnir.webm (960x540, 2.76M)