Did Nintendo perfected cute and funny designs?

did Nintendo perfected cute and funny designs?

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What is cute and funny

hehe CUte and fuNNY

I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna say the C word.



Most of them are generic at the point that they are annoying

Yes I would say their designs are top level cute and funny.

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You could at least try to make it subtle

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Why are Yea Forums cunny threads so much better than Yea Forums?

its not perfect but its pretty damn close.

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i wish someone could tell me. everyone that comes from there says this.

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They know their audience.

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haha i get it it's pedo lingo


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what are you talking about everyone who plays pokemon is 14 years old or younger its completely fine.


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Yea Forums lolis are sexier


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I'll have you know that we're all 10 year old girls ITT. Now get out you creeper.

And pathetic manchildren masturbating in their parents' basements. So as you can see having cute yet subtly sexualized designs appeals to both sides of their audience.