As a tribute to YTMND, there's a live radio of the soundtrack going on for a while

as a tribute to YTMND, there's a live radio of the soundtrack going on for a while
post your memories oldfags

Attached: 1f19df783ab9dbd26c8655ecc85b3142.gif (2938x2193, 181K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fug i'm bumping this
get in here fags

Those days were fun, I miss them.

Attached: BrianPeppers.jpg (200x200, 8K)

YTMND isn't down it's just maint----WRONG!

Oh god. Oh god no. Bros. I don't know how to feel.

Attached: file.png (778x124, 19K)

memes were fads
internet was a chaos zone
i miss 06 desu

source on pic?

Attached: file.png (977x552, 323K)

YTMND is luckily not dead (kinda). DB got fucked over hard. But at least we still have

banana phone is playing right now bros


Attached: crying.jpg (640x638, 45K)

emo is one step below transvestite

Attached: pnSz2p0q_400x400.jpg (400x400, 29K)


ytmnd was barely a step above gaia. fuck off newfags

out, zoomer

Attached: zQ0f97a.gif (304x429, 1.99M)

Opportune thread OP.
I just found a backup of pictures I saved off the internet back in 2006 when I was a 14 year old retard on Yea Forums. If you want a bunch of old ass boomer humor I can dump a few pics.

Attached: 11383904044818pb.gif (176x144, 351K)

i want to go back


Attached: lol internet.gif (389x297, 194K)

pls continue

go for it

As you wish.

Attached: owned2816zm.gif (160x120, 284K)

A bunch of them are just looping Rozen Maiden/Hale nochi Guu gifs I'll just post a few since the quality of them hits a few nostalgia bones.

Attached: 1149994361426.gif (284x213, 674K)

Kinda NSFW
Also none of these are pictures for ants, that was just the norm back then.

Attached: aidsuv2.gif (99x99, 173K)

Attached: ffddr5rn.gif (100x67, 49K)

Attached: 1154501273783.gif (600x177, 28K)

Post some Suiseiseki quick


Attached: desu1.gif (300x169, 266K)

fuck eric bauman

Attached: 1155010735434.gif (80x80, 4K)

Attached: 1451245435070.gif (328x272, 261K)

>those old gifs
>filenames starting with 11

Attached: 1138910156383.jpg (361x361, 37K)

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Attached: 11102535276605kd.gif (274x209, 671K)

Bubb Rubb of Time is safely preserved:

Attached: bubbrubboftime.gif (336x532, 242K)

Attached: teletubbies0mj.gif (280x404, 100K)


me when i see a console war wojak

Attached: 1148651566365.gif (250x200, 81K)

I kinda wish I had more vidya lads.
Or actually funny stuff

Attached: 1148701054706.gif (400x400, 41K)

>system of a down with SMB

Attached: nice.jpg (480x270, 18K)

Find the Suigintou

Attached: 1154828378004.gif (800x600, 278K)

i got cosby beebop next nigga

I guess I found this thing cool or something.

Attached: 1156009262026.gif (222x466, 43K)


holy shit this is 100 times better now that he's been convicted

Remember the great lindsay lohan/ebaumworld's war.

My friend made a ytmnd of me when we were kids, it was a picture of me with the caption "I'm a fag and I eat shit." Part of me is happy it's finally gone 10 years later, but a larger part is sad because it did bring back good memories.

Hope the site comes back in some legacy format, its role in internet culture in the early 2000's is worth preserving.

I think I saved this one straight off ytmnd

Attached: f3da351e69eeea8074353ca932fdbd16.gif (496x500, 584K)

I kinda miss Hard Gay.
Also I just recalled this:

Attached: 1151523109643.gif (240x216, 52K)

There's another site called corgiorgy, allows you to make your own looping sites with music and a looping gif similar to YTMND.

This was the fist ytmnd I ever found.
I can hear Daft Punk in my head right now.

"Based" should be filtered to "Win"

Attached: 1154566728362.gif (208x225, 12K)


needs moar desu

Attached: 1155598294984.gif (640x480, 174K)

filter "cringe" to "fail" and it would be perfect


How are you gentlemen?

Attached: allyourrangers7ls.gif (133x100, 459K)

Mods probably don't even know how to set word filters. They haven't bothered adding or removing any for years.

It was my very first one as well.

>Duke of Earl
Fuck this brings back memories of college.

Attached: Coping Mechanism.gif (192x192, 950K)

win and boss

"Based and Redpilled" should be filtered to "Epic win"

Attached: 1155408540843.gif (750x600, 421K)


>tfw furfag introduced me to YTMND in 2003 and subsuquently Yea Forums, ruining my life forever

The bad news is I only have 5 motivational posters

Attached: 1151607310757.gif (760x530, 58K)

what about onions

Goddamnit Max
Quit drinking grey goose and fucking over your site

Also only one of these besides the one I posted already. I'm pretty sure I didn't even know what Scandinavia was back then so eh.

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This channel is comfy AF rn. I haven't been posting bc of my autism but Im appreciating it. Thx

Attached: matrixoragami4ap.gif (133x100, 363K)

>"tbqh got filtered to "desu" 4 years ago
Where the fuck has the time gone?

Attached: tumbling down.gif (432x432, 106K)

you're welcome

Attached: 1556167139685.gif (340x325, 45K)

Did somebody say dasu dasu?


Attached: CATCH_THAT_MAN_.gif (340x255, 335K)

Attached: RWpFduR.jpg (268x282, 29K)

People take the internet too seriously nowadays

Attached: 1512228065263.jpg (600x457, 37K)

My bad lads, got distracted looking at ytmnds.

Attached: ngbbs43ab5faf35284.gif (285x285, 35K)

i need the picard song op

There's something so entirely strange about this. Like, each decade has its own "style" of music that you can hear in every song, right?

I know this shouldn't be, but this feels like the defining soundtrack of the 2000s to me

>those ytmnds with surrealist animations and music

I miss those the most

I don't remember this one but it's fucking rad

That site was SHIT, aside from MoonMan all the memes that came from their were garbage reddit cringe. It's just a boomer version of webm share that will be quickly forgotten

i got you

I also found a bunch of variations of that banana

Attached: 11366979669967rk.gif (90x72, 38K)

Take a bump
I wanna go back

Attached: 12062200.jpg (800x632, 146K)

Sounds like its Eurobeat, im not sure though

Attached: kirbytootsie.gif (200x150, 235K)

At least put a worm on the hook.

Attached: bait.jpg (236x236, 12K)

hell yeah

Attached: 1533744840674.jpg (579x426, 33K)

I'm remember the memes about candlejack-

Attached: 1155913778986.gif (800x600, 264K)

That's the dumbest shit I've seen all day.

Attached: machine.gif (500x500, 836K)

Fuck, I love this. Thanks, user.

stole my bike

Found one.
God I remember this one blew my mind because "Holy crap Family Guy referenced this!?!?!?"

Attached: 11326968041192xe.gif (256x192, 170K)

Attached: 1546553542948.jpg (680x680, 93K)

you don't deserve to wear that uniform.

>Picard song
Good shit


Attached: happy claude.png (400x400, 159K)

I bet i found this one unbelievably funny when I saved it.

Attached: nanahump.gif (33x35, 3K)

Can we listen to nigga stole my bike remix ft. Daft Punk?

>tiled perfectly

I was always jealous of how well made this was

Attached: anime.jpg (1080x615, 85K)

I miss the old internet so much.

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>creativeworlds hasn't been updated in 8 years

Attached: sadness food.png (997x781, 488K)

Nostalgia aside, why is the content on YTMND so much better than what we have now?

Attached: 1506048007050.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

Gimme Capsule x Daft Punk x Beastie Boys

because everything is literally just wojak now

unironically soul

I also found this ancient ass Habbo Raid kit that had a client that allowed you to have four characters open and it had a bunch of instructions.

Attached: e59c73d571b49660a0d056604e755a68.gif (240x181, 700K)

Tell me more!

Attached: 1460948039573.gif (420x350, 604K)

Because humor is always better than humor with a million layers of irony. Post-ironic humor is always low quality, which is seen as a positive to the irony count.

Did you play NEDM already?

People put less effort and originality into memes these days because it's too easy to get your dopamine rush by reposting old shit and stale edits for upvotes and (You)s.

With some hope in the future people will try to shoddily imitate it as some sort of "aesthetic" like they did with the 90s and 00s, it could potentially be an internet Renaissance.

Attached: 1148616549152.gif (640x480, 178K)

Less people used the internet back than, so memes lasted way longer than they do now,

Attached: Snibetteti Snab.jpg (736x650, 103K)

The internet was a much more innocent, pure place back then.

These two really. Everything is either stolen, or just another wojack edit. Last few years have been brutal to this place

Same reason why Yea Forums was popular back in the day

Internet comedy was basically just throwing an assortment of random shit at a wall and seeing what stuck. Internet comedy nowadays is some ironic bullshit that spends more time making you FEEL like you're smart for getting it rather than just straight absurdism


Attached: Old Guide.gif (1442x1434, 329K)

We're all fags on this sad day.

Because ironic humor is only good in doses. And too much of it attracts people who actually align with the ideology being made fun of. Also, "oc" if you can call it that these days, is just a feelsguy or sadfrog with a different hat or suit.

Based and winpilled

Attached: punch out.gif (500x504, 213K)

not yet, coming up soon

Thank you, OP

Attached: 1416538457983.jpg (550x413, 105K)

Play Hypnospace Outlaw if you haven't. It's an attempt to portray old internet but it's a faithful and free of irony.

Attached: 1550780953722.png (402x491, 25K)

Images you can hear.

Attached: thedarknessinourminds.jpg (234x229, 6K)

Attached: 1151707515613.gif (800x533, 42K)

How many of these still work?

Attached: 1243374830292.png (720x540, 131K)

Great game. Shame the ending was eh

do a barrel roll!

Attached: peppy.jpg (1280x720, 38K)

not even doom music can help this thread


Attached: 1154650444422.gif (400x270, 939K)

YTMND was around during a time when people internet fads appeared organically. Nobody was cynical yet, and if people wanted to post pictures of funny looking cats or whatever then it was accepted with an open mind. There wasn't an endless amount of ironic shitposting either.

It's annoying as shit. There's compilations of "memes of the months" now. It's like some fucking popularity contest and everybody is in a rush to be the new maker of a meme and forcing it.

A classic

Attached: Zidane.gif (300x225, 957K)

Attached: 1504410875113.gif (160x120, 1.3M)

punch god for cheesecake, brian peppers and the gandalfxsaruman one with.. forgot the name of the artist. "Pain" "you will taste manflesh" that's about all I remember.

â–² â–²

Attached: 23958729875.png (400x400, 4K)

>Caps lock is cruise control for cool
God, it's been too long.

Attached: stop-posting.gif (240x180, 513K)



did you even fucking try

Attached: wobble3ih.gif (317x155, 91K)

what's the best recent meme?
Smug Dancin?

Attached: 1154213120569.gif (200x150, 39K)

sorry OP did you mean this kickass website instead?

Attached: ebaum.jpg (657x445, 74K)

haha look at he go


Attached: 1557887901002.gif (500x362, 461K)

Ahhh, Easytoon animations were great

Pivot Animator was another popular one but not as easy to work with

Attached: Pivot Animator.gif (300x200, 1.6M)


Mannn... what happened to dikeKike anyway?

lotr memes

Attached: catapult.gif (384x162, 1.24M)

>thunderstorm happened late August last year
>fried my computer save the hard drive
>build a new one within a month
>had two externals hooked up the time of the storm
>both couldn't be read anymore
>was eventually able to salvage one of them which had all my music and school data saved on it
>other hard drive contained all my video game mods and back up data from hard drives long gone
>tfw my images from the early internet are gone forever

Attached: sadjack.gif (490x367, 1000K)

The thing with modern memes is that they burn out in a few days.
Back then with less accessibility to the internet it meant less people would repost the same things, which in turn meant people would get tired of them less quickly and in exchange they'd last longer.
And with how little things last nowadays there's less room for creativity.
Also people kept making meme generators causing a flood of low effort garbage.

Attached: 1148773256063.gif (496x382, 831K)

I fucking miss those old "XP" versions of songs they'd make on ytmnd. Haven't thought about that shit in fucking years until just now.

>YTMND is dead
>Flash is kill next year
>All those old websites that specialize in flash content will die along with it

It's fucking over.

Attached: 1525933669839.png (462x433, 407K)

Goddamn, it hurts bros. I haven't gone on there in many years, and now that it's gone I wish I could go back and look at all the sites I used to love back in the day.

Attached: sadheavy.jpg (480x360, 22K)

Attached: 1156001862838.gif (128x231, 36K)

IIRC it does does the noko command automatically now without having to type it in. If you type "nonoko" into the options bar when you create a new thread it brings you back to the catalog.

He made some YTPs around the time of the last US election, but then he just vanished.

zip zop zoobity bop don't forget your here forever

Attached: 6af.jpg (1207x778, 139K)

i wonder if neil ciceirga still an SAfag


Toasting in an epic bread

Attached: 1221560389052.gif (220x227, 594K)

>Newgrounds is probably going to die in a year

Attached: 1D08E742-3EFA-486A-BE91-77F5F8348E5B.jpg (480x477, 20K)

Who's this moot person? I recognize WT Snacks, renown DJ but never heard of moot.

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Attached: go ninja go ninja go.gif (88x100, 18K)

I still play Stepmania from time to time and helps me ease my nostalgia.


8ch's /y2k/ doesn't get any love. Please visit us sometime if you want to recreate that classic early 2000's imageboard feel.

This week just keeps getting shittier

Literally press F

Getting close to the cutoff point where it's mostly Rozen Maiden and Hale+Guu gifs
I also found my really ancient porn folder but I don't wanna dump here, getting the thread deleted.

Attached: everybodywalkthedinosaur6tf.gif (100x100, 34K)

oy vey...

Attached: goldberg.png (178x48, 2K)


real talk, what the fuck happened to Moot?

He used to interact so much on these boards that it kinda blows my mind he'd ever leave

I never knew the name of this song until I began going to /o/. Before then I always called it the "LOL Internet" song


Attached: 1221559442645.gif (160x120, 772K)

Where the fuck did all the moonman songs go?
All the shit on youtube got deleted.

YTMND was at its peak when piracy was at its peak. You have to consider that for a good 10-15 years, all media was free. Every single book, movie, every episode of every television show, and every single song was freely available on the internet. That's still technically true, but it was also incredibly, incredibly easy to access. All media was easily available to anyone with a computer and internet access. It was like a weird socialist experiment. The internet was lawless, but not in the chaotic and anarchic way you might imagine. Information was free and it fueled creativity and brought people together in ways you won't see anymore. No fear of DMCAs and copyright strikes lead to people creating whatever they wanted. Creativity was boundless. Then google bought youtube in 2006 and corporations began terraforming the internet on a scale none besides the few on the internet at the time (compared to now) could truly appreciate.

Attached: MARIO_KART.jpg (1024x735, 156K)

Yea Forums then was a tiny fraction of the size it was when he left.

Obviously you have lost possession of your Yiddish Cup.

He got tired, user. He was sick of the site back in 2008 and clearly wanted out since it became way more of a hassle than he ever expected.
Hiro is better

Attached: 1154661433196.gif (550x436, 92K)

I'm in a comfy flash game fan community. The dev of the games the forum revolves around has been inactive as fuck but there's the promise of a future sequel to one of his older masterpieces in HTML5 and the forum runner plans on remaking his older games in a modern format. The old internet has died but its spirit still lives.

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