You Nostalgia You Lose.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I remember that game. I think that game made me more dumb and autistic in the long run

What happened to Sony? They use to be godly. It hurts to see what they become

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Oh no! It's the glop monster!

Here you go boomers. A gift from a fellow zoomer

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110% this. I am proficient at counting change, picking out jpgs of macaroni, and literally nothing else.

It always fucking triggered me even as a kid that the dog eats the drinks instead of drinking them. I know the game had a budget of $20 but holy fuck they couldn't do a separate animation of the dog drinking?

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3 > 1 > 2

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>tfw fighting Red for the first time
Goddamn I literally just got chills right now as I typed this. This was one of the most hype moments of my entire childhood

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What could be cooler than a dinosaur with a jetpack and a gun?

I don't think you know what a boomer is.

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That one lit Captain Crunch pc game.

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Which JumpStart game is this
I remember this vaguely and I wanna remember it all

This game was so short and basic whenever I beat it I thought I did something wrong for a "true" ending or secret level I would play it over and over again.

1st grade

holy fucking shit user, I was searching this game forever, thank you so much
I had the one with the spanish dub as a kid

the fuck, I had all of these and I'm a 21 year old zoomer

Why the fuck do dimes and quarters have to be ALMOST THE SAME FUCKING THING

Legit I can barely tell the difference between the fucking two it's such a minor shape difference

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This shit was hard as fuck.

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user dimes are significantly smaller

Oh I meant nickesleduj


Here's a double dose.

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This game had so many cheap deaths. The character designs were cool though.

I still think this was a pretty good song


These were some of my favorite PC games as a kid, fuck. I loved serving lunch in jumpstart. Also really loved the noun, verb, and adjective songs in pic related.

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Have another one. Used to play this with my father as a kid.

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Obligatory nostalgia bomb

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I want zoomers to leave

Please tell me I'm not the only person here who was such a Nickelodeon fag growing up that I bought literally EVERY Nickelodeon game as a kid

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>tfw Animaniacs is getting a reboot coming in 2020
>Invader Zim and Rocko's Modern Life movies coming to Netflix this year
Goddamn the nostalgia pandering is in full force now

Attached: animaniacs sega.jpg (480x360, 26K)

For some reason this had Toejam and Earl stamps and Sonic 2 Chemical Plant Zone tiles.

Does anyone remember playing some money/time counting PC game that you were a dog detective?

I remember a game that had some guy lock you out of your place if unless you say some homophones or something. Does anyone know exactly what game that is? I remember the ending creeping me out when I was a kid and I'd like to look it up.

All of them dubbed are shit and the only good Pokemon movie is the first one, subbed

The Entei one was really good. I remember as a kid thinking that Entei was way more important than it actually was because of it.

Is this your childhood opinion, or do you seriously think that's actually a good movie?

Anybody remember this fishing game on I distinctly remember it. You played as this older black man and whenever he would buy bait he would say shit like "I'll buy a fly" "Give me a worm". I played that game so much as a kid for whatever reason. Anybody else remember the name of it?

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Is that startup from the PSP or something? My PS3 never had this one.

Back when Pokemon had soul. Why did GameFreak have to sell out and turn Pokemon into a soulless cash grab. It fucking hurts bros

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I thought it was really good compared to most of the other Pokemon movies.

> closed down last year
I remember I would spend so many hours playing games on during summer vacation

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PS1 start up. PSP start up is this one

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If you ever been to newgrounds.

Aaaaaand you lost

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> Nick Gas
That channel was on auto pilot for years before it was finally shut down. I still have all of the bumpers burned into my memory.

> that time Victor gave Advent Rising a perfect score because he was the music director or some shit

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zoomer filter

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>Attack of the Show
>Code Monkeys
Goddamn I miss being 14 and obsessed with G4

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Sorry, meant Tommy Tallarico. I remember the game itself being quite shit.

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I always wondered if there was a high resolution version of this

Fucking loved this game

My man. Same story here. Every fuckin day after school.

And the E3 coverage blew my mind every year

I remember stumbling across G4 by accident and thinking it was the coolest shit ever. I finally felt like there were other fat nerds out there like me. I've always read the merge with Tech TV was the death sentence, but I'm happy I got to experience all of it before they turned into a wannabe Spike TV

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Based on this pic and your main childhood era, are you gen x, millennial, or zoomer?

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Late Millennial here. Still considered a zoomer by this board's standards.

Apparently I'm a late millennial


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Y'all remember hat and big head mode?

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>all these autism collages
I'm too old to be sifting through that shit

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I think this is why I love character creation so much

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How old?

25 here

I always liked how the console versions always tried to be unique. The console version of Sims 2 allowed you to fully control your Sim.


>All the 6th gen zoomer shit ITT

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So did y'all notice things changing around 2005-2007 at the time, when we first crossed into the Gen Z/Zoomer kid culture era?

That was when Web 2.0 began, plus according to Youtube ranters, Nick and cartoon network "got rid of all the good shows" at that time.

>great features introduced with console versions and never carried over to PC

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6th gen is late millennial

>being so old that 90% of adults today are still "zoomers" by your standards

Being born beyond 1995 is Gen Z
6th gen is 2000-2005 or thereabouts
It's highly zoomer

I guarantee you all lost. You STILL have this commercial memorized after 20 years

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People born beyond 95 weren't conscious and were shitting their pants when the 6th gen dropped in 2000 you retard. The 6th gen was for those born 90-95 who were ACTUALLY CONSCIOUS when it dropped in 2000.

Can we nostalgia about the early days of Youtube? Back when Youtube was god tier and not utter cancer it is now

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How old are you, user?

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God forbid people commit the cardinal sin of being born after you.

Speak for yourself, I vividly remember shit from when I was like three years old and have potent nostalgia for games at around that time. Not my fault if zoomers are brainlets whose memory only goes back to like 6 years old at best

Not really. Around that time I started getting more into PC gaming, so I kinda ignored everything else. Plus I'm still a mancild and continue to watch cartoons because I enjoy animation. There are still quality shows out there, but most of them are on streaming platforms instead.

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Youtube isn't video games faglord.

2019 I am forgotten

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why the fuck was this in a game for little kids?

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What was this game

That's just the Big Mighty Poo

>I still have this show's theme song saved on my phone
Did anyone else unironically enjoy this show besides me? I think if it came back on Adult Swim or something, it could be a hit. There's plently more to mock about the industry now.

>Nostalgia Thread
What is your first video game?
Mine is Castlevania Bloodlines
what is your first crush?
mine is Anne-Marie

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I still have dogz and catz 5 in perfect condition, and they work

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This game was nightmare fuel as a kid

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An old friend

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Trintrions used to be the definitive best tv. And there sony ES lineup was always kino

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Early/Core Millennial here.

>What is your first video game?
Spyro: Year of the Dragon
>what is your first crush?
Didn't have one, but did feel weird whenever I saw a girl a in cartoon

They had it in the computer lab at school as a kid. Thems was good times.

>go to now
>the only games available have to be downloaded onto your phone

Oh and Gex too

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RIP in piece

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Every time I see someone mention nickelodeon games, I never recognize the website.

The website I knew was white and filled with games.

does anybody remember the sequel to this, battlefield2 on I can't find evidence of it existing anywhere

What are the old G4 crew doing now a days? I don't hear from any of them at all. Last I remember, Adam Sessler was accused of doing coke at E3 and was high out of his mind during an interview.

Hell why won't their be a G4 revival? This is literally the most perfect time. Nostalgia pandering is at an all time and video game and nerd culture is at an all time as hell. I would tune in to a 3 hour G4 livestream once or twice a week

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>user won't tell us how old he is
Probably in his 60s or something

*satellite beeping*

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my nigga


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G4 became the esquire channel and really I don't think there's much market for a dedicated tech/vidya channel anymore since most of it has moved online. 2bh even if G4 was revived as an online thing I doubt many people would go to it other than nostalgia since you can get news from joe shmo's youtube. I think it maybe could've been "the esports channel" at best if it survived a few more years of endless reruns of Cops and Cheaters.

>muh secret club
Even has a fucking frog in it.

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The zoomer nostalgia bomb

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Nostalgia is powerful. Hence why Toonami is still a thing. You can literally watch any anime you want online but there is still people watching Toonami on a weekly basis just for nostalgia alone. A G4 revival can work.

Twinsen was the shit

You got mail

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2000-2005 things were millennial while 2005-2009 was zoomer.

By this point G4 had already gone to shit and the Zoomer kid era was underway. You missed out on Techtv from pre-2004 before G4 raped it.

Shame that game wasn't more popular. It was pretty good.

>use fake credit card generating program
>use it to sign up for new fake account
>get roughly 2 hours of AOL use before they catch up to the fact it's not a real credit card
>hastily find and download as many hentai jpegs as possible (usually about 5)
>rinse and repeat
Good times.

For a second I thought this was Orly's Story and I got excited that someone else on here played that ridiculous Jamaican storytelling/art game.

>Shame that game wasn't more popular. It was pretty good.
What is it?

>stuff gen y will identify with more than gen z kids
you're retarded

True, but that's a block on an existing network, not an entirely "new" thing. Is the Toonami brand really bringing in people or is it just a name people recognize attached to shows people would watch regardless. I'm not saying G4 can't work, I mean fuck I would want a channel or website I can pop on after work and catch up on gaming and tech shit maybe even watch some esports, I'm saying why would I get that from G4 rather than everywhere else that I already get it? There is such saturation in this market and for every possible little niche someone might have, that a new channel/site on "HEY REMEMBER US?" can only go so far. G4 can work, but not as we knew it.


Nostalgia faps?

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True but I still think a G4 revival would be the shit. Hell, I think besides Olivia Munn and Chris Hardwick, nobody else is currently doing shit.

Had fully cartoon animated cutscenes and everything.

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Still the best 2D porn ever created

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First one I remember would be Wolfenstein 3-D
That girl from the Rescuers

>what is your first crush?

>first game
First one i remember playing was Lego Racers on the ps1. The first one I did play was probably some edutainment pc garbage.
>first crush

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Speaking of which.

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I had Interactive Sampler pack 9 and it had shit like crash 3, spyro 1, gran turismo, brave fencer musashi, and mgs.


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I don't know which sampler was mine, I just remeber it had the music I posted, a bunch of games with a couple of trailers displayed in square thingies, which it also had 2 secret game demos: Colony Wars and Fighting Force. Do you know by any chance?


no I only had 9 as a kid and never seen any others

>This thread
Why can't life go back to being great? I wish every day I can go back

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Only real 90s kids will remember this
Secret Island of Dr. Quandary

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I remember an old pc game i played where you play as a turtle who has to bring something for show and tell, and his thing was is that he spins sometimes. Think it's a point and click game like putt putt. I think the game is called turtle around. NO IT IS NOT FRANKLIN I CHECKED

based. I'm replaying it atm


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rugrats was the most repulsive cartoon ever created and I will never understand how anyone liked it

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unzipped me, I don't like it

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Are we there yet?
Are we there yet?

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how upsetting that you chose to quote the one watch i had

Hi Yea Forums it's me Face! Wow it's been so long since we last seen each other! You all have grown up so much! Let's catch up okay? Brrr Brrr Brrrr

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A fiberglass body, Shaped like a rocket

excellent game

Get on my level you fucking child. When I got my parents to get one for me, I put this one specifically near a lamp because I realized it would make the glow-in-the-dark watchface glow brighter, I forgot about it and wound up with a melted watch.

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>was terrible at RTS as a kid
>Only way that I could beat that level was capturing the airfield then getting like 2000 Conscripts to eventually drown the 1hko seals and prism towers

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This is sitting in a closet somewhere at my parents place still. I remember it being very shitty and unfun.

I always wanted one of these as a kid. Were they as cool as they looked?

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It was pretty cool for the first couple hours but then you just get bored with it. Me and my brother got it for Christmas one year and played for about 3 hours then never touched it again

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Hey the other day I was thinking about this old educational game on Mac I used to play at school. You went through a 3D castle maze and solved math problems to progress. Does anyone remember this?

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Habbo was more of my jam


Stupid zoomer
it's a fun game though

Post yfw
>Oh no, it's the glop monster!

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weird, just looked this game up for another thread.

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Zoomer era


>Nostalgia faps?
Those nights when you leave the TV on and you here the steel drums start to play

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These threads always make me feel happy then hit with a huge fucking wave of sadness. Thanks.

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thats retarded, zoomers are anyone born past ~95
stop trying to separate yourself from the zoomers and embrace it faggot