Should I feel bad for never using magic in Dark Souls games?

Should I feel bad for never using magic in Dark Souls games?

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No, as someone who's played every Souls game (and Bloodborne[but not Sekiro]) I can confidently say that a pure mage is the least interesting way to play. Battle mages are pretty cool, though. Mostly with faith/pyromancy. Sorcery/hexes are boring but really strong.

Yes. It's fun

What if everytime I play a Dark Souls game, I just use a basic melee build with weapons/armor with high stats?

Probably a good way to play t b h. I usually just play straight quality builds and swing around the zweihander.

I've only ever leveled INT for certain melee weapon requirements, if I want to cast spells I go with Faith

>"Should I feel bad for having fun?"

No, the magic actively cheapens the experience, except maybe faith.

Yes. It's a totally different experience. A lightweight pure caster is ridiculous in damage output but they cost so much investment into stats that it leaves you really vulnerable. Playing a full sorcerer or even a cleric is totally different from running with a weapon because it requires more precise timing. You can annihilate just about anything if you land the right timings but you're going to be sweating like a motherfucker against some of the faster and stronger bosses, especially the ones with unpredictable attack patterns, because you can't afford a hit. You also have to be smart about your resource management unlike when you play as a knight where you can just bulldoze your way through mobs with no real consequences after you know their locations. It's entirely possible to get to the boss only to realize you don't have enough spells to fight them with your magic and are forced to resort to shit like fighting with one of the few weapons you're strong enough to wield.

not OP but Demon's Souls was the souls game I played last and I cheesed it with a soul ray nobility build
should I go back and play it again?

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Retard. Magic should be last thing you choose in DeS.
Yes, play it again, be a meleefag.

All the good magic is boring and all the interesting magic is bad.

You are missing out on a large chunk of the games content, the stat investment to have some magic is minimal.

I always use Miracles. People laugh at them but one of these days I was doing pvp and I fucking cleaned the fight club with a regen build.

in my defense, Demon's Souls is THE most bullshit of the souls games
Stonefang Tunnels can suck my wiggly DICK

who the fuck needs magic when you have all these movesets

chainstabbers gtfo

Do you find that not using magic still provides a fulfilling experience? That is to say, do you enjoy the games with your playstyle?
Because if you do, who cares about what you did or didn't do? Dark Souls is full of purely optional mechanics because FromSoft knows different players will gravitate towards different things.

Magic is only good If you're playing a paladin/spell sword type

>playing Demons Souls with magic

You didn't even want to play the game, did you?

Pure magic builds are shit, but spellblades is the funnest and best way to play the game.

No? Why the fuck would you feel bad? It's a literal Role Playing Game. I went through my first playthrough with just a sword and shield and without touching a single spell