Google leak forever BTFO
An actual google employee says that the leak can be fake, because other people CAN advertise for a company.
So someone bought up ad space with keywords, and other people fell for it.
BTFO Googlebois
Google leak forever BTFO
We all knew this, it was just the same group of western fags samefagging every time
>someone spent real $$$ to make a shitty fake leak on a imageboard for autists to get some (you)s
I mean, I'm not saying it's not possible, but fuck, where have we gone wrong as a race?
google theory is fake. here's the actual lineup you niggers: joker, erdrick, banjo, hayabusa, porky
smashfags are autistic. what else is new?
What's your point op?
This has been known since the beginning because it was too retarded to be true. It was obviously discordniggers fishing for attention and it still is.
Ryu Hayabusa will never be in Smash and you can screencap this all you want. What a fucking stupid pick. There are already two ninjas and Joker basically plays exactly like one too, not only is Ryu Hayabusa a stupid choice he's also completely superfluous.
Tecmo already said they want a Dead or Alive girl in Smash, the director has previously pitched for Christie & Kasumi
>there are already two ninjas
This is the same game with 4 blue haired lords
Remember the amount of effort that French faggies put into the Grinch leak.
Yeah, it's pure, unadulterated Smash autism that allows these things to happen. It is what it is.
You'd think banjofags would learn by now not to rally behind Papageno
And none of them are 3rd party characters that need to move units.
Lol no
The leak isn’t fake until somebody finds another fucking name to work exactly as the 4 have
im so fucking mad this was fake
>Blame it on google due to the search engine
It doesn’t fucking work with Erdrick or Steve who should’ve made the error create it by this logic
Did you read the guys posts?
He works with Google ads. Anybody could have made this ad. It's over Banjie.
>A literal who pops up to talk down the theory
Confirmed real by the damage control
You misspelt Sora
Ah yes, sweet grincher tears.
Surely, something should have seemed off when 7 characters were supposed to be revealed in two months, yes? When Sakurai said multiple times that things would be slowing down...Just yikes.
>The leak isn’t fake until somebody finds another fucking name to work exactly as the 4 have
you can pick your fucking keywords for ads
That's what happens when you hate Nintendo so much that you're willing to pay for them to leave.
Its even more pathetic than the time that guy on /vp/ bought adspace because his design wasn't used in their fangame
this leak was probably orchastrated by some discordfag
why would a literal who pop up for damage control
do you even know what damage control means?