The soundtrack is the only good thing about nu-Doom, but holy shit it is GOOD

The soundtrack is the only good thing about nu-Doom, but holy shit it is GOOD.

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No, the gameplay for DOOM 4 was pretty good too. But the DOOM 5 gameplay they released shows just how much was lacking from DOOM 4. I'm happy they're fixing it though, most of the glaring flaws were some of the weapon designs and how the start of the game is boring because they only give you one or two guns.

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>But the DOOM 5 gameplay they released shows just how much was lacking from DOOM 4
It looks just like Doom 4, what are you talking about?

Are you fucking retarded, Doom was amazing.

>Doom was amazing.
It was, but this thread is about Doom 4.

We're talking about DOOM 4.

Doom 1, 2 and 4 were great.

DOOM SPACE 3 is good too, but doesn't feel like a Doom game.

yea Doom4 starts really fucking slow
you start having fun only somewhere around cyberdemon when you get BFG and finally pinkies show up
then its a slaughterhouse nonstop wish they did it much sooner almost made me drop it.

Except it's not, pay attention to what you see and you'll notice that the game isn't just throwing zombies and imps at you, as there is actual enemy variety, like Cacodemons and Pain Elementals, during what I am assuming is an early level of game. There's also the fact that they updated the enemy designs to be more like they were in DOOM 1 and 2, which is a welcome change from the generic design presented in DOOM 4.

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>good soundtrack

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>inb4 the arch vile is just a boss fight

A lot of the stronger enemies in DOOM 4 get introduced like boss fights, but then you end up fighting 2 of them at the same time in a later section.

I really dislike the glory kills. They ruin the pacing.


Then don't do them, retard.

You need to to regain health at higher difficulties, the game is built around them.

Doom is one of those rare series without a bad game (so far).

Glory kills aren't horrible even if the game could do better without them.
What's a real pace-killing crock of shit is the game pushing you to constantly trawl through the menus to double-check which challenges and weapon masteries you still have.

Plutonia wasn't great.

The game is balanced so you have to do them. You will run out of ammo if you don't.

You can still keep them in the game, just make them once every 20 or so monsters and make it so the glory kill is triggered earlier on in their health rather than at the very end.

I'm literally telling you how to balance your own game for free.

I noticed that too. I didn't like the menus at all. At least in Doom 3 the menu thing kind of went with the gameplay since it was more of a horror game rather than an action game.

Then don't get hit.
>I'm literally telling you how to balance your own game for free.
Nigger what?

I love the redesigns in Eternal. I'm really hoping we get a "Rematch" with the Cyberdemon and we get one that looks more like his older incarnation.

It's not. It's highly unlikely any of the bosses will be playable in the multiplayer or invasion modes and the Arch Vile is getting a player skin through Slayers Club, implying it's a normal enemy.

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You mean DOOM 5?

>Slayers Club
Bethesda really doesn't understand Doom.

It's not, actually. The game can be played perfectly well without Glory Kills and in fact on higher difficulties, it's often better to avoid them.

Glory Kills don't even give ammo without augments, they give you health.

Problem isn't the menus, its having unecessary 'do X thing Y times' homework dangling in your face in the first place.
It's better to just let players blow through demons however they want without missing out on stuff.

Chainsaw kills are the one that give you ammo.

If Doom 4 is so "oldschool" why are there so many unskippable first person cutscenes?

Because it's still a game released 2016. Nobody said it was DOOM 1 reborn.

>Nobody said it was DOOM 1 reborn.
Literally all I wanted was Doom 1/Doom2's gameplay with better graphics.

So, is the Marauder some sort of demonic counterpart to the Slayer?

>Literally all I wanted was Doom 1/Doom2's gameplay with better graphics.
I don't care. You can find games like that, and I suggest you look at ModDB since there is a full 3D DOOM 1 remake avaliable to play.


>full 3D DOOM 1 remake avaliable to play
You mean the one made in UE4 that looks like everything is smeared with Vaseline?

I hope he's a regular enemy that appears out of nowhere sorta like Dark Souls' NPC invading spirits and not just a boss you fight twice.

No. I don't know what it is because it doesn't interest me. If I wanted to play DOOM I'd just boot it up and play it.

The new soundtrack has great influences, fuck the boomers

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There is an invasion mechanic, and people will be able to play as the Marauder. I think DOOM 5 might be the first FPS in a long time that makes the genre interesting for me. Something about taking a fairly fun shooter, improving on it, and making it like a Dark Souls FPS just seems like hot shit.