The Last of Us is a masterpiece

Is he right Yea Forums?

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the only good thing that came out of it was all the porn of ellie getting porked

No. The story is alright, but nothing to write home about. The gameplay is shit stealth sections, ladders, and gunfights that were inserted too often purely because someone noticed there hadn't been a gunfight in a while and they had an action quota.

It's an okay game that I will never understand getting the reception it did and still does. It's not an amazing story and it's not that fun to play, I don't get it.

From the article, not even kidding
> Much like Half-Life or Metal Gear Solid, The Last of Us is a game that defines a generation. Not just a console generation, but an entire generation of gamers. For decades to come, we’ll be comparing future games to what The Last of Us has accomplished here. It’s a shining example of what game developers and publishers can deliver when all necessary encumbrances are removed.
> While the interface takes some time to master, once you do, the funfactor and intensity perpetually climb as you play through the game. It’s been a very long time since a game made me remember why I’ve been a gamer all these years. The Last of Us is just down right fun to play.
> The combat is brutally intimate. You won’t spend much time shooting enemies from a distance and forgetting about the encounter seconds after the last shot fired. You will be fist fighting, breaking enemies heads open with metal pipes and smashing their skulls in with the heels of your boots. I don’t know if I’ve played another game to date where the fighting is this in your face.
> The Last of Us is indeed an well written, told and acted story. Ellie and Joel’s story is one I will not soon be able to forget. As a father myself, I could completely relate to the decisions Joel makes throughout the game. Ellie’s reaction to the world around her and her constant questioning of the world before her time really helps to ground the player in the harsh reality set before us.
> The Last of Us is a masterpiece. It’s arguably the best game I’ve played this generation and most certainly one of the greatest games I’ve played in my entire gaming life. If you can stomach the violence, this is one game that you cannot afford to miss.

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The Walking Dead did it better

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It's an opinion. It's neither right nor wrong, depending on how you feel about the game you might have a different opinion though.

Bro who cares

Nah. It was a slightly above average, solid 6 or 7 out of 10 TPS. The voice acting and writing were fairly good but the plot was just a bland retread or the Road, 28 days/weeks later, the walking dead telltale game, children of men etc. The gameplay was fairly mediocre and the AI was not very good.

It came out the same year as Bioshock Infinite and I remember being a bit disappointed by both. Both were hyped up and given perfect scores by many review sites. I wonder why people still wank on about TLoU but not Bioshock Infinite.

>If you can stomach the violence, this is one game that you cannot afford to miss.

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Calm down, buddy!

story is average at best and the gameplay is nothing special

It's a solid 7/10.



The Last of Us is the best game of it's gen, it's a culmination of everything that era in videogames was trying to accomplish. I will now proceed to dismantle several common buzzwords and complains often seen on Yea Forums.

>it's a movie game
The Last of Us isn't even that cutscene heavy. There's moments where you control is taken away but 90% of the game gives you full control.

>the gameplay is shit
Above average stealth, guns feel powerful, survival elements are fun, the game can even be challenging at points.
>the story is bad
I guess this is subjective because the ending is controversial, but thematically the game is intense and well-acted. The intro alone is white-knuckle fuckin' tension.

However, the sequel forcing LGBTQ nonsense is probably a bad sign and I honestly have a bad feeling about the game.

As a movie? I would say so.

>it's a culmination of everything that era in videogames was trying to accomplish
That's why it's shit.


Masterpiece of SΩy.

As a movie this shit would have been forgotten about a month after release because it has exactly the same story as half a dozen other movies that already did the exact same storyline but better.

Yes it's one of the best games ever made
> Ocarina of Time
> The Last of Us
> Chrono Cross
> Metal Gear Solid 3
> Resident Evil 4
> Super Mario Galaxy
> Final Fantasy VI
> Shadow of the Colossus
> A Link To the Past
> Super Metroid
> Castlevania: SOTN
> Mother 3
> Street Fighter II
> Panzer Dragoon Saga
> Super Mario 64
> Bioshock
> Chrono Cross

this is a very bad list

The Last of Us is good, but I can't consider anything with such rudimentary gameplay to be of masterpiece quality.

> Popular = Bad
Fuck off contrarian, Street Fighter II Turbo alone is better than any garbage game you consider good

I'm glad people liked the game. I wish I was in it more though...

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>Chrono Cross
>Chrono Cross twice

She's in more than just the game user believe me

>street fighter 2 is better than viva pinata trouble in paradise
not on your fucking life buddy

>Is he right Yea Forums?
"Not necessarily."

> play the last of us
>its boring

Wow best game ever.

>Indeed, an well written...
Oh my gosh, of course a TLOU fan would make two grammatical errors when talking about the writing in a professional article.

>the combat is intimate
*squares to stealth kill for 85% of the game*
*shoots while upside down for the rest*

Chrono Cross>trigger

One of them was supposed to be Chrono Trigger, also i meant to add Metroid Prime as well

It is honestly really good. Traditional survival horror, great gameplay, nice story and believable world. Sometimes the stopped clock is right and the game journos are on the right page. Shame that now all everyone is going to talk about is the lesbo stuff.

more like a masterpiece of shit haha

I agree with him, but I'm the only person on Yea Forums who actually likes this game. Its a great showcase of how far optimization and good design can take advantage of weak hardware. Definitely in my top ten.

>Cross instead of Trigger
can you just fucking off yourself please? such terrible taste

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i still dont get how its different from any other 3rd person shooter.
its an ok game, maybee 7/10, but cant really see it as the "GAME OF THE YEAR".

I meant to put Chrono Trigger you retard, i wouldn't put Chrono Cross twice intentionally

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>It's a movie game
Movie games are not only movie games just because they have long cinematics, a movie game also includes "cinematic" gameplay where certain events happen not matter the player's skill level
Like when Joel is fighting two guys and everything is solved with a qte.
Just watch The Last of Us 2 gameplay trailers, the only difference between TLoU and Gears of War is how pretty its animations look

Since that one guy did it
>1 Melee
>2 Infamous 2
>3 Cave Story
>4 Chrono Trigger
>5 Advance Wars
>6 Persona 5
>7 Revengence
>8 TLoU
>10 Bowser's Inside Story

> Chrono Trigger
> Super Smash Bros Melee
> Majora's Mask
> MGS2: Sons of Liberty
> The Wind Waker
> Super Mario World
> Final Fantasy VII
> Star Wars: KOTOR
Add these and then it's a solid list

I have no idea what you're talking about mister, please explain

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oh well, the list IS shit.
twilight princess is better then ocarina of time, the last of us is just e mediocre 3rd person shooter, super mario galaxy over sunshine, bioshock over doom, ff6 instead of 8,9 or 10.

> Doom fag
> Shit taste
Every time, nobody cares about your outdated piece of shit game

>doom 3
but somehow bioshock is not ?

Yes, Bioshock aged well & is still considered a masterpiece today outside this board. Doom is literally outdated garbage that only journalists wank about because of how influential it was when it came out

>As a father myself, I could completely relate to the decisions Joel makes throughout the game.
This is the avid media consumer version of having a kid and suddenly only being able to talk about your kid and telling everybody else how amazing parenthood is and how they should all have kids so they can experience it too

Its pretty overrated to be honest

remove all the lootable crap and add more enemy types into bioshock infinite and i let it pass a a masterpiece.
>today outside this board.
on reddit everything that gets shilled is considered a masterpiece.
people even call the last of us a masterpiece even though it was 10 times worse than alan wake

In my opinion, opinions can be wrong.

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>opinions can be wrong.
only if its not my own.

Keep coping PC-Cuck, TLOU objectively is a masterpiece.


It’s a masterpiece of Manipulating people’s emotions and making them feel things that can’t be felt otherwise. It’s like saying World War Z or A quiet place is a masterpiece because you really felt for the MC trying to protect his family. Your basic emotional response or rather, the emotional response of that of the majority of Normies would automatically attach to these types of storys and it overrides the ability to asses things like the actual writing, the actual gameplay, the logic of the world you’re in, etc and the rules.

Bioshock Infinite. The Last of Us. GoW 2018. I’ll even go further back with something like The Walking dead. Notice any similarities?

To most of these games credit, I won’t say they’re not competent video games or that they’re pretentious bullshit like a David Cage game but to call them masterpieces is questionable.

It's better than most of the Sony stuff so, I guess.

Most definitely. After RE4 Last of Us changed single player shooters forever. You can be a little bitch and deny all you want, but most people live in reality.

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>An English Major
>not a graduate
>but some kid in college who hasn't graduated yet
>Thinking he has any relevance
Do you even know what is placing is? He may be an English Major, but he could be some faggot flopping in the bottom percentile who's had to repeat classes 5 times already.
>TLOU changed single player shooters forever
by making them more casual and removing player control as well as establishing that even if you have hundreds of millions-billions in your budget you can get away with being a lazy whore and having hitscan bullets because effort is hard.

I wanted to like this game much more than I did. The general story concept is great, but I didn't like any of the characters and in a game that leans so plot-heavy that's not a good thing.

And the gameplay, the most important thing for a game, just isn't very good. Admittedly I've never actually finished it so I don't know if it gets better. I left off swimming around in the subway and could barely see where I was going. I shelved it because I just wasn't having any fun.

Maybe one day I'll finish it, but there's so little time and it's just not a priority. Playing this game always felt more like a chore to me.

One of the best games of last gen that triggers Yea Forums endlessly for being a sony exclusive. It didn't get heaps and endless praise for no reason.

fuck off nintendie paedo

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>I wanted to like this game much more than I did.

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a masterpiece isn't the best thing an artist makes, it's the first thing they make that isn't complete shit
it's the piece of art they make to prove to their master that they are done being a student
a master's piece

I jerked off to Ellie and Sarah many times.

i sure do love watching those sfms

>triggers Yea Forums endlessly for being a sony exclusive

I've owned every console and handled Sony has released so far. It's a shit game

No. Shit stealth mechanics, stupid ai and baby’s first zombie movie plot line. It’s a 6/10.

I respectfully disagree.

That's just your opinion.

And I disagree with you. Let's continue to enjoy what we each enjoy

>While the interface takes some time to master, once you do, the funfactor and intensity perpetually climb as you play through the game
What the fuck does this even mean? It's a third person shooter with some minor crafting elements.
I thought the last of us was a solid 7 or 8, but people act like it's gods gift to gaming


Great movie, terrible game
5/10, 6/10 if you just watch a walkthrough

>Objectively correct
>doesnt even back up that said opinion


lmao can't even meme right cope bitch

have sex

No its overrated i was able to finish the entire game in one sitting

Allow me to blow you the fuck out real quick

>it's a movie game
A "movie game" doesn't just mean "lots of cutscenes", it means "the gameplay is not the focus"
which is how you instantly destroy all purpose of making it a game in the first place.
Quick time events, and "press Square to awesome' moments that are scripted and not actually in the game engine take away your control and make it feel like your just watching people rather than playing as them.

>gameplay is shit
>Naughty Dog formula
>Sit behind cover, wait for enemy to stop shooting, pop up and shoot
>press square to stealth kill

>Story is bad
This is literally the only good part of the game; hence the classification as a "movie game"
The ending is objectively garbage and fucking trash. No rational human being would ever actually sit there and be like "Hmm, yes the life of this one single teenager is worth more than thousands upon thousands of lives" *Proceeds to smash dozens of scientists' skulls in while killing the literal good guys that helped him*

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Fucking no. It's shitty oscar bait, that's why it gained so much accolades. Otherwise, it's a mediocre survival TPS, where a game like RE4 that came years before wipes it across the floor.

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The Last of Us is unironically better than Resident Evil 4


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Now that you mention it, it is like a modern version of RE4

doesn't have shitty QETs. Doesn't have shitty inventory storage system.

It wasn't bad, but I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. I've seen better movies.

I like RE4's inventory, but you're right about the QTEs. I don't know why Japanese games get a pass on here for them. Bayonetta was the worse with its instadeath qtes.

>Doesn't have QTEs
>Doesn't have a staple of the survival horror genreand as such is now casualized
I see... you're a causal.


TLoU is fine. It's a good game. Not "THE BEST GAME EVER" or anything but it's good, and it's got one of if not the most well-told stories in all of video games. Of course the bar is so low in that department that that's not exactly a bold claim, but it's probably the only video game I can think of where the progression of the narrative is on-par with films or novels, which is why I think it's so vastly overrated. It's the first game that most people played where they were like "Holy shit, a video game story can be coherently told without resorting to audio/text logs to iron out the massive plotholes oh wow."

As a game it's hardly deserving of the absurd amount of high praise it gets but likewise the people on Yea Forums who constantly shit on it and call it a "movie game" are retarded.

you're a fucking dumbass nigger

1. I don't see how RE4 style inventory system is in any way a "staple" of the survival-horror genre
2. RE4 was more of a TPS than a survival-horror
3. 90% of survival-horror games are pure shit so I don't know why you'd want to claim that anyway.

Tell me who hurt you

>The Last of Us causing butthurt on Yea Forums all these years later
>After "this game is flavor of the month garbage and no one will care about it next month."
>"I mean no one will care about it after the next blockbuster comes out.
>"I mean no one will care about it in a year."
>"I mean no one will care about it in two years."

The peak of this was when someone in a thread actually typed that the consensus on the game's quality was just a fad and no one would care about the game in a decade and that proved that the game was shit. Yea Forums is fucking awful at actually assessing the quality of games because you're all contrarian-diseased morons.

I do not think that TLoU2 will be anywhere near as good as the first game. The first game advertised itself as a super gritty and super dramatic zombie apocalypse game. Its first presentation was mainly the combat section in Pittsburgh's hotel where enemies are smart and lots of context-sensitive actions happen like melee attacks shoving people into walls or guys grappling Joel if they snuck behind him or unarmed enemies begging for their lives if you were pointing a gun at them or Ellie stabbing people to help out Joel in fights. Most of this made it intact into the game (enemy AI breaks sometimes, Ellie is invisible to people while you're sneaking because the tech wasn't quite there, and the AI cheats to sneak up on Joel, but for the most part the illusion is sustained on a first playthrough). People had high hopes for the voice acting performances and the story since it was the Uncharted guys, but it surpassed expectations because ND didn't really do serious games except for some laughable shit in Jak 2 and 3.

TLoU2 starts its marketing with pretentious banjo playing (incredible that they made a banjo pretentious) and a long cutscene of a real mundane scene and a really awkward lesbian make out scene. Its heart is in the complete wrong place.

But the first game is still really good.

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>No C&C
>No RTS Warcraft
>No Deus Ex
>No Thief
>No Doom or quake
And thats just a small sample of better games than that POS list.
Journos are a fucking plague to the industry

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>the cuck of us


LMFAO they are really comparing it to MGS and Half Life?

Western gaming truly has fallen.

you're welcome