When your backend is so shit that the only way for a game to opt-out of your universal sale is to straight up remove it...

>When your backend is so shit that the only way for a game to opt-out of your universal sale is to straight up remove it from the storefront

Both Oxygen Not Included from Klei and Bloodlines 2 were completely taken off the store for this reason. You can't make this shit up.

Attached: epic-games-store.jpg (1000x563, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Also all ubisoft games were hidden.

>the only way for a game to opt-out of your universal sale is to straight up remove it from the storefront
How do you manage to fuck up something like that

Because this thread will not be bumped by astroturfing discord shill teams, this info will get no traction.

Epic store is shit and only NPC's use it, news at 11.

>it's real

Attached: 1502347838410.jpg (258x360, 24K)

>steaming seethe trannies

All of you need to have sex

What a classic, can't wait for all the Epic shitposting and samefagging that'll be arriving here soon

Also supergiant games raised their price without telling anyone AFTER releasing this tweet hours ago.

Attached: supergiant_games_hades.jpg (618x506, 45K)

Not even sure why anyone is opting out, Epic is eating the cost and consumers love low prices which is guaranteed sales.

All of you need to give birth

They should have hired those GOG employees.

Devs probably don't want to devalue their games in the eyes of potential customers (especially when fucking one of them isn't even out until 2020). It's why Factorio never has sales ever

Wtf wasn’t the epic store for publishers and developers? What happened?

Epic must be desperate to get a customer base, so they must have come up with this rather quick since some devs/publishers had no idea this was happening

>Be chink coders
>Try to make a non-spyware application
That's how.

The devaluing argument is kinda silly, but I get it.

All you need is Love.

Attached: MI0003995354.jpg (400x400, 40K)

Win elections

I like how epic is trying to do a steam sale, and there are people shilling this on Twitter by claiming that valve is preventing the market from seeing sales like this.

You can still buy them from their website. I think this is genuinely a bug.

It's not silly, companies train their consumers. WB slices games up into so many pieces that people just started waiting for the complete edition.

Especially since there's price tracking sites that really tickles that loss aversion for some spergs.

Tim thinks trickle down economics work when in truths publishers and Devs will be a greedy and scummy as possible. They also rushed out this sale so fast that some publishers had no clue and now Epic is wasting more money recuperating costs. They are so unorganized and retarded.

Even Steam had a cart and proper infrastructure for adding games to the shop before doing a sale

Fuck Epic, fuck Unreal Engine and fuck the Epic Store

Attached: y.jpg (960x853, 96K)

simple: whoever was in charge of updating the storefront probably Ctrl+A and then Ctrl+V. The system also has no cart, so it will ban you from purchasing games if you buy too many back-to-back.

Leave unreal engine alone cunt.

I bought Metro so it better be good.

>Those games removed
>Ubisoft games all pulled
>Hades had a price increase
>Developers and publishers didn't even know Epic was going to have a sale
Explain to me again how this amateur hour shit is supposed to threaten Steam

I really want to know who is making all of these decisions...how can you fuck up harder than the origin store, or any other stores for that matter?

Inb4 monopoly argument from drones

Fuck Epic shills

Attached: o.png (710x929, 304K)

Month long sale, I expect further fuckery

Epic offers the best deal in all of PC gaming and you people cry. You are really just pawns of Gabe Newell. Warriors in the storefront wars.

Have sexual intercourse.

Attached: childmolester.png (750x421, 389K)

Well they fucked it up in favour of customers. Shouldn't we be glad? Or are we in favour of publishers now? Or we don't care about logic but we just want to hate epic because we don't have our own opinions and it's tredny to hate epic, plz explain

Attached: ebin_sale.jpg (1839x2585, 363K)

So good that publishers forced them to cancel it. BTW, I'm no Steam drone, DRM-free installers or nothing.


ching chong ling long lang xiong cha xiog?

Sure, I just don't think value is dictated by sale price alone. The reason Factorio team can survive without having an occasional sale (aside from living in Czechia) is due to the lack of competition more than anything.
Quality, timed passed and alternatives are very important, nobody would buy Devil May Cry 1 for $60 when 5 is the same price. And that's why FPS games all drop in price quickly as time goes by and newer games come out, because it's the only way they can compete.



>Shouldn't we be glad?

No I'm not exactly glad that the mostly pro-publisher storefront has shown themselves to continue being completely fucking incompetent as they try to buy their way to the top

“Developer” should have some of the removed games under him, like he’s hiding them from Epic

>Valve continues to not care as Epic stumbles over themselves, realizing that the customers they shat on are the ones that give them money

This is a win for everyone.

Attached: bd8.png (279x246, 150K)

At least half the publishers and devs didn't even know there was going to be a sale so they took down their games. This also screws over customers that wanted those games.

You see, I did not disagree in fucking egs. I just said that unreal engine does not deserve any hate. Mindless shills can't comprehend,go to egs side you fucking faggot

They're trying to hard to play catch up to steam right now and not thinking shit through.

It's almost funny at every opportunity Epic just keeps getting people mad at them. Today just showed everyone that they're incompetent to do even basic shit (as if it wasn't obvious before) . They're retards with too much money trying to brute force their success.

>Makes Epic money
>does not deserve any hate
You're either a retarded zoomer or a paid shill. Begone faggot

Attached: for.png (505x640, 656K)

Now they've pissed off the very devs and publishers that they were pandering to. Burning bridges left and right.

>He doesn't know that valve is almost bankrupt and because of that they have no resources to do against epic.

Nice move Gaben, you got them by going out of business. Epic did not expect that haha

For kicks, the VtMB preorder was on the sale, then Paradox promptly removed it minutes after. Sergei on another site even first said all devs were notified, then went back on his word once Bloodlines 2 got pulled.

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is kino, go fuck yourself.

Welp, I just bought Cage's newest schlock movie game, no going back now.

Attached: 1522014539309.png (500x327, 76K)

A move like this doesn't benefit anyone. Customers might get a few things cheaper, but as publishers weren't aware they're now rethinking their plans to keep working with Epic, or even jump on board. If customers aren't getting much from the service and publishers are now being screwed over then what future does the platform have?

The EPIC store could never compete


> I did not disagree in fucking egs
Based retard

Attached: 1558056113674.jpg (1199x1200, 422K)

He said he thought he had their permission.

Steamcucks on suicide watch

What Steam does to Stemcucks:
>fucks over the customer
>the devs scam the customer with dlc
>you will get banned in the forum for talking about getting raped by steam

What the Chad Epic Games Store does
>fucks the devs
>even if they don't want their game on sale they still get forced to opt in to the sale
>the only way for devs to not be forced to make an acceptable price is by literally taking their game off of Steam
>The EGS is even Chad enough to just include everything you bought in the last two weeks as sale
>yep, this means you even get refunds for games before the sale and the devs get a huge fuck you

What you gonna do now Steamshills? Your monopoly is dying harder than the Hillary presidency.

>valve is almost bankrupt
nigga what

Modern people disgusting. Absolutely spineless.

>Fuck off everything epic made
>Actually I don't disagree with you but unreal engine is not bad and it does not deserve hate
> Fuck off you must be a paid shill
Jeez i wonder who is s shill here

>he thought he had their permission.
from the way thing are running I doubt thinking is used much in epic

you didn't even try.

Attached: 1555290362382.png (960x876, 114K)

>"All devs were notified about this sale"
>hours later
>Oops we didnt notify all our publishers about this sale. Sorry some people spent only $5 dollars on your new game that comes out next year

Attached: 1553290447180.jpg (750x581, 65K)

I don't even have an image appropriate for this situation. So this will have to do.

Attached: The sun is laughing.jpg (632x483, 241K)

>Be Epic
>Have shitton of fortnite money to build a store the could rival steam
>instead of long term investment you waste said money on buying literal who games with a few notable games here and there
>attempt to say steam is a monopoly but get btfo by everybody with two brain cells
>only flimsy defense you have is your good for developers
>this shit happens
Jesus Christ epic just can't seem to not fuck up, its surprising people unironically defend it

t. brainlet who didn't read the thread

Attached: 1495075215640.jpg (236x170, 11K)

>even if they don't want their game on sale they still get forced to opt in to the sale
This is Epic.

learn English, Ping-Pong
that personal data isn't gonna steal itself

Cry me a river dickface. Nothing matters, none of this matters.
Learn to do deal with it or suffer.

Attached: the future is now.gif (480x300, 3.79M)

Well this is certainly a new shitposting angle.

Try to get laid at somepoint in your life.

>fuck Unreal Engine

Attached: laugh 2.jpg (1107x1109, 165K)

Based tribal nigger

Don't worry, I'm visiting my gf this weekend, thank you.

Attached: 1428556242121.png (1000x1000, 161K)

>le nihilist fuck it all man
How's high school treating you?

Attached: 1503024141428.jpg (633x651, 25K)

I see now, you just reapeat what others tell. Well have a nice day nigger, not going to waste my time talking with physical manifestation of Reddit hive mind

Shelby is the Origami Killer.
Aiden is Jodie´s dead brother.
The robot revolution is a ruse.


At least Epic's apology was tasteful

Attached: simpsons27.png (500x384, 158K)

Attached: 1477718403375.jpg (1200x800, 141K)

just imagine the remorse those devs and publishers who accepted an exclusive deal are feeling, its pretty much karma by this point, they accept chink money only to get fucked over by chink practices

Good luck losers. I feel like I'm 20 yo again.

Attached: 1558056777894.png (440x1045, 196K)

>getting mad at what some user faggot on the internet does
How's you mom's basement treating you?

>The robot revolution is a ruse.
That's not even true. I already know most of the game because I watched my friend play.

Attached: 1553731288175.jpg (512x512, 42K)

are you in a near vegetative state, because even retards now Valve is nowhere near bankrupt

t. dev using ue4


Brainlet response from someone who obviously doesn't get enough sex to be bored of it.

Will you play Satisfactory with me, user?

Attached: 1548942809899.gif (494x740, 2.46M)


It's clearly not a matter of not supporting the exclusion of games from the sale. If they allow a game to not be part of the sale then they can't claim that all purchases receive the $10 off.
I don't know how you guys can be mad at making every purchase $10 off when the developer wasn't going to reduce the price in the first place. This is literally exactly what everyone wanted when EGS was first announced. The real shitstorm of this sale are all the shitty developers/publishers ruining it by not wanting anyone to have their game for cheaper.


Attached: Gwen laugh.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

You are misinterpreting the situation. I just think you're a fucking idiot.

Klei and Paradox titles weren't exclusives, tho.

wtf? delete this jannies, I'm losing social credits

>epic fags suddenly change course when their developer defense gets absolutely BTFO due to sheer incompetence
nice try but epic fucking over greedy publishers isn't enough to make me like them after they fucked over consumers

Steam should have competition, but Epic is doing a great job of promoting Steam

It's so amusing

Attached: glaceon drink.png (321x384, 150K)

Peak whiteness.
I want /pol/tards to remember this post when they start memeing about the "white spirit."
This is what 90% of whites are like.

According to what fucking data lmao

Attached: 1541110266108.png (400x400, 22K)

I will not install it back until they add trains. Currently I'm building my 1k spm megabase.

>The real shitstorm of this sale are all the shitty developers/publishers ruining it by not wanting anyone to have their game for cheaper
Thats because Epics philosophy doesn't work, how many times does Trickle down economics need to fail for people to learn it doesn't work since companies will nickle and dime you at every opportunity.


There's still no fucking shopping cart.

Attached: 1472164401483.png (192x187, 85K)

I'm not mad at Epic for this (I am about exclusives), the only ones I'm mad at are Supergiant and Ubisoft for being jews, and Paradox for being cunts.

What did they did to these poor customers? Bonus points for not using arguments straight from Reddit, let's go

You're probably not the user that responded first to me so fair enough. I mean this seething faglord here . Look at how mad he is cause someone made a purchase he doesn't agree with out of petty reasons that don't influence his life at all.
If you're having a laugh then all good. I know I'm gonna have a good time with my purchase.

doesnt this happen to alot of early access games?

But Vampires is sold in GOG and Steam too.

>Epic shills will defend this

Attached: Steam vs Epic.jpg (1080x602, 102K)

Just buy them one by one :)

>90% of whites are angry Buddhists
Okay then

that just makes it better since devs who were trying to stay neutral will probably avoid the site like a plague

Understandable have a nice day.

Attached: 1446267187234.gif (640x360, 1.23M)

Based epic

Attached: 4c8475.jpg (1389x1271, 840K)

>and Paradox for being cunts.
>Gee why are they pulling their game from the EGS when pre-orders are being sold for $5?

you do buy too many back to back too quickly, they ban you from the store

Yeah it's a shame everyone is so shitty. At least the Outward dude is legit (25% off on top of Epic's $10).

But you'll get banned if you do that

>This is what 90% of whites are like.
and thats a good thing

Attached: 1487610054491.png (500x500, 339K)

but what about the Chinese Data Thieves category?

Don't forget theirs another delay in their roadmap that they announced today

>banned from buying too much

Jesus Christ this store really is a joke lmfao

>Try to compete against the big dog
>End up being so incompetent that you make your competition look good

>here lies Epic
>they never scored

Tim is trying to tell you to pirate, sweetie

Epic is allergic to money. If you buy too many games too fast they might go into anaphylactic shock.

But it's more expensive.
Epic is eating the cost, Paradox are cunts. They're also jews what with selling base games with 1/10th of the content a normal game would have and then nickle-and-dimming you with DLC for the rest, but in this particular case they're just cunts.

Ecelebs are reporting that they're getting locked out of buying shit when they buy several games back to back.

Epic has that covered.

Attached: Epic Games Client.webm (1259x992, 1.85M)

>and Player Data Storage services

Oh god they delayed fucking cloud saves didn't they?

>Epic is eating the cost
Apparently not ;)

I'm not a regular on English boards but I have a question. Since when you guys became a bit more edgy reddit? I was sure I was going to see egs support movement here purely for the sake of normies butthurt but the only thing I can see are normies that apparently care about some kind of greater good in gaming industry, that's fucking gay

it triggers fraud protection or something
I don't like to link leddit but this is the first google result

You need to go back Chang, you need to go back to your closet apartment that you share with six others right now.

Don't you have grass to mow, pablo?


Attached: db04.jpg (631x645, 330K)

Have gay sex

watch out, your social credit score is gonna go down if you don't shill harder

>Since when you guys became a bit more edgy reddit?
What? Are you serious? Yea Forums has been "reddit but angrier" pretty much since reddit existed.

>Buying games triggers fraud protection because the EGS still doesn't have a shopping cart

Attached: 1424231924710.jpg (480x720, 90K)

>games removed from store during sale
>iSn'T tHiS gOoD fOr CuStOmErS?
Epic shills are literally retarded.



Attached: 1920px-Kokbayraq_flag.svg.png (1920x1280, 36K)


Attached: 669.png (241x196, 112K)

>They actually deleted

Attached: get away.png (366x307, 62K)

Epic's store may as well be 12% complete. Everyone who sign onto it is basically part of a pre-alpha test.

>multiple anons say your account is banned for doing something
>actually you're temporarily prevented from purchasing games but everything else works as normal
wow I never would have expected someone to lie on the internet

What is their endgame?

>it’s actually real
Tim Sweeney what the fuck

Please post your source I want to laugh at you more

a bit too drunk to judge soberly, is this real? i reckoned it would be just chinks throwing a tenner per sale at the devs, not the devs suffering losses.

it's a storefront where goods are sold
what part of "I can't buy things" is normal for a store

>guys why don't you support this vastly inferior service that fucks over everybody, it pisses off normies
Just because it pisses of normalfags does not mean its good, if anything normalfags and anons being pissed off about epic should tell you the store really fucked up

don't you guys have phones?

For Hades, the price has gone from $7 to $15 to $10 within 12 hours.
They obviously didn't put forth much effort for this sale, maybe not even consulting with the people whose games they're selling...

It's been the case for a while, 3 day ban for "gibberish", even if you use it contextually.
Japanese moonrunes are okay though.

>Alpha testing a store
My face when I'm not an Epic Drone

Attached: laughing jar of greed.jpg (600x477, 349K)

Wow I can't believe you think you're entitled to buy things from a store. I guess this is the kind of toxic, pro-consumer mindset that Steam breeds.

Well then, nothing for me there. Thanks for not being a faggot like the rest of this bunch

>2010: Games become early-access
>2019: Stores become early-access

damn we've really come a long way

What the fuck isn't the point of a store to sell stuff?

that percentage is being to generous

Based Brettposter.

will they put them back?

Attached: b14a5459deeeb6b480f97d6bf48920b7.jpg (953x1000, 172K)

>devs don't like stores anymore
>move onto a third platform that isn't a store

>Doesn't have games
>Doesn't have shopping carts
>Doesn't have working sales
What does the EGS have???

Attached: laugh (1).gif (720x534, 549K)

They literally removed the games from the store for the duration of the sale, mind you it was said before that they didn't want to do sales like steam so if anything I almost expect them not to do something like this ever again. I don't why they changed their mind or why they seemingly rushed this sale out for no reason since now it only makes them look like complete idiots.

I don't know how much it really devalues a game in the eyes of the average consumer, but I'm a cheap asshole who makes a game out of getting the best price on things, so if I see that a game was $X at some point then I will refuse to pay more than $X for it ever. There are several games that I want but still haven't purchased because I missed one really great sale that hasn't been matched yet.

This is a silly example, but once I saw Hitman Absolution in the $1 tier of a bundle but somehow didn't get around to buying it. I wanted to try the game despite its reputation but now I refuse to pay more than $1 for it, and it might never be that cheap again.

>omg guys egs is like sooo dev-friendly

>hold a sale where you hardly even consult the developers and publishers about the prices, making some games ridiculously cheap without them knowing
>be forced to remove games entirely from the store until their issue is resolved or the sale is over (which they then have to manually add back)
>some are even changing the base prices of their games while the sale is on-going, which is literally illegal in some cases

Attached: vergil really.jpg (391x435, 36K)

Epic's older gam-.



Working spyware


Attached: blue_laughing.png (200x141, 47K)

A corporate fuckboi sees this and thinks "wow I can make so much more money by being epic exclusive!"
Anyone familiar with the industry knows Steam has 10x+ the loyal playerbase epic has.

The funny part is how valve does literally nothing with all the money they make.
They just iterate constantly on their storefront which is already fully functional and stuff ridiculous prize pools into shitty fucking dota.

Shitposting fuel

>>When your backend is so shit that the only way for a game to opt-out of your universal sale is to straight up remove it from the storefront
>Both Oxygen Not Included from Klei and Bloodlines 2 were completely taken off the store for this reason. You can't make this shit up.
I'm sorry but can somebody source me up? It's not that I don't believe it. I just want to laugh even harder when I see that it's really real.

selling oxygen not included for 8 euro will cement it as an 8 euro game in the minds of saleseekers and then it's all downhill from there



Attached: David cage ''GAMES''.jpg (1280x720, 175K)


Thanks user. You're based for knowing who Brett even is.

Attached: 1428558738577.jpg (500x216, 39K)

>epic mega sale finally seems good
>turns out it really was too good to be true and epic was just fucking incompetent



Attached: the-outer-worlds-game-awards-title.jpg.optimal.jpg (1080x600, 74K)

Follow the EGS links.

>retards ruin everything again
what a surprise

This is a good thing in Europe, considering the sale. Hades before - 14.xx, not eligible for the sale. Now its at like 7.50 €

Attached: 1.gif (500x500, 993K)

if i saw ONI on sale for that price in the past i would have waited for that sale again and pirated in the meantime. i don't WANT to be a stingy fuck but i take my victories where i can, hence why some devs set a price and stick with it

The best part is that Supergiant boosted the price not even a few hours after this golden tweet in response to price increases. twitter.com/SupergiantGames/status/1129055307169116160

>That's a possibility but we have to see how the rest of Early Access pans out before we decide for sure. We would announce something like that well in advance if it happened.

>Magical Disappearing Games
>Steam: No
>Epic: Yes

Attached: 1528239292527.jpg (576x545, 128K)

I think you mean Outer Wilds ;););)

Why do you need a shopping cart when there's only 1 game worth buying?

>which is literally illegal in some cases
Here in MA you literally cannot do that.
Glad I never fell for the Tencent store meme.
If companies are going to break the law then I have even less qualms with pirating their shit.

nothing worth while

The E3 conference is going to be amazing.

Are you all ready for some cringekino Yea Forums?

if you saw the footage of it recently it looked like a fucking dogshit fallout clone

I was actually asking for a source on the reason for the games being pulled, but I think I found one.

It's Kotaku, so obviously I'm not going to post a direct link.


How do we stop Epic shills?

>literally had NPC pop in for the trailer

It's literally the principle of the matter. A fucking weeb neet webstore has a shopping cart. Why does a billion dollar corporation not have one?

I'm actually the same way, there isn't a single purchase I make without checking IsThereAnyDeal. I'd reckon you and I are the minority when it comes to the game-purchasing public though.
If someone *truly* wants to play that game they'll pay whatever they find reasonable even if it's been lower before. You're right that a lot of compulsive dealseekers won't though, I just don't know how many of those exist.

Another thing to note is that technically the cheap price isn't due to a "sale" per se, but because Epic is eating the costs by essentially giving everyone free credit. Although to the consumer it doesn't make a difference either way.

You don't have to. They shoot themselves in the foot with every step. Just laugh at Sweeney.

>A game where the Devs actually had no idea it was going to be on Epic store until last minute
Good thing epic only cares about those publishers :^)

Sorry lad, I misread your post.

>The Outer Worlds looks like total dogshi-

Attached: The Outer Worlds Combat.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

After this fuckup, we don't have to.
They're literally so incompetent that they'll stop themselves.

Outer Worlds isn't exclusive to Epic as far as we know. It's Outer Wilds that is exclusive for 6 months or whatever.

Is this a joke post or do you honestly think that looks good?

talk about Taiwan and Tiananmen Square

It's only in Microsoft Store because Obsidian is owned by them.

>post your reaction when epic managed to fuck up again

Attached: DPXmNMyW0AAYZ9P.jpg (292x257, 23K)

Wait what the fuck happened? I went to sleep thinking Epic was finally turning around and now I'm finding out that isn't the case?

I thought they were pro dev but now the devs and publishers are complaining?

see this is why they only take 18% of the cut
they don't put any money into the store software

Attached: Kek.png (600x900, 537K)

Win erections

Attached: 1553615533747.jpg (410x468, 61K)

I wouldn't be surprised at the size of people who don't buy things that have been cheaper. I know I haven't bought a few games because their sales never got back to what they once were. I've been tempted, but if it's not even close to that price I missed it still feels wrong, especially given the time that passed. I'll especially refuse to buy something if the prices go up. I just don't go around talking about it a lot because people look down on being cheap. Being frugal is apparently a bad trait in society, but it's almost a necessity these days.

What price is it now? Wasn't it 15 dollars?

>fortnite slaves working 100 hours week to shit out content
Have you been asleep these last few months?

Money can't buy everything I guess

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Attached: 1551370698516.gif (600x331, 2.28M)

>The system also has no cart, so it will ban you from purchasing games if you buy too many back-to-back.
I refuse to believe that unless you post some PROOF, son.

They now stated they've reverting the price, and are now making it base 25 after the sale. Either way this is one massive fuckup.

what color is the sky in your world user

>It's another 'Steam tannies get BTFO' episode

Attached: 2ec1.jpg (7680x4320, 2.82M)

Reminder that steam is having a based as fuck post apocalyptic sale right now while epic tripped over themselves again.

People ask why Gabe never gives Tim the time of day. This is the reason.

This is what happens when your boss looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome and retardation combined

Attached: mike laughing.gif (250x250, 632K)

Attached: 9fb7.jpg (646x1016, 514K)

>a largely Chinese-owned company is an untrustworthy business partner
Who could have seen this coming?

Taiwan is the real China.


Attached: Sales.png (920x692, 534K)

See: It won't ban you, but it will temporarily block you from making more purchases

Funny thing is, Google Android store does not have one as well.

>Reading through that kotaku archive that user post
>Any purchases made while the game was discounted during the Epic Mega Sale will be honored and no Masquerade violations will be assessed
>They literally have to tell people they won't ban them for buying the game when it was on sale

Attached: he's coming to laugh at you.gif (960x720, 384K)

can't wait for steam summer sale to btfo these insects

Attached: [Yellow-Flash]_Gungrave_-_14_[720p][19AEA6AC].mkv_snapshot_21.38_[2018.12.16_18.41.45].jpg (1280x720, 466K)

>post apocalyptic

What are some good deals steambros?

How can someone be so retarded?

shill thread got deleted

>when you can't think of any way to defend Epic anymore so you just randomly declare that Steam is BTFO without providing any reason and hope nobody questions it

Attached: sweat.jpg (625x415, 63K)

It's another victory, but this fight is nowhere near over. We have to moving forward brothers

Attached: NoCostTooGreat.jpg (512x432, 111K)

Epic keeps winning by getting all the big name games as exclusives.

Why wait for the summer sale when there's a weekend sale happening right now that's a hundred times better?

also post skeletons

(are skeletons still censored in china? if not, my bad)

Attached: skeleton.gif (360x360, 955K)

>Tim Sweeney: its steam fault our sale failed because they didnt offer the 88/12 to the devs

Jazz Jackrabbit 2 was made way back in 1996, 23 (TWENTY-THREE) years ago. To give you an idea of how much time that is, Konami was still actually highly relevant back then. A LOT has changed since then.

Das Geisterschiff is the only thing worthwhile.

Apparently sub-10 was an error (Sale FAQ even says it's not applicable to games below $10) but it was applying anyway.
I'll expect it to stay at $10 for the duration of the sale, which is entirely reasonable for an "epic" sale imo.

And this sale is showing big name games to not work with epic

>seeing as whataboutisms against Steam never worked, the chinkshill tries Google

I don't understand why it even happens. Did they not anticipate people wanting to buy multiple games? If this is fraud prevention of some kind, wtf triggered it?

Why would ANYONE buy games from epic?

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Oh yeah, like Hal-
Never mind.

because i just bought darkwood a day ago and i'm playing through that do give a recommendation from the sale based on that though

retardera still defending epic games shitty attitude
I was rofl reading their posts

You mean those exclusives that it can't even keep on its store during its big sale? You know this thread is about publishers pulling their games, right? lmao

I don't remember this ever happening during a Steam sale.

user, if the past few months haven't shown you this company is ran by idiots, I don't know what will.

>Be dev
>Check email
>"Hey, we put your game on sale for 80% off for the past 12 hours and the only way to make it not be on sale is to take it off the storefront entirely for the duration of the sale -Love Sweeny
Who wouldn't be pissed?

Could it be that Sweeney was working for us all along?

You see, the problem with current steam sales is not that things don't go on a reasonable sale, but that you already own a bunch of good games on the platform.
Everything left on your wishlist is something that you don't really want that much and would only buy if it was on a very deep discount.

so now they nope the fuck out and make sure everyone who listens is made aware of what they dealt with. no lasting damage done. the morons who CAN'T jump ship have to be hitting themselves

Jokes on you. Epic sales are so hardcore the fucking publishers are forced to pull out their games.
>Haha epic you fucked up again, you wanted to be too good for consumers so publishers had to attack you. Also fuck epic, they only care about publishers not customers

Imagine thinking people like fallout for the trash combat, what a sad existence.
Literally press X for awesome.

This store was rushed out on a whim for Tim Sweeney's down syndrome ego and the Chinese pushing for a foothold into the market. They have a shopping cart on their Trello.

>two big name games at best
>one of them already sold poorly on epic store
>both are timed exclusives with the bigger title have an even shorter exclusive deal
>epic fags claim this is a win
dear god you shills are really desperate

Looks like epic is a good containment platform for scum devs/publishers
It's nice that I don't have to filter them manually
Thanks Tim


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Remember a few hours ago when the shills were out full force jerking epic off when the sale happened?
What went wrong lads?

Hey shill your thread got deleted

>get all the exclusives
>get none of the customers
to smart 4 u

>They have a shopping cart on their Trello.

And it's 6+ months away (after multiple items have already been delayed on the short-term section)

Their credit score

Hasn't the epic store been around for like 5 years or something?

btfo 100 %

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>one of them already sold poorly on epic store

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Tomorrow Corporation is bad too?

>the other epic shill thread got deleted
the absolute fucking state of chinks

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Imagine a car company paying millions of dollars for celebrities to be seen in their car to advertise it yet they were too cheap and lazy to put seatbelts in the car.

>Getting banned for buying too many games in a short period of time
Jesus christ this can't be real!

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Don't worry Epic is still the best

ghosts and spirits are
bad mouth dragons too
also mention Muslim concentration camps

Yeah I know, I'm just pointing out that it's not about them not anticipating or anything like that. This store is not one created with anyone but themselves in mind to push their own monopoly. They got caught hard with their pants down.
I don't actually know, I've literally never paid attention to Epic. I never cared for UT back in the day, I hated Gears, they had nothing else.

A PC game in 2019 with a marketing blitz sold better than a PC game in 2013 with no advertising because their publisher THQ died months before release

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are you retarded?

Spyware to spy on steam user's data.

>this entire thread
Epic is the gift that keeps on giving.

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It is very, very real

So how much do you think Epic lost because of this sale? They pretty much have to cover the loss for the Devs for their incompetence. They look especially bad with the publishers they were supposedly catering to

Best post in this thread.

Sold less than 100k


The 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件, liùsì shìjiàn), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing (the capital of the People's Republic of China) in 1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民运, bājiǔ mínyùn). The protests were forcibly suppressed after Chinese Premier Li Peng declared martial law. In what became known in the West as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with automatic rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square. The number of civilian deaths has been estimated variously from 180 to 10,454.

Set against a backdrop of rapid economic development and social changes in post-Mao Zedong China, the protests reflected anxieties about the country's future in the popular consciousness and among the political elite. The reforms of the 1980s had led to a nascent market economy which benefitted some people, but seriously disaffected others and the one-party political system also faced a challenge of legitimacy. Common grievances at the time included inflation, limited preparedness of graduates for the new economy and restrictions on political participation. The students called for democracy, greater accountability, freedom of the press and freedom of speech, though they were loosely organized and their goals varied. At the height of the protests, about 1 million people assembled in the Square.

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never ever

I like how you didn't provide the link and you cropped the rest of the article
It's based on UK sales chart ONLY. this was debunked months ago, shill

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what incompetence exactly?

Technically some form of Epic's Launcher has existed since at least December 3, 2015 when they gave away Shadow Complex for free on it


Based as fuck.

Nothing i said is untrue retard. Are you yelling at your mother "shill" each time she calls you pathetic cunt because you can't accept reality?

I remember some launcher existing because of their now cancelled f2p UT.

>Too many games in a short period of time is... 5 games
>5 fucking games

I guess it is because by then you have bought the entire store

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Epic shills on suicide watch.

Epic Games Store sounds so childish.
Who's the one who did the naming?

obsidian as a company, nor tim cain nor leonard boyarsky have said ANYTHING regarding the epic game store, so.. [citation needed] they are complicit as far as I'm concerned.

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That was the same launcher, though UT4 came after the PC release of Shadow Complex

Did you miss the part where people are pulling their games from the storefront because epic put in a sale and didnt tell them?

Hey shut the fuck up drones.

Epic was actually doing a good thing. They were already compensating the devs/publishers to get people to buy great deals but it was the publishers themselves who are greedy because of "MUH DEVALUING THE PRODUCT"

None of this is Epic's fauly. They're actually good this time.
So shut the fuck up drones and actually open your eyes to jew nonsense happening.

Epic Games Naming Department

Oh wow 50000 sales. Because last light isn't redux and it only sold 20000 before getting replaced by a better version. Steam is doomed :^)

>puts every game on sale
>bans you for buying the games
they have to be trolling at this point

They were testing steam achievements the day of the announcement.

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Man that's fucked up.

Epic shills have been faking images for months now
until Sony themselves say it your full of shit

Does anyone on Yea Forums genuinely prefer Epic Games Store over Steam at this point? Or is it just shills and trolls? EGS has been so consistently awful that I find it hard to believe that anyone would defend it unironically without being paid. Even people who have a hate boner for Steam would hate EGS for the same reasons unless they're retarded.


so in other words not only are they incompetent, but they been incompetent for years, Jesus Christ the more you hear about epic the more you realize its a shitshow

>Why don't these employees risk getting blacklisted/legal trouble by shitting on the publisher of their game?

Did you know that hours before the Epic exclusivity Deal was announced the Devs were implementing Steam achievements at the time.

they said they did tell
will the devs need to resubmit games like in steam?

Look at him, he’s running out of things to pull out of his ass!

EGS is the thinking man's choice.

They were selling one game on very low price in some regions so they were forced to pull it out their store. Now steamtsrds believe it to be some huge victory for their daddy gaben, dont ask why but I like it. It's like a zoo

This sale was potentially good because Bloodlines 2 was so cheap but even they fucked that up.

It's actually so sad at this point.
Can you imagine just how bad the E3 PC conference is going to be?

>how much do you think they lost?
Literally nothing, it's just more marketing for their store.
I didn't see anything besides Hades that was unreasonably discounted.
Even if it was a $10 "loss" per sale (it's not), they're still taking in a minimum of $10 per transaction; and each transaction is a person that will be coming back to the epic store.
The real value is that you've got a large majority of people who've signed up for Epic just for the "free" games, and this is trying to acquaint them with actually paying for some products.

Every time you talk about the epic store, epic wins a little more.
Every post you make about them attracts more potential users.

I can already hear the boos

>they're still taking in a minimum of $10 per transaction

Epic only take 12% unless it's a game with an exclusivity deal

user, there's a big sale on the Epic Games Store right now, and a number of games have been pulled from the store during that sale. I'm not saying they have no discount; I'm saying they're gone. They were removed from the store because that was the only way for them to avoid participating in the sale.

Explain how this happens on a store run by competent people.

It's not a great move from them, but they specifically did it because Epic pulled this sale without communicating with them and they didn't want their game to be available this cheap.

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Like half a dozen games now, chinkoid.

I honestly don't get it, how can Epic be so fucking lazy. They have all this money and their store is still a joke. Why can't they use their money to hire some people and actually get basic shit to work? Why is the Ebin store still without a shopping cart, 6 months after they spent loads of money advertising the shit out of their store at the game awards, something literally every ecommerice website has. Why does it not have cloud saves still, why does it not have achievements, why does it not have all this shit that they've been saying they're going to have "soon" that should be easy as fuck to do after months when it should have been there day one?

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I like getting free games every 2 weeks and having a sale for Metro at nearly 50% off was pretty cool.

I think it definitely needs a ton of work to compete with steam but I'm pretty indifferent towards it right now. I think the hate is overblown.

>Can you imagine just how bad the E3 PC conference is going to be?
It's going to be fucking amazing.
E3 cringe kino is back on the menu boys.
I wonder if some mad lad will scream Tianamen Square.

you are the laughing stock of this site, buffoons.

Disagree, they lost a lot of trust with their current partners while also scaring away any potential future developers to work with.

It actually is Epics fault since their whole store philosophy is built from thinking Trickle down works. Their store won't last, especially with how actually retarded they showed themselves today.

why did they feel the need to avoid the sale?

if they did tell, why is all the shit vanishing from the store front right now?
I was looking at the sale earlier today and since then several games have just disappeared. But Im sure its all just coincidence.
Doubt the devs will have to resubmit the games anew tho


>customers are evil, publishers are innocent
>*publishers pull their games*

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Its a little annoying to have 2 clients that do the same thing.
Also I occasionally have to double-launch the Epic launcher to force it to update before I can interact.

In reality, it doesn't matter who you're buying from; these are all megacorporations anyway.

I'd say Steam is more user friendly and already has most of my games, so I'd prefer that.
But Epic giving me at least 2 games on my Steam wishlist for literally free has been nice.

>le internet hate machine
begone fag

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I will expect nothing less than Tim Sweeney being called out on stage for everyone to see.

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and? they are using steam because it has actual tools for developers like the ability to update builds etc.

The Outer Worlds last updated about 14 hours ago (May 16, 2019 – 12:13:32 UTC)


why is Epic too incompetent to communicate with publishers and to apply discounts on a per-game basis?

I don't understand much about computers and technology but how does this happen?

More like EPIC fail lmao

Oh bother piglet, guess we need to censor the internet before I get a rumbly in my tummy

I just realized Epic's literal motto is Publisher/dev first, and they fucked up on that too

Now they fucked over both customers AND devs. They can't hold their own audience

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They need to pay for exclusivities more than ever now. Upfront money will rise up and so will the amount of the guaranteed sales. I love this.

Why are you guys so autistic about Epic? Does Valve really pay that much to you?

>Every time you talk about the epic store, epic wins a little more.
>Every post you make about them attracts more potential users.

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They probably didn't think it mattered because Epic would be taking the $10 hit and not the publishers.

Too many eggs in the fortnite basket

>6 months
What the fuck, how do you exclude a feature found in literally EVERY SINGLE ONLINE STOREFRONT and then push out the feature implementation to 6 fucking months

And it's beautiful.

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>But Epic giving me at least 2 games on my Steam wishlist for literally free has been nice.
why redeem them on epic when you can redeem on piratebay.org
if its free its not really even piracy

I don't think it's better but I do kind of like how spartan it is. I just want it to let me buy games, download them, and update them easily. It they just make the UI better (launch games from system tray icon, fix the fucking store, some basic QoL features/options/settings) I think it could theoretically be better.
I don't find it to be a big deal to open it whenever I want to play an Epic game. I have Steam open 100% of the time and Epic is always closed unless I specifically want to launch one of its games (because I am too lazy to manually create a shortcut to each game's exe).

Somehow I don't think Steam had all those features at launch.
Cart should be #1 priority since its very unprofessional without.

How does Epic keep fucking up when they have so much fortnite money? Someone explain.

Hey, give them a break, they are just a small comapny, it's not like they can compete with the giants like GOG.

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chinks and russians aren't the brightest in the world

>how do you exclude a feature found in literally EVERY SINGLE ONLINE STOREFRONT and then push out the feature implementation to 6 fucking months

Because Epic has all their devs working like actual slaves on Fortnite with insane overtime to keep the money train moving

So is hades good?

If people keep talking about how shit it is I don't see how that benefits Epic, people already hate them for their exclusivity deal and barebones store. Making it known they're retards with too much money won't help them either.

because they have nobody competent running the company and all their effort is focused on fortnite

>I feel like I'm 20
shut up boomer

>Somehow I don't think Steam had all those features at launch.

So why is Epic competing with the Steam of 2004 and not the Steam of today?

Supergiant tends to deliver, but you can never know. Its early access. If in doubt, wait

it was severely lacking content when it first released but I know there's been a couple big content patches since then. I also saw they reworked dodging which used to suck. for $10 it's fine

Because going on sale too early is seen as a sign that your game has flopped and hurts future sales at full price. People are already pissed at them for being epic exclusive in the first place, you think they want to be seen as failing? Especially since several of them are preorders?

>Somehow I don't think Steam had all those features at launch.
Ford didn't have an air conditioner in the model T, that doesn't mean it's okay to release a new car in 2019 without an air conditioner.

Just wait until it's done (and it'll release on platforms like Steam and GOG when it comes out of Early Access)

Stay mad valveshill. Epic is better, accept it or go back to steam forums


Yeah tends to deliver illegal price hikes in the middle of a sale

Its revenue-based profit sharing.
Epic isn't taking a $10 hit; at a 12% margin, they'd have to be selling their games at $83~ apiece (pre-tax) to even make $10.

Devs are right to be mad about the poor communication. It's unprecedented to throw such good discounts at unreleased $60 games.
But removing your game entirely says you have no faith in the platform and will definitely hurt your future sales.

Altogether, it's just a small hiccup as EGS learns how to conduct business properly. They're still new after all, this is the first major sale I can remember them having.

It's basic marketing you retard.

Horribly low sales when it isn't even out yet instills in the customers that they have no confidence in this product.

i know you are here to shit on epic gay store for being a half-assed mess, but i just want to point out that basically all of klei's games are decent

Me too. I've been pirating every game this year and it feels great to enjoy any game I want at any time with all the DLC again. Not sure why I stopped doing this in the first place to be honest.

for me it was not affected by the sale before, now it is. Im not going to buy early access, but it would be a net win here

The sale counts as a $60 sale, and Epic is paying the final $10 from the customer's $50. Yes, this means that Epic is losing about $3 per sale, which is why no one has ever done this before.

I guess that makes sense.
I've had too many viruses back in the day to want to deal with shady downloads tho.
Plus I'd like to support games that I actually enjoy, so we can get more of the same in the future.
Even just a +1 on their playerbase metric has an impact.

Yeah, when the storefront changes their pricing dramatically, a massive panic shitshow.

Oxygen not included literally just got pulled because it got too cheap with the sale

>even if they don't want their game on sale they still get forced to opt in to the sale
That's all sorts of illegal. Changing the game price on the store without the publiusher's permission can get them some very hefty lawsuits.

Mainly due to anti-monopoly laws funny enough.

It's free with the caveat that you sign up for the launcher, in the same way that Humble Bundle gives free games in exchange for signing up for their newsletter. It doesn't cost money but it's not "free". Even when GoG gives away games they add them to your account, they don't just put a standalone .exe for download on their home page.

Should I get the walking dead games? They're only $5 each.

Even bad publicity is publicity, user.
You've gotta remember most of their users haven't paid a cent yet.

The exclusivity garbage is the main reason to hate them, but isn't Steam guilty of the same thing for many titles?

I thought Epic said they were paying the $10?

This is just a ploy to get more users anyway.

>Plus I'd like to support games that I actually enjoy
Getting a game for free isn't supporting it m8.

They have to push back updates whenever they add new games to the store, since they have to add said games manually.

Epic has games exclusive to Steam because they literally don't have time to put them on their own store.

Because Steam has 15 years of development and improvements behind it.
You can't fully flesh out all those features overnight.

>Yes officer I had to burn down this McDonald's
>Why? They were selling my unreleased video game for half price

>but isn't Steam guilty of the same thing for many titles?

When has Valve paid a third-party to make a game exclusive to only Steam, or take it away from another storefront?

Weird, from what I recall Origin had a shopping cart from day 1 and it had even less games than the EGS currently does.

How can you people shit on Epic for this?


Just because the game doesn't cost anything for the consumer doesn't mean the developer is giving it away for free. The store pays the developer an amount for every free game that is redeemed, otherwise no one would ever agree to it in the first place.

>food analogy
>doesn't even make sense

>isn't Steam guilty of the same thing for many titles?

what happened? i mostly just go on one thread nowadays, but even i noticed all the epic threads here. where are they now? did they finally give up? thank god.

Epic paid those free copies. You can't give away a game just like that. Thanks to Epicbux World of Goo got that update.

Updates and new releases directly compete.

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>You can't fully flesh out all those features overnight.

And I guess you can't put in a goddamn shopping cart in 6+ months

A shopping cart needs 15 years of development and improvements now? Do you also need 15 years to not lock your customers out of buying games if they buy more than 3?

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>The store pays the developer an amount for every free game that is redeemed
>Epic paid those free copies
No they don't.

>isn't Steam guilty of the same thing for many titles?

>I've had too many viruses back in the day to want to deal with shady downloads tho.
1337x.to is usually legit
god-games.com has gog exes
don't be that retard that downloads repacks
If you're worried block the exe from accessing the internet
>Plus I'd like to support games that I actually enjoy, so we can get more of the same in the future.
really should pay for them then

Yes torrenting is literally a more convenient option for the consumer
I'm telling him to pirate
You can still get standalone exes for gog games, even the free ones, they are just hidden now

If their web developers can't figure out how to make some games exempt from a discount without removing them from sale entirely, they deserve to be the underdog, forever.


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Nigga they may be new, but how did they not think of hiring people with experience in this?

timed exclusive

>No they don't.
The co-creator said it.

What he meant that GOG asks you for an account instead of linking the .exe.

>shit that is standard for everyone else is too far in the future for Epic
Is this why everyone uses the car analogy for Epic?

you must be retarded if you think Slime Rancher and Subnautica devs gave away 5 million copies of their game for free

>expects to use a proprietary tool for free
make your own game engine then faggot

Yes but they don't paid the devs so it's to be exclusives on steam, but it's s no no if it's paid exclusive. What is the difference in the eyes of s customer? There is none. Most of anti epic arguments are fake news and mental gymnastics. Which is funny because there are a few actual good arguments that are based on facts and logic. But this is in no way a place for discussion, so enjoy shitposts

yes you can, not least of all, because you can copy what works from existing services and not feel around blind
you don't have to rollout your storefront until it has at least the functionality of a yahoo store, but when you are moneyhatting devs to try to strong-arm people into using your garbage you don't have to prioritize not being a pile of living garbage

>basic competence
pick one

I fully agree; as posted before it's unprofessional and frankly a little ridiculous.
But I also think there aren't even enough titles worth playing on the store yet that it matters much.

Your game will barely be seen on Steam unless you do prior marketing or it does very well, just because there are so many fucking games daily.

The underdog huh? Seven billion dollar underdog?

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Imagine thinking it takes 15 years for a billion dollar company to hire someone to code in uploading a user's save data to the cloud.

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>B-b-but the game Epic Game Store need needs time to add all these updates! You can’t compare something new to something that’s been out for almost two decades!
>You know what? Fuck you guys, what’s that newest big game coming out? Yea okay, we’re gonna use all our fortbucks and bribe the devs to make it a time exclusive on the Epic Game Store, that’ll show you *latest buzzword*

When were companies run by children?

Wait, valve made mordhau?

>What is the difference in the eyes of s customer?
One is ethical, the other one isn't.
>t. Someone who doesn't buy anything on Steam nor Steam keys, just downloads

oh come on there is no way tencent's own wegame store is as bad as egs

after what epic chink store did today or when ever this shit happened. Yah think the dev companies are regretting putting their shit on EGS?

Wait are you saying all games are on sale? Any games I should get?

Is metro on sale

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It's probably safe to say there's a few devs going over their contracts right now with a fine comb.

Did they spend too much money on HL3?

No, not all games are on sale any more ;)

not him but iirc that's len, a boy.

imagine being mad at being able to sell your product at a discount but still get the full original price for it

All we need is Randy Pitchford making an official statement on the situation and today will be perfect.

The indie ones? Not so much. They're diving in Epicbux. The rest? Hell yeah. Expect the double in upfront money and guaranteed sales in new deals.

>The co-creator said it.

are you playing with me or something?

They've probably been regretting it for a while, but they must be absolutely livid now.

Shitposting aside, it's so obvious they rushed the fuck out of this sale to not only get some publicity before E3 but to also one up steam's summer sale.

And now it's a conplete clusterfuck. At this point I genuinely don't know if Tim can catch up to Gaben because this shitshow is telling me the reason why Steam is so silent about Epic. They just don't care.

Muh devaluation tho

Imagine losing consumer confidence in your product and future reluctance to accept the pricing.

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metro was 35 € in europe, if you want it get it now

Why would they regret it. Afterall people believe that epic pay enough money see devs/publishers don't even need to sell one copy to get good profit. Make up your fucking mind

they probably care, but coke doesn't mention pepsi

I don't doubt they have meetings about Epic. But it's probably after work hours with a couple of cartons on hand as they read Sweeney's tweets and start laughing their asses off.

You don't know how dumb people are. Devaluing is a thing and even fucking small retailers pay attention to it.

>He thinks coke gives a fuck about pepsi and vice versa

>tfw game dev
>our game is on the epic store as an exclusive

>this happens.

We hate steam but this isn't turning out too good for epic.

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>35 €
I predict by end of 2019 metro complete collection will be going for $15 usd

Acknowledging the competition just gives them more publicity.
The only way for Steam to win and keep the hearts of the consumers is to go back to having amazing flash sales or pull the trigger on portal 3/half life 3

Dear Valve, we don't give a fuck about a stupid browser game or shitty seasonal inventory items. Stop spending resources on this garbage and pass the savings along to the consumer.

It's 100% exclusive to steam. Valve is the only retailer that offers it, it's more of an exclusive than most of egs games. At least they put their games on humble now

Stay mad valveshills. Epic is better, accept it or go back to steam forums

I know

This fuckup is the one that hurt them the most. Exclusivity contracts and being "better for the devs (publishers)" are the only things they can lord over Gaben. Now they've pissed off publishers which will make it harder to buy exclusivity deals. Another one or two good fuckups on that end and EGS will be well and truly dead, if this one alone doesn't do it.

How many people memed about Fallout 76 and Battlefield 5 going on sale within weeks? It was a sign that the games had flopped to everyone.

im seeing a patron here

>>tfw game dev
A likely story but how about you post more Raven to prove it

Tell us how do you Really feel.
What's the main problem with Steam and why do you think Epic can do any better?

I highly doubt it. The American south basically has the entire population on an IV drip of coke to the point where they literally call any carbonated beverage coke. That's a market they will never lose. They're also not really doing bad anywhere else in the world. They only have to worry about making the thing everyone already likes.

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Why are you blaming Valve then? Go bitch at the Mordhau devs.

In other words they hate competition

They didn't bride or anything. Devs decided to put it on steam

Are you automated to say this or something?

How much did Steam pay to have the devs pull it from other stores? To keep it exclusive?

>Indie accepts the Epic Store moneyhat
>It is known that games made exclusive this way make no further profits for the devs/publishers until they sell enough to compensate for the exclusivity money
>EGS makes sales without notifying the devs/publishers
>On top of exclusivity, the devs/publishers get even less money from sales, takes much longer to see store profits

Mordhau is on the Humble Store actually.

>We hate steam
So you go to something worse than Steam? You retards need to accept that we're now in a market where supply outweighs demand in the indie space and you'll need to try a lot harder to be successful. No more assured success from launching on Steam

Want me to tell you the truth?

Oh who am I kidding, everyone will shit on my opinion because everyone seems to be so damn prosteam on here.

>At least they put their games on humble now
No they haven't.

Attached: 1549311500721.jpg (300x321, 53K)

You can get Mordhau keys on tons of sites, you know, like epic keys from humble.

Thats a better price than you get a greymarket key sites. Im not buying it because its on epic, but the price is hard to beat

I said Raven not Raveman

>No I won't tell you
HAHA There it is!

>hates steam
>went to epic instead
are you reatarded? even a brainlet can see steam as a lesser evil compared to epic

Reminder that this isn't Epic's fuck up.

The publishers are being greedy fucks again.
Epic are the good guys this time around.

That doesn't sound like much of an opinion

>>It is known that games made exclusive this way make no further profits for the devs/publishers until they sell enough to compensate for the exclusivity money

Gimme a source on that one. Sounds like BS.

I would've said the same thing if I was lying out of my ass.

>No I won't tell you, just believe me that Steam is terrible

Fuck epic.

Attached: 1553979631491.jpg (1095x1115, 842K)

Just release on multiple stores lmao

>insider knowledge here
Tripwire went to Epic because they weren't big enough fish for Steam to care about