Is it actually good or just overrated? Like would a person who was born after this game was released actually like it?

Is it actually good or just overrated? Like would a person who was born after this game was released actually like it?

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Who gives a fucking shit what zoomers like

Its good but there is so much fucking bullshit associated with english fans of this game because they like the campiness of the objectively bad translation of the game more than the actual gameplay and core themes.

It's good but drastically inferior to FF6, FF9, FFX, Chrono Cross, Valkyrie Profile & Chrono Trigger in every regard

>objectively bad translation


They're a retarded tranny who's triggered they made the tough black character Barret sound like a tough black character.

This FF came out before I was born. Played it in 2005 without any preconceptions and it remains my favourite JRPG of all time. There is not a single unlikeable character and every single moment is timeless.

Most of the weird and funny dialogue in the game were from the translation just using words that can convey the general idea but superimposing different connotations that weren't neccesarily there.
Like Tifa does not call Barett a retard but because that word wasn't a big deal and can very easily just be used to mean stupid, the translator put it there to make his job easier

I'm curious about this too. Which game should I play first as a complete newcomer? I prefer more action-oriented games as opposed to top-down turn based games.

Yeah, it's good. Top-tier atmosphere and music. The best in the series, if we're being honest.

X is a close second.

Because nobody in 1997 cared if you used the word retard in games, you fucking retarded retard.
>Creative liberties to better localize the game Bad!

Zoomer please, just go do your fortnite dance in the corner.

>its another "Contrarian Yea Forums coolguy talks out his ass" episode

I barely remember my experience playing it back then, but I remember thinking the characters had no personality and I wasn't really dragged into the world.
I think it's important to mention it wasn't my first FF and I only played it a few years after it came out.

FF7 was a complete fluke because Squaresoft never understood that what made it a hit was a combination of:

Goofy characters who were likeable
Accessible combat system
Strong story hook that was paced well
Chibi-style 3D models that looked like sprites

They haven't been able to replicate its cultural impact since it originally came out.

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Why not try it for yourself and formulate your own opinion instead of accepting what ever bullshit literal autists and faggots on the internet tell you to think about it? It’s available on nearly every platform and easy to emulate, you’ve got no excuse not to just play it if you’re interested.

Exactly, its a liberty the translator took to localize someone trying to tell someone else to not be so silly/ignorant. You can garner widely different character interpretations from someone who calls someone a retard to someone who doesn't and there has to be logical reasoning for you to use that word in a translation from Japanese other than "it kind of fits and this would be funny"
The truth is, FF7's translation is a bunch of creative liberties that make things seem a lot different from what was initally intended

So what? Japanese writing is terrible. I don't know if it is just because games, anime and manga are for kids so they use simple language or if japanese as a whole is just limited language, but the same fucking phrases again and again and wouldn't die if you killed him are shit.

Midgar zuolum
Safer sephiroth


>implying SE cares about PC culture

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Its okay. If you want to talk about overrated, especially in Yea Forums, then FF9 take the cake.

It's bad. Pretty much babies first game. It's heavily scripted and cinematic. It's basically a movie game with shittier graphics

Thats a funny way of saying 14

14 isn't a FF as far as I'm concern.

anyone who uses the term overrated in any capacity should be shot

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kys yourself

That's part of good localization though, a lot of the time the japanese phrasing is very basic in the literal translation that can be said in English a multitude of ways or rather the information can be given in a number of ways. So you can translate to something that is in character for the person speaking and something that flows (doesn't just stand out like a sore thumb of seemingly spliced dialogue)

People are going to be so booty blasted when scenarios and dialogue are rewritten in the remake, but I can just call them brainlets so I guess its fine

Midgar Zolom is legitimately better than Midgardsormr. Why the fuck would you have a creature near Midgar that references "Midgard"?! Fucking stupid. They better make it Midgar Zolom in the remake.

lol retard

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What are the correct translations?

This guy are sick

I just started replaying FFVII 2 days ago. That dialogue isn't in it. I'm talking on my PS1.

I might have my images mixed up

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Retard is good localization, retard.

Are these supposed to be examples of bad translations? These are all fine.

>Is it actually good or just overrated?
It's a moviegame like the rest of the games in the series.
Manchildren who shitpost about the modern FF will sing praises of this or other older games, but truth is, it was the same exact kind of casual trash, but it was THEIR casual trash so they delude themselves and try to fool others it was better than what we have today, because they didn't know any better then and they still don't do know.
t. 30 year old boomer who played it back in 1998.

That first one's a bit clunky and weird but hardly bad. The second one is fine if you're not an esl or brit.

The second one was being used as a reaction image. Try reading the posts.

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>Tries to post examples of bad translations
>post an image as a reaction image from the same game being discussed
>people Get assume it's supposed to be another bad translation
>Get mad about it

You're definitely an esl or fucking dumb.

>esl or fucking dumb

You're talking to a dude that sources kotaku. What do you really expect?

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I don't understand why you'd get confused and then when corrected double down and call the other person mad. Is that how you really choose to spearhead every discussion?

stop being such an assblasted retard, user

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I played it for the first time last summer and really enjoyed it, even knowing a lot of the story beats beforehand.

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Controversial opinion:

Most people who hate final fantasy hate it mostly because the main characters are bishonens. Whenever you hear neagtive criticism on any final fantasy, thats the only thread that is consistent day in, day out. Not even criticism on turn based combat, odd story lines or anything else is consistent except that on all negative veiws on final fantasy.

So, whenever you hear someone bitching about final fantasy and they mention the word androgynous, remember that they are essentially the same as the blue haired mean girl saying kasumi needs to eat a burger.

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how is this a bad translation

if a game is made with zoomers in mind it is pretty much guaranteed to be terrible

>disliking twink boipussy means they're feminists with feeding fetishes
This is your brain on /pol/

thanks for the rundown, macho man.


Referencing a shit game is bad.

I always see people mentioning shit like this but how about the fact that Barret's name is actually supposed to be Bullet.

The game is called Xeno Gears

Lots of mistranslations. A lot more than most fans realize, I've played the game in Nip a couple times and I caught quite a bit, and I'll probably catch a few more on my next playthrough, I can think of at least two or three lines that weren't even in the English version (likely just mistakes), like Barret admitting in Corel Prison that he just said he was trying to save the planet just to look cool, when he was really about revenge. Even the "Orthopedic Underwear" is a mistranslation.

It was translated by one guy in a short amount of time with a bunch of technical issues getting in the way and almost no communication with the dev team, so I think that, considering all that, it turned out pretty well. The localization definitely has a certain character to it. But when viewed objectively, it's pretty bad.

>remember that they are essentially the same as the blue haired mean girl saying kasumi needs to eat a burger.
Ayane's right, Kasumi could use a bit more meat on her bones, especially her butt.