Seeing as the PS4 launches in 2020, how do you feel about the highest rated games of this generation?

Seeing as the PS4 launches in 2020, how do you feel about the highest rated games of this generation?

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Horrible, gaming is seemingly dead outside Nintendo. Since Rockstar & Sony haven’t made worthwile games since the PS2

>Seeing as the PS4 launches in 2020
Dun goofed, OP

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Glad I'm not a beta like this O'Driscoll fuck

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Ah yes Mario Odyssey 2

>Fags of us that high

> Implying Nintendo isn't going to milk Mario Odyssey & BOTW for all their worth

Wrong. Sunshine 2 will be the next game, running on Odyssey's engine.

That would still get a 97 as long as it's not complete garbage like 3D World

Oh, Odyssey 2 and Zelda BOTW for Zeebo, my 2 favorite games.

I firmly believe these threads and those like them (chart of popular games either current gen or all-time, asking a vague opinion about them) are made by a bot, and this is the closest thing to proof I've seen.

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People have been doing this for ages on this board, it was the worst during 2012-2014 since literally not a single worthwile game came out

>Since Rockstar & Sony haven’t made worthwile games since the PS2
lol cucks actually believe this

>No Persona 5

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Reminder that 1982 and 1994 were scientifically the best years in gaming


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>no Bloodborne
>all these movies

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I could see 2001 for the sole reason of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3, the greatest video game of all times, but idk about 1998. Fallout 2 was good, and Tetris the Grand Master came out in that year, but not much else. I haven't played Half Life though (suck my cock)

>Odyssey listed twice
>Last of Us 1 "current gen"
>GTA V current gen

Botw, Witcher 3 and Bloodborne are the best games of this gen. In fact, imo it goes:

Bloodborne > Witcher 3 > BoTW

>t. wahoo ping ping enthusiast

Have sex you seething Nintendy

I feel like this gen has been defined by previously niche Japanese games like Yazuka, Persona, and Nier, and indie games like Hollow Knight and Undertale.