What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Donkey Kong 64

nice sideboob

They forgot how to make good games after the NES.

They burned out, sold out, and Michaelsoft didn't bother trying to resuscitate the corpse for over a decade.



You don't play sea of thieves?

decent game; but, not as good as the NES port of Mark Cerny's masterpiece, Marble Madness

Attached: marblemadness.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

greedy brits sold out from their japanese nippon masters and faded into obscurity

>not rare, just another fish in the sea

The talent leaving around the years 1999-2003

And then that "talent" went on to make Yooka Laylee

they were never good, the only decent game they made was DKC games. and they are average platformers with good music

microsoft, obviously. and nintendo was too cheap to actually buy them despite having made tons of 10/10 games for them


Became common.

What are your favorite games?

>Everyone seems to agree that them moving to Microsoft actually somehow made them games worse
I don't get this argument. It was the same devs, just making games on Xbox instead of Nintendo consoles. It feels like something people made up just to dicksuck Nintendo more.

>It was the same devs
wrong, many people left in the transition

Paint Drying Simulator 1989

SiN Gold

MMM I love corporate cock. Nintendo was the one who made Rare great obviously!

I don't get it either, Viva Pinata is Rare's best game.

? i never even disagreed with that part of your argument

>Nintendo was the one who made Rare great obviously!

You joke but this might be partially true. Retro Studios for example, has remained a consistently good studio, despite most of its staff having been changed over the years. Meanwhile the people who left Retro went on to make games like Recore. So yeah I think Nintendo did have some influence.


Only a few worked on yooka laylee

Nothing. They still make soulful wholesome games. Viva Pinata is sleeper Goat and Sea of thieves is pretty fun

All of their heartwarming, timeless, IP--produced by people who loved what they were doing--became popular, and so they were bought out by a gigantic corporation, and overnight they answered to a giant multi-billion dollar a year marketing department whose sole purpose was to never report anything other than unsustainable growth in profits to their shareholders. The people who didn't want to do that were fired, or quit and were replaced and the rest were divided up to work on projects they had no passion for because their new job security was on the line.

Same thing that happened to Blizzard when Activision bought them, generally speaking.

At this point, Retro > Rare.



They killed off Berri.

They aren't making Viva Pinata 3.

Of course the Nintendofag prefers the company that has only made shitty Nintendo games rather than the company who has made genuinely good games AFTER they left Nintendo like Viva Pinata. You just can't stop sucking that corporate cock, can you? You never gave their post Nintendo games a chance because "REEEE NOT NINTENDO, PLEASE CONTINUE TO LET ME DRINK YOUR CUM NINTENDO"

yeah like Viva pinata and uh...
uhm.. hold on I'll be right back

obviously, you're a seething PS4 fanboy. NINTENDO NEVER FAILS

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Rare is actually incredibly good now.
Its ironic because old Rare had the shiftiest, laziest programmers in the industry but if you look at Sea of Thieves you have quite possibly the best looking (movie quality mind you) water ever created in a videogame that is dynamic, influences countless physics objects that players can interact with and walk on, and appears constant across 30ish devices at a time (which are often located across different continents) with no visual lag all while managing a lot of other in game things.
I understand the game isn't for everyone, its definitely very slow paced and niche (online actually has more older dudes then kids, the few kids the game has are very polite), but holy fucking fucking shit that game is a marvel.
Not just technically, the game design is pretty solid. Its just not a lowest common denominator game.

Attached: sea-thieves-110-patch-notes-update.jpg (1440x810, 135K)