Is muv luv worth playing?

is muv luv worth playing?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The main two games are.
Sideworks are of varying and dubious quality.

so muv-luv and alternative???

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Extra, Unlimited, Alternative in that order.
Altered Fable afterwards if you want healing.

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God I love Meiya

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thanks, downloading now

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Define "playing"

Based on the OP pick you already know it has giant robots and skintight bodysuits.
But you should duck out of this thread anyway. The less you know going in the better.

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Playing Extra wasn't worth it to be desu, I wish I started with Unlimited
The foreshadowing and character development wasn't worth it

i have only seen the prequel, it was great for mechs and boobies.

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Any reason to play Extra? It's so fucking boring and just overall awful, I just wanna skip it.

Just play one route and ctrl the other

if your iq is too low to understand extra then you should just quit now

That's called patience nigga

>tropey moe shit romance story about childhood friend versus sexy girl
>"""funny""" writing
>generic school setting
Please tell me again how deep, intelectual and enlightening it is, user.

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>posting a stasi whore
Get out.

>wojakposter is retarded.
Yep, it checks out.

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>anime poster is retarded and has bad taste in VNs.
Yep, it checks out.

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It was my first time dealing with media aimed entirely at disgusting otaku, so I was pretty unprepared. Apparently it was apparently the 'best visual novel ever written' and I got the most shallow and insultingly time-consuming piece of media I've ever sat through. It's like if Evangelion was written by an autistic 14-year-old. They wanted the story to be edgy so they kill everyone off, but they also needed to appeal to waifufags, so they end with the JOKE ending from Evangelion... just to make the virgin otaku audience feel good.
Also, why the fuck did they spend 2 games talking about how robo-Sumika would be the key to dealing with the BETA, but then she DOESN'T EVEN FUCKING DO ANYTHING. At the very end of Alternative, the BETA brain says that they only respect the will of silicon based life forms. ROBO-SUMIKA IS THE FIRST SILICON BASED LIFE FORM. The whole plot hinged around her being created in the first place, yet, at the very end, she doesn't even fucking do anything. By the BETA's own logic, she should have had hierarchical authority... yet they never do anything with that. Robo-Sumika doesn't even matter. It screams unfinished to me, like the whole story was leading up to Robo-Sumika being able to command the BETA, but nothing like that happens.


>Apparently it was apparently

Bitch I'm surprised I only had one grammar error in that rant. Anyway, what the fuck was the deal with Robo-Sumika. I'm still looking for answers.

>not always anime
>granblue fantasy is anime posting now
You're a retard.

post the chomp


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Read other VNs. Muv Luv is overrated by the english VN community.

>granblue fantasy isn't anime posting
you're right, it's gachage posting which is worse
kill yourself

i didn't read past the first one. also i never played the vn so i have no idea. i just fap to plugsuits

>uses a reddit variant of a meme

do you have any recommendations? i have read S;G, S;G0, and DDLC so far. also quit half way into chaos head or whatever because it was shit

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>i just fap to plugsuits
Fortified suits are hot. I need more porn featuring them.

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fair enough

how long until they're hip among 3d girls?

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If you have a lot of time Umineko is well worth it. Tsukihime and Fate are solid too.

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Oh yeah for some dumb fun Majikoi is good.

if you're the same person saying muv luv is overrated while recommending fate/shit you are unironically the stupidest person on this website right now, congrats

Anyone happen to have the gif/webm of Lise twirling her hair from the anime

3D fortified suits wouldn't be as good.
There's no way they could be tight enough to show off the navel and nipples like 2d ones.

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Fuck off retard. The original VN is still solid even if it has a multi billion gacha.

Takes one to know one, faggot.

that's depressing, don't say that. hopefully they'll find a way :(

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not him, but I thought the Fate Zero anime was way funnier than Muv Luv. The dude fucking rocket-launchered his GF out of the sky and they play it straight. Hardest I've ever laughed at an anime trying to be cool. Muv Luv is wastes way too much time to be anything but boring

alternative is real edge shit though

based ai poster

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Playing I'm not so sure. Reading however, is.

Be sure to grab the Director's Cut patches.

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>The original VN is still solid
>the entire game is about internal struggles with a main character who has less of a personality than a showa era toku hero

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The original Fate VN is just as bad as Muv-Luv and for the exact same reasons.
Horrible pacing, unoriginal story, bland characters, and some of the worst attempts at writing action scenes in the whole of world literature.
VNs as a whole are godawful and a complete waste of time, stop reading them.

you're the based one, user

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>weebs arguing over which fanfic tier fiction is better

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This desu

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>unoriginal story
Can you explain how it's unoriginal? The premise is really unique.


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What did he mean by this?

Muv luv, and also alternative, are horible and offensive trash.
Fate is also shit but its more boring then outright offensive

Holy based

Your penis is outright offensive.

>Fate is also shit but its more boring then outright offensive
Outright lie. Nothing gets as boring as Muvluv Extra and Unlimited.

You mean Fate/SN.

>The premise is really unique.
it's pretty much exactly the same as kamen rider ryuki which aired 2 years before fate was released

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>superpowered martial arts heroes fighting each other in a tournament
Do I really need to explain this to you?
>but they're historical figures
No they're not.

As for Muv-Luv, it's just Starship Troopers during the cold war, which might have been interesting if the author actually took the time to flesh out the setting. Instead he decided to write about women's lacrosse and how Japan is better than every other country in the world.

i remember how in alterrnative, the robotgirl whore (sumika?) had a retarded as anime bow thingy, like her human counterrpart, and they explained it like its nanomachines son. Mind you the game is filled with info and technodumps to invoke the image of being deep.
Also there is a scene where the tentacle raped robot relives and shows her tentacle rape to the protoganist, and they have imidialty sex after.
Its trash, how the fuck people giving it a high score is beyond me

fuck off i'm just here for the ecchi

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>superpowered martial arts heroes fighting each other in a tournament
You don't know what you're talking about. It's a battle royale with historical figure stands. Did you even read Fate?

>Kamen Rider

>it's just Starship Troopers during the cold war
are you actually retarded

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extra is boring
i kinda like unlimited, cause it good for a build up
alternative is just outright dumb, see what that guy said for example:
fate on the other hand is just outright boring, like it understands is some chuunibyou shit, its just goes long for too long and there is too much breakfast scene and shit like that. You could easily shave 20 hours from fate and lose literarly nothing

suck my dick

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Hopefully you're a man of you're word.
Now post it or gtfo.

>It's a battle royale (read: tournament) with historical figure stands (read: martial arts heroes)

>Takes one to know one, faggot.

A battle royale isn't a tournament.

half of the cast cant even punch straight
u trying to hard son

PhotonFlowers when

Umineko is good until episode 4
Chiru is not to be read.

>battle royale fight to the death where people make a contract with a monster/servant to aid their fight and the winner gets a wish
>mc gets swept into it by accident and somehow ends up with the most powerful aid
>doesn't get how everyone is trying to kill him and thinks everyone is good
>teams up with another guy who hates him at first and constantly tells him to fuck off
yep, the premise is a ripoff of kamen rider ryuki

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t. goat

Read Chiru and ignore brainlets.

i would still recommend umineko over muvluv anyday of my life.
Like muv luv and stuff like that are for people that are weeb level 6 or something

how can that be true when ep 5 is the best episode?

>how Japan is better than every other country in the world.
He says while a major arc of Alternative is a rebellion that everyone hate and paint Japan as retarded for doing it in the first place.

Get the fuck out with your false sense of intellectual entitlement.

No one cares about Kamen Rider. There I said it.

>The exact episode where everything turn to shit
Not really, muvluv is something that pay off later. Extra and Unlimited are fairly bad but there's enough charm in the characters to make you stick around. Alternative is where soul and quality meet into something great.

>relives and shows her tentacle rape to the protoganist, and they have imidialty sex after

Sure it doesn't make sense from a 'good story' or 'actual emotions' perspective, but consider...
Muv Luv was written for disgusting otakus who would have been turned on by the tentacle rape, so it makes sense that the characters would fuck immediately afterwards. They knew their target market, and it wasn't people who cared about good writing. It was about making peepee hard.

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Brainlets retard.

>that pic
>that question
Negro didn't I already tell you to play this game when you asked in a VN thread yesterday? The answer is still yes, it is a long ass series, but you will love it in the later half.

Fair warning though, you're gonna love a girl named akane in extra She has no route, worst part of the series.

she has her own game user

>saw a spoiler in a thread
>knew it happened
>thought I knew who the victim was
>didn't get the timing right
>didn't get the victim right
I knew about chomp and chomp still surprised the hell out of me.

There's no english translation and it's set in the inferior Extra universe. Herogane deserves the best girl.

>something great
oh no no no no

Herogane subverted the harem genre by getting nobody.
Oh yes yes yes yes

>chobits style outward facing eyelids
>Mech and mechsuit
>name is "Liz Hohenstein"
I can already tell this is some highly autistic shit

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Death mark is a short and sweet puzzle mystery game in the VN style. Within that same vein there's 999 and VLR.

Why are posting the mc little sister? that sleep with multiple guys and was an spy ready to backstab you

It was bullshit how literally everyone died by the end like come on, cut the guy a break he's been through so much shit.

please explain how the scene or logic that this user described is some immanuel kant masterpiece shit user, we all want to laugh more at you and your weeb bretheren
also explain to me why the endboss beta raped the other heroine (the violoet haired one) at the very end btw. maybe u need to make your own thread because how deep in complex it was

Hey, Kasumi was a 10/10 option.

nobody died user, did you not play to the end?

Just grab the backer version off Sukebei.

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Fuck man, I'm an ESL too so try to write something readable.
The scene with Sumika tentacle nonsense was her attempt at grossing out Takeru because she felt guilty about making him suffer by bringing him over to Alternative. She was trying to push him away and into the arms of someone else alongside making him understand the shit she went through and give some understanding about the BETA lack of humanity. It's still a bad scene though.

>also explain to me why the endboss beta raped the other heroine

It wasn't rape. He was ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL by injecting toxins/tendrils into her body and slowly taking it over.

it's a porn game, theres no need to give it that kind of analysis. most of the things that happen are either for arousal or shock.


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Spotted the brainlet.

>it's a porn game
>there's 2 porn scenes in the entire game
>the all ages version came out only a couple months after and removed them
>every single release of the game since then has also been all ages

>it wasn't rape, he was just forcibly penetrating her mouth, vagina, and nipples
Don't ever become a lawyer.

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Cursed image

there's a backer version? damn

but i want to buy it on steam anyway, i pirated the trilogy and i feel guilty, shit is good

Pump and dump Isumi

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Except it wasn't. The cg has the tendrils enter her body and bulge against the suit, it' going EVERYWHERE

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You need to know the main heroine, who isn't in Unlimited, only Extra and Alternative.

Extra is something that's touched again in Alternative. Just do Sumika and Meiya routes

>wasnt rape
>watching this scene and saying that wasnt rape
just kys bro
i rather be a super ESL that being degenerate as you. Lay off the weeb shit and look out of the window to realize reallife or something before you go on a raping/murder spree

Her and kashiwagi deaths made me more sad than the whole original squad, and i really like them.

tsukihime >>>>> fate

STELLA > Meiya > Chizuru > Sumika > Ayamine > Mikoto > Tama

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Breed the Swede!

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I want to breed Krauts

the shittiest VN has better writing than ALL vidya


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woah is this the original? I played the vita ports and didn't see any of this. is there a collection of the h-scenes from muvluv?

That isn't even close to being true, and you know it.

Watch the scene yourself you fucking retard. It's not rape, Meiya is literally dying in horrible pain when the tendrils keep spreading all over her body.

they were talking about meiya idiot

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Remember that this eroge almost backrupt the company because they forgot to censor some hscenes

Sumika =/= Meiya.
When the fuck was it said she didn't suffer tentacle rape?

No, not really
As a love story it is mediocre at best
As a sci-fi, same answer
Everyone defends Alternative, but a large portion of it was just re-doing the 2nd one, and a LOT of it was boring scenes of describing military strategies you probably won't understand/care about anyway
And then when they supposedly act those strategies out, the static models jumping around screen look more boring than an elementary school puppet show

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never played it myself
isn't the game just suffering? think I'll stick to my moege


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thats like saying a loli doesnt qualify as underage because she is in truth 100 years old, you know that right?
Everything in that scene was rapey, she fucking even says dont let the thing have its way with me fucking TOPKEK how much of shit taste of weeb u need to be to defend rape scenes in your eroge and not just admitt it?

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read VNOTY 2018, Fureraba

No because Sachi never.

>it has tentacle rape insertion like in every tentacle rape in every eroge "HUR DUR JUST TOXINS"
>"Maya is DYING"
She just screams while she is turning into mindbreaked fuckdoll, 0 indication that that thing even wants to kill her. So what you saying incestbreed, the higher kind of intelligence dont know how human dies when they get stabbed through the hearth with tentacles? "hur dur she is dying"
you mongos even said yourself it was "assuming control"

>thats like saying a loli doesnt qualify as underage because she is in truth 100 years old, you know that right?
Stop moving the goalpost.
>Everything in that scene was rapey, she fucking even says dont let the thing have its way with me fucking TOPKEK
It's -literally- taking control of Meiya body os, of course, this is a goddam violation. What she's going through is worse than a fucking rape so of course, she'll protest: do you not understand the word assimilation? The meaning of taking control?
>how much of shit taste of weeb u need to be to defend rape scenes in your eroge and not just admitt it?
Have sex.

>that scene
Literally the only reason I'll buy photon flowers

Sure they're alive in the extra world, but they're all pushing up daisies in the beta world

She was certainly 10, though I will admit I thought the chapter with her sleeping in shirogane's room was adorable. I wish she would've stayed there through the rest of the game.

>game doesn't give you the option to shoot yuuko after all the shit she did, it would've been so satisfying.

I don't recall this CG, is this in one of the side stories?

I didn't feel much toward kashiwagi, but Isumi did hit me. Didn't get enough time with her.

>its not rape, its assimilation
>its not a 8 year child, its a 100 year old dragon
>"Stop moving goalpoast!!!!!"
tell me the rest of your user just fapping to the h scenes in peace without going through mental degradition to justify your eroge like this user

>they died in the other universe which we even dont know it exists after that
i dont buy into fanfic meta endings to make their favorite game better user, sry. Didnt worked for chrono cross, gonna not work on your eroge

>She just screams while she is turning into mindbreaked fuckdoll, 0 indication that that thing even wants to kill her.
Really? No indication at all? Even when the Superior push her TSF into the protagonist giant robot and activate the self-destruct system?

The scene isn't static, there's a progression of events that's happening in this finale, something that is clearly far too difficult for a brainlet to understand.

Neutralize heroine robot > Try to take over her body > push it onto the protagonist mech when she resist > Activate self-destruct sequence of her machine to remove the threat.

You weren't supposed to drop out of highschool, user.

Yea Forums has such abysmal taste in everything. Games, anime, VN. I don't know if you're all contrarians or just low IQ.
I loved FSN so by how Yea Forums hates it I will assume muv luv is also great and will be getting it.

>which we even dont know it exists after that
Just because Takeru poofed out of existence from Alternativeverse doesn't mean it stopped existing. Sumika was the thing holding him in that world, she wasn't responsible for the world itself.

>contrarians or just low IQ.
bit of column a, bit of column b


on the flipside, much of this thread is people defending muv luv so i will assume it is absolute garbage

>fanfic meta ending
What are you smoking? The creators designed two separate universes that they connected through sumika hell, herogane cries when he sees a new girl in the ending. Some fragments of his memory certainly carried over, same with Kasumi.

>I don't recall this CG, is this in one of the side stories?
It's from Confessions, Isumi's story in Photonflowers. It starts and ends with her Alternative death scene and plays the same music from when Meiya dies

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TDA 4 when?
Proper translations for 2 and 3 never

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>Some fragments of his memory certainly carried over, same with Kasumi.
Kasumi remembers everything in Before the Shimmering Time Ends, which is kinda fucked up when you think about it. On Christmas they have a blue neon strip around the tree that resembles Sumika's brain case and when it's turned on it visibly gives her PTSD.

theses spin offs are shit, aren't they?

it's the one good spinoff

just wait for baldr sky instead. it combines the mc's happy school life and his gritty modern day cyberpunk war life into one game very smoothly and has actual gameplay.

TSF Forefront when? haha just fucking kill me

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Depends, I personally love TDA and wanted to like Total Eclipse and Schwarzesmarken. Honestly I preferred the more realistic side of things and thought that Alternative went off the rails at the end Trigger-style. At least until they got into the tunnels. Not enough things in fiction show what it's like to be fighting an unwinnable war. I loved the original Resistance: Fall of Man for this too before the sequels turned it into another power fantasy romp.

>still have the site bookmarked after like 10 years
It's gonna be on the PS3 right? :^)

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Schwarzesmarken was my favorite muvluv vn

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can you timestamp it, I won't waste time trying to find it

Cute dog user, makes me want to kick her

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already is, goes a while tho, cause its so complex!

my wife

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I love this woman

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unironicly designed and inserted into the vn for top notch breeding material and doujins
Almost Kagami level of lewdness perfection

read umineko

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Best girl.

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Do the Muvluv VNs have nudity/sex? Only thing VNs are good for imo.

If you want to literally read through 60 hours of VN to get to a sex scene, then sure.
