Other urls found in this thread:
>Animals can parry
>Mobs can block without a shield
>Mobs can block from behind
you forgot
Take it back
imagine the taste
and you'll probably have more fun working at mcdonalds than playing classic
>not staying on top of your weapon skills
Horns are like weapons. One animal that exists is called the "scimitar-horned oryx".
i dont know man, if you've ever tasted a vagina it'll taste like a hotdog that's been in a vagina
Fucking faggot, looks delicious
unironic incel so desperate to be involved with a woman
Seriously I think you're a homo if this doesn't make you salivate
That's... not...
Well. Someone, somewhere, just posted with Homsar instead of their Avenged Sevenfold image.
Homo faggot tranny sissy or landwhale female incel who doesn't like the taste of pussy
>Use credit card to attain 100% hit for this character
Is the bitch turned on?
Then yes.
If she's just trying to insult a customer?
What the fuck man?
You wanna drink a woman's liquids or use it to lubricate your dick? Think man.
what year is it again? Switch to a good rpg like runescape
There should be a law that men are only allowed to drink women's fluids to hydrate, water is outlawed for them
Fucking faggot mods got rid of it. I swear to god the mods on Yea Forums are all fapping to sissy porn, post a big dick and it probably wouldn't get taken off
>t. person who never played vanilla
i'll fix it for you zoomer
>glancing hit
>glancing hit
>glancing hit
>glancing hit
>glancing hit
>glancing hit
>glancing hit
>glancing hit
>glancing hit
+ 12 posts and 5 image replies omitted.
>Post porn on a blue board
>Gets removed
>Porn posters a bloo bloo until thread archives
and its fucking great
What's the top level on the beta right now? Anyone 30 yet?
>You gain Windfury Weapon.
>Windfury Weapon fades from you.
if you hate fun sure
Everyone playing this game is 30 and over
There are STATS to boost those misses cause it's an mmo>RPG< you nigger
>Things that don't happen in nu-classic
I Heh'd
boomers rise up!
if you skin a bear you aggro all of the bears in the same zone, wash your back and keep your feet underground.
hit is a well designed stat, it gives a big boost early then levels off, constant power scaling problems since it was removed
>kill 12 boars
>kill 30 pillagers
>collect 12 magic rocks
>repeat for 400 days
home :’)
What do we think of TipsOut?
Why bother even? I’ll wait until the cash shop gets implemented then just pay for s boost
leveling weapon skills has always been a rite of passage in real MMO's. Raising defense in EQ zomg...
Remember when Blizzard tried poking fun of PETA?
>rite of passage
>not just another time vampire to keep you subbed as long as possible
is this how MMO fags cope with being suckers?
>grinding is fun!
Oh well, the lowest level item with hit % bonus or weapon bonuses was about 40, so you still gotta miss until then. Happy missing!
>bear parrys your shit
>druid's are too retarded to parry in bear form
makes you think
As if, I’ll just play BfA until then
If you look closely at my tripcode you will see it says "Ace Rng".
seriously where the fuck is kresh in wailing caverns?
he patrols the river right?
hes not fucking here
>asmongold getting super depressed over a hunter coming to streamsnipe him in redridge
If you look closely at my filters, you will see you’re on them now.
whatever differentiates me from the shitters i'm all for.
Pussy. Don't play if you don't like it.
that's why weapon specialization racials are good
Nah man I’ll pay once I get my free boost to 60
weapon skills are an attempted rpg element that's ultimately a failure since it's just fucks over white damage classes while leveling and then becomes irrelevant, not a huge deal though
Are...are weapon skills racist?
No skin off my back, have a good one.
play retail
>im so good, look at all the gold people donated to me
>oh shit a level 21 hunter, im fucked
Have sex.
XIV won.
Yeah, but you cant always decide to use a sword as a human, or axes as an orc. Let alone a mace as a tauren. Those % to hit gloves are best in stock for raids.
I've been playing a Warrior on private server lately, and Living Root is an AMAZING warrior weapon. Any warrior doing WC should need on this if it drops. It's probably the best weapon you'll see in a long time, and no other class can use it anyway, so you shouldn't feel bad.
>doesn't repair before going into an instance
>fails WC jump 3 times
>can't press abilities
i think he is mentally retarded
Will do fren. Just hope you don’t mind me using money instead of playing the game
OP plays a warrior
>Yeah, but you cant always decide to use a sword as a human, or axes as an orc.
You can’t?
I want to play my old Night Elf Rogue again so fucking badly. I want to grind locked footlockers in Wetlands. I want to level up herblore and farm Fadeleaf. I want to stealth farm herbs and make potions and sell them on the AH. I want to solo quest in Auberdine. I want to fish Oily Blackmouths.
I want to jump out of bounds in Zul Farrak. I want to run around Tanaris on my white nightsaber. I want to power level with SM. I want to FUCKING PLAY SO FUCKING BADLY.
can't wait desu
>plays RPG
>doesn't bother learning about stats
>doesn't investigate any of the skills his character, all characters, has
>chance to hit not a major factor in raids
Oh look, another loudmouth who never played the game. Fuck off back to trannievania.
I miss hit rating, the last time i remember needing it was back in Wrath, these boots in Naxx had super good hit rating & i used them until ICC
Itemization is kinda boring in WoW now
Well not if you get a shinier newer one with better stats, you might not want to.
you should check out baldur's gate or any other dnd based game.
you will like it
Unless you’re a smith or your friend is a smith, or if you know how to game the AH
here's the 16 year old going after him
i'd love stats rolled back to wotlk with defense/resistance/hit/etc, the four secondary system is the gayest shit ever
Fucking legend shitting on the popular kid
Is the beta PvP only? Surely a big streamer wouldn't willingly choose to make this possible.
I resubbed recently after quitting early cata, and it was really depressing to see my set bonuses from Wrath literally don't work anymore.
You gotta find those random blacksmithing plans after a certain point, which is pretty early on. Provided if your profession doesn't start falling behind. If i got a better weapon than my current one as a drop, i'd use it until i found the next one that might be my races preferred type. You can utilize that shit at 60 all you want anyways, the world wont crumble if you use something else while leveling.
aaaand he's getting raped by a lvl 27 asmon fanboi
>right click reported and banned for toxicity because you stole mobs
lel they probably delete your blizzard account for camping quest givers
>Asmongold getting pissed off for being ganked by a 16 year old hunter
>Banning people making fun of him
>Getting a lvl 27 groupie to camp the hunter for him
God why do people like this cock
reminds me of how playing on a pvp server is a waste of time unless you are a stealth class
Problem is gearscore introduction meant you felt scared to put on low level gear even if it was better for overall dps, Blizzard needed to nip that shit ASAP back in Wrath, now the mentality is settled into the game
Asmongold is such a hypocrite, talking about how great Classic is, but when he gets attacked by a same level character, hes trying to get him ganked by a higher level & even trying to ban him, what a pve faggot
Gearscore started as an addon but yes, fuck every nigger that did that shit and let it become what it did
he fucking lost 4 times to asmongold though, he couldn't even serpent sting kite properly.
Ok back, what did I miss
that whole scenario was great. he was just stewing in silence and rolling his eyes nonstop.
i was really hoping the hunter would kill him everytime so he'd end up punching his monitor.
not mad btw just frustrated
all the times he was proven wrong about something from Vanilla and claims he was a Veteran. didn't even remember Screenshot of the Day on the WoW website.
it was 3v1 with asmon having a healer, the fact that huntard killed them all once is hilarious & now asmon & friends is trying to get him banned, on a pvp server
Classic launch
>zoomers struggling to play something that's actually a little more challenging than they're used to
>Screenshot of the Day
I liked most of them. Others were just “oh hey look my guild all has this mount!”
wow is literally pressing hotbar items and waiting for cooldowns. low iq game
and zoomers can't even do that
>reeeee i got stream sniped, BAN HIM!
It's really not any different than people messaging someone that hobbs or swifty was in a contested zone back in the day, fuck asmongold, hes got a healer with him, he can handle some PVP
why people larp as some kind of classic veteran?
Play it or don't. Nobody cares.
There is nothing wrong with ability rotations
because they've never done anything else with their lives
because zoomers are impressed by it
Playing pretend is fun user.
I want to see you fighting ferocious animals after thousands of years asleep
>pushing the same 2 buttons is challenging
does anyone have the clip of asmon getting ganked?
Classic..,has layers...BOOMERS, have layers...d’y’get it?
>glancing hit
>not glancing blow
>not (glancing)
gtfo zoomer
I really hate to say it, but classic has given me a little newfound appreciation for retail. There's a lot of stuff I really don't miss.
and yet you watch
Projection, Assmongler?
Wrath was the perfect balance whether or not people want to admit it. Minus the argent tournament.
no, i'm the one calling all of you faggots that watch other people play video games cucks
you can say zoomer all you want faggot, retail is harder than your shitty vanilla
>uses literally 2 spells to deal damage
>this is peak gameplay according to classicbabs
>when ret paladins went from useless to best DPS
>when death knights showed up and became the best everything
Wrath was good but balance was terrible
>tfw still no beta invite
stuck watching streamers like a zoomer
need an active sub
unironically peak game design
i understood that reference user
and the ever lasting deleted bitching threads on the forums.
Needs active sub and beta program participation
>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
>talent trees
>gold was important (saving 100g for a mount was a big deal, getting your talents right was important because respecs were expensive)
>world pvp
>skill > gear (otherguy, drakedog, world of roguecraft)
>no death knights
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
>pvp ranks
>AV's objectives actually mattered
>no arena
>no flying mounts
>no lfg or cross realm trash
>no quick travel
>lore hasnt gone down to the shitter yet
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
>no daily quests
>no pet battles
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
>no multiple raid difficulties
>5 mans actually felt like real dungeons
>no more data mining
>way more skills to utilize
>no e-shop
>no archeology
>no achievements
>no vehicles
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
>world felt dangerous
>professions were fun, unique, and useful
>no blood elves, draenei, worgen, pandashit or goblins
>b-b-but no one wants it
>nost peaked higher than retail
One word, home.
>getting mad over literally no argumentation at all
why would I be, just posting facts
I was opted in and subbed within 5 mins of the announcement
trying some retail since I paid for it but its pretty boring
He mad
>cool quests like the mount quest and rogue pick lock quest
also the one where you have to kill spiders to get 50 spider bones
all they had to do was sell it for $40 and be done. the subscription model aint gonna bring in any new customers.
>no more data mining
user, everything from vanilla has already been datamined. The information has been out there for a long time, why is this a positive?
new content for Classic won't be dataminable, Ion confirmed it
Better than any retail quest
>new content for Classic
nigger what?
I can't fucking do it, man. I can't. I have something like 500 days played in retail (after playing only occasionally after wotlk). I raided top 50 world for 2 expansions (tbc/wotlk). Boosted arena. Sold gladiator accounts. I even bought it on release day and made 2 letter characters to sell. It feels like making a conscious decision to start smoking crack again after finally getting my life back on track. At the same time, this feels like something historic and amazing and I'm afraid of missing out.
Have high hopes for pantheon but if it's the way a proper MMORPG should be it'll probably fail for being "too hard" and "too grindy" without "QOL features"
Classic is an entirely new game. It isn't Vanilla.
to expand on this, it feels like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to re-experience your youth through adult eyes -- like you get a brief glimpse into the environment as you saw it and a chance re-experience it. A chance like this won't come again and could yield an immense amount of enjoyment and rl friendships.
I have yet to see a single article about any plans to add original content. All I see are staged releases of vanilla content that will be presented in their final 1.12 version
hard is a meme, the best expansions didn't have 500 wipe bullshit
Eh, just get the staff from the quest. More stamina and it's not a drop. Plus priests do want Living Root.
If you cant control yourself, don't play.
The quest staff has lower damage and way less spirit. And if you get living root instead, you can get the sword instead from the quest.
That’s the corporate response to the loot box fiasco. Fuck off
I agree. Layering wasn’t in vanilla, neither was flying, LFR, or a to be announced cash shop
Stay mad private server nerd
>I’m jealous that I can’t or won’t play the game I want to for free
I'd take a populated EQ P99 => PoP server over classic any day
>ffxiv threads are being deleted or moved to /vg/
Time to report this ones guys
Is there any race/class combo more of a Chad than the male nelf priest?
The good old times.
Give me a link dude.
You should be more worried about getting a job instead of playing video games if you have to worry about spending $15 a month.
>faggots that never played vanilla got beta
>they claim is just the way it was before
>dude can't remember if quest arrows were a thing
Nice Esfand picture
did he lose weight?
Thats how paladins should always be user
Layer 3A...Home
Actually fucking hilarious.
Esfand is looking good today, such a nice guy.
I thought transmog prevented clownsuits because you don’t have to look like the mish-mash of BiS gear you’re wearing
>Attempting to sign into twitter through the interface option crashes the client
They're fucking up Classic so badly, bros... I never had issues signing into Twitter back in the day... we were supposed to be going home...
Ret Paladins were never best DPS, just not shit anymore.
I bet you hate Morrowind too you fucking zoomer.
Go take your ADHD medicine and play your fortshit
A lot of those things wont be the same on classic. You wont ever get old AV back for example, you'll get your 4 minute zoomer speedrun version of it
How strict will Blizzard be on ganking?
They will be hands off in terms of randomly ganking players. BUT. What remains to be seen is if they intervene on people who use level geometry to glitch out the guards like duskwood rooftops. Or if you drop an infernal on same-faction lowbies. Or if you corpse camp someone long term.
These are edge case scenarios and they could intervene or could not
That makes sense though, afterall you're skinning their friend.
Like any FPS is actually difficult. All you have to do is just click on the target. Its no harder than clicking a folder on your desktop. Are you too fucking retarded to just click on the damn target?
>check out baldy's stream cause he's doing dead mines in classic
>esfand: won't shut up about private servers
>stack up hit rating
>hit often now
>weapon dmg ranges from 40-51dmg
>proceed to hit a target for....
>39 normal dmg
>55 normal dmg
>46 normal dmg
>56 crit dmg, cause it was a weak hit
>53 normal dmg
>32 crit dmg from offhand
fucking why.....
Gonna make an addon. What should I make? Aside from group finder.
>new content for classic
a huge mistake, tbc would be far better
>b-but my flying mounts!
a problem to be sure, but people forget how bad the gear inflation in vanilla was. PvP starts going to shit after AQ, and Naxx gear is basically equivalent to tbc heroic gear. any pvp more organized than ganking greys in stv cant surrvive an additional raid tier while remaining at 60.
I wanna put my dick in a human female
Is it wrong that this unironically turns me on? This is so fucking hot.
Streamers are a cancer
>soul link warlock
I hope there are no gays like that here.
GOD I wish humans were real
Don't we all
I personally don't want new content desu, as I think it defeats the point of a *classic* server, but I suppose that if they add more stuff it probably won't be high-end raiding. Afterall, only a handful of people will actually get to finish Naxx, which means nobody would see the new stuff. And vanilla is supposed to cater to all kinds of players, not just hardcore raiding neckbeards.
>the virgin sl lock
>the Chad Drakedog
Go here wowwiki.fandom.com
bring back something interesting. bonus points if it went unused
>Item Level 115
>Binds when picked up
>Two-Hand Mace
>127 - 213 Damage Speed 3.80 (44.86 damage per second)
>+29 Stamina
>+15 Critical Strike
>+34 Attack Power
>Use: Bust out a face melter. (1 Min Cooldown)
>Requires Level 70
>Sell Price: 14g 54s 10c
>playing a Warrior at low levels
It'll be worth it later.
Drakedog played on easymode anyway. A real chad would play on alliance
>Martin's Broken Staff was changed from an Artifact quality item to a Poor quality item in Patch 3.3. In addition, its name was changed from Martin Thunder, its statistics were drastically reduced or removed, and the on-use effect was changed from killing everything around the caster to... killing the caster. It's likely that this change was done in response to the Martin Fury fiasco.
>Martin Fury was, like its weapon counterpart, changed in Patch 3.3 to a Poor quality item, had its stats stripped, and on-use effect changed.
>The item was likely changed after an incident in which a Game Master accidentally sent a player Martin Fury using the in-game mail system, who then proceeded to send it to their guildmate, who then proceeded to use it to one-shot some of the hardest raid bosses available at the time. After this all was made public, the offending players had their accounts banned, and the items were nerfed the following game patch.
Does anyone have a clip or vid of the kid 3v1 asmon? i want a good laugh
I don't have it but 99% sure it'll be on asmon's twitch channel in the clips section, those are user made so I imagine a lot of people clipped that.
suck my dick wowwiki.fandom.com
Some mage got to level 30 after like 18-24 hours played. How did he do it bros????
it was a different time
already searched on his channel and the other guy but found nothing, maybe tomorrow once the VOD is up it will include that part
there are a few random clips of the kid that ganked them screaming but they dont show much
>the offending players had their accounts banned
>GM fucks up
>You use it to do goofy shit, openly admitting to the item's existence
>You get fucking banned for goofing around after a GM fucks up
By just playing? There's been how many fresh vanilla privates in the past 2 years? And the entire emulator is available to anyone interested, so you can even run your own sandbox for optimizing leveling routes.
>Alliance player crying to his friends to party camp a Horde player fighting him 1v1
This is exactly like I remember it. Home at last.
god I wish that were me
I forgot how great the WoW homepage was before they switched to an advertising platform
I remember reading every page on the website while waiting for the game to install. I was so excited.
nvm, found it
completely assblasted because gankers on pvp servers
>"I want changes to combat and it should be easy!"
Go play BfA
Man, I used to sit in the college computer lab and look at the fan art. They also did a screenshot of the day/week or whatever.
its things like this that make it more special. the fact a GM can give an item not flagged as unused/dev to a player is a terrible thing to allow in any capacity, but had this not happened we'd never have the aftermath of laughs
>The guild used it 14 times to one-shot raid bosses, mostly in Ulduar but also in Eye of Eternity and Obsidian Sanctum, earning the participants several achievements for killing bosses.
Yea Forums, how would you use Martin Fury without revealing its existence? Obviously you would never tell anyone, but what else?
Is he in Taranis at the pirate area?
Kinda looks like it
Yea Forums loves to obsess over him for some reason
id kill myself
>didn't post classic version
that's IF
We're going home...
But when are we going HOME?
Racial Bro Tier List: The races you want to play/play with
>The Upside-Down Sinners is a large, underwater room located in the famous Karazhan Crypt. It contains long meathooks hanging from the ceiling of the room with corpses dangling on them. The Karazhan Crypt is inaccessible without performing Wall Breach glitch.
>Patch 7.3.0 (2017-08-29): Made accessible upon the conclusion of the Riddle of the Lucid Nightmare.
>finally opened it after over a decade
Now this is pretty based, poor druids only have 1 race per faction though.
he's always said that he only started at the end of vanilla
what's wrong with undead?
>gnome A tier
The truth...
TBC has more problems than Flying, if you look at it objectively, it's a proto version of BFA, in fact BFA has fixed some of it's issues
Gnomes are based though. Especially warlocks and mages, only trannies would pick a human.
Shitheads play them. Do you want to be a shithead?
>Orc Warrior
>Tauren Druid
>Undead Rogue
>Troll Shaman
>Human Paladin
>Dwarf Warrior
>Gnome Mage
>Night Elf Druid
These are the kino race/class combos. You may not like it but it’s true.
It's announce it in Trade. Open trade windows with people and never accept. Then delete it.
Will PVP videos be a thing again?
>he hates female humans
>God Tier
Female Tauren, Female Gnome
>High Tier
F Undead, F Human, F Nelf
>Okay Tier
F Dwarf, F Orc
>meh Tier
M nelf, M Dwarf, M Troll, M Tauren
>Picked soley for racials but too insecure to play a better female model
M Human, M Orc, M Undead, M Gnome
Edgelords, PvP tryhards, bandwagoners, and just kids in general flock to this race because of OP racials. You have assholes playing every race but Undead players are by far the most insufferable beings.
They're the only good looking horde race other than trolls, except they have an actually useful ability. I think class choice is a much better indicator of shitheads than race.
guaranteed cunts
I don't, but a real bro won't go human just to be le slut. Surely you agree with that?
If you're gonna have tauren that high, orc deserves to be up there too. Also where is F troll?
What is the appeal of trolls? No shoes? Stupid dood weed bro mojo voddo crap
Switch human and gnome and this becomes perfect.
so this is the power of a tranny
Are they going to do balance patches in Classic? Or is it completely hands off after release as far as balance goes?
>people talk about how casuals will quit vanilla because it’s so hard/inconvenient
>is literally the easiest content and you afk for 80% of the game
>each xpac end game has gotten consistently MORE difficult
Why does nobody seem to be able to admit this? Retail is shit but vanilla wasn’t some major test of skill and is still very very casual
all this WoW talk has me trying it out finally...i've seen one other person so far, kinda gay.Is classic getting rid of that dungeon grouping thing that everyone says killed the social interaction?
you got me
how did you know
I've never met a female tauren player that wasn't a tranny or a 40 year old mom.
You're missing the part where the level 10 murloc drinks a lesser healing potion while the warrior fighting him shits his pants
They look cool, have a fun accent, neat lore, good class choices, great mount. I've liked Trolls since WC2 honestly.
I think the classic community would throw autistic faggot hissyfits if anything concerning balance was addressed, even though there's very distinct power levels amongst the classes.
I can't wait for the next expansion where the only stat is ilvl
>liking pussy
>current year
The content isn't difficult, by the grind to get any gear even worth a shit is much more severe.
I really enjoy the shadow hunter/ berserker fantasy.
Vengeance for Zul'jin
I hadn't played since early MoP and was pleasantly surprised all my characters were still there along with my gold
That's what I thought but I wanna see which butt hurt is stronger: people crying for them to not change class balance, and everyone realizing how absolute garbage half of all the specs are and how utterly broken classes like Rogue are.
WoW trolls are lanky fucks.
Troll berserkers from WC2-3 would have been epic but I guess they needed a lanky beta race.
we should've got playable vrykul instead of at humans
They're talking about stat balancing, you are much more likely to find yourself bumbling in to a situation where it is numerically impossible for you to win. The mechanics are braindead but that doesn't matter, mechanical difficulty in WoW's engine is meaningless and increasing the amount of simon says you have to play during raids has made it much less fun each time. The only time raids are challenging AND interesting is when things start going wrong and you're trying to recover.
should've got playable OG draenei, so much cooler than the faggot tentacle niggers and horsecock girls
fuck off retardin
The banshee queen is the most autistic of the horde and thus the redeemer of autists,also braps are weapon.im sure nothing bad will happen.....I mean it's not like opening the border with furfags went badly,so surely trying to gank saurfang wont result in anything significant.....this is fine..
Rogues aren't broken in 1.12 newfag.
>The only time raids are challenging AND interesting is when things start going wrong and you're trying to recover.
I agree. The most fun I've had was dodge tanking Gruul on my rogue when our tank disconnected.
If you want to go by the lore it's because berserkers are legitimately mutated Trolls (unless that was retconned from WC2). The headhunters in WC3 look just like normal Trolls in WoW.
im ready to go home bros
yes but you’ll be playing with zoomers and autists who actually think getting back into MMOs in 2019 is a good idea.
>90% of the screen covered with UI
looks like a poker website. literally designed for gambling addicts
Not in my mind.
Even if not berserkers, the neutral troll units in WC3 were so much more masculine than the lanky ass WoW ones.
To be fair the headhunter units were also lanky but the the Shadowhunter and bat riders were kino looking too.
It seems like taurens and trolls got fucked over by WoW.
lmao thats a raid UI. How else do you see 40 health bars of your teammates?
Back in the day raid UI maybe. You could get a nicer looking layout with addons though.
I think the neutral ones were big and muscular because they were supposed to be wild trolls, even less civilized than the Darkspear. Still, I agree with you. I would have preferred the more muscular Trolls and Tauren in WC3 than what we got in WoW.
they're nice to look at you incel
When I play WoW I play to insert myself into the character I play as. I dont want to be female char on my main because of that and also Alliance on pservers is literally 80% femhumans its fucking boring as hell
>warrnigger trying to tank without a shield
>cata babby zoomer putting NE in low tier when NE is the best race for daggers/seal fate rogues
fucking normies
An incel for go for the hot female char instead of a race they actually like. Everyone knows dwarfs are the biggest bros.
This is pretty cringe though, self-insert fags are worse than waifufags
Male tauren and Male Dwarf should be S tier on every bro list.
poor NElf tranny got his feelings hurt
I self insert so I play the females with the big dicks (nelfs)
This. Animals blockiing or parrying is the biggest bullshit
I would prefer if they not touch balance, BFA is aids with hybrids beating pure DPS classes & Druid excelling in all specs
Also despite them gutting classes in the name of balance & homogenisation, high end raids still stack one class, making the streamlining fucking pointless
I don't normally befriend my burger.
sorry that i dont play the lanky faggot race
>t. doesnt have the 420 big brain IQ necessary to understand Agility Equivalence Points
lmao i bet you level in combat spec too
why would anyone play a female dwarf? also, dudes in this game look awful in robes excluding dwarf males
god I wish human women were real
I like Baine but why can’t he do something heroic besides just be the moral pussy?
His dad was a badass because he lured the marauding centaurs into a valley and summoned a massive fissured to annihilate the raiding party in the orc campaign.
What has Baine done besides be the beta softy?
Is there any reason to do smithing as a holy pally? Gonna pve and PvP so I'm thinking engineering
tired joke
plastic surgery
How much did the women in Brotherhood get a train on them? Twice a day?
Dunno, but it definitely sucks when Blizzard turns horde characters into lobotomized Alliance leaders that do nothing. I stopped caring about the WoW lore a long time ago but it seems like Baine should've turned into a chad after his dad got murdered.
>Retail shit
>Classic fun
I r r e f u t a b l e
How were the vanilla island expeditions like?
heh, checkmate classicfags.
the little island with all the zandalari was neat
>staysafe doesn't sleep for 24 hours
>respecs into improved imp over improved void walker
remember to get your 8 hours when it launches folks
>roll stockblight
>first 20 people I see are bots
>wanting to look like a drunk retard
nightslayer is extremely sexy, fuck you
real vanilla exp here
The only class I have left to play before Classic is Shaman. How are they?
it's okay
Reminder that skinning is bad
I got exactly 40 rugged leather (4g) last time I hit 60, which doesn't cover the cost of expert training (6g)
Thank you.
My friend and I don't know if we should go horde or alliance but we always go with the faction with the least players on it.
Do you think horde will be massively populated like on retail even though there's no blood elves?
alliance will be more populated but horde will have longer queue times
Peak brainlet post
literally been the experience of every major private server
anyone got that clip of asmongold getting owned?
Party at Chadglade bros
>leveling on Light's Hope
>attack a Hare as I pass
Clever girl
Classic will actually be played by more than 1000 people.
This is why you don't level as Fury you dumb shit.
>still no beta invite
>tfw being able to re-experience vanilla wow for the first time again
Not going to happen unless you find a way to memory wipe everyone who's going to play it.
>shaman and paladin are in the factions they belong
and are useless because of it
>no lfg or cross realm trash
There's going to be x-realm BGs
>no quick travel
Mage portals
>40 man raids (that actually require coordination)
No, just no. 40man raids before the Naxx were shit show where 10-20 people actually needed to play and rest could just fuck around playing their peggle addons.
>no multiple raid difficulties
Instead the raids are undertuned
>no more data mining
Everything has already been datamined.
How is this a good thing?
>no transmog so people don't run around in retarded clownsuits that break immersion
>armor design wasn't garbage that belonged in an anime
yeah, Lawbringer was the pinnacle of item design
Nope, everything is already been explored and found
>nost peaked higher than retail
I wonder how many would have played on Nost if it had been $15/month
would you rather play as/with shaman or paladins? they're pretty important when it comes to group content.
Go about your business.
do you even know the margin error of a poll of 1000 people
I really don't care, my favorite races are dwarf and troll and I always go with the smaller faction.
I'm assuming alliance will be more populated because horde doesn't have paladin or elves and paladins are gods in vanilla?
Horde were underpopulated on almost every server until BC brought in the pretty elves to offset the imbalance.
>Enemies actually have armor and resistances
Fuck off you retard.
Do you think it could happen again with how many people main horde now?
I’ve been maining Shaman since Vanilla. I have all the classes but I always go back to maining Shaman. They have the best class fantasy and identity.
>pressing space in water makes you swim up rather than jump
game ruined
Even with new horde mains, in current retail BFA the population is still roughly 70% bloodelves.
New allied races may have skewed it down but you get the point. People like pretty races.
That shit started to creep into the game way before the Activision had anything to do with it.
generally yes, and humans are the best race both for tanking and melee dps thanks to their weapon racial so most people play them. paladins are great for pve because of salvation, which makes threat less of a worry, and threat is pretty important in vanilla. horde is typically the less populated faction, but it's dependent on the server and it's usually not too big of a margin.
or it might be because Blood Elves have the best racials by a mile if you don't count the allied races.
is ass mongol ally or horder?
True, still have a few months to figure out but troll hunter doesn't sound too bad.
Yeah they were still super popular on retail last time I checked.
Adding paladins/shamans to the other faction was a mistake.
I'm a self-employed electrician, so I make a decent amount of dosh.
I doubt the McDonalds would hire me anyway since having Facebook is a requirement for joining and I refuse to support those hook-nosed banking oligarchs in their plan to divert, distract, and disinform.
Speaking of diverting, distracting, and disinformation, Prince Nazjak just spawned in Arathi shallows on Layer 2. My friend Raidlockjack can invite you to shard you into layer 2. Please ignore the fact that he's standing outside of Molten Core right now.
objective best list
I played Vanilla when I was 12 and it literally was never hard, only delusional boomers like to remember it as some sort of super elite seekrit club when literally everyone and their mother played it without any trouble back then
>man I loved vanilla, back when wow was challenging
>casuals can’t handle vanilla I’m sure they’ll quit after a month :^)
>vanilla is the easiest wow ever was and you afk end game content
>EVERY expac that followed was more challenging
>retail wow is unironically the most challenging the game has ever been
Will there be a beta before the full release?
now in addition to ilevel, now people made an addon called raider.io
fuck retail
>1% of the game is more challenging, and half of that 1% is infinitely scalable content
>that means that 100% of the game is more challenging!
It was never hard and I didn't struggle with it at 12 years old but it had some more depth and rpg elements than retail does and I think people miss that a lot.
Longer travel times, stocking up on resources for your abilities, more social stuff, more things to work on than just ilvl is all great.
It only caught on because of the poor itemization in the first place.
It's not about the difficulty of the boss mechanics, or the complexity of the rotations. Vanilla is missed because you had to truly put a massive amount of time and effort in to get anywhere at all.
>grinding is fun!
It unironically is.
this. i dont even know if i want to roll on a pvp server this time around if i'm not going to be a rogue or druid
Pretty sure gearscore was started because of shit stats and it didn't care about ilvl, meaning a lower ilevel item scored higher if it was better itemized for your spec. Eventually it evolved to straight to the built in ilvl cancer we see today.
Grinding is fun, if possible I always prefer just killing mobs over questing.
The only kind of grinding I like involves me and my gf's bulge putting out thick girlcum all over eachother
Stealth really is the King Nigger of abilities while you're leveling to 60 on a PvP server. My poor warrior on the last private server I played on was anally raped daily.
I hope the voice chat stays in.
sure, if you want to be a greey asshole go ahead. but don't complain later if everyone hates your guts.
>only 70% blood elf
guess the nightborne were pretty popular eh?
A rocket helm might as well be a ticket of safe passage.
Comic should end at the 2nd panel.
>try to gank people
>h-he had a healer
Imagine not doing runs with your bros until everyone has every item they want.
TBC ruined horde so fucking hard.
i was stealth 80% of the time in STV because of that warzone in vanilla.
i'm going hunter this time and most likely the people i'm going to group up playing with are going to want to roll a pvp server sadly.
I think world pvp is fucking stupid anyway. i came to this conclusion in later expansion with flying mounts. that just amplified my dislike for it.
i'm fine with battlegrounds though.
>whatever differentiates me from the shitters i'm all for.
Careful son, most of the shitters don't dress in thigh socks, pop pills and die. Focus on being a good person, rather than just on being different.
Did they send out a mass wave of invites, or does someone somewhere love me?
I like how they look and I have gender dysphoria and enjoy being perceived as a girl.
Are you happy now?
>make fun of Alliance back in Vanilla for having all the twinky fag races
>get the twinkiest, faggiest race in the first expansion with completely overpowered racials
Played myself.
Sceencap with time stamp faggot
then are you transitioning, i don't understand user
No, because of the stigma attached to it, and also that I believe HRT is very damaging to your body and mental health/brain.
You don't have to be a tranny to have gender dysphoria.
If you want to be perceived as a girl you're a girl
To be fair I bet you 90% of the people who will play classic never played original wow or were too young to appreciate it. I think people grossly exaggerate the thought that people are going to wipe the floor with everything on every server.
Holy fuck. For real, is there not some massive wave of invites? Did god just give me a thumbs up, or something?
I wish it were that simple.
they're inviting more people over time, gotta get the stream cucks and partners first
Play warrior and suffer through the vanilla warrior leveling experience once again and have easy groups all throught or go hunter for easy mode leveling but no groups ever?
All I want is to do some dungeons at level60, casual raiding 2-3 days a week and pvp full time afterwards
Nice, have fun and report those not vanilla bugs
it is though
tfw this guy is probably dead now
Are you currently subbed to wow? And when did you create your account? People with 2004 creation dates seem to be getting them.
How did you know you were invited, simply by battle.net launcher having a drop down?
>all the virgin incels scared that playing female characters turn them into a girl
>all the trannies playing female with futile dreams they will ever be one
>no based chads who transcended above gender notions and basically gods
getting corpse camped? no worries just go to another layer. Banding together with allies to defeat enemies is sooooo last decade.
quest npc dead? just go to another layer!
want to escalate a skirmish or save a zone getting pillaged? Don't even try to bring a couple of raids in to help they'll just get stuffed on another layer
someone kited a dangerously strong mob to your area or let an infernal loose? just hop on over to another layer!
It’s a stated requirement for beta eligibility
I literally subbed back the day I heard you needed a sub to get into the beta. I thought it might be worth a $15 gamble. Apparently fucking yes it was.
And yeah, I started two weeks after Vanilla launched.
Go to the region/account tab in the bnet launcher, and look to see if you have beta access.
doing God's work, you lazy self-"employed" bastard
keep at it
no blizzard will make it good, "layering" is ok, alterac changes is ok, party leader is ok, blackrock slice is ok, it will be just like the old times
>It feels like making a conscious decision to start smoking crack again after finally getting my life back on track.
Crack IS the track on which your life rolls. It'd be more like going back on casualfag drugs, like marijuana or alcohol.
I'm sincerely looking forward to integrated voice chat though, rest is garbage
Where is the region/account tab
What changes to AV?
Right above the big 'Play' button.
right, it's a dropdown, not a tab (which would be at the top like GAMES and SOCIAL)
go back to your trashy private servers chang
>Gonna make an addon. What should I make?
Bejeweled clone but with underage anime girls as your stage clear reward.
go back to your pve server, layer apologist
They're fixing all of this though, as well as other bugs and unintended mechanics. Read the forum posts and dev blogs.
>t. warlock
Do you need to have retail downloaded to play classic? is not how big is the download?
what would happen if I slipped the line ‘/gquit’ into one of my cousins macros?
It's less than a 5GB download for Classic. I did it while making a post or two in this thread.
hunter is actually the premiere wpvp class as they can outrange all and reset fights with ease
sweet, i might throw $15 to sub and hopefully get in since my potato internet can dl it in 5 hours then.
>classic wow starts literally the day i start grad school and have numerous labs
>literally the exact day
there is a god, and he really doesnt seem to like me
Arcane Torrent got butchered and nerfed to pieces and nothing has changed.
If you didn't subscribe early on in Vanilla I'd wait, seems they're going to very early subscribers first (and probably those that had the most subscription time since)
what the fuck are you babbling about
every class/spec is good in at least one situation whether min/max or rp purists like it or not
i got in and my nostalgia levels are off the charts
Hol on son lemme fix that for you.
Aight here we go
God tier:
Gnome F, Tauren F
High tier:
Dwarf F, Orc F
Low tier:
Human F, Undead F
Shit tier:
Nelf F, Troll F
No strong opinion on the M so someone else can handle that for me.
the seething of retailfags will never get old
>tfw rolling daggers rogue so warriors know i wont be competing for their weapons
I was mocking the people that call hunter a trash/bad class because they aren't good in naxx.
I played in 2004 but forgot my account and my new battle.net account is from 2014 and I bought one of the expansions for WoW back then so hopefully blizzard will see i logged in for the first time in 4 years for classic. (probably not)
>every class/spec is good in at least one situation
in what situation balance druid is good?
Not sure if I want dwarf or troll hunter.
Make it call everyone in guild chat a nigger as well
1v1 vs warrior or rogue with stealth detection
Imp VW is trash a lot of the time because it sucks at holding aggro if you're even remotely geared. What you typically do is drain life tank stuff or you DoT it and kite it.
>people keep making videos on how difficult classic is
>they completely miss the point of why it was enjoyable
if you somehow retooled jaina to be 40 man it would make 4 horsemen look like a fucking 5 man boss in comparison. difficulty was never the reason why its look upon fondly, its so beloved because it doesn't hold your hand along the way and you feel like you earn things instead of getting welfare epics with close to no effort that devalues the entire progression curve
I'll be honest, I wasn't interested much in Classic but after watching it for a day I really want to get in there and play it now. I don't think it's just nostalgia, the game still looks super fun in ways that retail just isn't.
I prefer vanilla because of all the rpg stuff that doesn't exist in retail, simple stuff like having to feed my pet is comfy and fun. All classes need to feel unique.
cause you can rolepley in vanilla, yeah
you fucking tranny
Imp VW includes sac shield, threat gen ability, and healing ability
if you are grinding to 60, you fucking spec into imp VW. at least on a pvp server. i dont know or care what pve autists do.
>police man accidentally sends you a machine gun in the mail
>you use it to commit a mass shooting at the mall
>wtf why you arrest stupid fucking police.
>what is personal responsibility
Neat. Keep us posted if you find anything jank or if you find anything cool.
In particular, ask in chat what issue(s) other players are having.
If there is a twitch streamer, whisper "PJSalt Babyrage HotPokket" to him. These words are twitch emotes depicting frustration and being upset, which streamers have no idea how to handle.
the super quick HP regen is intended by blizz to keep retail fags playing.
>all those buttons
>push like 2 for dmg
if you can't be fucked to spend even a microsecond to google something why do you even bother to post?
>there are classic purists who think people should be forced to play with this UI
why don’t they complain about 16:9?
its a (You) farm or a shill falseflagging
pic related, advertisers literally false flagging on the internet
>there are classic purists who think people should be forced to play with these grafics instead of the most up to date ones in retail
are you on drugs?
retail graphic is fucking casual p2w grindfest
he's right though, shills love to stoke both sides to fan up shitstorms about their products
Oh right, the VW sac shield is pretty top tier, yeah.
Can't count how many times I've done the whole Sac VW, insta summon a second VW, hellfire, sac 2nd VW, hellfire again trick to AoE grind.
that's a paladin you retard, he doesn't have damage buttons
They pree gud in pvp
3K starfire crits from 40yrds, moonfire/insect swarm is aids and keeps people combat trapped, Wrath hits relatively hard. Still a bit of a meme
>play on PVP server
>get sniped
>gets salty
>gets triggered by chat
>dates fat cow cam whore
>makes millions acting retarded
Welcome to GAMING CULTURE 2019
Hol up. This is the type of post that appears as a automated disinformation reply whenever someone criticises AAAshit.
Responds to none of the poster's points, and tries to imply the poster is mentally ill.
This is typically followed by trying to social shame people on an anonymous web forum, or trying to use "based" like it's an upvote.
>implying ret with pend isn't the most damaging beast in game
Pride, world wide.
you're gonna get right click reported before you make any satire of the sort sweetie
>in blizzgame
Imagine not playing a mage in classic
Post your dismembered genitals, transfreak kike.
w-what did I miss?
Lol kike, if you played Nost, Light's hope, etc... you'd know every classichad is a hard right wing national socialist.
This is why nu-hebezzard is afraid of us, we are GODS. We get insulted? get genocide them all.
>forced to see the embarrassing, edgy WoW account name i picked when i was 12 every time i look at WoW in the bnet launcher
Twitch.tv is a hivemind of forced respect. Respect the streamer, respect the moderators, respect women and gay erpers, respect audio volume levels even if they're 15 decibels too low.
Every human being deserves disrespect from time to time, if they make a biased decision, or fail an easy jump, or get salty over something that was their own fault, or otherwise do something wrong. This disrespect is normal, and it helps encourage people to fix what they're doing wrong and improve.
But, the twitch hivemind will ban disrespect outright, no matter the situation. As a result, streamers never learn how to handle their mistakes, other than getting frustrated and smacking the BAN HE button.
It also means they have much less motivation to git gud, since the swarm of nuthuggers protecting them and carrying them and saying "you're perfect just the way you are" aren't balanced out by anything.
If you never learn how to handle frustration by gitting gud, and only rely on abusing power, then you're going to seek out and abuse as much power as you can, even on people who are only stating the obvious, such as "lol dude you suck".
When you inevitably lose that power (e.g. you're playing on someone else's server), you have no idea how to handle frustration, and you break down emotionally.
This is why you universal respect or forced niceness are terrible ideas.
Fuck, I got rekt
if you cared about any of that shit you wouldnt be pining for a 15 year old game whose gameplay consists of doing the same shit over and over again while mashing buttons in priority order
He was talking about weapon skills, eventually you will have all your main weapon skills maxed out. It just fucks you over whilst levelling or if you get a shiny new weapon in a dungeon.
Try to fit more buzzwords into your post next time you ugly human being
Lol, have se-
Oh wait you can't, no cock! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Nice cope Assmongoloid
Fuck yes. Finally back to starting as a complete pleb and then feeling stronger with each piece of gear. Home!
>Asmongold talks for years about hating modern games and instant gratification
>Wants to work for his own achievements
>5 minutes later joins an island expedition
>Goes afk
>Fans are with him and do the island for him while he watches videos
>Joins a raid with more fans
>They get a drop
>Immediately asks them for it
>Gets fed gear by his fans
>Takes free rare mounts and transmog
imagine thinking you went downhill when an actual civilised race with shoes and proper houses joins your faction
wew lad
tell your boss to remove layering from the equation entirely shill
Hunter goes 1v3, kills both Asmond AND Esfand
(Esfand pops every cooldown and still dies, total loser)
Every streamer is a fucking faggot.
It's like watching 12 year olds.
your average blood elf listens to nightcore and linkin park unironically and their ratio of actual competent players is ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT
no thanks
Level ur str more retard
This esfand is a tryhard. He played on abunch of private server and thinks he is an expert on vanilla. Fat fucker with a greasy hair
Up until about 1800, "White" didn't really exist as a concept, because the French, English, Italians, Prussians, and Norse all thought of each-other as different groups and sworn enemies.
By believing in "White" pride and power, you're being a traitor to your English brothers by associating with the fucking French.
I know you have a rebuttal for that. "White people build civilization, TrannyJewNiggers destroy it"
Then if that's your stance, why not oppose civilization-destroyers, rather than focusing on the white race?
There are plenty of arabs, east asians, and even africans who are as pissed as you are about the welfare state, about forced diversity being implemented in a way completely opposed to anything merit-based, and of thought policing of anyone who says "Differences between groups are actually real and not just caused by society's beliefs".
Rather than trying to make enemies with them, find common ground, and work together to oppose the forced diversity agenda.
Forced diversity is harmful to minorities, because it teaches minorities that they don't have to git gud in order to get paid.
As a result, they (as a group) don't git gud, and stay enslaved to the welfare system and to a lazy entitled crab bucket mentality. This hurts them in the long run just as much as it hurts society now.
Demographic groups can change from generation to generation, if you actually _try_ to make them change for the better.
Pretending that niggers aren't gonna nig and trannies aren't gonna troon isn't the answer, because it's false. But genocide isn't the answer either.
You don't throw away your computer because it catches a virus, you purge the virus. And you shouldn't try to destroy a race of people because they're lazy entitled and stupid, you should try to purge the laziness entitlement and stupidity from them.
Help people get stronger and fight back together.
How the fuck do you all have such good encounters with dwarves / orcs? Almost every dwarf I encountered was pants on head retarded, while most NEs were okayish, if they werent a hunter of course.
PVP definitely. Moonglow/Resto is pretty fun and easy to play compared to feral. But you basically just spam entangling roots + starfire against most opponents. Moonfire/Insect swarm triggers anyone trying to reset. NS gives druids a couple tricks up their sleeve
NS heals, hibernate, wrath (for that cheeky potential crit to end a life) and other stuff of course. Pop stealthies with demo roar, free yourself from soft CC with challenging roar (if mobs around)
Druid just has so many tricks, you just need a BIG BRAIN
All these big streamers are trash at the game.
I know, i saw him yesterday for the firest time on Asmongold's stream and he has this need to insert comments about his private server experience in every. single. conversation. I can tell Asmon gets annoyed by it but he doesn't want to bring it up.
I picked horde because I wanted to be savage and not some twink faggot
he seemed to be tanking alright in vc but it was very slow going
Redpill me on female orcs instead of male
>advertising your own clip
Well, back in the day I got my first and only account warning for glitching out the guards in khargat and killing hordes from the rooftops. So anything involving bugging out guards was and should be punishable
you get to self insert because you are girl, user, deep inside you know it to be true
good animations. looks good with gear. pretty fucking nice honestly.
hairstyles are shit though
>dbz shit
wtf I thought the sub fee was supposed to keep spics out
Its orc for female players
Bugging out guards is and was obviously an exploit.
I'm curious how they deal with things not quite exploits, though. For instance, you used to be able to sap other players in booty bay, gadgetzen, etc and not be attacked on sight. They of course later changed this. Distract as well.
In vanilla I also once saw a horde warlock in booty bay DOTing lowbie alliance, then jumping in the gnomer teleporter. He would aggro guards but tele out before he could be killed by them. Wonder if that is patched out or bannable.
like choosing female dwarf or any kind of gnome, it's because it's funny
No you play a female character if you are female irl.
how much of a fag do you need to be to need to self insert as your character
was forthis
you faggot cuckservatives are a fucking joke and you'll accomplish nothing, enjoy watching the west continue going to shit and wondering why fascism is rising
You just have to be normal and not mentally damaged
I just don't suffer from mental illness my bro
what happens if i log out while dead to get to another layer? will my corpse just disappear from layer 1 so the rogue camping me can just relog and follow me to the next layer as well?
>Try to fit more buzzwords into your post next time you ugly human being
incel cope rage. Protip: waifu butthurt casual. Fun? autism autist roastie. Discord egg and bluepilled. Weeb cancer cringe cuck Looter Shooter. Nostalgia but based. underage roody-poo when yikes oof maybe. /pol/tard Yea Forumstard lolcow SJW. In conclusion, Sneed's Feed and Seed, Formerly Chuck's.
I agree with fascism but I don't agree with it being racially limited.
>I'm fine but I can't enjoy the game unless my character looks EXACTLY like me!!! :(
do you only play Humans too?
good meme, very appropriate.
Who are you quoting?
most people just do it because its something to laugh about
I will not play nor classic nor retail, but I cant keep thinking what happens in upcoming years when all content cycle of original vanilla game will be released and everyone and his mum will basically have everything maxed out. There is no future, at least people were looking for expansion or new content when originally this was happening, now.. I don't see the point forever be in the same loop for decade(s). On top of that you will be funding retail in first place.
Meanwhile on live
>hit 1 2 3
>loot 50 mobs
i think you
you gonna roll a gnome cause you're a manlet? hahahahaha
can you link what you were quoting here?
holy shit my OG niggers
>Druid just has so many tricks
So many resto druids forget they have a movement speed increasing cooldown or a 2 second stun.
Nice, an ms paint comic
This cloak is white, and longer than your average cloak or cape.
normal people don't need mental gymnastics
i see bloated-arms man and stocky woman - i play woman
i see bloated-chest fat woman and sensible man - i play man
you have to edit that one in mspaint to post it again? pathetic
But you are not man
Haha... This level of söy ... i don't even have an appropriate image macro.
obsessed but also already refuted
enjoy your gnome manlet lmao
based druidpiller
>fascism is about muh huwite race
Brainlets ins Gas
I'm kind of interested to see what the next step is.
Yes streamers are the reason why classic will be shit unironically
That tips out faggot even right click reporting somebody in the demo
What'd the person in the demo do/say? Anything that broke the rules?
Classic will be full of zoomers because of all the shit streamers who barely know the game.
im glad mostly NA will suffer from this
webm related
WoW Classic will be full of retail fags for the same reason that Dark Souls is so popular with the normies. Certain level of prestige for playing a "hard" game