Whatcha playing bros?
Pick up anything in the sales?
Whatcha playing bros?
Pick up anything in the sales?
comfy is just a code word for boring desu
I'm playing monster hunter generations ultimate.
How's the Capcom beat em up collection?
why can't nintendofags use /vg/ like everyone else does?
Any good games for $20 or less? Game must have a good soundtrack.
Someone rec something, anything on sale. Everything seems kind of good.
>Resident Evil Revelations
>Dead Cells
>Rock of Ages 2
>Okami HD
Which ones should I/should I not get?
Haven't used mine since testing out Onimusha to find out it has fucking slow down on a 2017 platform. Hopefully some games come out soon, its been a long ass time since Mario.
Gonna get Shovel Knight for $11 while it's on sale. Castlevania can wait, hopefully there will be a physical release with collection 2
Sonic Mania
does that shovel knight include the multiplayer stuff?
not him but Shovel Knight is everything (main, co-op, plague, specter, upcoming king, upcoming multi)
you can also get specter knight's game by itself if you're an idiot
I beat Sonic Mania's Encore mode today, think I'll play some Taiko now, but I might mess around more with Mania or Katamari as well.
Not intereted in a future physical Shovel Knight release?
mario raving rabbids or whatever is on sale on the eshop for 20 bucks
Just got my first switch, used for $150. No games though. I just tried the demo for Aegis Defender and I'm pleasantly surprised that its kinda fun.
its all indie 2d rpg shit. Owned mine since release, never been more dissapointed (its collecting dust in the corner of my closet)
at least this year we have many promised games
God tier taste.
Waiting for MUA3, Mary Skelter, and Omega Labyrinth before I buy anything else. Bouncing on and off of Splat2, though I should try and get back into MonHun sometime. Bought it during the target black Friday sale and haven't really touched it.
its been nice knowing u user
Castlevania Collection. $20 for 8 games is a steal.
Cuphead, Katana Zero, Shovel Knight, VA-11 Hall-A, Guacamelee, The Messenger, Rayman Legends, Sonic Mania, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Katamari Damacy, Radio Hammer Station, Cosmic Star Heroine
>Whatcha playing bros?
Dragon's Dogma, pretty entretaining even when I suck
>Pick up anything in the sales?
Planning to pick up REvelations. since fucking Xenoblade never goes on sale on the US
Waiting patiently for the Switch version of GE3.
>Pick up anything in the sales?
Finally went for the STEAM Heist or whatever it's called. Will play it once I'm done with Minit (so probably never because I have no idea what to do outside the hotel and what the graveyard ghost wants from me)
Hollow Knight
Playing VA-11 HALL-A right now.
I think this game embodies comfy way better than anything I’ve played in the last 6 years.
What are some good games with english language that came out physical only in Japan? Already ordered Ace Attorney 1-3 and Katamari, might get Okami, what else is left?
setting and music are comfy but the dialogue is cringe
katamari came out in the west, just stupidly limited to gamestop
chocobo dungeon though the new version is shit compared to the original
Why do you physical fags always need to offer your opinion?
I've been playing FFVII since I'm a zoomer who never played it growing up. Really enjoying it so far even though I'm still pretty early in the game. Any recs for other JRPGs on Switch?
I believe Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the best game on the system
Wait a teh E3 for cyber slutsh annoucement and for now play Coven of the labyrinth.
Because he specficically mentioned hoping for a physical release of the Castlevania collection you fucking nob head.
I personally like it, but I think online's dead now. Or I may just be playing it at bad times.
>Castlevania can wait, hopefully there will be a physical release with collection 2
How’s the Civ VI switch port?
sauce before you go?
>chocobo dungeon though the new version is shit compared to the original
Why? Like, without shitposting, how is it worse?
IX and X are better, trust me, IX will blow your mind especially.
Yeah I'm noticing that. Its like looking at the Nintendo version of Steam or GOG. I'm hoping an easier way of doing CFW/homebrew comes soon so I can try stuff like OpenLara.
That’s like June right?
ive heard softmodding your switch disables the online play :/ anyone know?
i haven't really touched my switch since i bought it
If you steal games via piracy, Nintendo has ways to detect it while you're online and will brick your switch.
Pretty much what you’d expect
The load times are a bit annoying
They’re like 25 seconds long which doesn’t sound like a lot but when you’re playing for 4 hours that’s like 12 minutes of straight up loading screens
Been replaying Xenoblade 2, an actual new game on a separate account instead of a NG+ run. Been taking my time reading up NPC dialog and so on and it's been surprisingly entertaining. Currently in Mor Ardain, about to go fight Zeke. I noticed that during the Lila chase sequence, the game locks you in at midnight with fair whether so the cutscenes of her against the moonlit sky works out. You can still fast travel to other Titans and when you do time resumes normally but whenever you warp back to Alba Cavanich it'll be midnight and time won't move (hell, the game even removes the time of day from your HUD). Lots of interesting details on this third playthrough.
Like, I didn't know the Ardainian army straight up nuked the Gormotti capital off the face of the Titan when they first invaded. Lots of parallels between the Gormott/Mor Ardain relationship and post-WWII Japan/America I hadn't really paid attention to first time around. Also love how Uraya's army is so shit and dirtpoor, they allowed their country to become a safe haven for mercenary guilds because by law, any mercenary guild established in Uraya can be conscripted into its military. Also didn't know Vandham was the descendant of an Urayan aristocratic family that could have a claim to the throne and he played that angle to gain favors from the Queen and have Urayan royalty cut his mercenary band some slack.
Another user
They used new voice actors and made a lot of minor changes to the plot, script and cutscenes. New people won't notice, but it really annoys me. Especially certain scenes.
>Team Sonic Racing
its ok and is what everyone was thinking
>Castlevania Collection
Ah, okay, so nothing gameplay related and stuff someone new to the game wouldn't notice. That's good.
Every Buddy isn't shit, it's just....a mixed bag. Instead of adding more to the original, it removes things while adding things.
>adds content exclusive to Japanese DS version
>Pop-Up Duel removed
>removed Wii minigames
>Cidventure reworked
>music changed
>voice acting and script redone (and worse sometimes)
>some cutscenes changed
>overall tone of the game made more light-hearted
>partner system
>extra story and dungeon
>new jobs
>main game difficulty toned down a bit, hard mode added
>changes to some boss layouts, textures
Depends on what you've played previously. I'd recommend Okami, Bastion and Revelations.
Recommended me a game based on my libary boys
>Enter the gungeon
>Hollo knight
>baba is you
>Zelda botw
>golf story
>smash bros
>mariokart 8
>katamari damacy
>cap turd
>donky kong
I have the switch for only one game desu
been playing final fantasy xii a bunch, just got to the stilshrine of miriam. sooooooo comfy to play in bed + the fast forward is amazing. like i dont know how im going to play any other jrpg that doesn't have it now.
it's amazing how much easier the game is now too, i could NOT figure out gambits when i was 13 lol
artist for this?
Should I get the Castlevania Collection?
dead cells
So Nintendo has this ingenious way of detecting pirates
Basically if you and someone else are both online using the same randomized Unique code Nintendo puts on all their games it bans you, the other person and anyone else who happens to be using that code at the same time
>But wouldn’t that impact 2nd hand buyers?
Yes but the chances of picking up a black listed physical are pretty damn slim
At worse 100 out of 4 million units and counting
It's a neat little collection for $20. They're adding the Japanese versions of the games in an update. Only real issue is that there's no button mapping for games that didn't have that as an in-game option.
If you want Xenoblade cheaper I think your best bet would be to wait for another game you want to release and then just buy the new vouchers and use that on both games, Nintendo first party games don't drop in price unless they're flops like 1-2 Switch and I think Xenoblade 2 sold too well (more than both its predecessors) for what it its to go on sale any time soon.
Yeah remember they were expecting like 250,000 if they were lucky
The fact it’s over a million and literally got a expansion that’s basically it’s own game means no sales anytime soon
>Nintendo first party games don't drop in price
there have been a couple of sales these past months. pretty sure XB2 was one of them. or maybe it was the DLC, I forget.
There was... in the EU not US, hence my complaint.
>in the EU not US
march had the mario sale, best buy and target regularly have sales (physical mario+rabbids goes on a lot)
Mostly been playing LEGO DC Super Villains, glad I was finally able to get around to it. Haven't picked up anything new in a few months
>all these fun multiplayer games on sale
>nobody to play with locally
I already own Mario+rabbids which is the only other mario game worth to get on the console besides Odyssey, Xenoblade went ONCE on sale a year ago but I missed the chance because that week I blew y budget
Are you three LOL?
I bought Lego Harry Potter since I had good memories of it... It was not how I renembered it.
it is if you dont know what comfy means
i have a modded switch. really thinking about getting one with a few of those vouchers for mario kart and mario maker.
>in the EU
I guess NoE wanted more people to appreciate their flawed, but enjoyable dub.
That's why you play with Yea Forumsirgins.
sonic mania
shovel knight
crypt of the necrodancer with the zelda mod coming out
Haven't played that one. But I mostly got it because I liked the Batman ones a lot
Is darkwood worth getting on switch, or should I just get it on pc?
>crypt of the necrodancer with the zelda mod
It's a new game.
Sonic Mania it is
Yeah I've been mulling over getting it for the sake of portability. Trying to justify the cost, even if I can easily get it on an emulator online.
Tale of Vesperia, FF XI, Ys Viii, Octopath Traveler and Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Ah yes, the last good Sonic game and it wasn't even made by Sonic Team
Looks and plays the same. Same price. May as well get it on Switch for portability, but you really can't go wrong either way.
Enjoy that soundtrack.
Are there many games that really implement online anyway? Is it safe to just update games and go back offline.
Really enjoyed Xenoblade 2 and Ys VIII. Sadly couldn't get in Tales of Vesperia but others seem to like it.
Shitty League of legends :/
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is great, but if you see that you love FF, then try FFX next. I haven't tried Steamworld: Quest yet, but I enjoy the franchise despite hating steampunk
Mainly Splatoon hands out the most bans
I highly doubt you’ll get banned just getting updates but do it at your own risk
There are plenty of games with online features. The real question is; are you the type that plays online often? If so, you'll probably miss it going the pirate route. If not, the word is your oyster.
You'd update games via wherever you're getting the games in the first place. Not directly off of Nintendo's servers. So just avoid linking an NNID to the system and stay offline forever.
>Is it safe to just update games and go back offline
I've been pirating games for weeks and no ban. Just haven't been able to use online services for the game that I've used. No way a ban wave's happening. It's all moralfagging scare tactics
Ayy, the Arino video with Mario Maker 2 is out.
*the games I've pirated
cracked my switch to test out MK11 because I refuse to buy that blind on PC.
...why didn't you just pirate it on PC? It's objectively worse on Switch.
>cracked my switch to test out the version that always has to be online
PC version is uncracked so far
only gay shit like story modes and single player are always online.
tutorial, training and vs work offline just fine and thats what matters.
Is Saturday Morning RPG good? It’s only $5 right now since it’s on sale
>Whatcha playing bros?
nothing not sure what to play
>Pick up anything in the sales?
No what do you recommend?
Only if you were born in the 1980s or earlier to enjoy all the parodies and references.
>story modes and single player are always online
It’s even got Beethoven in it. BEETHOVEN! That’s how you know the OST is OG
>can't unlock anything
have fun I guess
actually I'm wrong, story works, but the towers and the krypt are online only.
also you cant unlock anything from storymode offline so there's no way to unlock frost without a connection.
the game also tells you to go online after every tutorial mission and warns you about losing your current progress if you go online.
also when I started the game only half of the characters were usable. you have to activate the other half online. I had to get a special cracked version to include it all.
I just want to try out the actual gameplay. I'm not interested in playing a fighting game on the switch fulltime. game looks rough as fuck on it.
still impressive though.
oh it's on sale right now?
>Castlevania Collection is out
>Dead Cells is also on sale
Wat do.
World of Final Fantasy
Fitness Boxing
It sometimes is, but it’s worth the base $20 if you don’t feel like waiting.
Dead Cells of you want to go fast and kills lots of guys while being a glass cannon.
Castlevania for good level design and great music.
Just got castlevania and minecraft. Happy to have classicvanias on console I'm actually using regularly and minecraft was my go to comfort game for the longest time until I dropped off in like 2016
You'll get more out of the Castlevania collection.
Rayman Legends 16.00
Wizard of Legend 10.50
The Messenger 14.00
Robonauts 0.50
Steam world dig 3.00
Steam world dig 2 10.00
Steam world Heist 6.00
Bastion 7.50
Death Road to Canada 9.00
Tricky Towers 10.50
Saturday RPG 5.00
Coffee Crisis 2.00
Owlboy 15.00
Fast RMX 14.00
No Heros Here 3.80
Guacamelee 9.00
Guacamelee 2 16.00
Odium to the Core 0.50
Draw a Stickman 2 0.99
Koloro 2.00
Earthworms 0.50
Xeodrifter 2.00
Nefarious 4.50
Furi 10.00
Guns Gore Cannoli 6.70
Guns Gore Cannoli 2 8.70
Mario Rabbids Battle Kingdom 19.80
Shovel Knight 12.50
Nippon Marathon 10.50
Wonder Shot 2.00
Mutant Mudds Collection 3.00
NeuroVoider 7.00
Riptide Renegade 7.00
Iron Crypticle 5.00
Sky Scrappers 6.50
White Night 3.00
Old School Musical 8.00
Spiritsphere DX 4.00
MuddleDash 4.20
Tachyon Project 3.00
Super Rocket Shootout 3.00
Bombslinger 6.00
Clash of Carrots
Black and White Bushido 9.10
Croixleur Sigma 12.00
I am the hero 7.50
I picked up a bad case of nausea looking at the sale. I have never heard of 99% of that shit and I couldn't find many of them on Youtube either so I have no idea what the fuck they are
Any word on how the GGXX Accent Core port to switch that came out today is? I can't get past the thought of it being aids to control on the joycons
will there be a console deal when smm2 comes out?
I want to play it on release but I don't want to miss out on potential deals, it releases in 3 paydays
you guys'll play multiplayer with me right?
I feel like I'm the only one hyped for this tetris 99 thing tomorrow. 100 event points and you get the gameboy theme. I've been waiting for this shit all week.
God my life is pathetic.
Because it’s a nice to have a Switch thread that’s not about console wars. You can make a PS4 or Xbone comfy thread too, user.
Cool I didn't even know about that. I'm kind of shit compared to the Tetris 99 autists out there but I'll hop on long enough to get 100 points.
Should give me something to do before the Splatfest starts.
I’m surprised the first Guilty Gear is pretty cheap
Yeah this sale is kind of shit
I got 50 bucks on the eShop and just ended up buying Katana Zero, VA-11 HALL-A and FFVII for full price. No regrets.
like what?
never played okami, is it worth getting on the switch? ive only heard good things but never really found myself that excited to play it
I could never get into it, it's too slow to start
The first Goober is pretty barren though. Iguzekusu has way more content even for offline play. I tried an online ranked match, and it ran better than expected.
Revelations and Okami should be on sale right now so those
what should I get with $38 eshop credit?
No mainstream indie game reqs that have been shilled on Yea Forums constantly like hollow knight and everything with a white and black colored protagonist in a 2d setting.
no thing for a pure skill and self hatred title
Final Fantasy VII
Tardy, if you want a short and sweet puzzle adventure game
I just bought Guilty Gear, putting some time into training mode atm. Other than that I've been playing a lot of the X legacy collection.
What kind of games do you like?
Fuck you, get Baba is You.
what should I get
Hollow Knight. Can't beat this cocksucking moth on radiant difficulty.
which steam world is best
I've got roughly a month left of gcu, what should i preorder?
Playing through Hollow Knight, it's better as a mobile game, reminds me of playing Metroid on my GBA. Looking forward to buying Resident Evil remake next week.
>>Team Sonic Racing
>its ok and is what everyone was thinking
I thought that hadn't come out yet
Playing Resident Evil 0
Tbh I hate it.
What do you like/already have? What's your budget? Anything that looks interesting but you're not really sure of yet? Give us a little something more than just "what should I get" or I'll just tell you to get Xenoblade 2
I like Fighting games alot but playing one on Switch is literally asking for a change of joycons every month
I never noticed how many shmups there are on the eshop until now. Why are they so common? Are they baby's first indie game or something?
Here's my list so far:
Super mario maker 2,
Luigi's mansion 3,
dragon quest xi s,
bayonetta 3,
metroid prime 4,
legend of zelda link's awakening,
animal crossing-nintendo switch
Sonic team racing
What am i forgetting?
>even recomending that godawful looking Zelda remake
The Switch version broke street date in some places earlier this week
2. 1 was practically just a beta/proof of concept (and really just a Motherload clone, if you want to play 1, just play Motherload, it's free) that 2 expanded upon in all the right ways.
It was my first zelda. If they'd done that with any of the other 2d zeldas at that price i wouldn't bite, but they got me right in the nostalgias
>legend of zelda link's awakening
Why not simply emulate the original? It's a 1:1 remake with a worse artstyle, I really don't understand why anyone would pay 60 bucks for it.
Only game i have been playing is my time at portia. They released a patch today that somehow made it even worse. I'm never going to forgive these devs for releasing the fucking early access build as a final product on console. Waited almost a month for an update to come out to fix shit and all it did was make the game run even worse.
It was my first Zelda too but I'm not touching that thing with a 10m stick
Link's Awakening was both my first Zelda and second overall game (first being Mario Land 2) and I still don't understand why anyone would want to buy the remake over simply emulating the original. The game still holds up very well, I've replayed it just last year.
Oh, right, i also love the artstyle. But then I'm big on things like claymation and certain kids movies. Like seriously, this game was a perfect arrow right at my wallet, i just wish they'd kept it to 40
Tetris 99. I can't win a game to save my life but it's a fun time waster. That and Punch Out on that NES emulator
just just games I'm interested but not sure about.
Katana Zero
Steam World 1 &2
The Messenger
and just overall recs
So did you get the details? I want to know if the tracks change between the laps, that was my favourite thing about all stars transformed and pretty much the one thing i liked that wasn't already done better in mario kart
I'm hearing it's possible to get Android running on this thing... When will someone get the Android port of Portal and Half-Life 2 running?
They don't, but many of them have their own set pieces to help them still stand out, like one stage has a section with Boom Boo traps, one stage has you go inside a Death Egg robot after avoiding the lasers it's shooting at you, etc
Should i rebuy golf story now that it has a physical release?
Would you personally recommend it to a friend from what you've seen?
Okami is a great game and I've heard the Switch version is the best yet (haven't played it since the Wii days myself), it's got kind of a slow start but overall it's an amazing journey.
SteamWorld Dig 2 is an okay Metroidvania, SteamWorld Dig 1 is meh, if you're interested, I'd say skip 1 and go directly to 2, you won't be missing much.
Bastion is another really great game, haven't played it in a while but I remember really liking the gameplay variation of the different weapons. Also has a banging soundtrack and 10/10 narration.
If you do get Bastion and end up loving it, check out Transistor by the same studio. Haven't played it yet myself but heard nothing but good things, and if the soundtrack is even half as good as Bastion's, that might be worth the price by itself.
The Messenger is a great 8 bit action-platformer that turns into a really boring and poorly designed/paced wanna-be Metroidvania halfway through, so recommending it is kinda difficult. I guess it depends what kind of gameplay you prefer.
Haven't played Katana Zero
Personally yes, because I do like that they kept the driving controls from Transformed intact but with new stages to race on and lots of customization, moreso than Mario Kart
Second callout, I'm about to make a mass gcu preorder because I'm about to lose it, any recommended pickups?
the ps4 and the vita both have threads like these on /vg/, where general threads belong. nintendofags just want attention.
I'm I wrong for thinking the TWENY port and Travis Strikes Again are trash?
What the fuck is gcu?
Replaced my joycon analogue yesterday because of drift, going to play Darkwood when I get home. Man those joycons are so annoying to take apart, but it only cost like 3 dollars.
Planning to buy a switch on August (for my birthday) just to play botw and a mario game.
The last mario I played was mario64.
Which mario should i get?
>Whatcha playing bros?
MHGU when it finishes fucking downloading
>Pick up anything in the sales?
MHGU is 30 dollars right now worth the money, I just wish nintendo put a fucking ethernet jack on the fucking DOCK FUCK YOU DOWNLOAD YOU SAID 3 HOURS 7 HOURS AGO
God, drifting is such a fucking bother, especially when I'm trying to time auto-attack cancels in Xenoblade 2. And now my right joycon is busted open because I accidentally dropped it and the R button is loose. I never had any problems like this with any other Nintendo controller before, they really are cheap pieces of shit.
Anyone knows if drifting is still a problem on more recent joycons? I'm considering buying a new pair since my left one drifts and my right one's casing is broken but the fuckers are like 80 moosebucks and I don't want to drop that kind of money if they're just going to start drifting again.
I'd jump on a pro controller instead for the money, I dunno if you play in handheld most of the time. I just bought a pro since my left joycon has stick drift and now 2 face buttons are hard to press like something sticky spilt on them even though i'm hyper autistic about my hands being clean for a controller
>Tfw you're still waiting for Freedom Planet to go on sale again
I solely play in handheld mode, I don't even have a TV so a pro is kinda out of the question (I don't like playing in tabletop mode)
What date is yours? Leo bros unite.
Mines 22nd
PC Masterrace checking in
thread hidden
That is funny. Mine is 4th.
NA doesn't have sales.
If you enjoy the Link's Awakening on the Gameboy, you should play the English translation of The Frog for Whom the Bell Tolls. I even got it working as a VC inject on my 3DS. They built off this engine for Link's Awakening.
Is used hacked Switch +sx pro/os + 128gb sd worth 350$?
Thinking about buying
Gamer club, it's a good discount program best buy used to do
That's my fear, I mean the allure of portable labbing for GG is nice, but I don't really wanna try to lab with the joycons, and if I have to dock it to use a different controller then that defeats the point.
SFA3 works fine on PSP but the gameplay isn't nearly as fast or simultaneous button inputs as necessary. This just seems like a bad time, as enthusiastic as I would be about it
They don't require programming any physics or having writing skill to make.
Any fans of ultimate alliance games?
Hey shit, when does this sale end?
any recs? I'm open to anything
I remember really enjoying the first one as a Wii lad but not much beyond that. I'm cautiously optimistic for the new one but don't really like the art style.
If they really want me to buy it, they should do what they had planned to but canceled early for the first one and add a Nintendo character to the roster, say, maybe one of Nintendo's own superhero, wink wink
Mega Man Legacy collections (get either of the part 1s, they're both great), or Guilty Gear +R if you're up for some fun online. Probably the best anime fighter ever made.
I like that the newest one has Venom voiced by Darren Norris aka Timmy's Dad
Yeah, I liked the first one so I hope this one's good. Though given I am entirely out of the loop on Marvel films I might be a tad lost on this one.
Playing a port
welcome to the nintendo switch
the marvel films and games are from different continuities
Oh really? I just kinda assumed for some reason UA3 would have something to do with the films, or something simmilar if seperate, since they seem bloody popular.
What's the best handheld grip case for Switch?
Gets kinda uncomfortable to hold a Switch after a while. This one costs $13ish USD
>Recently bought a Switch with BotW and Smash
>haven't touched either of them, just been playing indie games that I've been neglecting for ages because they play so well with the switch
I wish I was more responsible with my money but goddamn I have so much gaymen ahead of me. I hope it doesn't get in the way of my studies.
kek, saved
I bought Steamworld Dig and Mutant Mudds since they were so cheap in the sale. Been playing Steamworld for a couple hours or so and it's pretty fun. Are any of the other ones worth playing?
I'm also playing Diablo and Voez
I was looking into getting this a while back, but I heard that it fucks up the paint on the joycons or something.
You can fix the drifting with wd40 electrical. It's a ghetto ass solution but it actually does fix it.
This game's dames are choice. Anyone know any artists who'd do some good commission work on it? Maybe even some NSFW?
The Starlink DLC. Had one of the cheesiest sequel hooks ever and I loved it. Also, Chase is best girl.
I've been playing Mario Odyssey.
While I certainly enjoy it for the most part, there are a few esoteric moons that just don't make sense to me. There are some that you get by randomly ground pounding in a certain spot.
Why put those in the game? What's the point?
Is Starlink good? I bought it when it was really cheap but I haven't got around to it yet. I forgot the dlc even happened. Also is there anything I would need to buy since I bought that physical starter set? I remember hearing that it gated progress in some areas if you don't have the toys
Pretty sure those random buttpound moons are tied to picture clues you find in other kingdoms.
I wanna get that tetris 99 gameboy skin but my joycons got fucked months ago, now instead of getting top 10 im getting rank 25 at best, i hope it doesn't take to long to get 100 point
are there more skins i missed or is this the first time they release a skin?
How good is fast rmx? I love super fast racers, like pod racer, and have been wanting to pick it up since i got my switch but haven't really been sold on it
There's a gameboy skin? Do you have to play a bunch to unlock it?
The devs wanted the players to be able to get moons even in short bursts so they dumped alot of moons in easy to find spots so that you won't spend alot of time from one moon to the next.
Been reading Our world is ended. Very close getting a real ending, and it has been very entertaining. That said this vn really isn't for everyone, I can see people rejecting it hard.
Also the localization is full of spelling errors, common thing with pqube. They really should check the text one more time, the later parts are full of them. I guess they were in a hurry. Also it irritates me that accept is b and a is back, though you can change the buttons freely for the main vn sections to be whatever you want. For choices it still stays b for accept.
Nexy game would be atelier Lulua.
in about one hour and 10 minutes the 3rd tetris tournament starts, so everyone that gets 100 points will get the skin, but since i have never entered before i don't have a good idea of how many points you get per match depending on your rank
Yeah, the hint art ones are. I understand why those exist.
However, even beyond them, there are a few with no hint art. There's one in the Cloud Kingdom called "Digging through the Cloud" and Metro called "Left at the Cafe." No hint art, you just have to randomly ground pound a spot with no indication of what to do.
DLC is free. If you bought the Starfox Fire and Ice starter pack, then you're pretty much set gameplay-wise. It only "gates" progress in the endgame planets as there are these "spires" that give cores and can be used as fast travel nodes (as in, even if you're on the other side of the solar system, you can just zoom in with your map and select the spire to fast travel to your planet of choice) if you complete their puzzles. However, as mentioned earlier, you only need a fire and ice weapon for a majority of the game. Certain upgrades can only be unlocked if you have and levelled certain characters that don't come packaged with the game, but the most important ones like fast travel are not sequestered behind said paywall.
In terms of gameplay, it's fairly fun. Missions and combat can get a little repetitive (due to having to all be feasible no matter your core ship), but flying around the skies and exploring new planets is always a pleasure. Feels big and complete. Especially when you put it alongside the likes of the piecemeal Anthem and the very absent scam-esque Star Citizen. It's biggest flaw, in my opinion, is that some of the Quality of Life stuff is poorly conveyed (ex. they never tell you that you can only free ruins after you finish the first world's story, so you can clear them of enemies, get their treasures, and still not "liberate" them).
Doesn't your controller start vibrating once you near a buried moon? Pretty sure that's the "puzzle" to finding them.
Thanks for letting me know. I don't know how to points are calculated but I'm gonna go for it.
Oops, I play with vibration off. Maybe you're right about that.
So many sales today. I picked up Horizon Drift Turbo and SF 30th Anniversary collection. Gonna be a good weekend.
The gameplay looked fun so I'm glad to hear that I don't really need to buy anything else for it. I'm gonna give it a go after I finish at least one game that I'm currently playing.