This is the worst game I've ever played

This is the worst game I've ever played

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You can't deny Ratchet's cute though.

then you need to play more than two games

>This is the worst game I've ever played

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It's definitely not as bad as The Last of Us.

then you haven't played going commando

He cute.

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How? I bet you won't say.

Imagine having such a shit opinion.

legit the best in the series

What the fuck are you on?

You're the worst game I've ever played

Ratchet is cool, not fucking cute, you autistic diaperfurs.

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I'd fuck him.

Deadlock is fun as fuck. I loved how the Announcers went from shitting on you to loving you and all the mods for weapons is just the best.

I don't like game =/= game is bad.

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I disliked it at first because it was so different but it quickly became one of my favourites. The gameplay is just so tight, not using classic 3rd person was a smart move

I love how the flail totally rips Ace Hardlight a new asshole with the ice mod.

The game's not just bad, it's awful. First Party shovelware that only got big because of advertising money.


Ok, retard.

And how do you feel about Spyro?

pretty sure the announcers hated you until their lives were in danger

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Duh, it's the first entry in a new IP. Of course it's gonna be a little rough.

4 = 3 = 1 > 2

Whats so bad about it? I was intrtested in the games.

how come the new games suck ass?

The pass PS4 remake plays better but it lacks that S-Word that people keep memeing around here. Also missing some areas. But you can get the best weapon in the series in the remake despite it not being in the original.

pretty good. one of the better ps1 platformers.

The only reason you play the early R&C games is to get the rhino and literally just hold down shoot to clear out every level.

Based, Megacorpfags seething

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>not wrenching literally everything

I never got the RYNO, yet 2 and 3 are still a blast to play using your entire arsenal.

Except the part of it that becomes utterly useless because of the weapon obsoletion loop.

Let me elaborate. I liked very few aspects about the game, the music was good enough for me to download the entire soundtrack. A few of the guns were fun as well, the Suck Cannon was my favorite for the simple usage. Not to mention the phenomenal presentation for such a simple game that had me smiling with the character interactions which I wish there were more of. However the game feels rushed in the game play department. It consists of way too many long linear sections of platforming with little room for error because you are sent way too far away back to an original section that ended up making me feel as if I wasted my time. Not only that there were several graphical issues, such as texture warping when walking around and the muddy textures and low lighting made walking around a cautious eye straining chore. The art direction is great and the character models hold up well but as a game I don't find myself playing it again. However it has gained my interest in the series, so I ordered the second one in the hope that it's given a game play polish and implement better checkpoint systems. It's still one of the worst games I've ever played.

>you are sent way too far away back to an original section
So you admit that you are a literal child with no experience of the checkpointing of past video games. Ratchet's checkpointing is fine and if you think otherwise, you are a filthy casual who wants to be able to struggle past each short segment, the only requirement being that you manage to get past it once amongst all your failure, instead of getting good enough (or devising a plan) to just clear through a reasonable portion of the level to the next checkpoint.

>several graphical issues
Are you playing the hd port or emulating? Insomniac were absolute tech wizards at the time and their games run pretty much flawlessly on native hardware but absolutely break when someone without an understanding of their wizardry tries to work with it.

>game play polish
They added strafing. Pretty much everything else is unnecessary.

Have you ever played an action adventure platformer before?

It's more platformer than shooter in the first one so if you go into it with the wrong expectations it can throw you for a loop
Second one is a fan favourite because it's the most similar to the first one but with vastly improved shooting mechanics and the beloved weapon leveling system however personally I feel that it has a lot of shortcomings
Third game has refined the combat and leveling mechanics much further however the actual content of the game is a little sparse compared to its predecessors because of the focus on multiplayer
Fourth game (technically a spin-off) perfects the combat/weapon mechanics but is a different beast structrually, it embraces its multiplayer elements and the singleplayer is built to take advantage of them rather than be torn between them and its multiplayer. Simply put, it trims the fat of ratchet 3 and becomes a full-on shooter.

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Prepare your anus.

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The only play I hated is the last boss that made a lot of weapons unless and if you died you wouldn’t get ammo back. Yes I know there are ammo crates but some times you get shit ammo drops.

Yes, the final boss is hard. It demands that you use all of your weapons and play well. The difficulty of the game steadily ramps up over its whole duration.

Checkpoints are unmarked, which is infuriating. The health system is also ass because enemies don't have enough cool down time after you hit them, combine that with the lack of visibility you have what makes up for bad level design with cheap enemy placement. Also, I played this on the PS2 because I wanted the original experience intact and I was told beforehand that the PS3 HD Collection had handled badly. I'll commend the game for running at 60fps, even if it drops to 30 here and there during explosive gunplay, but if you look very carefully at some walls and textures on the ground, they grow and expand the more you walk away and approach them. It's not an issue when you're just trying to rush through a level you're trying to beat but it's what I'd call "Graphically unimpressive". That is no jab at the art direction but it is a genuine criticism towards how the game was made.

senpai are you seriously complaining about the difficulty in ratchet and fucking clank?

If you actually believe this your taste is fucked or you need to play more games
>only got big because of advertising money
It was the unique mix of gun based combat and platforming which a bunch of unique and inventive weapons and gadgets that made it big. There's nothing else like it. Also the fact that the writing is good helps

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Not much. It's a little rough round the edges but it's worth a play if you like platformers. OP is just a tremendous faggot

I can't say I have played something of that specific genre that I would compare to Ratchet & Clank. Could you give a few examples?


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To be fair the first Ratchet is pretty tough. After that they're all much easier

>Checkpoints are unmarked, which is infuriating.
You need a sigh of relief? Even if the difficult parts of R&C I never felt frustrated, as a fucking child or an adult.

>enemies don't have enough cool down time after you hit them
This applies to specific enemies, like the mutant crabs. It is easily worked around with your ARSENAL OF WEAPONS and platformer movement.

>lack of visibility
>bad level design
>cheap enemy placement
What the fuck even? You have camera control, everything is laid out before you, you pretty much always have the ability to move around and tackle enemies at your leisure. You're just a modern child who blindly rushes in and spams weapons hoping to brute force through because you have been trained by your precious checkpointing that that is a viable strategy. You suck shit at video games.


I didn't even find a use for half of my weapons and this game likes using enemies that require a certain weapon to kill. There were certainly moments where I used weapons to make some of the challenges easier, but soon later on I was bombarded with an enemy packed room without any ammo left, leaving me to die and retry it from the very beginning of the level. I wouldn't have died so many times in this game if it wasn't for one, the enemy placement where they can often catch you off guard especially in area's where it's incredibly dark and you can barely see anything. And two, the camera which is too zoomed in on Ratchet to where you can barely see anything behind you. You do have camera control but it moves too slowly and I often had to move it constantly to make up for it. Even the highest camera speed doesn't account for it. And yes, I often wanted to rush through the stage because I was playing it too many times to care about being meticulous. It amounted to me using the same strategy over and over again which made it mindless tedious chore. Overall this game is a 4/10.

I never got around to beating the first game on PS2 and when I got the trilogy on PS3 I had a hard time with Drek until I bought the tesla claw and trivialized it.

>this game likes using enemies that require a certain weapon to kill
I have beaten the game using only the wrench (excepting the handful of occasions it isn't possible, like Drek). You can pretty much use any weapon in any situation if you don't suck metric ass at avoiding enemy attacks. You never learned to do that, clearly, and it is absolutely not a fault of a game for it to expect you to avoid damage. You are a filthy plebeian and your opinion will never be respected.

Did you happen to get stuck on the cuphead tutorial? Just curious.

>without any ammo left
literally how the fuck do you run out of ammo in ratchet & clank

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The only thing wrong with 2 is the lackluster damage sponge bosses. Fuck the final boss, fuck the gimmicky 20 minute waster one on Thugs-4-Less planet, and fuck the swamp monster secret fight for taking way too much time.

And most of all weapon balance was way out of tune for the most part too. Bouncer destroys everything and is literally the only weapon you'll need, it'll even carry your ass through the yeti stage no sweat.

But it's still the best entry in the series no doubt.

>So you admit that you are a literal child with no experience of the checkpointing of past video games. Ratchet's checkpointing is fine and if you think otherwise,
I can think of a few parts of the game that have little to no checkpoints which makes certain planets an absolute cunt if you die (lol git gud though really). Orxon, Pokitaru and the Gadetron planet have some really long areas without checkpoints and annoying enemies and even Drek's station is obnoxious in this regard too so I get where he's coming from.

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Well sorry I'm not as good as you for my first time around. Eventually I learned enemy patterns but I will never deny that the health system in this game is fucked.
Haven't played cuphead yet but I'm not that braindead. Unlike Ratchet & Clank, Cuphead knows the difference between challenge and difficulty
As I said, some enemies require a certain gun to kill and the game likes placing them all over the place. The final boss is the worst example because it inconsistently gives you ammo at the very end. If you die you start from the very beginning to buy the ammo again but eventually I ran out and had to backtrack through the entire level to grind out bolts just to attempt the final boss again.

What are you even talking about? Which areas are too dark, did we play the same game?

You haven't played many games OP

>Haven't played cuphead
>Cuphead knows the difference between challenge and difficulty

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some of the caverns, nights and space levels in particular. Combine the muddy textures and the poor lighting in these area's and you get times where I couldn't distinguish a floor from a bottomless pit. I did eventually learn the level layout and these didn't exactly kill the game for me, but nonetheless it was a mild issue at most.

>I couldn't distinguish a floor from a bottomless pit
Are you legit retarded lmao

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>for my first time around
The "first time around" experience is becoming good, you dolt. There is no enemy in this game that you can't learn to consistently deal with in short order if you aren't a blithering retard.

>As I said, some enemies require a certain gun to kill
But that's wrong, as explained in a post you just responded to.

I didn't think the dark levels were dificult, and I grew up with it.

I mean, Rilgar, the space station, Drek's Flagship and Veldin were pretty dark, yeah, but not TOO dark.

The only time I had problem with R&C was the timed sewer escape. That was balls to the walls hard at 6 years old.

A Challenging game requires actual skill
A Difficult game takes longer to beat

Good old ps3 port of deadlocked

>the health system in this game is fucked
>have hit points
>items to restore hit points are scattered through the levels
>you can increase your maximum hit points
>you can always avoid losing hit points by playing properly and not making mistakes or fumbles
>the health system in this game is fucked
You have just said something even more retarded than your complaints about checkpoints. It's time to stop posting.

>challenge (plural challenges)

>A difficult task, especially one that the person making the attempt finds more enjoyable because of that difficulty.

could never do that shit as kid
didn't even notice on my last replay, kept thinking the hard part was coming up

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>You can increase your maximum hit points
I'd rather not waste my time and grind for bolts thank you very much. If a game wastes my time then it's failed as a video game.
>You can always avoid losing hit points by playing properly and not making mistakes or fumbles
That sentence is the equivalent to "just don't die lol".

I'll admit to not explaining that further. let me say this: taking longer to play through a level is not challenging, it's frustrating. It's artificially difficult.

It sounds like you're trying to articulate "artificial difficulty" which has always been a laugh around here.


Never played despite playing sly, jak, and any other essential ps2 game. Nothing about the series caught my attention like the rest. Is it worth a try?

It's become abundantly clear now that this guy doesn't play video games and has only recently arrived on Yea Forums. We can all ignore him now.

Crack in Time is the best game in the series Next to 2 and Deadlocked

It has the absolute worst weapons of the series and a bland chosen one story.


It's a great combination of action platformer and shooter. If you like the genres, you will enjoy it.

Yes, they are fun games. The 1st is a little dated in some regards but the 2nd and 3rd game aged very well.

It's not for some people like me. I've heard the sequels are better, but in my general opinion you have to play if for yourself to really know. All I can assure you on is that the game has phenomenal writing and art direction. While the control can get some getting used to, like almost every game, underneath you'll find something with a lot of thought put into it. I thought it was mostly frustrating, but don't let my negative opinion deteriorate any fun you might have. I only know how many games I've went into expecting a great time only to come to terms that they were over hyped.

Play 1, then 2 if you want to, otherwise skip to 3. Play Deadlocked after 3.

Make sure you find the museums!

>I only know how many games I've went into expecting a great time only to come to terms that I was a shitter

This is the worst bait I've ever seen

What's the best game out of the second quadrilogy? Want to give one of them a try.

It can’t be. It’s a 9.5 at the least.

Many of the games that I played only to be disappointed with were games like Ratchet & Clank, where I was recommended them by people who had fond memories of when they played them as a child. These include
-Luigi's Mansion, which I thought was okay at best and boring at worst.
-Shadow of the Colossus, I thoroughly enjoyed but found a few problems with that bogged down my experience. I plan on playing it again next week.
-Final Fantasy VII, it hasn't aged well at all from a gameplay standpoint.

>I have only played 10 games ever

name a more based gun than the mini-turret launcher

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In my opinion A Crack in Time. It was the most experimental out of that set of games.

However, Tools of Destruction is pretty close to a "classic" ratchet game, but I just never really cared for most of its levels.

Quest for Booty is like an expansion to Tools of Destruction so I don't really count it as a game.

Into the Nexus is OK. I was bothered by the framerate in the game, as it was the first ratchet to move to 30fps

It lost its soul after the PS2 games


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Would you consider any of them truly good/great like the original quadrilogy?

ToD felt too by the numbers + started the whole chosen one shit. Plus it's really fucking easy with the whole vendors give nano tech.
I wish they'd also stop reusing weapons so much.
Since ToD we never had a new set of weapons from the main vendor(so nothing like Slim Cognito or the Gagetron HQ in Bogon) that wasn't recycled and somewhat retweaked weapons from a prior installment. Or at least stop shoving in future weapons into everything. Remake miffed me out when they skimped out on bringing back every weapon and giving it a 2016 shine to it, and same with ITN in a way.
Since Groovitron and Zurkon (for some reason) are now icons of the series, this will will never happen/

The what loop?

Can these games be emulated?

Buy weapon, upgrade through usage, new weapon comes along that is flatly better, old weapon is now obsolete and only gets used if you run out of ammo for the better weapon. In the first game all weapons were viable all the way through the end.

What's it like to be a massive fucking faggot?



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This, While I like Ratchet and Clank 1 but I'm going to be real here it definitely has it's problems.

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>grind for bolts
You shouldn't have to.
>"just don't die lol"
Yes, exactly. R&C is not a difficult game.
So just don't die, you loser.

Yeah, it's a classic for a reason.

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Do yourself a favor and play the PS4 rebooted version of the same name.
I played the original afterwards and it fucking sucked.

This, Ratchet and clank seriously needs to respect the player and include an easy mode, I mean COME ON INSOMNIAC, amirite guys?

It's one of the best TPS-platformers ever made, and it's comfy as hell. I bet you're one of the people that dicksuck nintendo bing bing wahoo games to kingdom come

oh don't put that "easy mode is needed to respect the player" bullshit on me. It needs more checkpoints. At least Sekiro doesn't send you all the way to the beginning of the level when you die to a boss or to some enemy.

Mario games outside of the RPG series are incredibly bland to me.

>I didn't even find a use for half of my weapons
>some enemies require a certain gun to kill
Are you sure you actually played this game?

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Okay, Joker. Here's your last You for tonight.

I mostly used the Suck Canon, Devastator, Blaster, and the Glove of Doom. Everything else was situational or I used the wrench. I mostly used the visimissle or whatever it's called to remotely control a missle and take out flying enemies to conserve Devastator ammo.

The Taunter I couldn't find any use for, the decoy gadget I only used once, the mine glove was very unreliable, the lunge punch attack was only useful for a single room, and I can't remember the rest of the weapons.

>The Taunter I couldn't find any use for
Absolute pleb

Ah yes, because I want a cheap ass enemy to come towards me in this section when I don't have late game items and 8 hit points. Also this just adds to my argument of weapons being incredibly situational. Where you you find a use for the taunter outside of this single room?

you probably haven't played many games

>cheap ass enemy
Just stop

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After you hit it you don't have enough time to react because of the range it has and how much cool time you have compared to that enemy. You have to immediately jump out of the way to not get hit and that often lands you in trouble with another enemy.

>larps as a critic to get anons to discuss actual vidya
you're doing Gods work user

>you don't have enough time to react because of the range it has
You know this game is built on long-distance weaponry, right

But you can still use the wrench or the Walloper
Just don't sit there and take the retaliation like a dumbass

>see OP's thread
>it turns he's just retarded after-all
this happens every time

Just dropping by to say this is a pretty good game that I've fully completed at least half a dozen times. When I was a bit younger, I thought it was lame compared to later games like 2 and 3 (which I played first), and that most of the weapons sucked. Now, as an adult, I've become more comfortable with the game and actually think it's better than 3. Also, I didn't know this on my first couple playthroughs, but after you get the Thruster Pack, you can double tap R1 to start floating and hold R2/L2 to strafe after that, mitigating my concerns that the game didn't include strafing like the later games. Also, I always set Clank to Thruster Pack in 2 and 3 for continuity purposes even though it's a purely cosmetic change in those games