ITT: developers who are literally /our guys/

ITT: developers who are literally /our guys/

Attached: larian_studio.png (209x314, 29K)

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I really hope they're working on OS3 and not some wing commander stuff

I just finished OS2. What the fuck was that ending?

Lucian is there saying he needs us to sacrifice ourselves to close the veil and it all sounds legit but what the fuck was the point of the game then? I could have done jack shit and everything would turn out ok.

Lucian is bullshitting you. Kill him, and dont sacrifice yourself and everything still turns out fine. Hes afraid of you, and hes twisting the truth to get you out of the picture and solve the problem in one move.
Fuck him, become a god, nobody else can be trusted with it.

Would've been more impressed if they had introduced a new cast instead of recycling assets.

you should look back to 2011 or earlier when valve's dick was lodged so deeply into Yea Forums's mouth that it practically poked out of their ass. deep throating a dev with shit like "our guy" or "based" is cringe tier and makes you look like a 12 year old.

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t. someone nobody likes, probably Phil Fish

I just wish they didn't feel the need to make DOS2 have two armor types. fookin daft choice

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would be cool if they made something along the lines of grimrock

But if you seal the veil the god king fucks off and Windego helps children while if you become a god they make a point of saying war is raging and the voidwoken are killing entire villages like Driftwood

they suck OS2 sucked too, even first one was better, everything about their game sucks except for combat, but that alone gets boring quite quickly.

Swen (the company CEO) said they didnt change the armor system because they only playtested Act 1 externally, and the armor system works fine at the start of the game and only turns to shit in Act 2/3. Apparently the people who played the demo liked the armor system.

I liked that they had your companions avoid dangerous surfaces but I hated that if completely blocked off they'd stop still instead of walking through 50 damage worth of fire,

I hated the lack of a pause button though.

This isn't by Larian themselves, this is them lending out Divinity to Logic Artists.

Larian is probably doing OS3, but OS2 was so fucking successful I wonder if they could go even bigger like a 3D, not top down, perspective. Explore the world closer than before, battles can still be turn based.

in Div2, is there a way to always display the numeric values of health and armor without having to mouse over them every time? its getting annoying

I dropped it specifcally because of the armor system in the beginning. It make me feel like I'd have to make all my party do either only melee or only magic which is not fun.

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this, every play-through i have to either decide for a full magic or full physical party
the one time i tried hybrid comps it wasn't that horrible, but why would i gimp myself knowing that 1 damage type parties were way better

I went with a ranger/summoner, mage, rogue, and warrior and even into act 3 things worked fine for majority of encounters. There were moments at the end where I'd just skip my mages turn because there was 8k worth of magic armour on a boss my melee units were already stunlocking though.

I liked Lohse's song

I cheesed past the armor using an all summoner build. Shit was OP as fuck and let me choose the type of damage the minion using the terrain.