Marvel Videogame Universe

Do you see this as something that's actually viable in the long-term? Which IPs would you like to see turned into a game and which studio would handle it?

So far we've got set in the same universe
>Insomniac Spidey
>Iron Man VR
>Insomniac Spidey sequel
>potentially Crystal Dynamics' Avengers (vaporware??)

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There's a GOTG game on development I think?

You'd have to have some amazing devs on every individual game release to keep it up to mostly "average" reception at the least.

I was actually thinking that DC should have done this using the Arkham series as the foundation, but now the momentum is gone

Just Cause but with Iron Man flying around killing terrorists
Uncharted but with Captain America killing terrorists
Mass Effect but with the Guardians of the Galaxy and self-contained rather than being a trilogy with a shitty ending
The Incredible Hulk Ultimate Destruction 2

Give me my paycheck now.

How about a Hulk game with red faction physics

>iron man vr
why did you have to remind me this exists

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I want my Doctor Strange ARPG that goes in a pseudo-arthouse direction like El Shaddai.

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how about another Punisher game

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The next game will be Daredevil. I'm confident in this.

GotG would be a perfect setting for a vidya, but I'm not sure what kind of gameplay you'd give it. TPS are garbage.

I would like a War Machine game and whoever makes it lets me shoot in multiple directions/at multiple people at the same time.

I still want my Batman Beyond Arkham game.

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How would you do a Daredevil game properly without just churning out a grittier Arkham clone?

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No, and I sure as shit don't want it.

Phase I
Iron Man
Black Panther
Dr. Strange

There was already a Telltale GotG game that nobody played because it was at the peak of their saturation and more people cared about their Batman game.

>Want a Heroes for Hire brawler with a bunch of juggles and environmental weapons and shit, like Urban Reign 2 but in Marvel NYC
>MUA3 already filling that sort of beat-em-up category so it won't happen

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This is what I fear the most.

Can’t really. It makes more sense for him to have the bamham style combat than the hamman himself.

They already have a New York to work from. These games could literally be cheap asset flips with if they wanted to. Insomniac should've done Guardians, because Square is the Avengers.

>without just churning out a grittier Arkham clone?
lol what do you think you're going to get?

I want an X-men RPG game where you make your own mutant. Basically, What X-men Destiny should have been.

marvel is really dropping the ball by not having decent mcu video games

>Dr. Strange
>It's an entire game of Dragon's Dogma Sorcerer shit

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I think they stopped because the movie tie-in games were all 5-7/10 games (like a majority of movie tie-in games were) and they'd rather not have something mediocre connected to the movie. I'd say their misstep was putting the Avengers game into Square's hands. They can't finish any AAA project within a reasonable timeframe.

Obviously, We need a Web Of Shadows 2.

> tfw came up with an original superhero game idea the other day
> tfw when i am not and will never be a game developer and my idea will never, ever see the light of day

e n d my life n o w

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Technical co-op focused beat 'em up starring Daredevil and Elektra patterned after MK Shaolin Monks.

Probably wouldn't work so well though since Elektra's sex appeal would have to be toned down for the modern climate and Matt's Catholicism would likely not be touched on at all since for better or worse, no publisher wants to touch religion in games with a ten foot pole.

Just make it a Defenders game if you're going the Shaolin Monks route. Daredevil/Iron Fist/Luke Cage/Jessica Jones, since those are the Defenders that MCU fans know of, even if Jessica is bland (not that Elektra is that much better besides the sais).

Lawyer Side game.

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I want to say this would be cool if it had a beat-em-up replace investigation phase (at least in part) so you can shake down crime bosses and mooks for info, but I think that's not really Murdock's style.